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Chapter 120: Breaking the Road to Ascension

Xu Fu stood on the Abbot Fairy Mountain and stretched out his hand to Xu Ying. Xu Ying was slightly startled and took his hand. Xu Fu used his palms to pull him to the Abbot Fairy Mountain.

An Qi quickly shrunk his figure, jumped up to the Immortal Mountain, and shouted: Wait for me!

Xu Ying stood on this small fairy mountain and marveled.

The radius of the Abbot's Fairy Mountain is only about ten feet, but it is still more than enough for two people to stand on.

This small fairy mountain flew towards the outside of the palace. As it flew, the wonderful texture of the mountain wall emerged and kept changing.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on these textures, and he always felt that they were a bit familiar, some of them looked like bird seal characters and insect inscriptions. However, when he looked closely, the textures disappeared, leaving him unable to guess the mystery.

Is this mountain really a fragment of the fairy world? It seems ordinary.

An Qi hung on Xu Ying's ear, looked around, and whispered, Xu Fu always stands on the mountain. Could it be that he can't leave this mountain?

Dazhong's consciousness fluctuated and he said, What will happen if he leaves this mountain?

The scar at the corner of Xu Fu's eye twitched.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he whispered: Don't make blind guesses. He just said that Zu Long, the strongest Qi practitioner in the world at that time, had opened a small gap in my seal. Then, Zu Long sent me and him Go to sea to look for the fairy mountain. Could it be that the abbot got the news about the fairy mountain from me?

He blinked and asked in confusion: How come I have news about Immortal Mountain?

Da Zhong and An Qi could not answer this question. They had not even heard of the Abbot Immortal Mountain, let alone the magical functions of the Immortal Mountain.

Anhui Qi swam down, landed on the ground, and suddenly exclaimed: Look, you can really see the fairyland!

Xu Ying was surprised and looked around hurriedly, but he didn't see anything strange.

An Qi shouted: Shrink your size so that you can see like me!

The big bell quickly shrank its body, became the size of a palm, fell to the ground, and exclaimed: Sure enough, you can see the fairyland!

Xu Ying heard the words, reversed the Nuo technique of spreading beans to form soldiers, shrunk himself into the size of a pea, and landed on the ground. Looking up, he saw that outside this small fairy mountain, there was actually a layer of atmosphere, forming this The sky of the fairy mountain!

Through this thin layer of sky, they saw the huge fairy mountain floating in the sky, like a shadow, which seemed extremely unreal.

Looking further away, you can also see fairy lights like rainbows and streamers, fairy mountains surrounded by clouds and mist, palaces floating in the sky, and floating fairy trees covered with flowers. It seems like you can pick one or two peaches just by reaching out your hand.

This abbot's fairy mountain is so amazing!

Xu Fu's voice seemed to come from outside the sky, and he said: There is the fairy world, but we can only see the fairy world, but we cannot touch the fairy world. This stone fell from the fairy world into the mortal world. Although it fell into the mortal world, But it shares the same sky with the fairyland, so we can see the fairyland from here.

Xu Ying dispersed the Nuo technique of spreading beans into soldiers, and his body returned to normal, and he praised: Abbott Immortal Mountain is really magical.

Xu Fu said: There is something even more magical. When the sun rises in the fairy world, you will realize how refreshing it is to bathe in the sunshine of the fairy world and refine your Qi! The sunshine of the fairy world turns into vitality and enters your body, refining it in your body. All impurities and dirt will make your body as jade-like as if you have taken a magical medicine!

Xu Ying, An Qi and Dazhong couldn't help but feel itchy after hearing this, wishing they could experience the sun rising in the fairy world.

The disciples of Xu Fu's sect were all dressed in white and carrying sword boxes on their backs. They gathered together in groups of four and flew with their swords, accompanying them around the abbot's fairy mountain.

Xu Fu flew on the fairy mountain, passing through steep mountains and rivers, and said with a smile: One day in the sky, one year underground. Since I got the abbot fairy mountain, I have only experienced four thousand sunrises. If you wait here for a year, you will Can see the next sunrise.”

Xu Ying stood on this fairy mountain and saw a tung tree on a peak in front of him.

The sacred sycamore tree grows facing the sea, tall and handsome, higher than other mountain peaks!

Xu Ying was looking around when he suddenly heard the crisp sound of birdsong. He looked up and saw a magical bird with a long fire tail flying through the sky.

The divine bird flew into the air, suddenly flapped its wings, and the sky was filled with fire. The divine bird rolled in the fire, increased its speed, and flew away through the air.

Xu Fu said: The one that flew over just now is a divine bird that has awakened its ancient bloodline. I heard that there is a phoenix living nearby. After the phoenix came here, the number of divine birds gradually increased.

Xu Ying looked at the deep sycamore tree and saw the sacred bird flying up to the sacred tree and stopping on the tree. He thought to himself: Could it be Feng Xian'er?

The name of this place is Huotong Mountain. It is the first cave heaven among the thirty-six cave heavens in ancient legends. There were countless qi refiners who practiced here, and there were also countless qi refiners who survived the tribulation.

