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Chapter 189 Ninety thousand innate weight

At the foot of Five Color Mountain, Li Xiaoke and Emperor Yin Ting were scolding each other in a very ungraceful manner, but the ghost king was nowhere to be seen and their scoldings could not be heard.

After a long time, Li Xiaoke and Emperor Yin Ting looked at each other. Li Xiaoke coughed and said: We got this door from the mountain. We could get it before, and we should be able to get it now.

The Emperor of Yinting smiled and said: We were not very strong before, but now more than three thousand years have passed, and we have become very strong.

Li Xiaoke looked at his body and said nothing.

The Emperor Yinting looked at Li Xiaoke's pale face, and both of them felt sad in their hearts.

They may not be much stronger now than they were three thousand years ago.

Li Xiaoke asked: Who is that guy with the tumor on his head?

The Emperor Yin Ting shook his head and said: I don't know. But judging from the light bursting out of his soul, he should be an old friend of mine. However, he should not appear here.

He looked strange, and felt incredible when he thought about Xu Ying's soul having all kinds of supernatural powers.

Li Xiaoke said: That person also reminds me of an old friend of mine, and my injury is related to him.

He looked gloomy and said coldly: It's okay for Qingzhu to chase me, but I didn't expect that even he would dare to chase me! Zhuzi!

He was quite angry. Xu Ying had never been a strong man since ancient times and had always been bullied by mermaids.

Although Xu Ying has the title of Immortal Immortal, he is just a mortal after all and has no strength. Every time he sees him, he is treated like a fish.

Back then, he also secretly captured Xu Ying and conducted some experiments on immortality. Unexpectedly, Xu Ying would actually play tricks on him in the land of divine punishment, causing his three thousand years of foundation to be destroyed, his reputation to be ruined, and his cultivation to be greatly damaged as a result!

Now, Xu Ying actually dares to chase him!

The Emperor of Yinting led the crowd up the mountain and said: Brother Xiaoke, I will find the elixir of immortality later. I will take it first. If my physical wounds can be healed, I can return to my physical body. With my immortal strength, I will definitely be able to lead you out. here.

Li Xiaoke shook his head and said: If you could get out of this place alone, you would have done it more than three thousand years ago instead of relying on me to carry you out of this place. Your Majesty, my cultivation is stronger, but I was defeated by Qing Yu and others were severely injured and are on the run. If I can rely on the immortal medicine to recover, I will definitely be able to leave this place safely with Your Majesty!

The Emperor of Yinting laughed and said: It's still very early for us to get the elixir, not to mention that there may not be an elixir of immortality on the mountain.

Li Xiaoke's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: Brother Taoist is right. The elixir of immortality is so precious. This is just a big tomb, how can there be elixir? If there is an elixir that can prevent death, wouldn't the owner of the tomb take it himself? ?”

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Xu Ying sat under Wu Tianzun's body and did not move for a long time. Suddenly, the Five Color Mountain shook violently again.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. Looking from a distance, the five-color energy in the mountain was steaming and flowing down from the mountain. The vegetation all over the mountain became more and more lush.

On the top of the mountain, five-colored light evaporates, and huge chains are pulled out from the mountain, like a dragon's body, coiled around the mountain, gradually tightening.

Xu Ying looked from a distance and vaguely saw a jade coffin rising from the place where the flames were rising. He could only see the top of the coffin, but could not see its full picture.

And in the sky above the coffin, the resurrected immortal corpses became more and more powerful, and their formations seemed to be suppressing the corpses in the coffin to prevent them from resurrecting!

And around the coffin, the huge seal formed by the immortal runes was also buzzing, and the avenue roared, causing more five-color energy to flow out!

Is this coffin the legendary emperor buried in Jiuyi Mountain?

Xu Ying was shocked and confused. It was rumored that when the great emperor was buried, the tops of the Hundred Thousand Mountains tilted towards the direction of his burial, forming a spectacle of the Nine Yis of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

Could it be that the great emperor was not buried in Jiuyi Mountain, but in the Five Color Fairy Mountain at the foot of Jiuyi Mountain?

Moreover, this burial method is not like a normal burial. Instead, it is as if after the death of the great emperor, they were worried that he would come back to life and suppressed his body forever!

In order to suppress him, they even used the corpses of so many immortals!

can not wait anymore!

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, carried the broken door on one shoulder, and walked straight towards the Five-Color Fairy Mountain. He whispered, When the Emperor's Coffin appears, he will definitely be suppressed again, which means that the Emperor's Coffin is accumulating strength and trying to break through the suppression. The iron chain locks the Five-Color Mountain, The immortals are floating in the sky, indicating that the competition between the two sides has reached its limit!

