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Chapter 147 Son of Destiny

The four-armed woman noticed that Xu Ying's Nuo technique had invaded her golden elixir, and was immediately blocked by the power of the golden elixir and suppressed it. She couldn't help but be startled: He doesn't seem to be as strong as I thought.

Just now, she faced Xu Ying's Nuo technique rashly, and her body was aging rapidly. She felt that the other party's Taoist and magical powers were unprecedented in her mind, so she did not dare to fight.

When she thought about it, she felt something was wrong.

She raised her palms and saw that with the operation of the technique, the activity in her body gradually increased, and the old skin was slowly regaining its activity. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: There is indeed a problem!

When she saw herself aging rapidly just now, she thought that the other party had mastered the magical power of controlling time. Now it seems that the other party just used some strange magical power to take away the vitality of her body.

I sealed all the acupuncture points to prevent my blood from flowing out, and there was nothing he could do to me!

She wanted to go back and compete with Xu Ying again, but suddenly a voice came from the sky: Junior sister Yue Hongzhu, come up quickly, we have found traces of the immortal spiritual roots!

The four-armed woman had to give up this idea and ran quickly towards Jade Mountain.

Her name is Yue Hongzhu? Xu Ying looked up and saw the four-armed woman quickly disappearing without a trace.

Jade Mountain is covered with vegetation. It seems that this place has not been affected by the war to eliminate demons and protect the way. I don’t know how to find the spiritual roots of immortality among these flowers, plants and trees.

Xu Ying carefully recalled the previous confrontation with Yue Hongzhu and compared the pros and cons of their magical powers.

The technique he used just now is called Reverse Immortality. It is a relatively advanced Nuo technique among the Niwan Hidden Scenery Immortality Technique. It can deprive the enemy of physical activity and make people's bodies age.

Zhou Qiyun once used this method to take away the eight thousand years of life of the big locust tree by the Nai River!

Xu used this Nuo technique to deal with Yue Hongzhu, which was very effective at first, but Yue Hongzhu crushed him with the golden elixir and broke the anti-immortality technique.

The Nuo technique recorded in the Immortality Art is not strong enough. It can deprive the opponent of physical activity at the same level of cultivation. However, if the opponent's cultivation level is slightly higher, the Nuo technique will be broken by the other party.

Xu Ying thought, the Nuo technique was not strong enough, so how to correct it?

It can reduce the coverage area of ​​Nuo technique and strengthen the attack on a certain part of the human body. For example, my reverse immortality technique just now can target Yue Hongzhu's eyes, causing her eyes to age in a short period of time. It can also target her heart. Let her heart grow so old that it stops beating.”

The more Xu Ying thought about it, the more excited he became, and he immediately started to modify the Nuo technique in the Immortality Art.

You can also target her brain and make her brain age to the point of being riddled with holes in a short period of time!

Xue Ying'an was just about to recover from the shock when he saw Xu Ying motionless. He thought he had been affected by Yue Hongzhu's fortune-telling skills and was about to step forward to rescue him. An Qi quickly stopped him and said: A Ying often does this, please don't If you alert him, you will suffer a loss.

Xue Ying'an was shocked and confused: What's the disadvantage?

An Qi said: A year ago, I saw him lost in thought like this. I thought he was under a witchcraft, so I wanted to wake him up. Then I fell under his new magical power. When I woke up...

He showed a look of fear and said, It will already be two months later!

Xue Ying'an was startled and became increasingly curious: What happened in the past two months?

Jian Qi's snake face is cloudy and uncertain.

This incident happened when Xu Ying, An Qi and Dazhong were exploring King Han's hidden place. They had just suppressed King Han's human skin, and Xu Ying fell into deep thought after observing the wound on King Han's human skin.

An Qi touched Xu Ying and received a magical power from Xu Ying. When he woke up two months later, he saw that Xu Ying had superb medical skills and was familiar with various Nuo techniques for suturing the human body.