Abbot Xianshan flew to a nearby mountain peak and passed through the large crack in the center of the mountain. The mountain walls on both sides were covered with strange flesh and blood.

These flesh and blood seemed to be able to smell the breath of living creatures, and suddenly countless tentacles danced and rolled towards them!

All the disciples under Xu Fu's sect activated their sword energy one after another to fight against the flesh and blood on the cliff, but many disciples were still stabbed by the flesh and blood tentacles. The energy and blood all over their bodies drained crazily, and in the blink of an eye, only a withered skeleton was left!

The disciples killed and injured more than a dozen people. Xu Fu flicked his sleeves, and the entire large crack suddenly shook violently. Countless flesh and blood attached to the cliff exploded and were swept away by him with the flick of his sleeves.

Thank you Master for the rescue! all the disciples shouted.

An Qi whispered: You obviously have the power to destroy all flesh and blood directly, why don't you do it from the beginning?

The nearest disciple in white said: This is a test of our practice. If Master has to take action in everything, how can we grow?

The other disciples nodded.

An Qi wanted to say more, but suddenly the bell rang, which shocked him so much that he forgot what he wanted to say. An Qixin said: Why did Mr. Zhong knock on me?

Abbot Xianshan flew into the deepest part of the crack, and a huge blood lake appeared in front of him. The blood lake stood in front of him, and thick tentacles of flesh and blood emerged from this blood lake!

Just now Xu Fu took action and wiped away the flesh and blood on the mountain wall, and now new flesh and blood grew out of the blood lake.

The blood in the lake smells stinky and bubbles are bubbling. This place definitely doesn't look like a paradise!

The Abbot's Immortal Mountain was getting closer and closer to the Blood Lake. Xu Ying and others in the mountain immediately felt the evil energy coming in. The sword boxes of the disciples around them also vibrated. Suddenly, the sword light flew out, cutting down invisible monsters one after another. Evil spirit.

Whenever an evil spirit is struck, a streak of blood will appear in the air and blood beads will fly out.

An Qi shivered and murmured: This place is too evil. Is it really a paradise in the cave?

Absolutely true.

Xu Fu raised his palms and saw the blood lake splitting to both sides. The Abbot Immortal Mountain carried them flying into the lake. All the disciples in white clothes around them activated their sword energy to fly and guarded them with great caution.

The cultivation of these disciples is far inferior to that of Xu Fu. Why does Xu Fu still need their protection?

Xu Ying couldn't help but wonder in his heart. He suddenly woke up and said to himself, Yes, this is a problem left behind when he led three thousand boys and girls to go to sea. Many people died when he went to sea, and only he and I survived. He was in a In the center of the team, there is someone to protect you at all times, so you can survive.”

These disciples, like the original boys and girls, can be sacrificed at any time.

After passing through the Blood Lake, they finally arrived at Huotong Cave.

This cave is the first of the thirty-six caves, and it is unimaginably vast!

It is a thousand miles from the center of the cave to the outskirts, and the surrounding area is about six thousand miles long!

However, Huotong Cave Heaven has declined. The ground is covered with that kind of strange flesh and blood, covering the mountain peaks and eating the giant beasts living here, leaving only skeletons.

Even these flesh and blood climbed to the sky, blocking the sky of this cave.

But the most eye-catching thing is the four rising rays of light left in the center of this cave!

Those four rays of rays of light fall from the sky, intertwined, and full of the temptation of ascension.

Xu Fu said with emotion: It is these four soaring rays of light that make countless qigong practitioners flock to this cave and rush here to save themselves from disaster.

Suddenly, the earth shook violently, and countless flesh and blood danced towards them!

Xu Fu's face was indifferent, and his soul appeared behind him. He opened his mouth and spit out the Samadhi True Fire, which immediately burned the earth and the sky!

The true fire of samadhi was so fierce that it soon started a prairie fire, burning all flesh and blood into ashes.

The abbot's fairy mountain carried Xu Ying, Xu Fu and others soared higher and higher, and came into the four rising rays of light. Xu Ying looked down and immediately saw large and small thunder tribulation circles!

On the ground, one basin after another comes into view, some large and some small. The smallest thunder tribulation circle is only tens of miles away, and the largest thunder tribulation circle is only more than ten miles away from the edge of this cave!

The scale of the catastrophe is so huge that it makes one’s scalp numb!

The flesh and blood here is the body of the ascension-stage qi-refiner who died here. It was transformed from the corpse after enduring the evil thoughts of being unable to ascend.

Xu Fu stood next to Xu Ying and said, Faced with the increasingly powerful catastrophe, they felt desperate, and their despair gave rise to resentment and anger. Their corpses were reborn, gathering all the evil, trying to break through this paradise, and go to Polluting the world. If we don’t come here, in a few years, these evils will invade the world and eat people!

All the disciples said in unison: Master, have mercy!

Xu Fu said: Ancestor Xu Ying, can you tell where the greatest disaster is?

