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Chapter 180 Martial Arts Innateness

In Haojing City, An Qi, Bankou Dazhong and Jin Buyi carefully checked the traces. The mansion where Xu Ying lived had turned into white ground and the entire building disappeared out of thin air.

Jin Buyi took off a feather and sighed. Suddenly the feather burst into flames, burning along the traces of space, drawing a cube in the air.

Various strange textures appeared on the six walls of this cube, which were the rune imprints of Heaven. Apparently someone had just used the divine power of Heaven to directly cut off the entire space where Xu Ying was and sent it to another place!

The fire feather suddenly withdrew the firelight, and with a hiss, it penetrated into the void.

Where the fire feather disappeared, the space shook like waves.

I used my feathers to turn into a clone, follow the direction of space movement, and track the past.

Jin Buyi was an old man, holding a dazzling magic sword, and said slowly, The remaining space energy of the other party is only enough for me to pass by with a feather, no more will be enough.

It was not nervous at all and said: This kind of thing has happened many times. Don't worry, I will find him.

An Qi said: I can help you!

The big clock was only half built, but it still floated up. He said: One of you has a bad memory, and the other has intermittent amnesia. I have to follow you.

An Qi said: Master Zhong, you only have half of your body. You should stay here and wait for Ancestor Chanchan to help you refine your body before following us.

Da Zhong smiled and said: Although I am disabled, my mind is healthier than yours. If you don't have me by your side, you will definitely run into a lot of troubles! Besides, Patriarch Chanchan will follow you, right?

Zhuchanchan sneered and said: What do you want me to do with you? We are not familiar with each other. I am a minister of Emperor Zhou, and I want to stay to build Haojing. I won't accompany you!

She turned and left.

Dazhong no longer hesitated and said: It's no longer necessary! Master Jin, come and lead the way. Let's set off quickly!

Jin Buyi waved his wings, stuck two magic knives on the ground, and said: Come on top of me.

An Qi and Dazhong quickly came to its back. An Qi said cautiously: Master Jin, don't overcook Xiao Ke.

Jin Buyi fluttered his wings and said in a long voice: Sit tight!

Suddenly its whole body was ignited with blazing fire, its wings flapped, and it suddenly turned into a rainbow light and flew away through the sky. The next moment it was like a rainbow, and the other end of the rainbow bridge was already thousands of miles away!

Jin Buyi followed his fire plume at lightning speed, covering tens of thousands of miles in an instant, passing between the mountains. Suddenly, the three-legged Golden Crow slowed down and landed on a mountain peak that stood as tall as a dead tree, arranging its feathers slowly.

who are you?

Jin Buye was surprised to find that there was a snake and a bell hidden in his feathers, and he couldn't help but exclaimed, Why are you here on me?

The hearts of An Qi and Dazhong felt cold. An Qi said quickly: Master Jin, don't you know Xiao Ke? I am An Qi and this is Master Zhong. We are here to look for A Ying. A Ying is missing. You Use Fire Feather to track it, now only you can find A Ying's whereabouts.

Jin Buyi looked at them in confusion, the white feathers on his face trembling: I don't know what Huo Yu is, I don't know you...A Ying, where are you? A Ying?

When An Qi and Dazhong were helpless, suddenly a green mountain peak flew over and landed on a mountaintop with a crash.

Zhu Chanchan stood on the green mountain peak and said with a smile: How did Ah Ying get him to recover his memory before? If we follow the same method, shouldn't it be enough?

Ancestor Chanchan! An Qi and Dazhong were surprised and delighted.

Dazhong suddenly remembered that Jin Buyi had poor memory to begin with, and promised to leave him some essence of the original path, and supplemented it with the immortality elixir secretly hidden in Niwan to stimulate Jin Buyi's physical activity. Gradually regain some memories.

He told the story once, and Zhuchanchan and Jianqi immediately gave Jin Buyi some elixir of immortality. After a while, Jin Buyi remembered what happened before, and said in a hurry: It's not too late, let's set off immediately!

