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Chapter 214 The Jianmen Massacre

The two of them walked along the foothills. Xu Ying compared the geographical map and observed the nearby mountains and rivers. Suddenly his eyes lit up, he pointed forward and said with a smile: I have been here before! Not long after walking, it is the residence of Yuan Tiangang!

He looked back and saw that the small city and the Bronze Immortal Palace in the city had long been buried in the thick green mist, and were nowhere to be seen.

There should be many places similar to Taichung in Wangxiang.

Xu Ying looked at the map. On the geographical map of Wangxiangtai drawn by the first founder of Shushan Jianmen, there were many restricted areas. What did these restricted areas look like?

Is it the same as the Bronze Immortal Palace, also a pollution caused by the invasion of Immortal Dao?

If so, that's just weird.

Xu Ying unfolded the map with both hands. On the geographical map of Wangxiangtai, there were so many circles drawn with cinnabar that it was shocking!

If these places are all contaminated by immortality, then there are too many!

Yu Qing, please make a copy of this map for me. Xu Ying said.

Shi Yuqing nodded and said: Aying...

Call me Grand Master Uncle Aying.

Shi Yuqing rolled her eyes at him and said with a smile: Uncle Aying, who is Yuan Tiangang? From what you said, it seems that you respect him very much.

Xu Ying said leisurely: My introduction to swordsmanship was because I was carrying his sword box and had my first glimpse of the door. He killed the dragon god with his sword. That scene is still unforgettable to me.

What Yuan Tiangang slashed with his sword was a dragon transformed from a mountain range, and it was extremely powerful.

Killing the dragon and bathing in its blood was an unforgettable experience for Xu Ying.

Shi Yuqing said in surprise: Is there such a Qi practitioner in later generations?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: He is not a Qi practitioner, but a Nuo master. He should be a Nuo immortal who practices swordsmanship.

Shi Yuqing looked murderous: It turns out to be a heretic demon!

Xu Ying was startled and said quickly: What is a heretic demon?

The so-called heretics are evil heretics, and everyone will kill them if they find them!

There was a bright moon behind Shi Yuqing, and he said calmly, These heretic demons are evil demons. They have existed as early as the Great Zhou Dynasty. They do not rely on comprehending the great ways of heaven and earth, or studying Taoism, but only by opening the secrets in the body. By connecting with the evil forces outside the territory, they can possess supernatural powers. Therefore, they are called heretics and heretics!

She said earnestly: Uncle Aying, you are still young. You must not be deceived by heretics and fall into the wrong path of pursuing power.

Xu Ying was stunned.

A cold light flashed in Shi Yuqing's eyes, with murderous intent, and he said: Back then, our Shushan Sword Sect had a dispute between the righteous way and the heretics. This dispute almost caused the demise of our Shushan Sword Sect.

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Why do you say this?

Shi Yuqing said: When the Nuo method was popular at the beginning, it was at a time when no one could survive the calamity and ascend, so it spread and deceived people's hearts, saying that they could establish a fairyland on earth and live forever. Many people in our Jianmen Sect were also deceived. There are more and more people practicing Nuo, forming a pattern of opposition to orthodoxy. The Nuo Immortal sect and the orthodox sect often compete with each other, but gradually the discussions between the same sects have turned into deadly attacks on each other.

Xu Ying had only been an elder for two months. Naturally, he didn't know these stories. He was fascinated by them and said, The orthodox sect will definitely not be able to defeat the Nuo Immortal sect.

How did you know?

Shi Yuqing looked at him in surprise. After a moment, he said, The Nuo Immortal Sect is indeed very powerful. It is very advanced and has a very fast cultivation speed. Moreover, the Nuo method and the Qi refining method complement each other and go hand in hand, making the Qi refining speed also increase. Great improvement. Originally, it would take two to three thousand years for orthodox qi-refining methods to go from the qi-collecting stage to the ascension stage.

She crooked her fingers, and after counting each one, she said: To practice as a Qi practitioner, you need to find a place to ascend, collect elixirs, refine great medicines that break through realm restrictions, look for various opportunities, and repair your soul. , each checkpoint is a barrier, whether you can break through it all depends on luck.”

Xu Ying said: The Nuo Immortal Sect doesn't need it. They only have the Six Secret Immortals in their bodies, so there is no need to look for these opportunities.

Shi Yuqing glanced at him, showing suspicion.

Xu Ying said quickly: I am an orthodox Qi practitioner and have absolutely nothing to do with outsiders.

Shi Yuqing continued: It takes two to three thousand years for Qi Refiners to reach the ascension stage, and it takes two to three hundred years for the Nuo Immortal Sect to reach the ascension stage. The orthodox sect could still have the upper hand at first, but then it couldn't. It takes two hundred years for the Nuo Immortal Sect to reach the ascension stage. The creation of a great master in the ascension stage, the so-called immortal Nuo Immortal, has surpassed the orthodox sect’s accumulation over thousands of years in just a few hundred years! Within our Jianmen, the dispute over Nuo Qi has become increasingly fierce, and the two sides are at war with each other. , many people died, and the orthodox faction suffered heavy casualties. Seeing that all of our sword sect was about to fall, a strange thing happened while practicing Nuo.

