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Chapter 138 A promise worth a thousand pieces of gold

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present could not help but feel disappointed. Could it be that the purpose of the Nuo method was to deceive and eat people?

If this news were told by other people, they would not believe it, but if it were told by a Nuo Immortal four thousand years ago, they would not believe it.

The double-dimpled woman said, How did you find me?

Xu Ying said: I am so moved that I noticed a trace of aura leaking out of your hidden scene.

Guo Xiaodie said: After Yun Mengze appeared, our Guo family Nuo masters came here to explore to see if there was a blessed land in the cave. We saw red clouds overflowing here, forming a strange phenomenon, so we notified the clan members to come.

The double-dimpled woman's face suddenly changed when she heard this. She turned around and carefully checked her hidden place. She stamped her feet and said, My hidden place is indeed leaked! Could it be caused by the impact when Yun Mengze appeared?

Suddenly, she noticed something was wrong. When she looked back, she saw the young girl and the snake monster on the boy's shoulder sticking their heads out and staring at the back of her head.

The girl with double dimples rolled her eyes and said warily: You think I was eaten by someone, and are you looking for a thin line on the back of my head with light coming out of it?

She pushed her hair away from the back of her head and said with a smile, Let you take a closer look.

Xu Ying and others came closer and took a closer look. Sure enough, there were no thin lines cut out, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Ying said: I recently found the hidden scenery of nine Nuo Immortals, and the Nuo Immortals inside were all hollowed out and eaten.

The double-dimpled woman repaired the leakage of the hidden scene, looked around, and said: You guys let go of the dragon and horse and come to my hidden place. It's dangerous outside. My aura leaked out, attracting you. , I’m afraid it will also attract my cheap teacher. He will find it here at some point!”

Xu Ying said yes, and the big bell no longer suppressed the dragon and horse, and flew over his head.

Xu Ying should take the first step and follow the double-dimpled woman into her hiding place. Guo Xiaodie, Li Yingzhu, Guo Yue and others also entered it one after another. When everyone looked around, they saw this submerged land with beautiful mountains and clear waters, numerous Taoist phenomena, and fairy lights hanging in the sky.

They saw the complete Xiyi territory.

The Five Sacred Mountains, the Tianshan Mountains and the Tianhe River, the Three Porches, the Twelve-Storied Towers, etc. are all vivid in my mind!

Xu Ying looked up and saw the woman's soul on the divine bridge, like a fairy, waiting to ascend.

What is even more peculiar is that there are caves hanging upside down in the sky, including not only the Niwan Nine Cave Heaven, but also the Yuchi Nine Cave Heaven and the Jianggong Nine Cave Heaven!

Obviously, the woman with double dimples is a great master who practices both Nuo Qi and Qi!

Dazhong asked in confusion: She was obviously a Qi practitioner from three to four thousand years ago, so why did she also practice Nuo Qi?

Xu Ying also had the same doubts in his heart.

The simultaneous cultivation of Nuo Qi is obviously something that only happened in recent years. With Zhou Qiyun's tribulation, the concurrent cultivation of Nuo Qi became popular in the land of China.

The female Nuo Immortal asked them to help themselves and said: My surname is Bai and my name is Qiuzi. I was a Nuo master at the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty. I have lived here in seclusion for almost four thousand years. In these four thousand years, I have avoided my teacher and have never been beaten by him. Found it. I never thought that I would be discovered by you today.

Bai Qiuzi was very nervous. She took out a bright mirror, waved her sleeves gently, and saw that the mirror was hanging in the sky, and she could see that the mirror could illuminate the hidden scene outside the earth.

At this time, the dragon and horse escaped from the trap, flew away, dived into the depths of a large swamp, and swam in the water.

Bai Qiuzi said to Xu: If you can sense my breath, then my teacher must be able too. He should be here soon! Don't make any noise!

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Ying saw the mirror shake slightly, a twisted figure appeared in the mirror, and the mirror shook from time to time.

The figure searched around, but no trace was found. His lips did not move, but a voice reached the ears of Bai Qiuzi, Xu Ying and others: Qiuzi, how long have you been hiding? It's almost four thousand years, right? Still. Do you want to hide and hide?

The soul jumped out from behind him.

The Yuan Shen sits in the void and appears extremely vast, but the actual space it occupies is not very large. The primordial spirit is shining brightly, and the immortal energy is lingering. Suddenly an eyeball rolled between the eyebrows, and a third eye appeared, shining through the layers of void, searching for hidden scenes!

The blurry and twisted figure was still talking, very relaxedly, and said with a smile: You and I are master and disciple, why is there such a big gap?

His voice sounded in everyone's mind, but he spoke with spiritual consciousness, and said leisurely: Qiuzi, you may have misunderstood me. I appreciate your talent, so how can I eat you? As long as you come out, I will I will teach you the righteous Dharma.

He chuckled and said: You have been hiding for so long, have you noticed it after thinking about it? Although the Nuo method can lead to immortality, it is not immortal. The elixir accumulated in your body through practicing the Nuo method cannot make you truly immortal. You are hiding in the scene. The land of transformation is not a real fairyland, it just slows down your aging. You should be aware that you are getting older now, right?

