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Chapter 123 No, you came just in time

Xu Ying whispered: Master Qi, Master Niu, I think Xu Fu may have some mental problems. If we don't agree with each other, it's better for us to leave. Master Zhong, can we leave?

Dazhong suddenly rushed towards Xu Fu and shouted: You'll know if you try it, won't you? I'll stop him, you go first!

Xu Ying and An Qi were both startled: When did Mr. Zhong become so brave?

They didn't know that six months had passed since Xu Ying was sealed again. During this period, Zhu Chanchan would punch the big clock Bang Bang whenever she had something to do, and her old wounds had long since been healed.

In the first three months, Dazhong stole the energy and blood of Gan Qi and Zhu Chanchan. In the next three months, Dazhong stole the energy and blood of Gan Qi, Zhu Chanchan and Xu Ying. Not only did the strength return to its peak, but it recovered to 90%. some.

This is the first time for Mr. Zhong to fight such a sufficient battle, and he has been eager to give it a try. Not to mention a mere Xu Fu, even the demons and gods will still rush over!


The bell vibrated, and countless strange texture patterns emerged from the wall of the bell. The power of the big bell surged. The overflowing energy instantly made the entire hall shake. The pillars seemed to melt, the dome fell off, and the stone slabs became soft!

This hall turned out to be an amazing magic weapon. The moment the power of the big bell exploded, its internal space also expanded rapidly, trying to contain the power of the big bell to avoid harming itself!

This is a treasure palace built by a Qi Refiner in the Ascension Stage. The whole body has been tempered and imprinted with various magical runes, but it is slightly inferior to the big bell.

The expansion speed of its internal space cannot keep up with the speed at which the power of the bell blooms, causing the inner walls to be constantly broken and fallen off!

This is the destruction caused by the big bell when it restrains its power!

The big bell gathered power on the surface of the body. The bell sounded first. As the bell oscillated, layers of sound waves stacked up, so that the space also stacked up. It actually became visible to the naked eye, forming a mountainous texture, crushing towards Xu Fu!

The sound of the bell fluctuates with the space at an extremely fast speed. The sound of the bell is in front, and the big bell is behind. It directly changes the body shape to a hundred times that of the abbot's fairy mountain!

When it moved, it carried an unparalleled sense of space pressure and collided sideways!

Even the tallest peaks will be broken by it!

Its bell mouth pointed downwards and rotated forward. The ground was cracked by the earthquake. Countless fragments of the hall rolled and burned in the violent torrent, forming a red torrent of magma under the bell, spinning into a circle!

When the bell came, Xu Fu's face was shaken like waves, and the hall behind him suddenly fell into pieces.

The big bell hit, with more power than the sound of the bell, and was about to smash Xu Fu to pieces!

Even if you can't smash him, as long as you knock him away from the abbot's fairy mountain, you will still be considered a great victory!

Because as long as Xu Fu leaves the Abbot Fairy Mountain, he will immediately grow old and his old injuries will relapse, giving them a chance to escape.

Master Zhong, you are such a strong man!

Xu Ying and Xian Qi secretly praised in their hearts, and took this opportunity to rush out of the hall. The main hall had been closed. Xu Ying raised the stone ax and chopped it down without any reason!

This hall is a top-notch rare treasure, but at this moment, I have to fight against Zhong Wei and I have no time to deal with him. He smashed the hall door to pieces with a few axes!


There was a loud bell ringing behind them, and the big bell slammed into Xu Fu on the Abbot Fairy Mountain. The bell rang loudly and vibrated. Although the shock wave was directed at Xu Fu, the remaining power still pushed Xu Ying and An Qi into the air. Leave the main hall.

When Xu Ying and Xian Qi landed, they were already a hundred feet away. However, they saw that all the portals of the main hall were flying away, and the terrifying aftermath washed out. Using the portal of the main hall as a nozzle, it flattened the sky in front of them. Originally there were some white clouds in the sky, but at this moment the clouds and mist dispersed. , as if an invisible divine hand wiped away these clouds!

Master Qi, leave quickly! Xu Ying immediately activated his sword energy to remind Anhui Qidao.

At this moment, the ringing of the bells stopped, and only the sound of the big bell in the main hall was heard. He was shy and timid, and said slowly: Master Ying, stay here.

Xu Ying stopped and looked back, only to see that the big bell was not flying from the palace.

Xu Ying knew something was wrong, so he bravely returned to the main hall. He saw golden light emerging from the ground behind Xu Fu, rising like a spring. In the golden light sat a vast soul, reaching out to grab the bell's nose.

