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Chapter 171 Qingqi’s Visit

In Xiaoyao Palace in Jiucailing, Li Xiaoke faced himself in the mirror, used scissors to trim his eyebrows and beard, straightened his clothes, and gradually fell into deep thought.

In the mirror, he is still as young as he was three thousand years ago.

At that time, he was high-spirited, young and promising, and together with many qi-refining practitioners, he tried to interpret and restore the ancient qi-refining method.

During the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Qi Refiners discovered the other shore. Many powerful beings crossed the void and went to the other shore to seek immortality. As a result, the Qi Refiners declined on a large scale.

Although the profound skills are still being circulated, they no longer have the interpretations of their predecessors, making it extremely difficult to decipher them.

In fact, before the Great Zhou Dynasty, Qi Refiners had already begun to decline, because no one had survived the tribulation and ascended for tens of thousands of years.

Although the Qi Refiners who have practiced to the Ascension stage are still undergoing tribulations, they are all old Qi Refiners whose lifespan is about to run out and have to survive the tribulation.

No one ascends, the end of Qi refining is death, and decline is inevitable. But the discovery of the other side accelerated the decline of the Qi Refiner.

From the Zhou Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, for four thousand years, no one can interpret the Taoist texts recording immortal magic. Together with the Qi Refiners at that time, I tried to restore various incomplete methods and discover the secrets of ancient times. We deciphered one ancient method after another.

Li Xiaoke whispered to himself in the bronze mirror, My strength is getting closer and closer to those legendary Qi Refiners in ancient times. My fellow Taoists at that time and I made great contributions to the revival of Qi Refiners. Contribution. It can be said that no one can surpass my contribution!

He showed a bright smile, nodded to himself in the mirror, showed encouragement, and said: We deserve this honor!

He said to himself: We also discovered some mysteries of the ancient Qi practitioners. They found things like Nuo. They actually insulted the sacred inheritance of master and apprentice, turning the inheritance of mantle and mantle between master and apprentice into filth. Incomparable exploitation! When we talk about this, we are very angry. We have made many attempts to find the righteous method, but we sadly discovered that after cultivating to our level, we can no longer unlock the six secrets of the human body.

He sighed in the mirror: We are on the wrong path. If we can practice both qi and nuo during the qi-gathering period, with qi-refining as the foundation and supplemented by nuo, we can become the strongest qi-refiner. It was possible to overcome the catastrophe. But by the time we discovered this, it was already too late.

Li Xiaoke said: But we are the proud people of heaven after all, and we still have time to find a remedy. Until one day, I saw a white hair on my temple.

There was a look of horror on his face, but he looked normal in the mirror.

Li Xiaoke did not speak, but another voice came from Xiaoyao Palace. This voice came from the bronze mirror and said: This white hair makes us discover that we are not immortal, not invincible, and there is something else. Can beat us. That's the age.

Li Xiaoke opened his mouth and continued following the voice: Time can defeat me, who is invincible, my talent, my qualifications, and my understanding. Sooner or later, I will be like those old Qi practitioners, unable to If you don’t invite a super calamity, just fight with your own life.”

He looked serious in the mirror, his voice was a little shrill, and he shouted: But we will never survive the catastrophe! We will die like those old people in the catastrophe and turn into a handful of ashes! We don't want to die!

Li Xiaoke pulled out an extra eyebrow on the left side and said: That's right, we don't want to die. We don't have to die. We can select excellent leeks, grow leeks and cut leeks, just like those old monsters we despise.

His eyes in the mirror shone brightly: They are our elixir of immortality. When the elixir is refined, they will emit a charming fragrance that will make people excited.

Li Xiaoke began to trim his temples, carefully counting the number of hairs on both sides of his temples, and said: The first time I took the medicine, I was still very nauseous and thought it was cannibalism. My Taoist heart was also damaged by it, and it took me a long time to get out of it. haze.

He smiled in the mirror: But next time, we adapted and found it delicious!

Li Xiaoke trimmed his temples, straightened his clothes, and said, We transplanted the secret treasures of great medicines and caves to refine these delicious great medicines.

Li Xiaoke in the mirror was not synchronized with his movements, but was trimming his mustache, saying: Every picking is an art, we can experiment with different picking techniques. Different techniques, the big medicine being picked Their emotions and emotions are different, and their tastes are also somewhat different.”

Li Xiaoke sighed happily: I don't know when we fell in love with hunting. This heart-pounding feeling is really wonderful.

He turned around and walked out of the palace.

In the mirror, he watched him walk out of Xiaoyao Palace and smiled behind him: It makes us feel like we are back to our youth again.