Bai Qiuzi's face suddenly changed, and she became a little nervous. It was obvious that she was talking about her pain point.

Xu Ying looked at her hair, which contained some white hair, and thought to herself: The Nuo Immortal can't truly live forever even if he is hidden in the hidden scene?

The fuzzy figure's soul searched the nearby void in a short period of time, but could not find Bai Qiuzi's hiding place. He could not help but frown slightly and whispered: Little girl, where can you escape to?

The blurry and twisted figure disappeared.

When everyone was about to speak, Bai Qiuzi raised her hand and wrote a few words.

He will come back.

In the mirror in the sky, the blurry and twisted figure appeared again. The twisted and rotating face suddenly stuck to the mirror, as if something had been discovered. A big eye blocked the mirror and looked in.

The magical fluctuations emanating from the mirror attracted his attention and allowed him to explore the source of this fluctuation.

The sky mirror was already very large, covering half of the sky. At this moment, the mirror was completely filled with this eye. Even everyone in the submerged place could clearly see the detailed structure of this eye!

The atmosphere was extremely depressing for a moment. Everyone held their breath, not daring to breathe, and even their hearts stopped beating temporarily!

The feeling of oppression is too strong!

Bai Qiuzi was extremely nervous, took out a silver needle, sacrificed it in the air, and hung it in front of the mirror.

Her body was trembling, ready to insert the silver needle into the eyes in the mirror at any time!

You're right here. The voice sounded in her ears.

Bai Qiuzi shook her hand and was about to pierce the strange eye in the mirror with a silver needle. Suddenly, the eye that was blocked in the mirror moved back, revealing a blurry and twisted figure.

The blurry figure raised its head and looked at the sky, only to see a black coffin flying in the sky.

When the black coffin was reflected in the mirror, the mirror suddenly became normal, and the blurry and distorted figure returned to normal.

The blurry and distorted figure was revealed, and it was a man who looked to be in his thirties, with a tear mole the size of a sesame seed under his eye. He looked very handsome, but a little bit weird.

The man with the tear mark suddenly disappeared from the mirror, probably to avoid being tracked by the black coffin.

As soon as he walked away, the black coffin fell from the sky and landed in the center of the mirror. A young girl slowly landed in front of the black coffin. She frowned lightly, looked around, and whispered: Weird, I clearly noticed your aura. You What do you want to do when you come out of the Cangwu Abyss...

She flew up and disappeared from the mirror together with the black coffin.

Bai Qiuzi waited for a moment, breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: They should all be gone. I'm going to move soon. What do you want to ask and say?

Everyone was relieved, their bodies were wet with sweat.

The scene just now really scared them.

Guo Xiaodie asked: Senior Bai, I see that you are also practicing Nuo Qi and your cultivation is extremely strong. Why do you call yourself Nuo Immortal?

Bai Qiuzi smiled sweetly, showing her dimples, and said: Nuo masters are originally qi refiners. It is difficult for people to cultivate immortality, which is why they are called Nuo. At that time, qi refiners had reached the end of their rope. Some qi refiners insisted on orthodoxy and could not Some Qi practitioners who are willing to change see that the path of orthodoxy is not going to work, so they open up secret stores. The Qi practitioners who open up secret stores are called Nuo.

The Nuo masters of the Guo family were dumbfounded, not knowing that the Qi refiner and the Nuo master were actually the same family!

Bai Qiuzi pushed open the temple door of Yinjingdi and asked everyone to go out, saying: The Nuo method appeared a long time ago. At that time, the qigong practitioners were quarreling fiercely. Some people thought it was not orthodox and attacked it, while others thought it was conservative. They were stubborn. They started fighting when they were noisy.

Bai Qiuzi was the last one to come out. She had changed her clothes at some point. She was dressed as a village girl and wore a coarse flowered turban. She said: Later, someone discovered that there were traps in the Nuo method. They suspected that the people who spread the Nuo method had evil intentions, so Emperor Zulong I burned books to trap Nuo people, burned those Nuo practices that contained traps, and also caught a group of people who taught Nuo practices to harm people and killed them. But it was useless. Later, I fell into the trap and fell into the trap.

At that time, there were many Nuo immortals, and many of them chose to hide in the mountains and forests.

Bai Qiuzi discovered that many of her friends had disappeared after living in seclusion. She went to visit and found that these Nuo immortals had been eaten and turned into empty shells.

She saw something was wrong at that time and knew that her group of Nuo Immortals were being plotted against. Fortunately, she had experienced various battles. Although she was not the strongest, she had many methods.

She hid her hidden vision in the dragon and horse, and drove the dragon and horse into Yunmengze. The immortal master who taught the law in the dream searched for her whereabouts many times, but could not find her.

Xu Ying asked: Miss Bai, why do you say that Nuo method was a scam from the beginning? Wasn't Nuo method created by qi-refiners? I met a qi-refiner after Emperor Wu, and the Nuo method he practiced did not exist. Traps can be used to refine elixirs.”

