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Chapter 201 Ex’s Ascension

The sad old man and Zhu Chanchan were like a pair of walking corpses, floating in front of Xu Ying, Gong Qi and Da Zhong without touching the ground. The purple fairy grass floated between the two of them, with roots flying, controlling them.

Aba Aba! The two rolled their eyes and said to Xu Ying and others.

This scene is really scary.

Master Zhong is the only one who can restrain the grass on the grave, why do you tremble like Master Qi? Xu Ying was confused.

Purple fairy grass can pierce people's facial features, penetrate into people's Xiyi territory, and suppress the soul. Even a ruthless bird like Jin Buyi will be controlled by it. But these bells don't have any, so they won't be controlled by purple ambrosia.

Although the purple fairy grass is very powerful, it is still much inferior to the big bell. If they fight, the big bell will definitely be better.

Xu Ying immediately woke up and thought to himself: Master Zhong is open-minded, so he is trembling.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sad-looking old man woke up faintly. He couldn’t sense his own soul, nor his consciousness or vitality!

As for the caves he transplanted into other people, of course he can't sense them!

The most frightening thing is that all the internal portals he once opened to his Qi Refiner realm seem to have been closed!

Now he looks like an ordinary old man.

The sad-looking old man calmed down. This was something that had never happened since he was responsible for monitoring Xu Ying. In the past, even if Xu Ying practiced cultivation, the most he could achieve was Da Nuo, and then he would be discovered by them and given Meng Po soup.

Now, Xu Ying actually started to fight back and made him a prisoner!

He still doesn't know why he failed!

The sad-looking old man looked around and saw that he was not a prisoner, but in a relatively tidy room, lying on the bed.

He sat up and walked outside. He saw noisy voices coming from outside. Many people were returning from hunting outside. These people were simply dressed, dragging huge prey and trudging forward.

Their clothes are very ancient, like people from the Shang Dynasty.

What surprised the sad old man was that many of these ordinary-looking people were actually Qi practitioners, and they had practiced Nuo and more or less opened one or two caves.

He looked around and saw endless green mountains and clear water in front of him. The vast water surface seemed to hide the blue sky under the water. The water and sky were the same color, like jade and the sky was bright, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Yunmengze. The sad-looking old man said in his heart.

Only then did he notice that there was a sacred hibiscus tree behind him. A huge golden crow was squatting on the sacred tree. Some businessmen were helping the golden crow straighten its feathers.

That Jinwu was too old and sleepy all the time.

Are you awake?

Xu Ying's voice came, and the sad-looking old man followed the sound and saw that Xu Ying had changed into the clothes of a merchant and was teaching some Taoism to merchants and explaining the wonders of cultivation.

Business people like to wear clothes made of white silk, which are looser. Xu Ying also wears white clothes, which is quite elegant and easy-going.

The sad-looking old man walked over and was slightly shocked when he heard what he was explaining about Yuanyu Bayin.

This is an immortal method written in immortal runes in ancient times. Ancient Qi practitioners could not understand it and could not practice it directly, so they had to annotate it.

I didn't expect to teach this skill directly like this.

Xu Ying let the merchants realize it for themselves and said to the sad old man: They are the merchants who left Yuanshou during the Great Shang Dynasty to avoid war and corvee labor. They live in the belly of the fish, and are also called the people of the belly of the fish. But the world of the belly of the fish It has been destroyed, so I escorted them to settle here.”

The sad-looking old man said: No wonder they admire you so much. When Yun Mengze appeared, you began to get rid of our control. When you passed through Stone City and headed for the Heavenly Road, this move was unexpected by us. When we found you, you I have already begun to rectify my Taoist and magical powers.

He felt a little regretful. If he had found the promise earlier, perhaps today's result would not have been the same.

Xu Ying walked side by side with him, browsing the cities and towns built by merchants and people, and said unhurriedly: When did you start taking charge of my affairs?

The sad-looking old man knew that his life fell into his hands, so he made a decisive decision and said: The six hundred and fortyth year of Zulong. At that time, I was a Qi Refiner in Mount Emei. Zulong sacrificed to heaven, which caused great turmoil and many people died. .My predecessor found me after that and asked me to take charge of your affairs.

Xu Ying asked curiously: What happened when the ancestral dragon sacrificed to heaven?

The sad old man glanced at him: You don't know?

Xu Ying smiled and said, How would I know?

The sad-looking old man said: I don't know the specific situation. I just heard that you were one of the sacrifices.

Xu Ying's face turned dark. Are you a sacrifice?

The sad-looking old man said: At that time, I was practicing in Mount Emei and was already a Qi Master in the ascension stage, but I also knew that I had reached the top in this life and there was no hope of ascension.