Xu Ying asked in confusion: What's weird?

Shi Yuqing showed a look of fear, and her voice was hoarse as she said, Everyone in the Nuo Immortal Sect died overnight!

Xu Ying was slightly startled.

They all died overnight and turned into pieces of human skin. There was no flesh and blood in their bodies, no soul, and even the Xiyi Territory was empty.

Shi Yuqing became more and more frightened, They were floating in the sky, floating there quietly, with a ray of light on the back of their heads. They seemed to have been eaten by something, and they were eaten very cleanly...

She shuddered several times and murmured: I remember that morning, when I got up to practice, the horrified expressions on the faces of my brothers and sisters. Those peerless masters with boundless strength turned into human skin one by one. Jianmen Seven On each of the twelve peaks, there are circles of floating human skins of uncles and uncles. When the morning sun shines, it looks like a human skin lantern is floating on the top of the green mountain...

Xu Ying could not help but feel his scalp numb as he imagined that scene.

Shushan Jianmen's practice of Nuo has greatly increased the sect's strength. However, this time, someone cut leeks and almost wiped out the sect!

The ancient leek man was so careless that he even picked out the leek root! Xu Ying thought to himself.

The surviving masters of the Sword Sect have therefore issued a kill order. Anyone in the Sword Sect who dares to practice Nuo will be cleansed of the sect, and both body and soul will be destroyed! The master said that these people have entered the devil's way, in order to achieve quick success, Being treated like a piece of fish!”

Shi Yuqing glanced at Xu Ying, with some unknown light shining in his eyes, and said, Uncle A Ying doesn't practice Nuo, right?

No! Xu Ying said flatly.

Shi Yuqing was elated and said with a smile: I think Uncle Aying is a gentleman and will never practice heretic magic.

Xu Ying laughed loudly and suggested: Let's go around instead of meeting Yuan Tiangang. I'm not very familiar with him...

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a familiar voice: Is it little friend Xu? We haven't seen you for many years, how come you are still the same as before?

Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a burly bearded man standing in front of a wooden house with a bag on his back. It was Yuan Tiangang.

Xu Ying bit the bullet and said, It turns out to be Mr. Yuan. Where is Mr. Yuan going?

Yuan Tiangang stepped forward and said with a smile: Before I entered Wangxiangtai, I calculated that the world would change and the opportunity for immortality would appear six hundred years later, so I came to Wangxiangtai before my life span was exhausted. Escape and wait for the opportunity. Now six hundred years have passed, and the opportunity for immortality has finally arrived, so I want to go out to find the magic of immortality.

He laughed and said: I have been hiding here for six hundred years, and fishermen dare not enter here to catch me. Let me live for another six hundred years.

Xu Ying was moved and said: Sir, you have a wonderful plan!

The timing of Yuan Tiangang's departure from Wangxiangtai was extremely clever, as it coincided with the great integration of Nuo and Qi refining.

He was originally a Nuo Immortal who fell into the Nuo Immortal's trap and became fish meat on the fisherman's chopping board. However, he hid in Wangxiang Terrace to avoid death. He has been waiting here for six hundred years. When he leaves Wangxiangtai this time, he can extend his life by three thousand years just by practicing the Qi refining method!

Although extending your life span by three thousand years does not mean you will live forever, it does open up many more possibilities!

Therefore, Xu Ying praised him for his clever calculation.

Yuan Tiangang smiled and said: I am originally a Nuo Immortal. I am good at magic and know a little about calculations.

When Shi Yuqing heard the word Nuo Immortal, she couldn't help but feel hostile, and said lightly: Mr. Yuan can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime. Why not abandon this cultivation and turn to the right path?

Yuan Tiangang didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: Now that you can cultivate both Nuo Qi and Nuo Qi, you can ascend to the right path. I observe the sky and calculate that the next hundred years will be the period when the immortal world, the mortal world, the heaven world and the underworld are closest to each other, causing tides in all worlds. . This is a time of great change, where Nuo Immortals and Qi Refiners coexist and struggle to survive. If we remain stubborn, no matter how glorious our ancestors are, they will be defeated by this tide and be washed away and buried by the tide.

Shi Yuqing heard something in his words, secretly sarcastic, and immediately said: The Nuo method is a heretic, making wedding clothes for others, practicing the Nuo method, and you don't know why you died! If the body is not alive, how can we fight for the crossing?

Yuan Tiangang said: It has been proven that pure Qi refiners are not feasible in the past tens of thousands of years. Girl, as a reviver of a famous ancient sect who gathered the power of your ancestors and survived, if you have a stubborn head, In a time of great change and you don't know how to adapt, I think the founder of your sect is worse than sealing a stone, and it is better than someone with a stone on his neck.

Shi Yuqing was furious and raised the bright moon wheel. Immediately, the sword energy from the bright moon wheel came out with great force, shooting out an extremely thick sword light that swept across everything!

Even Xu Ying couldn't help but feel terrified when he saw that kind of sword energy.

Yuan Tiangang laughed, rose into the air, and jumped into Qingming.