Xu Ying was especially good at the Nuo technique of suturing nerve plexuses.

An Qi couldn't help but feel suspicious, and asked Dazhong what happened to him in the past two months, but Dazhong hesitated and refused to tell. After being so annoyed by him, Da Zhong told him that Ah Ying had finally managed to sew you up and that you were in terrible pieces, especially the nerves in your whole body were severed.

From that moment on, An Qi knew that he must not disturb Xu Ying when he was deep in thought.

Usually at this time, Xu Ying is thinking about new Nuo techniques and new spells. If he is not careful, he will be hit by a Nuo technique or spell that he has never seen before.

It would be fine if he died on the spot, but the key is that he might not die.

Let's just go up the mountain and he will follow. An Qi said to Xue Ying'an.

One person and one snake climbed the Yushan Mountain. Xue Ying'an looked back and saw Xu Ying following them step by step, so he felt relieved.

By the way, Ying'an, you are obviously extremely strong, why were you injured by that woman? Xian Qi asked, mobilizing the activity of Niwan Palace to treat Xue Ying'an's injuries.

Seeing that he could actually use Nuo skills, Xue Ying'an felt envious in his heart and said: Yue Hongzhu is a level higher than me. He has two extra arms. His movement speed and attack speed are faster than mine. He can also sneak attack and hit. It caught me off guard.

He is extremely powerful and is a disciple carefully cultivated by Li Xiaoke.

Although he suffered many defeats in this desert, it was due to his inexperience in the world. The fact that he survived many defeats showed how strong he was!

He is one of the few people among the younger generation who can compete head-on with Xu Ying. Even after his sword was launched, Xu Ying was forced to avoid its edge!

But Yue Hongzhu's attack speed was too fast, so fast that he didn't even have time to sacrifice the red bean fairy root!

If he had time to sacrifice the immortal root, he wouldn't have been nearly beheaded by Yue Hongzhu!

A loud laugh suddenly came from the top of Yushan Mountain. Zhu Zhongquan stood up, offered an immortal spiritual root, and said loudly: The immortal root is indeed effective. I finally broke through the knocking period and refined the golden elixir!

His laughter shook the mountains and fields. The old immortal next to him, whose whole body was chained with hooks and chains, also smiled and said in his heart: It's enough to refine the golden elixir. You can seize the body!

Zhu Zhongquan was shocked and said with a smile: Xu Ying, I can finally defeat you in an honest and fair manner, and use you as a stepping stone to achieve great success!

Suddenly, a four-armed stranger rushed up to the mountain, and without any explanation he killed Zhu Zhongquan. He moved extremely fast and was in front of Zhu Zhongquan in an instant.

Zhu Zhongquan quickly retreated, trying to mobilize the power of the Immortal Spiritual Root, but the four-armed stranger moved too fast, and the attack speed was even more astonishing. In just an instant, he was hit countless times!

Zhu Zhongquan was beaten until he vomited blood, rolled over and fell backwards, and the immortal root in his hand also fell to the ground.

The four-armed stranger was filled with joy and bent down to grab the immortal root. The immortal root struggled endlessly and resisted his refining.

Zhu Zhong vomited blood, looked at this scene in frustration, and hissed: Master Immortal, why don't you take action?

At this moment, a chain flew over, wrapped around him with a roar, and pulled him over.

The old god smiled and said: Good disciple, my body has been pierced and I cannot mobilize my power. I can only borrow your power to kill him. When I borrow your power as my master, you must not resist.

Zhu Zhongquan nodded.

The old god's eyebrows gradually brightened, and a piece of divine light poured out into Zhu Zhong's body!

Zhu Zhongquan suddenly felt that he was losing control of his limbs one by one, and his eyes gradually fell into darkness. He couldn't help but feel terrified in his heart. He was about to resist, but it was already too late!

He heard the old god's laughter coming from his mouth: Hahaha, it finally worked! The brat finally succeeded in making him what I need! Hahaha, I finally got a new life!

