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Chapter 131 Just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again

This First Emperor is so domineering!

Hearing this, Da Zhong couldn't help but want to fly out of Xu Ying's sea of ​​chaos. However, because Xu Ying picked him up and smashed all kinds of magic weapons, his injuries were more serious than before and he couldn't fly. However, he still praised, This man is really a hero. , let’s meet.”

Now that the sacrifices have stopped, Xu Ying and Jian Qi's secret treasures will no longer be harmed. Xu Ying also wants to go back and see what the First Emperor Zulong looks like.

The sound he heard just now gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had heard it somewhere and more than once.

But reason told him that now is a good time to leave Xu Fu!

If you don’t leave now, it will be difficult to leave!

Xu Ying and Da She rushed towards the entrance of the Lishan Tomb, and heard Xu Fu's voice from behind: Your Majesty, I and the Immortal Immortal have returned from overseas in search of the elixir. I just used the elixir to wake up Your Majesty.

Is this the magic medicine? I feel it.

When Xu Ying heard this voice, he jumped to Xian Qi's neck, turned around and activated his heavenly eyes, and looked at each other from a distance.

Xian Qi was already struggling because he had too many magic weapon fragments in his stomach. Now that he was added to it, it became even more difficult. Fortunately, he had also opened the secrets such as Niwan, Huangting, Yuchi, and Jianggong. The strength, or the speed of return, is much better than before.

He continued to rush to the entrance of the Lishan Tomb, while Xu Ying tried his best to look at the seven rising rays of light. In the distance, he could only see a very small figure with his eyes.

I saw that the golden coffin had been opened, and a figure was floating in the seven rising rays of light. The afterglow of the fairy medicine set off by the great sacrifice was flowing into that figure.

The elixir you found is very good. Where is my immortal immortal? Is he not dead yet?

Xu Ying looked at each other from a distance, and suddenly felt a pair of extremely bright eyes shining on him!

Master Qi, leave quickly! Xu Ying's body was tense.

He didn't feel so oppressed when facing Xu Fu, but when facing Zu Long, he suddenly had a creepy feeling. He felt that if he didn't leave, he might die here!

Probably in my memory of a certain life, I was persecuted by Zulong! He thought to himself.

None of the other past life memories were awakened, except for meeting Zulong and hearing his voice, which made Xu Ying's hair stand on end. Xu Ying felt that he might have suffered a lot by being around Zulong.

In addition to him, there were many qigong masters and Nuo masters who were also fleeing. Many people were injured in the ceremony. The cave sky became tattered and their cultivation strength was not as good as before.

Because An Qi had eaten too many magic weapon fragments, his speed had slowed down. Seeing this, Xu Ying immediately mobilized his energy and blood and sacrificed An Qi.

Xian Qi's speed suddenly increased, and he was very happy: When Ah Ying sacrificed me, I saved a lot of effort. Wait a minute, am I a magic weapon? Why was I sacrificed?

He was a little confused.

Xu Ying was the first to rush out of the Lishan Tomb. As soon as he arrived outside the tomb, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind: Xu Demon King, are you okay?

Xu Ying was shocked, and when he looked back, he saw Yuan Weiyang and several women from the Yuan family rushing out of the Lishan Tomb. Behind Yuan Weiyang was Mrs. Yuan, supporting the elder Taijun. As for Xiaobo in Tsing Yi, he stood beside Yuan Weiyang.

Although they were a little embarrassed, it didn't seem to be a big problem.

Xu Bing hurriedly slid down from the top of Xian Qi's head, walked quickly beside Yuan Weiyang, pinched Yuan Weiyang's left hand, and whispered: I miss you these days. And the rouge on your lips...

Xian Qi was stunned. Zhu Chanchan, who was sitting in Xian Qi's mouth, pushed her hand upwards, asking Xian Qi to open his mouth wider. The girl sat in the mouth of the big snake, her legs hanging down the snake's mouth, her hands on her chin, watching this scene with interest.

Xiao Fengxian, Hua Xianchen and others also rushed out of the Lishan Tomb and looked at this scene in astonishment. Other Qi Refiners filed out, and everyone was in a panic. Seeing this scene again, they thought that the Qi Refiners and Nuo Masters were at war, so they hurriedly gathered their remaining strength and sacrificed their magic weapons.

Hua Xianchen raised her hand to suppress their unusual movements and whispered: It's not what you think! It's the immortal immortal who grabbed the hand of a young master...

She frowned, not knowing how to continue.

In Xu Ying's mind, Da Zhong was overjoyed and laughed so much that he made a scrapping sound of Go and eat and Go and eat.

Uncle Xiao looked gloomy and stared at Xu Ying's hand.

The eyes of Mrs. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan Taijun each fell on Xu Ying's hand. The corners of Mrs. Yuan's mouth trembled, but she did not speak. The old Mrs. Yuan's crested crutches creaked when they were pinched.

Yuan Weiyang was also a little panicked: Has he figured out that I am a woman? He looks stupid, but in fact he has known that I am Yuan Ru for a long time? Then he keeps kissing me and undressing me...