Zhuchanchan sacrificed himself to Feilaifeng, continued to refine the bell, and said with a smile: Except for Haojing, I don't like to refine half of the magic weapon.

The big clock was struck by her very comfortably, and she thought to herself: Chanchan is a responsible heavenly worker. I misunderstood her before and thought she would secretly leave her mark on me... Wait a minute!

It was alert in its heart: How did Chanchan catch up here? She must have relied on her sense of the magic weapon to quickly find this place... She must have branded the seventh master on him!

Xu Ying woke up from his sleep with a splitting headache. He sat up suddenly and held his forehead. A memory emerged in his mind.

The original owner of his body was named Xu Ying, who had the same name as him. He was the fourth son of Xu Menglong, King of Xiang of Great Xia.

However, he was born to a concubine and his life in the Xu family was not satisfactory.

Xu Ying felt a sharp pain on his forehead and raised his hand to wipe it away. There was a deep scar on his forehead. He remembered that the original owner of his body was tolerant by nature and always worried that he would be secretly eliminated by his other brothers and sisters because he was too outstanding.

——After all, the struggle for power within a big family is extremely fierce, especially for a family with royal blood such as King Xiang, the battle for inheritance is simply bloody.

The original owner of this body accidentally exposed his identity as a martial arts genius, and was ambushed and plotted against.

According to the memory of the original owner of this body, Xu Ying found that he had been lying on the hospital bed for more than two months, and his injuries had not healed.

He should have heard the news that his mother had been harmed, and he was so angry that his old wounds relapsed and he died unexpectedly.

Xu Ying felt regretful in his heart: You are also called Xu Ying, and I am also called Xu Ying. I entered your body unintentionally, and the moment your soul dissipated, I borrowed your body and resurrected it. It seems that God's will is such that I can borrow your body to continue living. Go down. From today on...

He got out of bed, stood up, and the gleam in his eyes disappeared: I am Xu Ying, the fourth son of King Xiang! You have a spirit in heaven, so don't worry, I will use your identity to live well and avenge you!

A new life, here I come! Hahaha...wait a minute, who am I?

Xu Ying was stunned, recalling why he came to this world. His hometown seemed to be Xujiaping, and there was a fire in Xujiaping, and he died in the fire.

His soul was floating, and it was unknown how far it had drifted, when it was suddenly pulled into this body by a strong suction force.

Ignore it! From today on, I will start a new life!

Xu Ying was full of confidence, and a skill formula suddenly emerged in his mind, called Daxia Dragon Bird Skill. Although it was called Dragon Bird Skill, it was actually practicing sword energy.

There are nine levels of this skill. When the owner of this body reached the seventh level of the Great Xia Dragon Bird Kung Fu, he unintentionally showed his sword energy and was discovered by others. As a result, he was plotted against.

The highest realm in this world is called the Nine Innate Realms, and the ninth level is the Land God! After this promise, after cultivating the Great Xia Longque Sword Qi to the ninth level, you can enter the Innate Realm and rebel against the Innate!

Xu Ying sorted out the memory of another Xu Ying and thought to himself, He has cultivated to this level at such a young age. He is indeed extremely talented. It's a pity that he was plotted by a strong man in the second realm of innateness.

Xu Ying was thinking when he suddenly heard footsteps and looked around hurriedly, only to see an old man with a sad face walking in holding a medicine bowl. The clinking sound was the sound of the medicine bowl in the old man's hand falling to the ground.

The old man with a sad face looked at him in shock and joy. He couldn't help choking and said in a hoarse voice: Sir, you finally woke up...

Xu Ying found the memory of the sad old man from the memory of the original owner of this body. This old man was named Fu Yi. He was an old servant who followed his mother and was the most loyal.

Uncle Yi, I'm awake.

