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Chapter 217 When I am here, you are all inferior

Xiao Guike and Qing Niu walked out of Yunmeng Ze, feeling a little unmotivated.

Xu Fu went to Shangjing Palace this time and asked me to be born and walk in the world. I listened to his words. Nowadays, the Nuo method is rampant and the world is willing to eat the fish of fishermen. I feel very sad in my heart.

Xiao Guike came to the bank of Dongting Lake, stopped, broke a willow branch with his hand, and said sadly, The real method is the method of refining qi, the method of immortality, not the method of killing one's life. If they persist in their obsession, I will wake them up and make them realize Refining qi is the real way to live forever.”

He broke the willow branch and said solemnly: But, I lost like this, not in the hands of Xu Ying, but in the hands of a young girl. I am ashamed of Xu Fu, and I am ashamed of the ancestors of Shangjing Palace.

Qingniu said: Sir, victory or defeat in one moment is not victory or defeat in one lifetime. The life of a Qi practitioner is long. You still have more than three thousand years, but those who practice Nuo method only live for three hundred years.

Xiao Guike looked at the mighty blue waves of Dongting Lake and sighed: If I can't defeat Xu Ying, I can't prove that qi refining is the right method. Let the evil magic of Nuo method flourish in the world, which is for us qi refining practitioners. humiliation!

Qingniu said: The woman who defeated you used the magical power of a Qi Refiner, not Nuo Technique, let alone Nuo Technique! This does not mean that Qi Refining is not as good as Nuo Technique.

A small flame of hope gradually lit up in Xiao Guike's eyes. Yes, what Shi Yuqing used was the magical power of Shushan Sword Sect, and it had nothing to do with Nuo!

In this battle, he lost, not Lianqi!

It's because my skills are inferior to others, it's not because I lost to Nuo in refining qi!

The fire in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger. If his skills are not as good as others, then he should practice and study again. There is always hope of defeating the opponent!

At this time, the sound of the piano came from the lake, stirring people's reverie. The sound was low and melodious, passing through the white mist in the lake, like the passage of time.

Xiao Guike followed the sound and saw a small boat breaking through the calm lake and approaching from the white mist. There was an old man in a green shirt on the small boat, rowing and squeaking.

On the bow of the boat, there was a man in white and indigo sitting, stroking the strings of the piano.

After the song ended, the man in white put down his lyre, stood up, stood on the bow of the boat, looked at Xiao Guike, and said softly: You are Xiao Guike from Shangjing Palace, right?

Xiao Guike nodded and said: I am Xiao Guike. Who is your Excellency?

Nuo Master Yuan Weiyang.

The man in white clothes looked at him across the water calmly and casually, and said calmly, I heard that your Excellency challenged the twenty aristocratic families in Shendu, but no one from the Shendu aristocratic family could win. Your Excellency thought that the art of Nuo was nothing more than this, and threatened to abolish Nuo. Technique, only focusing on refining qi. Is this the case?

Xiao Guike's face darkened, remembering his defeat just now, and said: It is true.

Young Master Yuan Weiyang said: I defeated you with the Nuo method. Can I make you realize your mistake?

Xiao Guike raised his eyebrows, couldn't help laughing, and said, You use Nuo techniques to defeat me?

Yuan Weiyang nodded lightly.

Xiao Guike said calmly: Since I came out of the mountain, I have visited the major families of Nuo masters. Those so-called famous disciples seem to be fighting me with Nuo skills, but in fact they are just learning the magical powers of my Qi Refiner. Let them perform Nuo skills, They didn't dare to use it at all, just because they were worried that the Nuo technique was inferior, full of mistakes, and vulnerable. You are the first one who dared to propose using Nuo technique to duel me in front of me.

Yuan Weiyang raised his hand: Please.

Xiao Guike took a long breath, offered up the golden elixir, and gathered the vitality under his feet to form the texture of the immortal runes, and said in a deep voice: Please!

Yuan Weiyang let out a long roar, and the heavens of Yuandao used induction, and he saw divine light mixed with blood and energy shining out of the acupuncture points in his body, forming projections of gods and demons in the void around his body, just like the righteous gods of heaven and earth!

And the heavens around him seemed like the heavenly world had descended!

At this moment, Xiao Guike heard the chanting of gods and demons all over the sky, and the incense and prayers of countless creatures in the world turned into the intrusion of heaven, making him full of distracting thoughts!

Yuan Weiyang flew up diagonally, carrying the supreme power of heaven, and crushed him over!


An extremely terrifying shock came from the Dongting Lake. The lake surface exploded, setting off white waves tens of feet high and rushing into the lake. Then the violent air flow swept across, causing trees to fall down and rocks to roll like cars.

After a while, everything calmed down, and water from Dongting Lake poured in, quickly filling the small lake created by his palm.

