Choose a day to soar

Chapter 224 Fly, Jin Buyi

Although Shi Yuqing said so, Xu Ying still took Jin Buyi back to Fusang Tree. Jin Buyi's condition was not very good, so he had to return to the merchant tribe and ask the Nuo masters among the merchants to contribute some elixirs to him.

Many of the merchants have become qi alchemists and have unlocked the six secrets of the human body. They offer gold and elixirs to extend his life, in exchange for the peace of the tribe.

Shi Yuqing also followed him to the merchant tribe, intending to select some young people with outstanding qualifications and send them to Jianmen to practice.

Jin Buyi got better under the care of the Nuo master in the tribe, and squatted on the tree to take a nap again. Xu Ying did not disturb it, let it rest, and came to Shi Yuqing to help her select a young man with good qualifications.

Anhui Qipan was placed under the hibiscus tree. From time to time, the divine fire of the sun poured down from above, roasting him until he was half-done or half-done, but Qiye was already used to it.

Moreover, the Seventh Master has recently comprehended the Sword Immortal Cliff and has greatly improved his cultivation. He can now withstand the burning of the sun's divine fire.

As he was roasted by the fire, he became more and more comfortable.

Master Qi, I probably can't continue to follow Ah Ying. Jin Buyi's voice came.

An Qi raised his head and saw that Jin Buyi was still taking a nap on the tree, as if he was asleep, but his voice was still coming.

That was the big bird's consciousness, which turned into a voice in his mind.

I'm too old. Old people always forget things. Old people always can't remember where they are. I've become a burden to A Ying.

Jin Buyi's voice still sounded in his mind, carrying the vicissitudes of time, saying, These days, I have been following you hard, trying to keep up with your footsteps, not to drag you down, but I am too old. I often forget about you and my responsibilities.”

I'm trying my best to observe you. I want to observe you for a longer time.

Its voice became deeper, a little bitter, and said, But I often forget my purpose, but that's enough. You may not be strong, or you may not be smart. You are still young, and you don't know how terrifying the enemy is. But. I think you will follow A Ying and take care of him like me.

I followed him for countless thousands of miles. After tens of thousands of years, he was captured by the enemy and his memory was washed away. I found him again and again. You can do the same, you can also find him.

I have observed you for so long and I can see your relationship with A Ying. You are just like me back then. For me, I can rest assured.

Jin Buyi firmly grasped the branches of the hibiscus tree with his three bird claws, inserted his beak into the feathers, and buried his head under his wings.

You will take good care of Ah Ying, and you will never abandon me. I can rest assured.

On the hibiscus tree, firelight flows down from the feathers of the three-legged golden crow, as if the tears of the golden crow are making the tree burn even more vigorously.

I can't fly anymore, so I'll leave him to you. It said calmly.

An Qi was stunned: Master Jin...

At this time, Xu Ying's voice came: Master Qi, this way.

Xian Qi looked up at the Fumulus tree and swam to Xu Ying's side. Xu Ying whispered to Xian Qi: The master has chosen a disciple. Let's go back to Shushan Jianmen.

An Qi said: Ah Ying, Lord Jin...

Xu Ying said: Don't disturb it, let's leave quietly. Lord Jin is old, and now our situation is getting more and more dangerous. We can't let him fight hard anymore. Every time he fights, his condition will deteriorate.

An Qi nodded silently and looked back at the fusang tree.

The fire of the hibiscus tree became more intense, and the divine fire of the sun flowing from the wings of the Golden Crow became brighter, burning the Golden Crow into a golden light, like a god in the sun.

It has fought its whole life and should stay here to live out its old age.

Xu Ying's nose was a little sore and he said softly, Every time it fights, it has to sleep for a long time before waking up. I'm always worried that he will never wake up again after falling asleep. It has been fighting for me all its life.

Xian Qi looked back and saw the old Golden Crow in the firelight as if he was crying.