Zhu Zhongquan was shocked and angry. Suddenly, the spirit of the old immortal came after him and wanted to kill him, forcing him to avoid it.

He hid here and there, hiding in a finger of his body, but the spirit of the old god did not come after him.

The old god seemed to be unable to find his finger, which was very strange.

Zhu Zhongquan had just recovered from the shock, and his heart was full of despair: The dove has occupied the magpie's nest, what should I do now?

He noticed that he stood up, and the voice of the old god came from his mouth: The original owner of this body is called Zhu Guang, with the courtesy name Zhongquan. Now I have been reborn, and I am like the sun. Then, add a day to the prefix of Guang. .From now on, my name will be Zhu Huang!”

Zhu Huang burst out laughing. He looked at the four-armed stranger who had refined the spiritual roots of immortality and rushed towards him. He suddenly looked at the Yin and Yang Qi and cut the four-armed stranger in half at the waist!

After he killed someone, his aura was greatly shaken, and he grabbed the immortal spiritual root that was about to fly away. The six secrets appeared behind him, and the caves of all sizes were spinning endlessly.

The Qi Refiner after combining the Six Secrets is so powerful! Poor, Zhu Zhongquan doesn't know how to use this power at all! And I can use this power to level the world!

Before Zhu Huang finished speaking, he suddenly heard Zhu Hongyi's voice: Zhongquan, are you okay?

Zhu Huang glanced over and saw Zhu Hongyi rushing to the top of the mountain, with extraordinary appearance and graceful posture. He couldn't help but feel lustful: This woman is Zhu Zhongquan's sister, and she is also my sister in this body, but what does it have to do with me? Why not? …”

Zhu Hongyi noticed his gaze and felt awe-struck. Then she saw the corpse of the old god on the ground. She immediately became suspicious and tried: Zhongquan, you...

She suddenly turned her fingers, played the pipa, and attacked Zhu Huang's soul!

Zhu Huang's soul was not yet stable, and she was attacked with pipa music. He felt his soul beating wildly, and was almost knocked out of the body.

He was frightened and did not dare to attack Zhu Hongyi again. He grabbed his own body and jumped off the cliff.

Zhu Hongyi jumped off the cliff and chased after him, but she saw many Nuo masters from the Zhu family in front of her besieging a four-armed stranger, including many Da Nuo masters. She quickly shouted: Stop Zhu Zhongquan!

Zhu Huang burst out laughing, like a tiger entering the flock of sheep, and went on a killing spree. In an instant, dozens of Nuo masters, including Da Nuo and the four-armed stranger, were all killed, and no one was spared!

Zhu Hongyi was frightened and angry. She frantically played her pipa and attacked Zhu Huang's soul. However, Zhu Huang only shook her head and rushed out of the pipa's attack range.

Zhu Hongyi gritted his teeth and chased forward, only to see corpses left along the way. However, everyone in the Cui family was poisoned by Zhu Huang. Everyone who stood in his way was killed in an instant!

Zhu Zhongquan's soul was hidden in one of Zhu Huang's fingers. Seeing Zhu Huang performing various magical powers, it was so uncanny that it was unbelievable. He was shocked and horrified in his heart: It turns out that Nuo skills can be used in this way!

He immediately felt sad. The stronger Zhu Huang became, the less likely he was to regain his physical body.

The fortune teller said that I have the destiny of the emperor, am I going to die here? He felt desperate.

He cheered up again and said silently: The first one who comes near the water tower is the moon. His Nuo skills and magical powers are too strong. I can just learn from them and improve my strength. Zhu Huang is so arrogant, he will definitely fall into trouble. As long as his soul is injured, he will be in trouble. My chance to make a comeback!”

On the other side, Yue Hongzhu climbed up Jade Mountain and soon came to the senior brother who called her, saying: Fifth senior brother, I met a foreign master. This person's magical powers are extremely weird.