Qing Niu's eyes widened and he glared at Young Master Yuan Weiyang fiercely, but when he saw the old man in green behind him, he couldn't help but think of the dim-eyed golden crow on the hibiscus tree behind Xu Ying, so he didn't dare to make a mistake.

This old man in green is probably a great master. I'd better not cause any other trouble, lest I have to kowtow to survive.

Thinking of this, Qing Niu looked away, jumped up on the dark demon cloud, and flew to Dongting Mountain dozens of miles away.

On Dongting Mountain, Xiao Guike lay sprawled in a large pit, still steaming from his body.

Qing Niu looked around and saw that the young master from Shangjing Palace had dull eyes and was looking straight at the sky.

Qing Niu secretly thought that something was wrong, and thought to himself: Although the girl named Shi Yuqing has practiced Nuo, she has practiced both Nuo and Qi. She mainly uses Qi and Nuo as a supplement. She can also open the childe. But this one is called Although Yuan Weiyang’s son also practices Nuo Qi, he mainly focuses on Nuo, and he even uses Nuo techniques instead of magical powers for refining Qi!

He shook his head: How could there be such a tyrannical person?

He was just thinking about how to speak when suddenly Xiao Guike grabbed his wrist and said in a hoarse voice: Uncle, I want to study the Nuo method!

On the bank of Dongting Lake, Yuan Weiyang stepped onto the lake shore and said to the old man in green: Uncle Xiao, after this battle, I feel that I can return to the capital of God.

Uncle Xiao bowed slightly and said, Old slave, I will go and invite the clansmen.

Yuan Weiyang's expression was indifferent and he drifted away. His voice came from far away: I will take the first step and establish a firm footing in the city of God. This time my Yuan family makes a comeback, no one can shake it.

The city of God is filled with gloom and gloom.

This is the first time this year that young qi refiners have come to the capital of gods to challenge the younger generations of major families and use their pure qi refining to fight against the Nuo method, sparking another Nuo qi dispute.

The younger generations of the major aristocratic families have been defeated beyond hope. Failure after failure seriously undermined their confidence in the Nuo method!

These failures were even greater than the shock brought by Zulong's entry into the Divine Capital!

After all, Ancestral Dragon is a legend, a myth, and an emperor who has reigned supreme throughout the ages. It is natural that all the major families should be defeated by him. To defeat him with the help of a poor dynasty is an honor.

But this time is different. This time it is the young people who have practiced Qi Alchemy. They have defeated them openly and openly again and again. They have trampled them under their feet together with the Nuo method and Nuo technique. Tell them that the thing you practice is basically useless. Useless!

These things tell them that the gadgets you insist on are useless. Even if you practice Nuo Qi as well, you will not be able to defeat the orthodox Qi refining!

These things also tell them that you have only one way, and that is to convert to orthodoxy and return to the path of refining qi!

This is Qi Refining’s counterattack against Nuo, and it is the restoration of Qi Refining Masters!

On this day when people in Shendu were panicking, Young Master Yuan Weiyang walked into Shendu quietly and challenged the Qi Refiners who came to challenge Shendu.

On this day, these geniuses from three thousand years ago saw the Nuo method brought to its ultimate level, and saw people who had reached the ultimate level of utilization of the six secrets!

Yuan Weiyang has been entrenched in the divine capital for more than three months. There are 16 Qi Refiners in total, and they have all been wiped out!

These sixteen Qi Masters were selected by the founders of various ancient sects in the immortal world three thousand years ago when great changes occurred in the world and inherited the mantles and legacy of the immortal ancestors.

They also experienced countless hardships before they were recognized by the Immortal Patriarch and passed on to future generations as seeds.

Their achievements in the divine capital also confirmed the vision of the Immortal Patriarch.

But in Yuan Weiyang's hands, everything was vulnerable.

Young Master Weiyang! The hope of Nuo art!

In the city of God, countless people were moved to tears and chanted Yuan Weiyang's name. Yuan Weiyang became the god in their hearts until Yuan Weiyang walked towards them.

I will use the Qi Refining Method to teach you the Nuo method. Yuan Weiyang said to them.

This day was also an extremely sad day for Nuo. As a Qi Refiner, Young Master Weiyang used his magical powers to sweep through the younger generations of the major families in the capital of the gods without encountering an opponent.

It's not that you can't do Nuo or Qi refining, it's that you can't do it.

Yuan Weiyang returned to the Yuan Mansion and preached to the various aristocratic families who came to visit, In my day, all of you are low-class.

After a few days, a few members of the Yuan family returned to the capital of God and returned to the Yuan family.

Yuan Weiyang led the tribe to pay homage to their ancestors, and the things that had been taken away and divided were sent back one after another. The major families began to make friends and curry favor, and people kept coming to propose marriage. Even the matchmaker came to marry Mr. Guo at his request. Guo Xiaodie said kiss.

In the imperial city, someone also brought news that the emperor was unwell and planned to marry Yuan Weiyang.