Shi Yuqing held the sword technique in her hand and stretched out her finger, only to see the bright moon rising into the sky, sweeping away Qing Ming, and thick and bright sword energy cutting the blue clouds in the sky into pieces!

Yuan Tiangang's sword energy whirled around his body and shot out, colliding with the vast sword energy of Haoyue Lun. Suddenly the sword energy broke through the sword energy in Haoyue Lun, and Yuan Tiangang fit in and broke into Haoyue Lun.

No wonder I haven't understood the secrets of swordsmanship for six hundred years. That's how it is!

The man with the beard wandered around the bright moon wheel for a week, observing various Taoist phenomena inside the bright moon wheel. He flew out of the wheel and flew away through the sky. He laughed loudly and said: I have been silent for six hundred years, and sure enough, when the time comes, the time comes. !Thank you girl for teaching me!”

His figure turned into a sword light, pierced through the dull thunder clouds, and disappeared. His voice came from far away: If you want to practice Nuo Qi at the same time, girl, you may wish to ask the Nuo practitioners around you. He has something to avoid fishermen. The method!

Shi Yuqing took back the bright moon wheel and said suspiciously: The Nuo practitioners around me? Could it be...

She looked at Xu Ying, who had a normal expression and said defensively: Yu Qing, it's just your first meeting and you are not familiar with each other at all. How can you listen to his nonsense?

Shi Yuqing smiled and said: He has a clever plan, you said so!

Xu Ying said sternly: He practices Nuo as a heretic, and his calculations are not accurate. As a heretic, if he continues to practice, he will definitely turn into human skin. Master, you must not use your mind, as it goes against the teachings of our ancestors!

Shi Yuqing's eyes flashed and he said: But Nuo heretics don't seem to be that unbearable. That Yuan Tiangang just now, his swordsmanship is extremely good, no worse than mine. And his cultivation is also extremely advanced, even the bright moon wheel was suppressed by him …”

Xu Ying's voice was stern: Master Shi, have you forgotten the tragedy of the Nuo Qi War in our Jianmen Sect? Have you forgotten the lessons of the blood and tears of those uncles and uncles? Have you forgotten those human skin lanterns? What do you do? Are you worthy of your ancestors?

Shi Yuqingcheng was frightened and said hurriedly: I don't want to betray the ancestral teachings. I just think Yuan Tiangang's words have some truth. If we can avoid fishermen and not be eaten, I think Nuo method is not impossible...

Xu Ying shouted: You still dare to think about it? Don't even think about it!

Yuqing knows I'm wrong...wait a minute!

Shi Yuqing woke up, looked sullen, and sneered, Something seems to be wrong. I was clearly asking you just now, why did he say you are a master of Nuo? How come you are asking me? Are you secretly practicing heretics? Nuo method?

That's absolutely not the case!

Xu Ying shook his head decisively and said with a gentle expression, Don't think so wildly. As an elder, how can I practice heretic Nuo techniques?

Shi Yuqing was doubtful and said: I was also on the mountain during the Nuo Qi dispute. I saw those masters and uncles who practiced Nuo. Even if they suffered extremely serious injuries, they could heal themselves. When you saved me, you were Didn’t they use the same method?”

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I will use the secret elixir to treat your injuries.

Shi Yuqing said: Your magic power is extremely deep. You can sacrifice twenty-four mountain and river bright moon beads. If it were me, I couldn't sacrifice them. Why is your magic power so powerful?

Xu Ying said: My magic power is profound because my talent and qualifications are better than yours.

Shi Yuqing felt unhappy and said, Your consciousness is also stronger than mine.

Xu Ying said: My talent and qualifications are better than yours, so I am better than you.

Shi Yuqing was dissatisfied and said, Your body is also stronger than mine.

Xu Ying said: It's also because my talent and qualifications are better than yours.

Shi Yuqing became more and more dissatisfied and thought to herself: If I also learn the Nuo method, I will definitely not be any weaker than him, I will only be stronger than him!

Suddenly, she felt horrified and terrified: What's wrong with me? Didn't I hate Nuo so much before? Why do I suddenly want to practice Nuo? My mind has been changed!

She looked at Xu Ying's back and shuddered: My mind was changed by him invisibly... Wait a minute, it seems that he didn't persuade me to practice Nuo method... That's it, he changed my mind! Nuo method , It is indeed a heretic, it is indeed a devil!

The two of them walked in tandem and finally came to the edge of Wangxiang Terrace and saw Naihe River and Naihe Bridge.

Countless ghosts stood on the Naihe Bridge, lining up stupidly and walking forward.

Xu Ying also lined up and followed the team step by step. Shi Yuqing followed him with concern and said nothing.

A Ying, A Ying!

There was a cry from under the bridge. Xu Ying looked under the bridge and saw that Jin Buju was tied up tightly and was swinging out.

Aye, be careful!

The sound of the big bell came, The old woman is very powerful!

An Qi shouted: Avenge us...Aba Aba!

After a long time, Xu Ying finally stood in front of Po Meng, without drinking tea, and said respectfully: Senior, I have something to ask of you.

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