He strode to the foot of the mountain and muttered to himself: They must have fought countless times. If the emperor's coffin still cannot break through the suppression this time, it will be pressed back into the mountain and continue to be silent. Then the five-color vitality will probably not be able to break through. will return to the mountains, and these rare and exotic flowers on the mountains will probably wither.

He must take advantage of the time when the two sides are competing to pick the elixir of immortality from the mountain!

Xu Ying rushed to the foot of the mountain, set up a broken door through the wind wall, pushed the door open, and entered the five-color mountain the next moment.

In the mountains, the five-color vitality was so rich that it was unimaginable. Xu Ying took a long breath, and suddenly the hair all over his body grew like a wild man. In an instant, he looked like a savage.

What kind of vitality is this? The power contained is too powerful and pure!

Xu Ying was surprised and delighted. Under the infiltration of this kind of vitality, even if he didn't practice mental skills and just breathed, he could strengthen his body and make his body dozens of times stronger than ordinary people!

If you know how to practice, you will be like a fish in water!

Is this the heaven and earth vitality of the Taichu world? The heaven and earth vitality of the Taichu world should not be so rich. Someone should have collected the heaven and earth vitality of the Taichu world, refined it into five colors of energy, and sealed it here.

Xu Ying pushed the ultimate intention freedom skill to the extreme, and his body speed instantly exceeded the sound, reaching more than ten times the speed of sound, and he galloped towards the Five Color Mountain!

Behind him, the withered bones gave birth to more flesh and blood under the nourishment of the five colors of energy, chasing him, but they were unable to catch up.

Wait a minute, I forgot to close the door!

Xu Ying ran to a mountain col, and suddenly thought that the portal was still open, but there was an elixir plant in front of him. He didn't care to think about it and ran towards it immediately.

At the foot of the mountain, the five-color energy surged out along the broken door.

The wind wall surrounding the Five Color Fairy Mountain not only prevents the invasion of outsiders, but also has another function, which is to prevent the five colors of Qi from flowing out of the mountain.

But what no one expected was that Xu Ying would actually place the door here, opening a hole in the wind wall.

The five-color aura filled the air, and wherever it passed, the withered bones lying near the Five-Color Fairy Mountain stood up one after another, moving like puppets on strings.

Some picked up their own arm bones from the ground and installed them on their bodies, some picked up the bones of other skeletons and tried to install them on themselves, and some skeletons fought over a bone.

The five-color energy flows farther away, and wherever it passes, everything revives. The originally desolate and silent ancient battlefield also becomes green, with trees and flowers.

There were even white bones of birds emerging from the ground, flapping two bone wings, and the bone wings gradually grew flesh and blood and gave birth to feathers.

After a while, the birds fluttered and soared, and the surroundings were filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

The five-color energy spread wider and wider, gradually reaching a pair of feet.

Suddenly, the feet moved.

In front of the broken door, a withered skeleton with blood and flesh stared out its eyelidless eyes, leaning out the door and looking around. At this moment, a big hand clasped on its face and picked it up.

Behind the door, the other withered bones saw this and were extremely frightened, retreating one after another.

Wu Tianzun's expression was as calm as ever. He pinched the skeletal face and exerted a little force. The skeletal head exploded with a bang, and blood splattered everywhere.

The other withered bones were frightened and fled in all directions, making strange noises.

They are the withered bones of the Qi Refiners who came here to take risks in search of treasures. Those Qi Refiners wanted to enter Five Color Mountain to find treasures, but failed to pass through this wind wall and died here.

The five-color energy here has not revived them. Their souls and consciousness have long since dispersed. Even if they grow flesh and blood and regain their heartbeats, they are still walking corpses without self-awareness.

They were affected by the underworld and the ancient battlefield, and they only knew how to kill and seize other people's souls and Yang Qi. Now when they encountered someone more ferocious, they fled in fear.

Wu Tianzun strode into the broken door with a roaring sound in his throat.


He uttered a simple pronunciation and looked up at the top of the mountain.

When Xu Ying came to the mountain col, he saw the fairy tree full of auspiciousness, with a few red fruits hanging among the branches and leaves. Under the tree, there were several giant corpses, one of which was a human corpse. It looked like he was a disciple of Li Xiaoke.

Half of his body expanded rapidly, but the other half did not expand with it, causing his body to explode and die.

The other half of his giant body is extremely powerful, possessing the Taoist form of an ancient giant beast!

The energy in this fairy fruit is too terrifying, and the power of the Dao Xiang is too strong. As a result, the physical bodies of Qi Refiners and Ghosts and Gods cannot withstand this power, and they explode and die. Xu Ying looked at the other corpses and thought to himself.

There are innate Taoist phenomena flowing in the red fruit. If you take this elixir, you can naturally understand the magical powers in the fruit.