Bai Qiuzi said: Before I lived in seclusion, a group of Nuo masters had already realized the trap. They should have pioneered the Dharma. Although I did not learn their Dharma, I lived for several thousand more years.

She rode on the back of a dragon horse and said: Even if I get the Dharma, I guess that the Nuo Immortal will inevitably age. I hid in the hidden scene and worked as a Nuo Immortal for more than three thousand years. I didn't feel the passage of time. But I’ve felt it in recent years.”

She looked solemn and said: Moreover, I feel that my aging rate is getting faster and faster. Come to think of it, cultivating immortals through Nuo method is not authentic. Only ascension is the real immortality! This time, I will enter the world, Looking for a way to ascend, we can no longer hide!”

She was about to say goodbye to everyone when Xu Ying took out a few thin volumes of manuscripts and said: Miss Bai, I have the methods of Niwan, Jianggong and Yuchi here, which can refine the three secret elixirs. You After practicing, you should be able to avoid being discovered by that person. After refining the elixir, you don't have to worry about being eaten by others.

Bai Qiuzi took it and read it carefully. The more she read, the more frightened she became, and the more she read, the more excited she became.

By practicing according to these volumes of manuscripts, you can definitely refine the three elixirs in her body!

You came to me to seek dharma rectification?

Bai Qiuzi suppressed the excitement in her heart, her eyes were like autumn water, she looked Xu Ying up and down, and said, I failed to teach you the righteous method, but I got three rectified methods from you. You still lack the Yongquan secret, right? ?”

When she saw Xu Ying nodding, she immediately smiled and said: Leave Yongquan's secret method to me, and I will help you do it! There is a mountain temple on Dongting Mountain ahead of you. Wait for me at the temple!

She was riding a dragon horse, which ran wildly and clattered away on the water.

Li Yingzhu looked at Xu Ying, rubbed his shoulder with her shoulder, and said with a smile: Xu Demon King, um, can you give us a copy of the three righteous methods?

She whispered in Xu Ying's ear: Do you still remember that night on Jiuyi Mountain? Xiaodie, I stripped naked and stuffed it into your bed.

Guo Yue coughed when he saw that they were too close.

Xu Ying's face turned red when he thought about what happened that night, and said: Second aunt, the Guo family has been kind to me. In order to protect me, Patriarch Guo fought against the Holy God Emperor, and the three sects of righteousness are just three sects of righteousness. Why do they matter?

Li Yingzhu smiled so hard that she showed a pair of tiger teeth and whispered: I will tuck Xiaodie into your bed tonight!

Xu Ying's face turned red. He didn't know whether her words were true or false, and his heart was pounding wildly.

They came to the mountain temple in Dongting Mountain. There had been no gods here for a long time. The Guo family cleaned up and waited quietly at the mountain temple.


A dragon-horse that was dozens of feet long galloped, its iron hoofs clattering, as it flew past the mountains, alarming the Yin Court. All the ghosts and gods in the underworld looked around one after another, and they couldn't help but be horrified when they saw the dragon and horse heading straight for the restricted area of ​​the underworld.

Who is this? Dare to break into a place that I dare not set foot in my netherworld?

The dragon and horse ran all the way, traveling a hundred thousand miles at night, and came to the depths of the restricted area. They saw the mountains here were gloomy, tombs were everywhere, and ghost fires were everywhere.

The dragon and horse stopped in front of a gloomy mountain. The entire mountain was a cliff. There was a hanging coffin on the wall, made of black iron.

Bai Qiuzi stood on Longma's forehead, looked up at the black iron hanging coffin, and said, I want to repay my kindness, and I need Yongquan's secret technique.

A majestic voice came from the black iron hanging coffin, saying coldly: Bai Qiuzi, you are not dead yet? If you want to repay your kindness, what does it have to do with me?

Bai Qiuzi smiled and said: Old Demon Jiuyou, after all, you are the only one among my enemies who has the Yongquan secret technique, so I will naturally come to find you.

Bai Qiuzi, you are seeking death!

The black coffin exploded, and monstrous power poured out from the coffin, You and I are hiding well, but you come to tease me! I will send you on your way even if you fight to be discovered by the evil today!

Xu Ying waited all night at the mountain temple in Dongting Mountain. Feeling a little anxious, Xian Qi muttered, Ah Ying, does this person still have credibility?

Da Zhong said yes and said, I didn't see Li Yingzhu stripping Guo Xiaodie and sending her here.

An Qi said: Master Zhong, I'm talking about Bai Qiuzi.

Dazhong said nonchalantly: I thought you were talking about Li Yingzhu.

Suddenly, the sound of clattering hooves came.

The dragon and horse neighed outside the temple. Xu Ying walked out of the mountain temple. Bai Qiuzi jumped off the dragon and horse. She was covered in blood and bruises. She handed over a black scripture and said with a smile: This is the Black Water and Huangquan scripture. I spent a lot of time on it. Just brought it.

Xu Ying took the scripture and was about to speak when Bai Qiuzi waved to him and said with a smile: Goodbye in the world!

After saying that, she jumped on her horse, the dragon and horse galloped, carrying the heroic woman into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

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