She described Xu Ying's Nuo technique, the anti-immortality technique. The fifth senior brother was named Xiao Zheng, who also had four arms. Hearing this, he was surprised and said: There are such spells? It's really weird. If he reaches great success in practice, how can he Aren’t you able to influence people’s lives and deaths?”

Yue Hongzhu smiled and said: His magic is easy to break. I sacrificed the golden elixir and suppressed his magic easily.

Xiao Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: So that's it. I thought this person's technique was really so exquisite, but it turns out he didn't learn it. Hongzhu, look over there!

Yue Hongzhu looked in the direction he pointed and saw an immortal in white sitting under a big tree.

The big tree Cui Wei is tall and strangely curved, like a dragon or a tiger, and it is covered with yellow leaves.

The immortal under the tree is surrounded by yellow leaves, smiling, with warm eyes, holding a flower in his hand, as if he wants to put it under his nose and smell the fragrance.

Under this tree, there are corpses everywhere. Judging from the cross-section of the bones, they must have died in an extremely miserable manner. Some people were cut off at the waist, some had their heads crushed, and some were reduced to inches and crushed!

Apparently many people had tried to come here to collect immortal spiritual roots, but they were killed by the white-clothed immortal.

But judging from the demeanor of the white-clothed immortal, he must have been dead for who knows how long.

He was probably an immortal who ascended here. After arriving, he found that there was no way to ascend, and he was trapped here and died in depression.

The flower in his hand should be the fairy root. He used this fairy root to extend his life and was still reluctant to let go after death.

Yue Hongzhu's eyes were bright and her breathing was a little rapid: Could the flower in his hand be the spiritual root?

Xiao Zheng shook his head and said: Wrong.

Yue Hongzhu's eyes were bright, her gaze fell on the ancient yellow-leaf tree, and she said with a smile: The real spiritual root is that tree!

Xiao Zheng shook his head and said, Wrong again.

Yue Hongzhu was dumbfounded and said doubtfully: Fifth Senior Brother, you don't have to show off. Tell me quickly, what is that immortal root?

Xiao Zheng walked towards the white-clothed immortal and said with a smile: The immortal root is this immortal.

Yue Hongzhu was startled and said quickly: Brother, that is the corpse of an immortal, and it must be protected by immortal magic! If you pass by, you will die!

Xiao Zheng laughed and said: This Immortal Root is good at mimicry, and it has scared away countless people with this kind of terror. But it has forgotten one thing. Since the birth of the evil man, no one has been able to survive the calamity and ascend. ! Since no one can survive the calamity, where can the immortals come from here?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the face of the white-clothed immortal under the yellow tree turn gloomy. He stood up slowly. Suddenly the world tilted, and an indescribable sense of oppression came over him.

Xiao Zheng said in a deep voice: Junior sister, if you help me, you must not let it escape! This immortal root has scared away so many people, and the essence of the original path it contains must be extremely amazing!

He shouted violently, his body swelled up, and he instantly turned into a three-foot-long giant, reaching out to grab the white-clothed immortal!

Suddenly, the mimicry in front of them disappeared and was replaced by a green vine clinging to a yellow tree. The branches swung and swung and struck Xiao Zheng's body, breaking Xiao Zheng's arm.

But Xiao Zheng's other three arms took the opportunity to grab its vine. The green vine immediately cut off its vines, leaving only a part no more than three feet high. It uprooted it and ran away at a speed that was shocking!

However, Yue Hongzhu was already prepared. He ran over quickly, reached out and grabbed the root of the ivy, and picked it up.

The ivy roots were twisting around, entangling Yue Hongzhu tightly, and he was about to strangle the woman to death. Suddenly Xiao Zheng rushed over, and his three arms used various seals to lightly print on the fairy root.

Qing Teng was immediately sealed by him and became exhausted.

Xiao Zheng grabbed the ivy and said with a smile: Finally I got a fairy root.

As soon as he said this, he saw a person on the mountain laughing loudly, rushing towards this side, reaching out to grab the ivy in Xiao Zheng's hand from a distance.