This big bronze bell hung under the hands of the soul, like a bell, swaying left and right, but it could not exert its power.

Da Zhong said calmly: Master Ying, you'd better surrender. I don't think Old Ancestor Xu is a bad person. I fell into his hands and I am convinced of my defeat.

With a smile on his face, Xu Fu still stood on the Abbot Fairy Mountain without moving even half a step.

Xu Ying immediately stopped, turned around and returned to the main hall, laughing and saying: Ancestor Xu Fu is determined to restore the glory of the Qi Refiner. As a Qi Refiner, I am naturally bound to do it. Whenever Ancestor Xu is told, just speak up!

An Qi Dayi said solemnly: Ancestor Xu has the heart to be a chivalrous person and is not afraid of the power of Nuo masters. He wants to restore the Qi Refiners. Naturally, we, the Qi Refiners of the Demon Clan, should also help us! Niu An Qi, Xu Ying, the Qi Refiners of Wuwu Mountain, I am willing to contribute to the great cause of liberation and work hard until my death!

Xu Ying secretly praised: The seventh master deserves to be from a scholarly family. This is a good saying.

An Qi couldn't hide his excitement and said in his heart: After regaining the glory of the Qi Refiners, it will be the time for our demon tribe to rise! Everything that the human tribe has stolen from my demon tribe will be returned! Ah Ying, you can rest assured to be Xu Fu's shadow. , sooner or later, I want Xu Fu to be the shadow of my Master Niu Qi!

Xu Fu Yuanshen released his palm and released the big bell.

The big clock quickly shrank, turned into a ray of green light and flew to the back of Xu Ying's head, and said quickly: A Ying, this old boy is more powerful than I expected! The hand he grabbed my head was amazing, I There’s no way to avoid it!”

It was extremely frightened and frightened by the magical power Xu Fu Yuan Shen had used just now, otherwise it would not be so open-minded.

It exerted 90% of its peak combat power, but it failed to move Xu Fu at all!

Instead, Xu Fu Yuanshen took action and grabbed its bell nose, all his strength was useless!

Xu Fu still had a smile on his face, and Feng Qingyun said calmly: The move I just made is called Qiankun Yishou. Back then you also praised my move full of praise, thinking it was a unique skill.

Xu Ying was in awe: This move is so magical. As soon as this move is performed, the ghosts and gods will cry, and the color of the heaven and earth will change. There has not been such an exquisite move in five thousand years.

An Qi's expression suddenly changed and he asked quietly: A Ying, is this move really so powerful?

Xu Ying whispered: I just wanted to run out and didn't see it. But no one doesn't like flattery.

Xu Fu also liked flattery, especially Xu Ying's flattery, which made him very happy. He said: The first thing I want you to help me do is to restore the Qigong skills we have collected over the years. I Qi practitioners have gone through catastrophes, and many of the techniques and magical powers that have been passed down to this day are incomplete. Only Xu Jun can decipher and complete these techniques.

Xu Ying said with emotion: I am also a Qi practitioner, and it is my duty to repair my Qi skills.

He did not say this to fool Xu Fu, but from the bottom of his heart. Qi refiners have suffered many hardships. They have experienced the incident of stealing immortal medicine during the reign of Emperor Zhou, and the incident of telepathy between heaven and man during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The classics have been lost and no one can explain them. .

He also wanted to make his own contribution to restoring the Qi Master's magical powers.

Xu Fu said: The second thing is to resurrect the First Emperor Zulong and restore the great cause of the Qi Refiners. These two things can be done together. Xu Jun will make preparations in the past few days, and we will go to the underworld to meet the First Emperor Zulong!

Xu Ying said yes and said: What about the third thing? Aren't you planning to overcome the tribulation and ascend? When will Patriarch Xu overcome the tribulation?

Xu Fu shook his head and said: I am different from Zhou Qiyun. He wants to ascend and will do whatever it takes to ascend. But for me, ascending is my personal matter, not my goal in this life. I will not ask Mr. Xu to help me ascend. But I do have a third Something needs to be done.”

Xu Ying was slightly startled. He originally thought that Xu Fu and Zhou Qiyun had the same goal of ascending, and nothing else.

I would like to hear the details. Xu Ying said.

Xu Fu smiled slightly and said: If you do the first two things, I will tell you the third thing. Come here!

The cute little girl transformed into ice and snow by Xiao Fengxian came in, bowed and said: Ancestor's orders.