Xu Ying's eyes showed strong confidence and said, Uncle Yi, don't worry, I won't put myself in danger again. This time, I will live my life again, avenge my mother, and take back what belongs to me!

Old slave Fu Yi showed a happy smile, wiped away the old tears from the corner of his eyes, and said: Young Master has this intention, and I will support you with all my strength until I die!

Xu Ying nodded heavily: I will definitely live up to Uncle Yi's expectations of me!

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the old slave Fu Yi, and he said: The old slave has been secretly investigating these days. The person who plotted against the young master is the innate master invited by the eldest prince Xu Hao, Jin Peng, the second innate realm under the sect of the national master!

Xu Ying snorted, with hatred in his eyes: Jinpeng?! Yibo, don't touch Jinpeng, leave him to me!

The old slave Fu Yi raised his head in surprise and said in confusion: Young Master...

Xu Ying said calmly: Uncle Yi, if I'm not wrong, you are also an innate master, right? You follow my mother and you are actually protecting us. With your strength, it is not difficult to deal with Jin Peng, but I want to take revenge with my own hands!

The old slave Fu Yi couldn't help crying again and choked up: Master, you have really grown up.

Xu Ying showed a hint of domineering and said: Uncle Yi, I am no longer the person I used to be.

Old slave Fu Yi wiped away his tears and said resolutely: Since the master has this determination, then the slave will not interfere in this matter. Master, the death of the empress is related to another matter. The slave went to investigate the matter. These Young master, you must be careful!

Xu Ying nodded and said calmly: Don't worry, no one can hurt me again when I wake up this time!

Full of excitement, Fu Yi turned and left, murmuring: Miss, have you seen it? The young master has finally grown up, grown up...

Xu Ying waited for him to leave and walked out of the room.

In Prince Xiang's Mansion, the young man was looked down upon and ridiculed by his servants, but he didn't care about it like a breeze blowing against his face.

I will also work hard to cultivate and break through my innateness as soon as possible! Based on the experience of my two lives, hehe, it is not difficult to get ahead in this world! The eldest prince, disciples of the Imperial Master, just wait! I will be like the dragon bird of Daxia, and I will be a blockbuster!

The old slave Fu Yi hurriedly left the Xiang Palace. The capital of Daxia was rich and prosperous, with many innate masters and a mixture of dragons and snakes. Fu Yi looked sad and came to a teahouse. In the teahouse, a woman in red clothes and an old man with white hair were playing chess on the street.

The sorrowful look on the face of the sad-looking old man Fu Yi was gone at this moment, and every wrinkle seemed to be blooming, and a smile bloomed on his face.

Yutang, Beichen, you are so happy, but I had a great time performing in Prince Xiang's Mansion!

He came forward, poured himself some tea, and drank it.

Fairy Yutang smiled and said, How are you going? Does he remember everything in his previous life?

Fu Yi's wrinkles bloomed with joy, and he said with a smile: Of course I don't remember. He has now replaced himself as the fourth son of King Xiang, and is planning to avenge himself and his mother.

Beichenzi couldn't help laughing and said: It is God's will that God can actually find such a world. This world has thin spiritual energy and people don't know how to refine it, not even Nuo masters. In this world, Xu Ying will definitely fade away. With everyone.”

Fairy Yutang sighed: It may be a good thing for him to fulfill his wish in this life and disappear from everyone.

The sad-looking old man Fu Yi said: It's also a good thing for us.

Xu Ying settled down in Prince Xiang's Mansion and activated the Great Xia Dragon Bird Kung Fu. He thought to himself: This technique is already the top secret skill of Prince Xiang's Mansion. It refines qi and blood into sword qi, and the dragon and bird move around the sword qi. It is extremely powerful. ! But if you want to cultivate Xiantian, I'm afraid this skill is not enough...

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with Daxia Longque Gong.

To practice like this requires refining Qi and blood to become a dragon bird, which is not the origin of martial arts.