Xu Ying took Gong Qi and followed Shi Yuqing's team. He looked into the distance and said, Master Qi, I'm going to Kunlun. Before going to Kunlun, I want to enter the underworld again to find the man called Po Meng. A man from Dongyue. He also has a Golden Crow, maybe I can get some ways from him to keep Lord Jin alive.

An Qi became energetic and said: Ah Ying, when we went to Taichu World to look for you, we met Dongyue. He seemed to recognize Lord Jin.

Xu Ying looked back at the fusang tree that was getting farther and farther away. There was a cloud of sunset on the tree, and the three-legged golden crow spread its wings in the sunset, like a totem in the ancient times.

Even if I can't find any useful clues from Dongyue, I still have a way.

He withdrew his gaze and said in a firm tone, Master Jin has taken the elixir of immortality. I will find a fairy mountain for him so that he can survive like Xu Fu and Wu Tianzun! If there is a chance, send it to the fairy world and let it ascend. !”

They returned to Jianmen, and Xu Ying came to Jianxian Cliff again and walked directly towards the stone wall of the sixth generation patriarch.

In the battlefield of thoughts, a bright moon wheel floats behind the sixth-generation patriarch, flying in the sky with unparalleled magnificence.

Xu Ying stood opposite the sixth-generation patriarch. He had no sword in his hand, but standing there seemed to be a sword energy that opened up the world.

Suddenly, the female fairy held up the bright moon wheel, like a bright moon. Under the light, it was all her sword energy and all her moves!

Xu Ying's figure flashed, like an extremely bright sword light, meeting the bright moon wheel and passing through it!

The battlefield of thoughts shook violently and suddenly shattered.

Xu Ying opened his eyes and came to the next stone wall, the stone wall of the first ancestor.

At that time, the first founder discovered the secret of swordsmanship and sat under the stone wall to comprehend it. Decades later, he realized the unbreakable principles of swordsmanship and founded the Shushan Sword Sect!

For tens of thousands of years, no one has fully learned or mastered his swordsmanship.

Now, someone finally came to the stone wall of swordsmanship he left behind, but not to learn his swordsmanship, but to learn his swordsmanship.

The moment Xu Ying's consciousness lightly touched the consciousness in the stone wall, a battlefield in his consciousness slowly spread out, and he saw a young man in simple clothes.

There is only one long sword on the young man's waist. The sword is thin, seven feet long, and the tip is like a drop of water.

At that time, the Immortal Sword Si Wuxie was just an ordinary iron sword.

The first patriarch smiled, raised his finger, and the iron sword Si Wuxie flew up from the scabbard and stabbed Xu Ying.

His consciousness was pure, without any distracting thoughts, extremely pure, like a mirror.

Any thoughts in Xu Ying's consciousness and any moves he prepared to perform were reflected in the mirror and appeared in his consciousness.

This is the origin of the Immortal Sword Si Wuxie. Only innocent people can practice the swordsmanship of the first ancestor and understand his swordsmanship.

However, there is only one innocent person in this world, and that is himself, so no one has been able to learn the sword skills passed down by him so far.

He can predict the enemy's opportunity and can penetrate the flaw in the opponent's moves before the opponent makes a move. It is difficult for anyone to catch his simple sword thrust!

Xu Ying had no time to draw his sword, and he would die as soon as he made a move with the sword.

He could only retreat, give himself space and time, and change his second move.

But just when he was about to move, the first ancestor's sword move changed again. This sword was aimed at the second sword that he had not yet used. It was still a sign of the enemy's opportunity. As long as he promised to use the sword, he would definitely die!

Xu Ying retreated again, and a move from the Sword Art of Returning to the Truth flashed through his mind. However, every move that flashed through his mind was restrained by the first-generation ancestor's changed moves, making him unable to use them at all!

He retreated again and again, and the swordsmanship in his mind that had not yet been used was broken one after another, making him feel extremely frustrated.