Xu Fu said: Send Mr. Xu down to rest. Remember, keep an eye on him and don't let him sneak away.

Xiao Fengxian said yes, bowed to Xu Ying and said: Mr. Xu, please come this way.

Xu Ying was secretly happy, winked at An Qi, and walked out together with Xiao Fengxian.

Xiaofengxian is dressed in colorful clothes. She is petite in stature and has a relatively big head. One or two feathers occasionally grow out of her hair, which is tinged with blue and purple colors.

Xu Ying followed her all the way to where she was staying. It was a mansion in the mountains called Tingsong Garden, but it was also clean and tidy.

Xu Ying relaxed and smiled at Xiao Fengxian: Fengxian'er, fortunately Xu Fu doesn't know about our relationship and sent you to monitor me. Without further ado, let's run away immediately!

Xiao Fengxian's face darkened, and with a swish, the Phoenix Feather Sword was placed on Xu Ying's neck, and she said coldly: You want to run away? Could it be that you want to betray Ancestor Xu Fu?

Xu Ying carefully pushed the sharp blade away from his neck and said, Xiao Fengxian, do you remember? I saved your life, and you still plan to be a cow and horse for me in the next life...

Xiao Fengxian tightened her hands, put the Phoenix Feather Sword on his neck again, and said seriously: Of course I remember. You are kind to me, I will remember it in my heart, and I will be a cow and horse for you in the next life, but in this life I have to Listen to Ancestor Xu Fu!

An Qi said angrily: Ah Ying has been kind to you, how can you repay kindness with enmity?

Xiao Fengxian explained: Master Xu's kindness to me is just a kindness to me personally. The kindness of Patriarch Xu Fu is a kindness to all Qi refiners! Although I am not a human race, I also know about small kindness and big kindness. .”

Xu Ying asked tentatively: How about you repay my small kindness first?

Xiao Fengxian thought about it and realized that on one side was the kindness of saving her life, and on the other was the righteousness that she couldn't let go of. She couldn't have both, and she was really torn in her heart.

The young girl thought of the crazy place, put down the Phoenix Feather Sword, took off her clothes, stamped her feet and said, That's it, today I will pledge myself to repay your kindness. Then I will take into account the righteousness, so that I can get both.

An Qi on the side was dumbfounded: Is this what I can see? Do I want to remind this girl that I am still here? Wait a minute, if I don't say a word, can I continue to watch?

So he remained silent.

At this time, a voice came from outside and said: Old Ancestor Xu, I am in the body of Hua Xianchen and I would like to see you.

Xu Ying looked around and saw the young woman wearing a Taoist robe coming to Tingsongyuan. Although she was wearing a Taoist robe, she could see that her waist was slender and straight, giving her a different charm.

When Hua Xianchen saw Xiao Fengxian here, the girl was taking off her clothes and her white shoulders were exposed, she knew something was wrong. She quickly turned around and said with a smile: I came at the wrong time and disturbed the ancestor. Please apologize!

Xu Ying said quickly: No, you came at the right time!

He reached out and pulled up half of Xiao Fengxian's clothes, covering the girl's shoulders, and said with a smile, Why did you come to me?

Hua Xianchen's face turned red with embarrassment, her heart was beating wildly, and she was a little panicked. She thought to herself, Are the two of us together? I have never done this kind of thing before. It's so embarrassing! There's a big snake next to it. What's it doing? Is it just to add to the fun? ?”

Xu Ying saw the blush gradually spread on her face, turning her snow-white neck to crimson, and couldn't help but be surprised: What kind of technique is she practicing? But this girl is so beautiful, she is just as good as Xiaodie.

He repeated again, then woke up Hua Xianchen and said, What does Miss Hua want from me? Xu Fu said, let me help you explain the recovery technique. If it is such a thing, just ask me.

Only then did Hua Xianchen realize that she had gone astray. She quickly took out a scroll of silk sutras and said with a smile, This is why I asked to see my ancestor. I have obtained a Taiyi True Fire Technique, which contains: Those who practice the true fire of samadhi. I am stupid and can’t understand it all the time.”

Xu Ying took it and asked, Why don't you ask Xu Fu? Little Phoenix Fairy can do it too. They have all practiced real fire.

Hua Xianchen said: I asked. Patriarch Xu Fu said that he didn't know how to refine the true fire. He only raised the power to the extreme, but it was not the pure true fire of Samadhi. He said that the true true fire of Samadhi has been lost.

Xiao Fengxian said: My true fire is born, and I can't teach it to her. In fact, in my time, the true fire of Samadhi has been lost.