Li Xiaoke waved his sleeves, closed the door of Xiaoyao Palace, took off the bronze bell hanging under the eaves of the palace, and said with a smile: Today, you will go hunting with me. This hunting must be very interesting.

The big clock vibrated violently, but it could not escape his control.

Li Xiaoke walked out and left Jiucailing without anyone noticing. He smiled and said, You were refined by me. Your spirit was born of me. Your brand and your Qi collection method are all mine. But you are so loyal to another person that you even resist me!

He said leisurely: So, it must be interesting to let him die in your hands!

He flew out of Liucai Ridge and landed in the desolate and strange land of divine punishment below. He smiled and said, Then, the hunting begins!

Not long after Li Xiaoke left, the door of Xiaoyao Palace suddenly creaked open, and then the sound of footsteps came, click, click, very slight, but very clear.

Except for Li Xiaoke, no one dared to enter this Xiaoyao Palace.

Li Xiaoke in the mirror raised his head and said with a smile: You are back so soon? Is this hunting not difficult? You...

His face froze, and then it became distorted, showing a look of fear: You, how did you find it here? You can't find it here!

The sound of clattering chains was heard, and a girl's figure appeared in the bronze mirror, followed by a dark coffin, dragging long chains.

That girl has a beautiful face and graceful figure. She is exactly the girl Qingzhu in the coffin who was suppressed by Li Xiaoke in the small stone mountain well!

Qingqi came to the bronze mirror, and Li Xiaoke's expression in the mirror returned to its original state. He laughed and said, What can you do if you find this place? You can't help me! I'm in the mirror, not in the same world as you...

The girl stretched out her white palm and gently reached into the bronze mirror. The next moment she grabbed his neck and dragged him out of the mirror world!

In the mirror, Li Xiaoke looked horrified and struggled endlessly, but could not escape from Qingqiu's hands. He shouted: You can't kill me! Your reputation is already ruined. You are a slut who can't be used by anyone. You can't restore it, but my reputation It’s okay! It’s better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. Let go of your hatred and happily start a new life! In this era, no one knows about the rumors I created about you!”

Qingqian looked at him with strange eyes: Li Xiaoke separated you from his body, why?

Li Xiaoke said quickly in the mirror: When he took the big medicine, he felt guilty and endangered his Taoist mind, so he simply cut me out as a negative consciousness. In this way, he can keep his Taoist mind intact.

He chuckled and said: From now on, if he has any obstacles in his mind, he will cut out his negative consciousness, and I will gradually grow stronger. Hehe, he will cut more and more, and I will become stronger and stronger. I am the second son of Jiucailing. The number one person, second only to him! When he is away, I will stay here and pretend to be him, and no one can see through it!

Qingqi couldn't help but said: Since you are the same as him and no one can identify you, then what is the use of him killing you?

Li Xiaoke smiled in the mirror and said: Maybe it's for psychological comfort. I feel that all bad things are done by me and have nothing to do with him.

Qingqian nodded slightly and said: He is indeed such a waste. Where is he now?

Li Xiaoke said in the mirror: He went to the Land of Divine Punishment to hunt down the Immortal Immortal! He wants to devour the Essence of the Original Dao in the Immortal Immortal's body and refine the Six Secret Immortal Medicine.

Qingqi threw away Li Xiaoke in the mirror, turned around and walked out of the palace.

Li Xiaoke was behind her in the mirror, admiring her graceful figure, and said with a smile: You are still so beautiful...but you can't beat him! He gathered the power of the Six Secrets and transplanted dozens of Nuo Immortals' secret treasures Dongtian, his magic power is countless times more powerful than before! He is now the strongest Qi practitioner...

Qingqi stopped and flicked his fingers.

In the mirror, Li Xiaoke flew away involuntarily and smashed into the bronze mirror.

Qingqiu turned his back to him, raised his right hand, and gradually clenched it into a fist.

Behind her, the bronze mirror was gradually distorted and crushed into a ball. The space in the mirror continued to be annihilated and shattered. Li Xiaoke screamed in the mirror, and was also twisted and his limbs were shattered!

I feel sick even looking at you!

Qingqi stretched out his palms, and the bronze mirror had been crushed into a ball of scrap copper.

She walked out of Xiaoyao Palace, and the golden bell was floating on the top of Jiucailing Mountain. Only then did he notice her, and he was startled. He was about to ring the bell as a warning, but suddenly the surrounding space was layered and scattered, making it impossible for any bell sound to be transmitted to the outside world!

It was you who plotted against me back then and threw me into a dry well in a small stone mountain, suppressing me together with the gods.