Xu Ying suddenly thought, The origin of martial arts should actually be that people use their limbs to fight against foreign enemies, nature, power, and heaven. So what is the use of refining Qi and blood to become a dragon bird? You should cultivate yourself!

He stirred up his energy and blood, purified his mind, and united his body and mind to activate the Great Xia Dragon Bird Kung Fu. He streamlined this technique, giving up the dragon bird and taking advantage of the sword intent!

With punches and kicks, he turned into sword energy and burst out of the body. The five sacred mountains roared in the body, the five internal organs glowed, the Milky Way accelerated, and the marrow fluid flowed.

Xu Ying washed his physical body, and after a few weeks of Daxia Dragon Bird Kung Fu, he reached the eighth level!

In just a few moments, Xu Ying upgraded this skill to the ninth level.

Before he stopped, the sword energy in his body turned into the innate energy, and he officially entered the innate realm!

He was silent in his cultivation, forgetting time and his enemies, just marching into the martial arts, and breaking through the first level of innateness, the second level of innateness, and the third level of innateness one by one!

The sad-looking old man Fu Yi drank tea and watched chess.

To people in this low-level martial arts world, they are just aloof old gods, and outsiders cannot see them at all.

Their magical powers are so vast that they can even distort the heaven and earth. With a single movement of their spiritual consciousness, they can change the consciousness of all living beings.

There is no threat to them in this world.

What's more, God is watching over this place, so there won't be any risk.

Suddenly, a vast atmosphere gradually filled the capital, and a faint rainbow light formed over the capital of Daxia, hanging in the sky, which was very eye-catching.

Fu Yi, Bei Chenzi and Yutang all looked up and watched. In the capital of Daxia, many ancient consciousnesses were awakening and colliding with each other in the city: Someone has reached the innate realm again.

In the past twenty years, he is the only being who has achieved the ultimate innate realm.

Just like us. I sense that the Great Dao of the Taichu world is rejoicing, resonating with the presence of one more innate existence.

Fu Yi and the others keenly captured these consciousnesses. Fairy Yutang had a little understanding of this world and said: This is a vision of heaven and earth formed by someone breaking through the nine innate realms. After cultivating to this point, he is already the strongest in the world. exist.

The three of them looked away, not paying attention.

Fu Yi said: I will see Xu Ying in a few days and tell him that his deceased mother had another life experience and was a saint of a mysterious sect. I am the protector of that sect and am responsible for protecting the saint. Now. If the saint is dead, he will be the saint son of our sect.

He complained: Don't just play chess, go look for it and see if there is a sect that meets the conditions in this world.

Bei Chenzi didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: It's not too late to finish this game first and then look for it. This world is very low-level. Isn't it easy to find a similar sect? Even if you can't find it, just find any sect. It’s not too much trouble to tamper with the memories of all of them and forge Xu Ying’s life experience.”

Fu Yi thought for a moment and realized that this was indeed the case, so he didn't urge him.

In Prince Xiang's Mansion, Xu Ying broke through to the Nine Innate Realms and thought to himself: I have already reached the highest level of the Innate Realm, but why do I still feel that there are realms above the Nine Realms? Could it be that there are more than the ninth level of the Innate Nine Realms?

He continued to study martial arts, and each move no longer followed the Daxia Longque Kung Fu, but created his own moves. Qi and blood no longer followed the Daxia Longque Kung Fu, and Qi and blood had their own paths.

In this way, he broke through to the tenth level, the eleventh level, the twelfth level...

By the time Xu Ying woke up from entering the Tao through martial arts, he had already raised his innate realm to the 253rd level.

Weird, it seems that it can be improved beyond the innate realm!

Xu Ying continued to practice, forgetting time, and once again entered into the exploration of martial arts.

He cultivated to the 999th level of the Xiantian Realm, woke up from entering the Tao, and finally came out of seclusion.

Three days have passed.

————Thanks to iampetty for the silver reward, the boss is confused! I'm going to code and try to make up for yesterday's chapters in three updates today!

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