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Chapter 162 Never give up

Both Beichenzi and Digong were a little restless. For more than two years, they had been tracked by Zulong, had trouble sleeping and eating, and had to hide here and there.

Two years ago, the Tutu Temple in China where Tu Tu Gong lived was found by Zu Long.

In that battle, Tu Tu Gong finally understood why Zulong claimed to have his feet in China.

The Earth Temple of China was really trampled to pieces by the Ancestral Dragon, cutting off its incense!

The four of them resisted desperately and finally escaped, but they also lost track of Xu Ying. The four of them had to split up, Fairy Yutang and the sad old man together, and Beichenzi and Shenzhou Land together.

They searched everywhere for Xu Ying's whereabouts. News about Xu Ying came from time to time. They rushed over but always came up empty-handed.

Not long ago, they got the news that Xu Ying appeared in Yunmengze, so they rushed over. Unexpectedly, they were still a step too late. Xu Ying had already taken the stone city through the sky and headed for the Heavenly Road.

Even Beichenzi and others were not allowed to set foot in forbidden areas such as the Tianlu. They had to ask for instructions from the superiors and only then could they enter the Tianlu if the superiors agreed.

But please give me instructions from above. Once again, I'm afraid another year or two or several years will pass. ——For example, this time the Earth God asked the superiors for a divine weapon of heaven to suppress the ancestral dragon, but the superiors did not approve it.

They begged their grandfather to sue their grandmother, hoping that nothing would happen to Xu Ying, but it seemed that something happened to Xu Ying on his way to heaven.

After Shi Cheng came back, Xu Ying didn't come back!

Not long after, the sixteen characters of the demon-suppressing rune were sealed. One of the characters dimmed inexplicably, and then a corner of the seal was unlocked!

This matter was not trivial. They were so frightened that one soul ascended to the sky and the other fled to the earth. Fortunately, this phenomenon did not last long, and soon the dimmed rune returned to normal.

They were terrified, but fortunately nothing happened, but in the past two days, two of the demon-suppressing runes had become disillusioned, and this was a big deal!

This matter is not trivial and must not be ignored!

Beichenzi said to Shenzhou Tutu, The sealing rune dimmed for the first time, which is equivalent to a prisoner in a prison. Someone came to rob the prison and opened the prison from the outside. But the person who robbed the prison did not know why. Half of the people were rescued, and the people were stuffed back in, and the openings were closed.

Shenzhou Land was confused and asked: What now?

Beichenzi said: The problem now is that the prisoners in the prison seem to know the structure of the lock, and they are trying the keys one after another, trying to open the lock themselves! This is the most dangerous thing!

When he explained this, Shenzhou Land became clear, and he said with a solemn expression: In other words, if he tries the right key, he can open the door and go out! If he walks out on his own, he will not lock himself in again!

Beichenzi nodded and said: This matter must be reported to the superiors. Tell the superiors and let Xiao know the benefits! If the superiors replace some demon-suppressing runes, they can ensure peace of mind for thousands more years.

What is wrong with the land of China: My temple was demolished by Zulong, and I can't contact the boss. I have to find the land temples in other states and report it by road.

Beichenzi frowned, if this was the case, the process would be more complicated.

Just going through the process would probably cost two people their lives!

There is another way, which is to go to the Temple of Heaven, meet the gods directly, and alert the top officials of the Temple of Heaven!

Shenzhou Tutu said, The God of Heaven has long wanted to intervene in the secular world, and he will definitely be happy to intervene.

Beichenzi said: Last time Fairy Yutang went to the Temple of Heaven, they had no power to deal with Xu Ying.

The land of China laughed and said: That's because you don't have enough face. I am the land of China and enjoy the incense in the world. If I go and tell them, I will definitely get them to take action!

Beichenzi breathed a sigh of relief and said: Brother Dao, please go back quickly! Remember, be careful of Zulong!

Shenzhou Land felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and he suddenly burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

Beichenzi looked at the vast swamp. The cloud dream was as vast as smoke and had no boundaries. In the distance, swamps continued to emerge from the abyss of Cangwu. The water and grass were lush and giant beasts were rampant.

This time, we must invite the gods from the Heavenly Temple to invite new demon-suppressing runes. We cannot use the same old methods, otherwise there will be chaos!

He looked into the distance, worried.

Wherever Beichenzi looked, he saw a Golden Crow flying on the water, dragging flames like the scorching sun. It was an old, three-legged Golden Crow, exuding the domineering aura of ancient ferocious beasts, overwhelming all beasts.

Even Beichenzi couldn't help but be a little frightened and didn't dare to provoke him.