He sighed and said: Even if I have two or three thousand years to live in the future, it will only be a wasted time. In fact, it is the same for all Qi Refiners. Which Qi Refiner can cultivate to the ascension stage, which one is not a genius? The talent is extremely high. But who is not overwhelmed by the catastrophe and feels that there is no hope of ascending?

Although he downplayed it, Xu Ying could understand the despair.

Everyone's path to ascension is blocked. Even if you are a peerless genius, it is impossible for you to ascend!

Until that day, my predecessor searched for the Golden Summit of Mount Emei and found me.

The sad-looking old man said, He told me that he had completed his merits and was about to ascend to the immortal world. He needed to find a successor. He told me about the successor's mission. I was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time. He told me that as long as I If you do this well and your merits are perfect in the future, you can become an immortal like him.

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: Do you believe it?

The sad-looking old man said: Of course I don't believe it. But he went through the tribulation in front of me, and the Zhou Tianzhengs of the heavenly world appeared one after another. The heavenly tribulation was just a few symbolic thunder tribulations, so I can't believe it.

Xu Ying lost his voice and said: You mean, he really ascended?

The sad-looking old man said: It's absolutely true.

Xu Ying asked: Has he survived the catastrophe?

The sad-looking old man said: It's very easy. His heavenly tribulation covers only a few miles in radius. Not to mention a Qi practitioner like him in the ascension stage, I'm afraid even a Qi practitioner who has just cultivated to become a soul can survive it.

Xu agreed: Did you watch him ascend?

The sad old man nodded.

Xu Ying was shocked. Can the intensity of the natural disaster be controlled artificially?

He couldn't help but said: The Heavenly Tribulation is controlled by others, which shows that the Heavenly Tribulation is not fair at all! People from above can control the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation, and let whoever they want to ascend! Why not resist? Why not overturn this injustice?

He said loudly: Fu Yi, you shouldn't hate the person who ascended in the end. You should hate the person who controls the heavenly tribulation. It's them who won't let you ascend!

The sad old man looked at him with a strange expression, waited for him to finish, and then sneered: You want to rebel?

Xu Ying was stunned and murmured: Shouldn't it be?

The sad old man sneered: Of course you shouldn't! Do you know what is up there? It's the Immortal World! Are you creating the opposite of the Immortal World? The Immortal can crush you to death with one finger! Besides, the Immortal's ability is so great, why open a door for the younger generation? Isn’t it still closed to everyone else? Why is it unfair? If you want to blame it, blame that super ascendant!”

He said viciously: It was he who pushed the catastrophe to the point where no one could survive it, who killed everyone, and who ruined Qi refining! It was he who caused the tragedy of eating the Nuo Immortal!

He was furious and said angrily: Do you think I want to eat Nuo Immortal? Do you think those Qi Refiners want to eat Nuo Immortal? Aren't they forced by that super ascendant? Without him, there wouldn't be so much evil!

Xu Ying became even more stunned.

The sad old man took a deep breath and continued: After I saw my predecessor ascend, I became excited and realized that this would be my only chance to jump out of the Qi Refiner class and ascend to the Immortal class! I want to ascend, I want to become an immortal, and I don’t want to die in the lower world with other Qi masters!”

He looked ferocious and said fiercely: I don't want to be like them, living like a maggot! I want to become a human master, I want to become an immortal! I want this heaven to surrender to me!

He became the successor and was responsible for the immortality.

As for Beichenzi and Yutang, they both joined later.

Xu Ying couldn't help but interrupt him and said: Fu Yi, the road to heaven is broken, how did your predecessor ascend?

What's the way to heaven? The sad-looking old man didn't understand.

Xu Yingdao: The Heavenly Road is the road that ascenders pass when they ascend. This road is composed of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, with a Heavenly Road Station in the middle. The first station is Taiyi Xiaoxuantian. Immortals from all heavens and worlds ascend. Come here and take the Essence of the Original Dao to dissolve the mundane energy in your body. However, this road to heaven has been cut off!

The old man with a sad face was startled, and he laughed and said: That's nonsense! Why do you need to go through the heavenly path to ascend through the tribulation? Of course, you can directly ascend to the fairy world!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: You have watched Zhou Qiyun cross the tribulation, and you should know that there is a world of heaven between the immortal world and the mortal world. It can be seen that ascension is not achieved overnight, directly ascending to the immortal world. There must be a stopover on the way!

The sad old man was stunned and said with a smile: You know nothing, you have never ascended before! I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be false?

Having said that, he was no longer so confident in his heart.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Of course I have never ascended, but I have been to the Heavenly Road, which is the Heavenly Road that Little Rock City took me to. On the Heavenly Road, I have seen the Immortal Palace, and there are many immortals who have ascended and passed there. Their calligraphy.