When Xiaoyao Zhong heard Qingyu's voice, he was panicked and rushed in a hurry, trying to break her space seal.

Qingqiu raised his right hand, pinched his five fingers to create various strange seals, and gently made them.

Her seal seemed to have no power, but the Xiaoyao Bell in the seal felt like it was hit hard, and deep palm prints suddenly appeared one after another on the golden bell wall!

These palm prints were so terrifying that they actually penetrated its bell wall, scattered its imprints, and wiped out its power one by one!

Xiaoyao Zhong was horrified and inexplicable: You still refined the Hu Tian Wen Xian Sutra! However, if I hadn't been severely injured by that cheap bell and haven't recovered yet, you might not be able to do anything to me...

The prints on Qingqiu's right hand were ever-changing, and the golden bell was twisted into a ball in an instant!

Xiaoyao Zhong was horrified and shouted: Don't kill me! I can help you deal with him! He is extremely powerful now and is the strongest Qi practitioner in history. You cannot be his opponent!

Qingqian's face was as pale as an ancient well, without any trace of emotion: Do you think I came to deal with him on my own?

The golden bell rang, all its power was gone, and it fell down.

But in the eyes of many disciples in Jiulong Mountain, the golden bell had been floating there, and suddenly it twisted and turned into a ball of scrap copper, losing all its power!

The disciples rushed forward in a hurry, only to see that the Xiaoyao Bell had been beaten into rubbish, without any power!


The Xiaoyao Bell fell to the ground, and the spirit of this magic weapon was beaten to the point of annihilation and ceased to exist!

Qingqu took advantage of the chaos on the mountain and silently passed between the rushing disciples. With a tap of his toes, the black coffin flew up.

Flying with her, there was also a dark cloud, which also flew out from the mountains of Jiucailing.

Thunder was rolling in the dark clouds, and along with the thunder and lightning, a huge body could be vaguely seen swimming in the thunder.

Amidst the thunder, a voice said: Qingqiu, after this revenge, let's come again to end the karma between you and me! Hey, there's something weird here!

In the land of divine punishment, Xu Ying activated the Heavenly Punishment Sword Qi and flew across the wasteland with lightning speed and incredible speed.

What surprised him was that there was that kind of strange flesh and blood everywhere in this world, clinging to the mountains and rivers of the earth, constantly licking and plundering the vitality of the world.

No plant or creature can survive under this kind of flesh and blood!

Even, there used to be Qi Refiners in this world, and the caves where they lived and the magic weapons they left behind could not be preserved, and all the essence would often be swallowed up by these flesh and blood.

What's going on here?

Xu Ying had just thought of this when dust and smoke suddenly filled the wilderness ahead. He flew over and saw forty or fifty huge ancient beasts running wildly.

They were avoiding the flesh and blood attached to the earth behind them. They were running at an alarming speed, causing the mountains on their backs to sway this way and that.

Huge stones were constantly being thrown out from the back of the giant beast, hitting the ground with a terrifying roar.

Xu Ying slowed down and lowered his sword energy. The sword light flew behind the ancient beast and kept getting closer.

call out!

He controlled the sword energy to pass between the mountains on the back of an ancient giant beast. These mountains were not big and the surface was made of stone, but some of the mountains were broken, exposing the bone mountain body.

Suddenly, Xu Ying saw an ancient temple among the mountains below. The giant beast was running and shaking violently, but the ancient temple actually didn't move at all.

Xu Ying even saw a huge boulder falling, and just as it was about to hit the ancient temple, it was bounced away by a gentle force!

There must be a treasure here!

Xu Ying's eyes shone as he landed outside the ancient temple and put Xue Ying'an down. An Qi also curiously stuck his head out and looked at the ancient temple on the back of the giant beast.

There were words on the plaque on the door of the temple. An Qi recognized it and said, The words are well written. Ah Ying, come here!

The text on the door plaque was written in bird seal and insect script. Xu Ying saw it and said, What is written on it is the word forbidden. It is almost the same as the word forbidden that I wrote on Master Zhong.

Xian Qi went crazy and said angrily: It's obviously completely different, okay! I've copied the eight characters on Mr. Zhong's butt a long time ago, and they don't match up at all! Ah Ying, don't you recognize it and deliberately deceive me?

Xu Ying looked at the word forbidden on the door plaque and guessed: The person who wrote the word forbidden probably didn't understand enough about the immortality of the word forbidden, so he wrote it in a specious way.

At this moment, the temple door suddenly creaked open, and a white skeleton stood behind the door, making an inviting gesture, as if inviting them in.

——Zhaizhu is going to add the character cards of Fairy Qingqiu and Jin Buyi. Remember to check in~~

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