Where did the Golden Crow fly from? He is so old, he must have lived for 20,000 to 30,000 years, right? He thought to himself.

The golden crow flapped its wings and flew on the water. The heat wave evaporated the water in the swamp, raising a white mist. It suddenly reached out its claws and grabbed a giant crocodile that was more than a hundred feet long from the swamp.

The giant crocodile hides under the water, preying on the giant beasts on the shore. It has lived for more than two thousand years, transformed several times, and gave birth to dragon horns and dragon tails. It is like an evil dragon, and it is a fierce beast nearby.

It was caught by the Golden Crow and was still struggling, trying to turn around in mid-air and bite the Golden Crow.

Where can the Golden Crow accommodate it? He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire, then burned it from beginning to end. When the golden crow flew to the hibiscus tree, the giant crocodile was already cooked.

The old Golden Crow eats the giant crocodile on the tree, and throws the endless flesh and blood to the fish-belly people who sacrifice it.

After Jinwu had eaten his fill, he caught a glimpse of Xu Ying still thinking hard about deciphering the Dao script with the word prison, so he said: Young man, these runes are called Immortal Dao runes. They record the Immortal Dao and are not easy to decipher.

Xu Ying woke up and said respectfully to the Golden Crow: Senior, since you recognize this as an immortal rune, you must have seen it before. Can you tell me how to crack it?

The old Jinwu stretched out his long neck from the hibiscus tree and reached in front of him. He looked at Xu Ying with his dim eyes. After a moment, he sucked a piece of crocodile meat from the corner of his mouth into his belly with difficulty and said, I'm too old. I have forgotten many things. I recognize this is the Immortal Rune, and I have seen you before, but I don’t remember it.”

It slowly raised its head, and its voice spread like ripples on the vast water: My memory is fading. I can't remember the origin of the wounds on my body, and I can't remember why I am here. About three thousand years will pass. , I will die of old age.”

It flapped its wings, setting off gusts of dry wind, and said: The memory of my youth may have disappeared, or it may still be hidden somewhere in my consciousness. Young man, if you are brave enough, you can enter my memory yourself. Go and look for them. Maybe you can find those immortal runes I have seen.

Xu Ying was greatly refreshed and praised: Senior is indeed very powerful! Master Zhong, follow me into senior's memory to look for the immortal runes!

The big clock warned: Ah Ying, this bird is getting confused, and its memory is constantly being annihilated and collapsed. If we enter its memory and its memory annihilates, I'm afraid even we will be annihilated or trapped. In its labyrinth of memory!”

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, then turned back to look at Xian Qi and said, Master Qi has to save me. Master Zhong, you are responsible for this. You are responsible for this. Come with me into the memory of Senior Jinwu and protect me. convoy!

Da Zhong had no choice but to agree.

Xu Ying cheered up, raised his head and said to the old Golden Crow: Senior, my friend An Qi is under the tree. He has been sealed. Please take care of him and don't eat him.

Jinwu looked old and looked a little bad. He lowered his head and asked, Who is your friend Gong Qi?

Xu Ying led his head to the sealed An Qi.

The old Golden Crow's eyes were dim, he looked at it several times, and said with a smile: It turns out to be a loach. Okay, I will help you keep an eye on him, and no one will hurt him at all.

Da Zhong said: Your memory is not very good, do you want to write it down? I'm worried that you will forget it.

The Golden Crow shouted angrily and majestically, the sound of which made the big clock buzz, and said: I just forgot what happened when I was young, and I will never forget the recent things! You broken clock, don't be verbose!

The big clock thought it couldn't beat it, so it kept its promise.

Xu Ying said loudly: Senior, please keep us in your memory.

The sun god fire around the Golden Crow burned blazingly, and suddenly the flames rolled up, rolling up Xu Ying and the big bell together.

Xu Ying suddenly felt that he was in a sea of ​​fire, being pushed forward by a huge force. There were blazing divine fires everywhere, burning crazily, and figures kept flashing backwards in the divine fire!

Those figures in the sea of ​​fire stand in different mountains and rivers. The mountains and rivers are very different and different, and there are even stars flashing across the sky!

He even saw suns flying backwards in front of his eyes, and even saw a battlefield filled with gods and demons. Various gods and demons were as sinister as the God of War, each with different postures, fighting bravely and with ferocious faces!

He heard various sounds in his ears, including the sound of fighting, the clash of weapons, people chanting, laughter, crying, waves shaking the sky, Taoist sounds, and other sounds.

These sounds come and go quickly!