Yuan Weiyang neither refused nor objected, and no one knew what he meant.

Uncle Xiao in green came to Yuan Weiyang's side and bowed: Young Master still can't forget that person? In that case, why don't you say that you are a girl?

Yuan Weiyang's eyes were dark and he said: If the Yuan family wants to survive in this era of cannibalism, they need a domineering and resolute male head. They don't need a girl. A girl will make people feel weak.

He paused and said: Since I have taken charge of the Yuan family, I must be a qualified head of the family and not allow the Yuan family to be hurt again. As for feelings...

Her eyes dimmed: Let's talk about it in the future.

Uncle Qingyi sighed and said: Young master has stirred up troubles in the Yuan family. This time he returned to the capital, which shocked everyone, but he is also easily plotted by others.

Yuan Weiyang said: I have understood the way of heaven and man, which connects all the heavens and worlds, and the gods of heaven. Even if the Nuo Immortal takes action, he may not be able to do anything to me.

At this time, news came from the city.

In the Qilian Mountains in the west, there is divine light in the abyss of Cangwu. Over the night, several mountains with a height of ten thousand feet appear. They are immeasurably high. There are fairy lights hanging down from the top, blue falls above, and yellow springs below, which are suspected to be the legendary Kunlun.

When the major families heard the news, they were ready to take action.

Shushan Sword Gate.

The mountains in Bashu are huge in scale, no less than the Shiwan Mountains in Yunxiang. Although the seventy-two peaks of Jianmen are not as good as those in Emei and other mountains, they are still extremely magnificent. In their heyday, sword energy often came and went between these seventy-two peaks, like weaving. .

Xu Ying and Shi Yuqing came to Jianmen and said, Yuqing, where are the ancestors of our Jianmen buried?

Shi Yuqing said alertly: Why are you asking about the ancestor's grave?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Looking at your appearance, do you think I am a tomb robber? I am the Supreme Elder of Jianmen after all. This is my first time going up the mountain. Why don't I pay homage to the ancestors of all generations?

Shi Yuqing felt ashamed and explained: I didn't doubt Uncle Aying, but when I woke up, I found that our Jianmen had been robbed by tomb thieves. Many of the ancestors' tombs buried in the shade at the foot of the mountain had been robbed. .”

She took out some tokens and said, I was so angry that I went in to check. Many of the tomb robbers died in the tomb. They stole all the burial objects of my ancestor, leaving only these tokens.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that they were familiar objects, the Faqiu seal engraved with the character Zhou, and the Zhonglang General Order engraved with the character Cao.

I recognize the Zhou family's token. Which family does this Cao belong to? he wondered.

Shi Yuqing took him to pay homage to the ancestors of Shushan Jianmen. Xu Ying wrote down the locations of the tombs of these ancestors and thought to himself: I am not greedy for the treasures of the ancestors, I just want to learn the Taoism of the ancestors...

Just as he thought of this, his heart suddenly hurt, and he felt a cold light approaching his body, as if he was being stabbed into his heart by sword energy.

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful. He hurriedly followed the sword energy and saw a fairy sword hanging upside down on the main peak of the seventy-two peaks of Jianmen. The sword light was radiating and the sword energy was so powerful that the mountains were reflected like swords. Such sharpness!

The sword light shone on him, making him feel a pain in his heart.

This sword is an immortal weapon left by the first ancestor. It is called Si Wuxie, which means that the sword holder has innocent thoughts, is upright, and has an open mind. He should judge others with the sword.

Shigure Qing said, It is said that people with evil thoughts will feel a sword being stabbed in the heart from a distance. The deeper the evil thoughts are, the more painful the stabbing will be.

As she was speaking, she saw the big bell clanging, and she was hit by invisible sword energy, and she staggered back.

Xu Ying's face also looked a little unsightly. The purple fairy grass on Xu Ying's shoulders fell down and kept twitching.

Only An Qi and Jin BuYi were unaware of anything.

Shi Yuqing said: You will be able to get rid of evil thoughts after being trained by Si Wuxie's sword energy for a period of time. Practicing under this sword will ensure that your Taoist mind is clear and transparent.


The big bell was hit by a sword energy and rolled over, flew far away, and shouted: Don't blame me for thinking wildly, my master Li Xiaoke is a hypocrite with a human face and an animal heart!

Xu Ying felt a stabbing pain in his heart and hurriedly activated the Taiyi Daoyin Gong, intending to guard Taiyi. Finally, the sword energy did not attack, so he breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: I must have been taught bad things by Master Zhong, it is better to kill Master Zhong. Under Si Wuxie, let it receive edification all the time. Well, you must have no distracting thoughts when robbing tombs at night, hurts!

His heart hurt, and he hurriedly stopped his reverie.

Shi Yuqing took them to see Si Wuxie and said, The poison of the immortal way in Venerable Cangyang is extremely deep. Perhaps only Si Wuxie can remove the immortal way from his body.

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