Her face turned red with embarrassment. Unable to maintain her identity as Young Master Weiyang, she could no longer remain reserved. She whispered, I, I will take you to meet your parents.

She no longer had the graceful calmness of Young Master Yuan Weiyang, but had more of a girlish air. She held Xu Ying's hand and walked towards Mrs. Yuan, the Elder Taijun.


Mrs. Yuan's eyes darkened, Yuan Weiyang's hand trembled, and then she let go of Xu Ying's hand and resumed her identity as Young Master Weiyang. She gave up her lust and said: Mother, Taijun, this is Xu Ying, whom you have met. .”

Mrs. Yuan smiled, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: The last time Mr. Xu came to stay at the Yuan family, he was not able to fulfill the friendship of the landlord. He was very uneasy.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Xu Ying has met Madam and met Taijun.

The two of them nodded lightly and left with Yuan Weiyang. Yuan Weiyang's face returned to the indifference that would have made people thousands of miles away, and he said to Xu Ying: Xu Jun, please say goodbye.

Suddenly, another figure flew out of the Lishan Tomb. He smiled from a distance and said, The Immortal Immortal is here, how can we just say goodbye?

The figure fell to the ground, tall and handsome, although old, but still full of energy. He was Yuan Wuji, the only remaining Nuo Immortal of the Yuan family.

Just now, Yuan Wuji faced off against the Huangling Jinmen alone, which opened Xu Ying's eyes. The scene where he faced off against Xu Fu was even more admirable.

Xu Ying stepped forward and said: Xu Ying, who entered the school at the end of his studies, has met the ancestor of the Yuan family.

Yuan Wuji hurriedly leaned forward to support him, and said with a smile: No way! You are an immortal immortal. In this world, even the newly resurrected First Emperor would call you senior when he saw you. How can you show the courtesy of a junior? ? It broke me!

Xu Ying straightened up, Yuan Wuji laughed and said: It's better to meet by chance than to invite you. Last time you came, I couldn't meet you because I was not in the city of God. It's rare to meet today, so I must treat you well! Weiyang, I was a little injured just now. , you first help me receive the Immortal Immortal.

Yuan Weiyang said yes, came to Xu Ying's side and said: Mr. Xu, please.

Xu Ying felt that he was a little more indifferent to her.

Although the Yuan family was an ancient family in decline, it had a strong foundation and was still not completely ruined by Yuan Wuji's generation. Yuan Wuji sacrificed a precious chariot and invited two dragon birds. These two dragon birds are also gods made of incense, and aristocratic families often use such gods to pull carts for transportation.

Although the interior of the Bao Chaan was very huge, with Gong Qi stuffed inside, everyone could only stand outside the chariot. Even the ancestor Yuan Wuji could only perform exercises on the chariot shaft to heal his injuries.

Mrs. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan Taijun were weak and couldn't bear the wind and cold outside, so they asked Xian Qi to make room in the car and squeeze in.

Xu Ying and others were quite large, so they came to the top of Xian Qi's head, ate the wind and drank the dew, and sat on the ground.

When Hua Xianchen and others saw this, they each took a step forward to stop them from taking Xu Ying away. Feng Xianer quickly raised her phoenix wings to block them and said: None of us are the opponent of that old man. If we take action, we will die in vain! Wait for Ancestor Xu Fu to return before making plans!

In the car, Zhu Chanchan's bulging eyes fell on Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang. One of them pretended to be normal, and the other opened his mouth to speak.

Suddenly, Xu Ying broke the silence and said: I lost my memory after I said goodbye to God. I can't remember many things clearly, I only remember some things with you.

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: Do you still remember the bet between you and me?

Xu Ying thought for a while and shook his head.

Yuan Weiyang said: Our bet, if you complete the missing position of Yuandao Heavenly Sensation, I will make the decision to give you my sister as promised. If I complete this skill first, you will promise me one thing .Now, I have completed the missing parts of this technique, and after practicing it, I can refine the elixir from Huang Ting's secret treasure. What about you?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I have lost my memory for three months and don't remember this bet. I lost. And I don't like your sister being like this.

Yuan Weiyang's heart felt cold.

At this moment, Xu Ying grabbed her hands with fiery eyes and said, It's you I like! I like you holding my hand and running through the streets. I like you taking me to the Incense Post Road. I like you lying next to me and looking at the sky, and I also like you to come close to me and let me smell the fragrance of makeup on your face.

Yuan Weiyang was confused and said hurriedly: Xu Demon King, your memory is wrong, that is my sister...

Xu Ying held her hand and said with a smile: I remember it was you. We also picked locust flowers from the big locust tree together and caught dragon loaches together.

Yuan Weiyang blushed and whispered: Let go, let go first! You are really talking about my sister, not me...

Zhu Chanchan sat next to him, squinting, smiling, saying nothing, thinking: This is a big deal, this is a big deal. A Ying was sealed away by the demon-suppressing seal, and even the girl he liked will remember it. Wrong. The two bad guys, Big Bell and Big Snake, actually didn’t remind him and just wanted to watch the fun.