One of the fruits contains thunder, and in the thunder stands a person with the head of a bird and a human body, with two wings on his back.

This is a Taoist phenomenon. If you take this fruit, you can transform into a god with the head of a bird and the body of a bird, possess extraordinary divine power, and control the thunder.

This kind of innate magical power cannot be controlled independently. I'm afraid that after changing, I won't be able to change back.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment. If he wanted to pick the fruit, he had to break the auspicious energy before he could approach the fairy tree and pick the fairy fruit.

At this moment, there were roars from the mountain, iron chains rattled, and the mountain trembled violently. Xu Ying looked up and saw that at the top of the mountain, five-colored light erupted again, spewing into the sky like a volcano!

And the jade coffin rose higher, and half of the coffin could already be seen!

Vaguely, it seems that a figure can be seen lying in the coffin!

In the sky, the light emitted by the immortal corpses caused cracks to appear in the sky, which was shocking. Another world could be vaguely seen from those cracks!

Xu Ying could even see another world outside the sky, where a stalwart figure was shrouded in fairy light, using his fairy power to activate a strange method, casting spells across a world, and suppressing the jade coffin!


A strange bird song sounded in Xu Ying's ears, as if there were countless birds chirping in his ears. His consciousness, vitality, and golden elixir suddenly fell silent, without any signs of activity.

Any sign of the great path he had comprehended now became dim and unclear.

The six secret caves are also closed one by one at this moment, and there is no more fairy medicine!

The strong man from another world personally activated the immortal runes to seal the jade coffin!

Xu Ying understood immediately. He looked up and saw that he was not the only one whose vitality and consciousness had been suppressed. The judges and ghost kings of the Yin Court had also had their magic power suppressed. They could not even use the incense, and they all fell from the air. !

Li Xiaoke's disciples were also in danger one after another. Without their vitality, spiritual consciousness and golden elixir, their strength was not very good.

Li Xiaoke and the Emperor of Yin Ting are not having a good time either. The Emperor of Yin Ting has opened the coffin and moved into his corpse, using this immortal corpse to fight against the suppression!

Behind Li Xiaoke, large and small caves opened, but they were uncertain, and from time to time some caves were suppressed!

Look at the jade coffin!

The surprised voice of the Emperor Yinting came, Is it the elixir of immortality?

Xu Ying looked at the jade coffin, and sure enough, he saw a purple fairy plant growing between the gaps in the jade coffin. It had no flowers or fruits and only a few scattered leaves.

You want to suppress my cultivation? Martial arts cannot suppress it!

Xu Ying shouted violently, pumping up his energy and blood, filling his whole body, and suddenly a powerful force erupted again, activating the ultimate intention freedom skill, turning into a stream of light, heading straight for the jade coffin on the top of the mountain!

The essence of martial arts he had learned through months of hard work could finally be put to use!

Li Xiaoke and Emperor Yin Ting, two people with the highest level of cultivation, had already abandoned their disciples and ghosts and gods. They were almost going hand in hand, rushing towards the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, they heard a strange whistling sound. When they looked back, they saw Xu Ying breaking through the sound barriers and coming straight towards them like a humanoid dragon!

The two of them were surprised and happy: This little bastard came to your door by yourself!

Li Xiaoke couldn't help but gather the remaining magic power and turned it into sword energy. With a flick of his wrist, the sword energy filled the sky, fell from the sky, and shot towards Xu Yi!

He laughed loudly and said: Xiao Ying, even if I am suppressed by the immortal way, even if I am seriously injured and have not recovered, it will be easy to destroy you!

Before he finished speaking, there were endless explosions of bang bang bang. Xu Ying stepped through the sky, fists and feet, making bursts of thunder and shattering the sword energy!

The next moment, Xu Ying rushed to him. With one move, he returned to Taoism and all Taoisms flowed together, turning into an earth-shattering big palm seal, facing Li Xiaoke's attack!

Li Xiaoke went from being surprised and happy to being frightened and frightened. He didn't care about changing his moves and hurriedly summoned up his remaining cultivation to meet him. He suddenly felt that there was a strange force in the opponent's body, like pure blood and blood, mixed with a... The spirit of perseverance cannot be suppressed by the immortal way!

This force was like a hundred thousand wild dragons crashing into him!

He spun around, flew backwards, and hit the cliff with a loud bang. Dust and smoke were everywhere, and he was confused: How did he not be suppressed by the immortal way?

Xu Ying blasted Li Xiaoke away with one move and rushed towards the Emperor Yin Ting.

He shouted violently, and bursts of martial arts sounds came from his body, his muscles and bones roared, his breath was suppressed, his body was majestic, and his momentum could kill the gods!

Your Majesty, have you ever seen the 90,000-level innate realm of martial arts?

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