The sad-looking old man laughed loudly, shook his head and said: There must be more than this way to ascend, there must be other ways. We are working for the higher-ups, and the higher-ups will definitely open the back door for us! We are different from those Kuhaha who have overcome tribulations and ascended!

Xu Ying was doubtful, so he called An Qi and said, Master Qi, you and Master Zhong get ready. Let's go to the Emei Golden Summit.

He turned his head and said to the sad-looking old man: Fu Yi, since your predecessor has ascended, his place of ascension must still be there. Let's go to his place of ascension to take a look.

The sad-looking old man wished he could fly back to E Mei immediately and nodded repeatedly when he heard the words.

Xu Ying called Zhu Chanchan and said, Chanchan, do you want to go to Emei Golden Summit together?

Zhuchanchan turned her head blankly and said to him: Aba Aba.

Behind the girl's head, purple grass leaves were shaking.

Xu Ying was helpless: It's up to you, don't let it go to waste.

Aba Aba.

Xu Ying grabbed the sad-looking old man and jumped on the forehead of An Qi, who showed his true form. The big snake was more than three hundred feet long. He was still a boy, not yet an adult, and exuded a powerful aura of a giant beast from the ancient times.

This breath aroused Jin Buye to wake up from his sleep and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Xian Qi was afraid of being targeted by it, so he hurriedly activated his sword energy, his figure gradually rose into the air, and the sword energy circled around his body and flew away through the air.

Although he has awakened the bloodline of the ancient giant beast, he is still a demon clan qi refiner and Nuo master. This qi and blood is really powerful and can be compared with the adult giant beast.

He was very good, but Dazhong, Jin Buyi and Purple Immortal Grass were too strong and outclassed him.

An Qi flew for a long time and finally arrived at Emei after the world was unsealed. He saw that the mountains here were even better than Jiuyi Mountain. There were majestic and majestic mountains everywhere, and there were even soaring mountains above some mountains. The sun is falling!

Unlike other places, the Ascension Land here is often exposed!

Every place with soaring rays of light is a golden dome with a magnificent palace. In its heyday, countless Qi refiners practiced here!

Even now, Xu Ying could still see the figures of Qi Refiners flying by in the mountains. Obviously, in this era, many Qi Refiners came to live here.

The sad-looking old man looked around, searched, raised his finger to one of the golden domes, and said: That's where my predecessor ascended!

An Qi flew away and landed on the golden top of the mountain.

There is a grand and spectacular palace here. Some young Qi practitioners in the palace came to watch when they saw the giant snake falling.

Someone recognized Xu Ying and shouted happily: This is Mr. Xu, the immortal immortal!

Xu Ying looked around and saw that it must be Xu Fu's disciple, but he couldn't remember his name.

The sad-looking old man quickly came to the ascending glow on the golden roof and said: My predecessor ascended here! Promise, he ascended to the fairy world right here!

Xu Ying looked up, his mind moving slightly. Countless eyes, big and small, popped up in the air around the glow, observing the rising glow from all angles.

These eyes are the eyes of the sky, and Tianshu used this magical power of heaven to observe the flaws in Xu Ying's eight methods of the God of War.

Xu Ying observed for a long time and suddenly activated the Yuandao Heavenly Sensations. Countless powerful spiritual consciousnesses penetrated deeply into the rays of light and drilled into the depths of the void along the source of the rays of light.


Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the thunder was turbulent, increasing in number, crackling all around them.

Xu Ying activated the Yuandao Heavenly Sensing to the extreme and thought: If Weiyang was here and she joined forces with me, I wouldn't have to work so hard. By the way, I wonder if there is a new Rouge in the city...

Just when he thought of this, the sky suddenly rumbled and shook, and a huge abyss was pulled out of the void by his spiritual sense!

That abyss, between heaven and earth, floating in the sky, is extremely deep!

The peaks of the Emei Mountains are so high that the abyss seems to be on top of their heads, bringing a great sense of oppression!

Don't come here! In the abyss, there was flesh and blood squirming, and the upper body was a human being, waving at them.

Xu Ying's consciousness was turbulent and he was so shocked that he could not lock the abyss. Then the terrifying abyss was slowly swallowed by the sky and gradually disappeared!

Xu Ying cut off his consciousness, grabbed the sad-looking old man by his collar, lifted him in front of him, and sneered: Your predecessor did not ascend to the fairy world, but ascended to the abyss!

The horror on the face of the sad old man has not disappeared. Just now, he saw the corpses of immortals floating in the deepest part of the abyss, like drowned people floating on the water!

He looked gloomy and despaired, and after a moment he said, Xu Ying, what do you want to know?

Xu Ying hesitated and said, Xu Jia Ping.

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