Suddenly, she jumped up, came behind Yuan Weiyang, and said with a smile: Look at you two grown men, what's so good about pinching each other with your hands? You're like this!

She grabbed Yuan Weiyang from behind, put her hands on Yi's chest, and said with a smile: You will know he is a man if you pinch him... huh?

Zhu Chanchan looked puzzled, squeezed again, and whispered: What's going on? Why...

She let go of her hands, pinched hers again, and murmured: It's so soft, almost as big.

She walked away dejected.

Da Zhong, who was still laughing about eating and eating, suddenly stopped and was a little surprised: What?

The big snake was still suppressing laughter and did not dare to make a sound. At this moment, he couldn't help but be extremely shocked.

Yuan Weiyang broke free from Xu Ying's hand, straightened out the clothes that were messed up by Zhu Chanchan, and said seriously: You two, please don't be frivolous anymore. Otherwise, we won't even be friends.

Xu Ying quickly sat upright and said: What Weiyang taught me is that I was not such a frivolous person originally. My memory may be a little disordered. It will take some time to adjust.

Yuan Weiyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: After I understood the improvement method of the Yuandao Heavenly Sensation, I tried it and refined the Huangting Immortal Medicine, and then passed it on to my ancestor. Now, my ancestor has refined the Immortal Medicine There is no longer any worry of the medicine being swallowed up. This time, the family ancestor is not affected by the blood sacrifice and can compete with the scar-faced man.

Xu Ying was moved and said: Ancestor Wuji is so powerful that he can confront Xu Fu head-on?

Yuan Weiyang didn't know why he was so surprised, but Xu Ying had seen how terrifying Xu Fu's combat power was.

The evil flesh and blood transformed by the ancient qi-refiners in the Huotong Cave after their death were completely burned by Xu Fu's Samadhi True Fire. In the Lishan Tomb, the Huangling Golden Man was suppressed by him even at the moment of awakening and could not awaken. !

The evil worms in the Mercury Galaxy were unable to resist his immortal body, immortal power and immortal fire, and were burned into dregs.

When he stood on the Abbot Immortal Mountain and fought with those Nuo Immortals, even though he was far away and couldn't see clearly, Xu Ying still saw that Xu Fu had defeated a Nuo Immortal with one hand and there was no need to use a second move!

Yuan Wuji, just by refining the elixir in his body, can he be compared with Xu Fu?

My ancestor also deciphered an ancient method of refining qi that directly points to ascension, called Huangting Zhengdao Gong.

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said, He focused on Huang Ting's Taoist Demonstration Kung Fu and practiced both Qi and Nuo, and that's why he achieved what he has today.

Xu Ying suddenly realized it and said with a smile: No wonder.

He looked at Yuan Wuji who was sitting on the shaft of the car and was recovering from his injuries. At this moment, the sound of the big bell came and said: Ah Ying, Yuan Wuji's cultivation strength at this time is probably comparable to that of Zhou Qiyun before his ascension. ?However, I estimate that Xu Fu’s power far exceeds that of Zhou Qiyun.”

Xu Ying said nothing.

Xu Fu standing on the Abbot Immortal Mountain is a real immortal. Yuan Wuji can draw with Xu Fu, which makes him a little confused.

Yuan Wuji seemed to sense his gaze, raised his head to look at him, smiled slightly, and nodded gently to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying leaned forward slightly and said in a low voice: Master Zhong, don't use your spiritual consciousness when speaking in front of him. The medicine in Huang Ting is the divine consciousness elixir. If you use your spiritual consciousness, you will be doing your best and you will not be able to hide it from other people's ears.

Da Zhong felt awe-struck in his heart: You mean, he heard what I said?

Xu Ying nodded silently.

The big clock was startled, and hurriedly flew up from the Sea of ​​Chaos, arrived at Xu Ying's Xiyi Realm, passed through the entrance, climbed the Tianshan Mountains, and arrived at Xu Ying's fourth heaven.

In the sky above this sky, water and fire were intertwined, and the turmoil was endless. Xu Ying was trapped in front of this level and had not yet broken through.

If you can consciously sense your soul into water and fire, activate Samadhi True Fire, Samadhi Divine Water, and refine the elixir in the furnace, you will be a master among the Qi Refiners!

Da Zhong and Xu Ying's soul and consciousness were together, and he wrote crookedly on the ground, saying: If he can defeat Xu Fu, then his strength far exceeds Zhou Qiyun on the eve of the catastrophe! Xu Fu can ignore me when I am at my strongest. Bell, grab my bell nose, Zhou Qiyun shouldn't be able to do it! He can hurt me, but he will never be as easy as Xu Fu.

Xu Ying also wrote on the ground and said: Zhou Qiyun once said that Yuan Wuji was defeated in his hands. So, what was the reason for Yuan Wuji's rapid progress?

Everyone was silent for an hour, and they had several ominous guesses.

Xu Ying asked: Is it possible for him to surpass Zhou Qiyun and reach Xu Fu's level in just six months?

Da Zhong said: If this is not possible, then Yuan Wuji, is it still Yuan Wuji?

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