Suddenly, the iron sword Si Wuxie raised lightly, sprang up like a spiritual snake, and touched Xu Ying's eyebrows.

Xu Ying stood frozen on the spot, motionless.

The iron sword Si Wuxie withdrew and flew far away, returning to the first ancestor.

In this short moment, Xu Ying had already retreated dozens of miles away, and the first generation patriarch looked extremely small.

The young man stood there, always smiling and never moving.

Xu Ying calmed down, dispersed his consciousness, and exited the battlefield of thoughts.

His defeat was extremely complete. Even if he learned the Sword Art Returning True Art, even if the Sword Art Returning Art he learned was more complete than that of the first generation ancestor, he still could not make a single move in the hands of the first generation ancestor.

No matter whether he makes a move or not, he will be defeated!

What do I lack compared to the first patriarch? Is it the exquisite heart of the sword, which is innocent and spotless, and can reflect the heretics? Or is it his crazy obsession with the sword that surpasses me?

Xu Ying sat down and remained motionless facing the stone wall.

He urged the sword technique to return to his true nature over and over again, sharpening the sword energy in his mind, sensing the sword technique, recalling the swordsmanship of the first ancestor, and looking for the opportunity to strike.

But there is one thing. The first patriarch's understanding of Gui Zi Jue is far inferior to mine!

After a long time, he entered the battlefield of thoughts again.

This time, he couldn't help but not give the young Patriarch a chance to strike first, and directly activated his sword energy to perform the Gui tactic in the Gui Zhen Jue of Sword Dao!

When this sword is thrust out, it is as if all the ways have returned to their true form, and all the great avenues in the world have returned to the way of the sword. It is so powerful and so exquisite that it can be called an immortal art!


The iron sword Si Wuxie pierced the Gui formula and Xu Ying's conscious head.

The battlefield of thoughts dispersed, Xu Ying fell to the ground with a bang, his consciousness was confused, and it took a long time to recover.

Gui Zi Jue cannot defeat him. The problem is that my character is not as good as his?

Xu Ying reflected on himself, but immediately felt that it was useless to reflect, My character is like this. He has innocent thoughts and anticipates the enemy's opportunities. I will definitely not be able to compare with him in terms of character, so I will compare myself to others!

Xu Ying once again activated the Sword Dao Returning True Art, comprehended it again and again, practiced it again and again, and the sword intention and sword energy in his body became stronger and stronger.

Previously, he had only deciphered the Sword Dao Returning to True Secret, and he did not practice it diligently. This time, he was defeated by the first ancestor twice in a row, which inspired his ambition to sharpen his Sword Dao Returning to True Secret, almost obsessively.

His sword intention and sword energy became more and more pure, and his control of the sword became stronger and stronger.

Xu Ying came to the battlefield of thoughts again and challenged the first generation ancestor.

Defeat again this time!

The same move failed to be delivered, so the first ancestor took advantage of the enemy and stabbed him to death with a sword. He died faster than the first time.

Xu Ying recovered for a moment, thought about it again, practiced again, and understood more subtleties in the sword's return to truth. Finally, he boosted his confidence again and entered the battlefield of thoughts.

He died again, faster than last time.

He tried again and again and failed again and again. During this period, Shi Yuqing came several times. She saw that he was like a madman, with disheveled hair, muttering to himself, and terrible sword energy flying out from around him from time to time, so she did not bother him.

Shi Yuqing told An Qi, Purple Immortal Grass and Da Zhong not to disturb Xu Ying, saying: If you don't go crazy, you won't survive. He has entered a state of crazy. He will either have a big breakthrough or continue to go crazy.

An Qi asked: How long will it take?

Shi Yuqing shook his head: I don't know either. I also had such an experience back then, which lasted for more than three months. I heard that there was a senior from the Sword Sect who had been crazy for hundreds of years. Suddenly he woke up one day and gained great kendo skills. Great advance.”

An Qi was startled: What if Ah Ying has been crazy for hundreds of years...