Suddenly, the old Golden Crow's voice came: I will send you to the deepest part of my memory, which should be the memory of when I was just born. If you start looking for it from then on, you should not miss the immortal runes.

Its voice became more and more distant: You are very familiar. Maybe I have seen you in a certain period of time. You may be a believer who worshiped me when I accepted the worship of the people...

In front of Xu Ying's eyes, countless pictures quickly passed backwards, and the voice of the Golden Crow gradually became distant and could not be heard.

Suddenly, the strange power of the old Golden Crow pushed him to the place where his memory begins!

The place where the Golden Crow's memory begins is a warm round egg. It is stretching its body, tearing open the egg with its beak and claws, trying to get out of it.

The moment it cracks open the egg shell from the inside out, the bright light from outside comes into view. At this moment, it has its own memory and is truly born!

A magical life was born!

Eminem! Eminem!

An excited voice came, shouting joyfully, The egg I hatched every day has really been born!

When Xu Ying heard this sound, he was confused. The big bell also chimed softly and muttered: Weird, such a familiar sound...

The young Jinwu was sleepy and tried to open his eyes. At this time, Xu Ying saw his own face reflected in Jinwu's eyes.

Eminem, come on!

Xu Ying saw his extremely excited face, filling the young Jin Crow's field of vision, making the young Jin Crow feel extremely friendly.

Eminem, I finally have my own spiritual beast! Xu Ying saw himself jumping up and down with excitement, never having a moment of silence.

At that time, he was about the same age as he is now, with a childish look on his face, which was red from the sun, a necklace of animal teeth hanging around his neck, and his bare feet.

He was only wearing a pair of leopard-print shorts. They should have been ripped off the leopard directly. Just cut off the leopard's hind legs and put them on directly.

There is a leopard tail hanging behind his butt.

The Golden Crow is gradually able to fly and likes to stay on the shoulder of the young boy A Ying.

It saw that the Amu in the young man's mouth was a strong barbarian woman, tall and thick, with a strong arm.

I'll give you a name. From now on, you will be called Jin Buyi. Jin Buyi who never gives up! The young man Aying said with a smile.

As the spirit beast promised by the young man, Jinwu went hunting with Xu Ying. Most of the young men of the same clan had their own spirit beasts. These spirit beasts were extremely large and powerful, except for Jin Buyi, who was very small.

This small golden crow is extremely ferocious, breathing fire from its mouth, and even the adult beasts are a little afraid of it.

Jin Buyi likes his master very much. The master has his own troubles. Every time the master goes to bathe in the river, he will always pull out a hair and say in annoyance: Another one has grown! Damn the hair!

Whenever this happens, it will always spit out a flame and burn the hair to ashes.

As time passed year by year, Jin Buyi gradually grew up, exuding the aura of a ferocious beast from the ancient times, and suppressed the spiritual beasts within hundreds of miles, showing great majesty.

But the owner A Ying never grew up and gradually became an alien in the eyes of the villagers.

On this day, A Ying disappeared.

Jin Buyi was very panicked and hurriedly searched around. It flapped its wings and shuttled through Yunmengze, encountering other ancient beasts that were as powerful as it, and even encountered beasts that were even more powerful than it.

Jin went to great lengths to search Yunmengze, but could not find his master.

It gradually grows up and becomes more and more powerful. It can turn into a ball of fire when flying and travel extremely fast. Even so, it still took more than ten years to find its owner.

Young A Ying lives in a small fishing village on the South China Sea. He is still called Xu Ying, but he has another life experience.

He doesn't remember his former parents, nor does he remember that he had a spiritual beast named Jin Buyi.

At night, the firelight emitted by Jin Buli illuminated the fishing village, attracting the young man to come out.

Jin Bu Yi! Jin Bu Yi!

A strange bird was chirping in the sky, shouting, Never leave it behind! Never leave it behind!

The strange bird swooped down and took away the young man A Ying.

At this time, a powerful human monk came after him and injured Jin Buyi, forcing Jin Buyi to abandon the young man and flee.

Another hundred years later, Jin Buyi has grown up a lot and is stronger than before.

It once again found the young man named Xu Ying. The young man A Ying was the son of a wealthy businessman in Chaoge City.

It flew to Kunlun, fought with the gods there, grabbed the celestial grass that could communicate with the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, and flew back to Chaoge with its injuries.

It shrank in size, landed on the boy's shoulder, and gave the jelly grass to the boy.

The Golden Crow fluttered its wings and hovered over Chaoge City, shouting: Don't leave the gold behind! Don't leave the gold behind! Don't leave the gold behind!

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