Xiao Zheng was shocked and angry, and sneered: What a strange Qi practitioner, how dare you steal my immortal root! Today I will use your head to sacrifice to Long Yuan God of my Yuanding World!

He activated the immortal root, which turned into a spiritual light and swept towards the man. However, before the power exploded, the man had already bypassed the spiritual light and rushed to him!

Xiao Zheng was not afraid at all, his hands and feet were as fast as flying, and his magical powers were superb, and he faced the man head-on.

The next moment, there were just a few clicks, three of Xiao Zheng's arms were broken, the Ivy Immortal Root was taken away, and he watched helplessly as the man walked away.

If you can take four of my moves without dying, you are not bad at all! That person was Zhu Huang, laughing loudly.

Halfway up the mountain, An Qi and Xue Ying'an were still working hard to climb the mountain. They looked around, hoping to find Xiao Xuantian's broken immortal spiritual root.

Xue Ying'an said: Xiao Xuantian's spiritual root is the immortal root that connects to the next stop on the road to heaven. This thing was interrupted by the big devil and broke into countless parts. Some have been brought to the mortal world, and some should be Hidden in this mountain. After all, this is the immortal’s inn.

He looked back and saw that Xu Ying was still following them step by step, without saying a word and very honestly.

An Qi said: Then how to distinguish the immortal roots?

Xue Ying'an shook his head and said: I don't know either. Although the immortal roots come from the same plant, they may change into different forms...

Suddenly, the sound of pipa came from above. Xue Ying'an and Xian Qi looked and saw a young man rushing towards them crazily, carrying a dead body in his hand.

Zhu Zhongquan! What he is carrying is the old god of the Zhu family!

An Qi recognized the young man and was startled. He hurriedly avoided it and suddenly thought, Oops, Ah Ying is behind me!

Zhu Huang rushed over and saw Xu Ying right in front of him. He laughed and said, My good disciple wanted to defeat you before he died! Today I will fulfill his last wish!

He roared and rushed in, his magic power was like a vast ocean, his consciousness surged like a tide, his strength, yin and yang energy, physical activity, and soul were all at their peak!

He attacked with one palm, setting off a thousand waves, the waves piled up, and the flying beauties released jade, evolving the image of the Great Dao to perfection!

Xu Ying subconsciously raised his palm, and the six secrets of Niwan, Huangting, Jianggong, Yongquan, Yuchi, and Yujing all appeared behind him. After the six secrets, there was the terrifying vision of Wanshan Zun Jiuyi, facing Zhu Huang. one strike!

The two men's mana exploded, and their bodies shook.

Zhu Huang took a step back and looked surprised: Why do you have two Yongquan Secret Treasures? But so what? My magical powers have been refined over time...

Just as he said this, his heart suddenly stopped and his blood supply was suddenly exhausted!

Zhu Huang was horrified, seeing that in just a short moment, his heart had aged.

What kind of magical power is this? No, it's Nuo magic!

He had just thought of this and was about to mobilize the activity of Niwan to fight against it, when suddenly his eyes became blurred, his eyes also aged, and then his brain expanded crazily.

The sound of the pipa came, and Zhu Huang's soul was shaken out of his body. Zhu Huang's spirit was horrified, and just as he was about to return to his physical body, Zhu Hongyi rushed at him with murderous intent, and a string quickly passed through him, killing him and leaving him in a state of despair!

In Zhu Zhongquan's body, Zhu Zhongquan's soul was surprised and happy. He rushed out of the finger and occupied his body again. He couldn't help laughing: The fortune teller was right. I am indeed the son of destiny! Now I have got it. The true legacy of the old god, who else will be my opponent...

As soon as he said this, the Nuo technique that Xu Ying left in his body completely exploded. Zhu Zhongquan's heart suddenly burst and his brain expanded to the limit.


Zhu Zhongquan's head exploded and blood flowed all over the ground.

Xu Ying came back to his senses, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said happily: The reverse immortality technique has finally been corrected!

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