Xu Ying said: The biggest disaster is not that it is more than ten miles away from the edge of the cave...wait a minute!

He was shocked and looked towards the horizon. There is also a thunder tribulation line on the horizon of Huotong Cave, like a black smoke, surrounding the entire Huotong Cave!

A thunder disaster that spans thousands of miles!

With a thought in Xu Fu's mind, the Abbot Immortal Mountain went straight to the edge of the sky of Huotong Cave. Not long after, he came to the edge of the cave sky, and the Abbot Immortal Mountain flew along the thunder calamity line.

Xu Ying smelled the burnt smell of lightning strikes in the air. What shocked him even more was that there was not just one lightning line, but forty or fifty lines arranged together!

Every line circles around Huotong Cave!

This means that there are forty or fifty powerful Qi Refiners here to overcome the tribulation, triggering a super catastrophe of the same scale that covers the surrounding area for 6,000 miles!

It is recorded in the Alchemist's Collection written by the Qi Refiners of the Pre-Qin Dynasty that super catastrophes have existed since ancient times, sealing the entrance to heaven and earth, and the gate to flying immortals, and no one can cross it.

Xu Fu took out a scroll of bamboo slips and unfolded it gently. It was the Elegant Collection of Alchemists written by Qi practitioners in the pre-Qin Dynasty. He flipped through the bamboo slips, which rattled, and said, It says here that the place of ascension is close to the fairy world, and the thunder tribulation is the least powerful, so the Qi Refiners look for the place of ascension to overcome the tribulation. They classify the places of ascension in the world and categorize them into There are thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands.

He waved his hand gently, and the bamboo slips of The Collection of Alchemists spread out in the air. Each bamboo slip became larger, and the words on the bamboo slips emerged.

His consciousness surged, and each word was reflected in the air, projecting various scenes of the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands.

These cave heaven blessed lands are all places of ascension. Immortals once ascended there, leaving behind the glow of ascension.

Xu Fu said: According to The Collection of Alchemists, the Thirty-Six Cave Heavens and the Seventy-two Blessed Lands are completely ineffective after the occurrence of super heavenly tribulations. Any ascension-stage qi-refiners who go through the tribulations in the Cave Heaven Blessed Lands will not be able to survive the heavenly tribulations. Tribulation. The last Qi practitioner recorded here who overcame the tribulation here was named Gao Yue.

He looked at these thunder tribulation lines and said: There is a line here that should belong to him. According to the records in the book, he died during the Emperor Zhou's period and was a Taibao during the Emperor Zhou's period, similar to the prime minister today.

Xu Ying listened quietly without speaking.

Xu Fu continued: During the Zulong period, the art of witchcraft and Nuo had been spread and became very popular. Some qi refiners intended to use witchcraft and Nuo techniques to replace qi refining. Zulong was furious and collected all the witchcraft and Nuo techniques in the world. People bring books and burn them together.”

Xian Qi whispered: Burn books and trap Nuo.

Xu Fu said: There are many books in the world, gathered in Xianyang. I was lucky enough to see these books and know some secrets. In fact, since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, there have been no immortals in the world for thousands of years.

He sighed: At that time, a super heavenly catastrophe occurred every once in a while, covering the land of China, shaking Yuan Shou, and frightening the gods and demons. One after another, the top masters of the Qi Refiners were buried in the super heaven. Under the power of the calamity. For thousands of years, the super calamity ruined generations of geniuses. By the time of the Ancestral Dragon, the Qi Refiners had already declined.

Da Zhong suddenly said: At that time of my master's time, many qi refining techniques had been lost, and even the sword control skills were incomplete.

Xu Fu sighed: At that time, those who practiced the most advanced qi-refining methods had already been buried in the super catastrophe. Which other qi-refiners were not in panic all day long, trying every means to avoid the catastrophe? After Xu Jun and I crossed the sea, I got the Abbot Immortal Mountain and went back after all the hardships. The reason why I was able to find the Yuanshou Continent and return to China was because I used the Super Heavenly Tribulation to determine my direction.

His face turned gloomy: Four thousand years ago, every once in a while, about three or four years, there would be a super catastrophe. Three thousand years ago, every 40 to 50 years, there would be a super catastrophe. Two thousand years ago, there would be a super catastrophe. Before, I came back here, and the last super catastrophe broke out, eight hundred years after the last super catastrophe. I know that from the ancestor dragon to the present, the last qi refiner of Yuan Shou has passed away.

An era is over.

Zulong burned books and trapped Nuo, but failed to prevent the decline of Qi Refiners.

Xu Fu's face turned gloomy, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and he said: In the next two thousand years, I never sensed any super catastrophe. Until not long ago.

Zhou Qiyun overcomes the tribulation.

Triggered a super disaster!

The flames in Xu Fu's eyes burned again, and he looked at Xu Ying and said, This catastrophe has rekindled my hope of ascension!

——Zhaizhu is working on the beauty version of the Children’s Day Easter Egg Chapter. Please pay attention and it will be posted soon! ! ! Well, let’s get some versions that don’t pass the review.

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