Xu Ying opened Taiyi True Fire Jue, read it briefly, and said in surprise: It's obviously not lost, the book is very easy to understand!

An Qi turned his head and took a look, and suddenly felt dizzy. The words in the book were so confusing that even he, a great demon who had read poetry and books, almost fainted.

Hua Xianchen ate and said: This book says that the samadhi of leaving the palace is to take the hurdles and fill them up. If the cauldron is to be completed, the Xunmen Qi must be gathered. What is the meaning of this sentence?

Xu Ying said with a smile: This sentence is for you to gather the True Fire of Samadhi to refine the elixir, not for you to refine the True Fire of Samadhi.

Hua Xianchen's eyes were so wide that they almost jumped out of their sockets.

Seeing this, Xu Ying asked doubtfully: Have you used this method to refine true fire?

Hua Xianchen nodded guiltily.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The more you practice, the weaker you become? I will burn all your energy and blood as golden elixir, and burn all your cultivation to dry! Have you been dizzy recently, heard strange things, and seen To the illusion?”

Hua Xianchen nodded quickly.

Xu Ying said: You have burned your soul. When your soul is burned to a pulp, you can see ghosts and gods. These ghosts and gods plan to wait for you to burn your soul to death, and then they will live in your body and live happily in your skin. You are being targeted by them, I will help you open your eyes and you can take a look.

He stretched out a finger and touched the center of Hua Xianchen's eyebrows to help her gather her consciousness. Using the mirror, Hua Xianchen suddenly saw some bloody men and women standing behind her. They were not living people!

Hua Xianchen's hair stood on end, her face turned pale, and she quickly said: Ancestor, can I still be saved?

Xu Ying said displeased: Don't call me ancestor, I'm only fourteen years old. You can call me A Ying or Brother Ying.

He paused and said, I'll explain it again. After you refine the true fire, your soul will strengthen itself, and you won't have to worry about ghosts and gods looking for you.

He started from the beginning of Taiyi True Fire Jue and said: This method talks about the three Yang Fires of the soul. Taiyi True Fire Jue explains these three Yang Fires very thoroughly. You can practice with me.

He practiced while he was talking. By the time he finished teaching the book, Xu Ying had already combined the three Yang Fires of his soul into one, and refined it into the True Fire of Samadhi. With a flick of his hand, the True Fire of Samadhi flew out from his fingertips. The water surface of the pond in Tingsongyuan was ignited, and soon the real fire burned the pond dry!

Hua Xianchen was stunned and said, Is this done?

Xu Ying received the true fire and said: After you have cultivated the true fire of Samadhi, it will be much easier to refine the elixir. This book says that water and fire are combined to refine it. The fire is the true fire of Samadhi, and the water is the divine water of Samadhi. Only by refining it first and then refining the elixir can the elixir be pure.

Hua Xianchen's eyes widened, her mouth opened, unable to close, and she was speechless for a long time.

When Xu Ying saw this, he wondered: What's wrong?

Hua Xianchen calmed down and said with a guilty conscience: My body has been refined into a golden elixir...

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said, Show it out for me to see.

Hua Xianchen quickly offered up his golden elixir. Xu Ying activated his heavenly eyes and looked at it. He saw that there was a lot of blood and evil energy hidden inside the golden elixir. It was not completely refined, causing many dark lines to appear on the golden elixir.

Your golden elixir is the same as that of Mr. Xiang who was hacked to death by me. It is full of impurities and is vulnerable to attack.

Xu Ying took off the stone ax from his waist and handed it to her, saying, Try to move this stone ax.

Hua Xianchen held the stone ax in his hand, and suddenly he felt overwhelming power coming from the stone axe. He seemed to be standing in a sea of ​​​​blood with mountains of corpses floating there, standing tall on the ground, holding a giant ax and walking with pleasure and grudges.

She couldn't help but her eyes were red, and she laughed loudly: I have obtained this magical axe, and I am invincible in the world. The gods can block the gods, and the immortals can block the immortals! Whichever man you want to sleep with, sleep with him!

Suddenly, the sound of a bell shook her awake.

Hua Xianchen turned pale and hurriedly dropped the stone axe, exclaiming: This ax controls me!

The sound of the big clock came: Girl, the ax did not control you, it just amplified your thoughts. What you just said is what is in your heart.

Hua Xianchen held her chest and said, It's just the ax that controls me. How can people have such weird thoughts? Sigh, squirt!

————I wrote a big chapter without realizing it, and I am trying my best to write the second chapter!

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