Suddenly, the immortal sword Si Wuxie shot out a sword light, landed on the ground and turned into a sword boy, running towards Shi Yuqing, shouting: Go to Wanjian Hall quickly! The ancestor has a decree!

When Shi Yuqing heard this, her heart was shocked. She hurriedly straightened her body, turned into a sword light, and went straight to Xiaojianfeng Wanjian Hall. She said loudly: Which Patriarch?

The sword boy followed her cross-legged in the wake of sword energy and said, I don't know either! I just heard a voice coming from the immortal world, asking you to go to Wanjian Hall to listen to the order.

The Wanjian Hall enshrines the swords and statues used by the ancestors of the past generations. Behind every sword or sword box is a powerful sword cultivator!

Enshrined in the middle is the first patriarch.

Shi Yuqing stepped forward to offer incense and knelt down, only to see the aroma rising slowly along with the rising rays of light, reaching the dome of Wanjiantang.

As the light from the dome shone, another world gradually emerged, becoming clearer and clearer. At this time, a golden seal script emitted brilliant golden light, floating down from above, and landed in Shi Yuqing's hands.

Shi Yuqing looked down and saw that there was a geographical map that fell with the golden seal script, with mountains drawn on it and the words Kunlun written next to the mountains.

When Shi Yuqing opened the golden seal celestial being, he heard the majestic sound of immortality coming from his ears, echoing in his mind.

It was a voice that ordinary people could not understand, but Shi Yuqing seemed to understand it and bowed: Respect the decree of the law.

She stood up slowly holding the immortal urn and the geographical map in her hands. She saw the light from the dome disappearing and the other world slowly disappearing.

The Patriarch gave me a golden seal script to protect me and asked me to go to Kunlun.

Shi Yuqing said to the sword boy, The ancestor told me that the Kunlun realm is about to be fully opened, and there are great opportunities inside, which have been marked on the geographical map. I need to leave immediately! Sword ancestor, you stay to guard the sword gate, and I will take the Haoyuelun with me. Go!”

The sword boy quickly asked: Where's Ah Ying?

Shi Yuqing hesitated and said: He is in the critical period of madness, so we can't wait for him!

She tidied up briefly, called Lord Cangyang to give a few instructions, and then threw the bright moon wheel into the air. The bright moon turned into a full moon, and Shi Yuqing flew into the full moon, only to see the bright moon in the sky, whizzing away to the west.

Half a month later, at the end of the ten-mile cliff, Xu Yingjia sat down. Although his hair was unkempt, there was not a single beard on his face.

He still looks like a teenager.

Xu Ying stared at the stone wall of the First Patriarch, and suddenly entered the battlefield of thoughts again. Facing the magnificent First Patriarch, he stabbed him with his sword.

The sword light flashes, the sword intention is pure, and the intention is to guard the oneness. Only a dot is left in the will reflected in the sword heart of the first ancestor.

This time my sword will and sword will merge with Tai Yi, let's see how you defeat me!

The first patriarch finally drew his sword seriously, and the iron sword Si Wuxie met his sword energy!

The sword energy of the two people intersected, and dozens of moves were passed in an instant. Suddenly, the iron sword Si Wuxie was cut off, and the first generation patriarch was held against his throat by Xu Ying's sword energy.

You haven't perfected the Gui Zi Jue, so your swordsmanship is inferior to mine.

Xu Ying dispersed the sword energy, exited the battlefield of thoughts, and laughed softly, I finally defeated the first ancestor before his ascension!

————August is coming soon. Because Zhaizhu is not that young, he sometimes gets stuck, so the update time is uncertain, but the amount of updates is not less at all!

Choose a Day to Ascend has grown from 690,000 words on the first issue to 930,000 words today, with 240,000 words updated monthly and an average of 8,000 updates per day!

I haven’t been asking for votes recently, but August is coming soon. If you have a guaranteed monthly ticket, you should give it to Ascend Another Day. Thank you for your support.

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