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Chapter 1029 The destruction of the cemetery

The Dao Emperor killed someone!

A shrill cry broke the silence of the cosmic cemetery. This voice was shouted in the sound of Tao, and spread to the ears of all Yuanshi Dao realms, whether they were sleeping or had woken up.

The statues of Yuanshi were startled and doubtful, and they rose into the air one after another, following the sound. There is also a petrified Yuanshi Dao realm, and at this moment, the flesh and soul are also restored to flesh and blood.

The Dao Emperor turned his head, his palms still dripping with blood, and looked at the Yuanshi Dao realm who screamed. And Tao Zun Yang Lin was lying at his feet at this moment, his path was shattered and he died an untimely death.

It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Youran. Did Fellow Daoist come to seek Fellow Daoist Yanglin? He is already dead.

The Taoist Emperor's face remained as usual and he said, Did the catastrophe happen seventy-three trillion years ago, fellow Taoist? You were overtaken by the catastrophe and have survived to this day. For the sake of your own life, you have delayed the catastrophe of the Chaos Sea. This Cause and effect must be repaid.”

He took one step forward and arrived in front of Youran Tianzun.

Youran Tianzun screamed, furious, and couldn't help but explain that the capital of Yuanshi Zhibaoying Jueming was a fairy city, bright as day, day and night.

He didn't care about suppressing his own destiny, and the Tao power was pushed to the extreme. The four signs of Yuanshi merged into one, and the cosmic Tao power was overwhelming!

However, the moment he raised his own power and that of Ying Jue Mingdu to the extreme, Dao Emperor broke through his defense and slapped him on the head!

Dao Huang, why are you doing this?

Seeing this situation, Yi Zun Yuanshi Dao Realm hurriedly came to stop the fight between the two, but before he could get close to Youran Tianzun, he was killed by the Dao Emperor.

Taoist Coupling was shocked and angry. He took a step forward and shouted: Tao Emperor, even if Taoist brother Youran has offended something, he shouldn't have done it...

Before the word death could be uttered, the Tao Emperor had already arrived in front of him, reached out with one hand, grabbed Tao Ancestor Coupling's neck, and lifted him up.

Couple Geng, countless universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos have already repaid the cause and effect of the Sea of ​​Chaos. If you want to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, what reason can you and I in the Yuanshi Dao realm have to make exceptions?

The Tao Emperor used his palms hard to twist his neck. At the same time, he spat out the Tao power from his palms and shattered the avenue he had been cultivating. He said quietly, Completely open up the sea of ​​chaos and see the truth of the avenue. The Yuanshi Dao realm is a cause and effect greater than the universe. , it should be repaid.”

Dao Huang, you are crazy!

The other Yuanshi Taoist realms were so frightened and angry that they came to kill one after another. Taoist Chongya said sternly: We are fellow Taoists, fellow Taoists, working together to open up the Chaos Sea to see the truth! Now it's time to open up, but you have to throw away We harvest the fruit alone?”

The next moment, Taoist Chongya was killed by the Tao Emperor. The Tao Emperor said unhurriedly: Even if I keep you, you will have no benefit in completely opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos. Instead of adding to the disaster, it is better to return the cause and effect of the Sea of ​​Chaos. , paving the way for the future.”

What a great Taoist emperor!

Chenxi Tianzun laughed angrily and shouted, We plant black jade Ganoderma lucidum, we cultivate the source of the universe, we contribute all our wealth to refine the treasure box of the avenue, we run around, refining and destroying each universe, and bringing disaster to the world. Take it upon us to prevent you, the Dao Emperor, from suffering misfortune! What are we for? Isn’t it to give you enough strength to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos? Or is it not to hope for ultimate sublimation, wash away misfortune, and go to the great unification of the future? universe?

The Dao Emperor came to the front and pointed his finger. Chenxi Tianzun failed to catch his finger and was killed on the spot. He said: I am indeed grateful for your actions, but the unified universe of the future will not need you.

“Burn bridges across rivers!”

Everyone was furious and attacked the Dao Emperor like a revolving lantern, flying up and down, left and right, turning all their lifelong learning into magical powers, trying to kill the Dao Emperor!

However, every time Dao Huang takes action, he can take away a person's life with incomparable accuracy. No matter how high the opponent's cultivation level or strength is, he can't take one of his moves.

Dao Emperor, you said repaying karma, the person who should repay it the most is you! You are the biggest karma!

In the cemetery, more Yuanshi Dao realms rushed towards the Dao Emperor, and countless cosmic debris seemed to have returned under their avenues, so magnificent!

Faced with such a scene, Dao Emperor did not panic at all, nor did he burst out with any gorgeous vision, just like before.

He still made ordinary moves, without any powerful magical powers or shocking power. However, every move he made was unable to be taken by his opponents and was often fatal in one blow.

He was under siege, strolling around, even a little leisurely, harvesting the lives of Yuanshi Dao realm one after another.

He was still dragging the Great Dao Treasure Box in his left hand, but the treasure box had never been used. He only used his right arm, and one Yuanshi statue after another fell into his hands.

Finally, someone in the Yuanshi Dao realm couldn't bear the pressure and fled outside. The feeling that the Tao Emperor gave them was like a mortal facing a monk at the end of the Tao, feeling unfathomable and invincible.

Seeing this, the other Yuanshi also dispersed and fled outwards!

They are the existences of the Yuanshi Dao realm, and their ability to escape is also unique. As long as they can escape, they will have a way to prevent the Dao Emperor from finding them!

At this moment, the Dao Emperor raised the Dao Treasure Box in his hand. The treasure box flew into the air, opened with a click, and flipped down.

At this moment, all the Yuanshi in the universe cemetery were unable to stand and were captured by the light of the Avenue Treasure Box. Even if you use all means, you can't escape from the light!

Some Yuansi immediately turned to stone the moment before being sucked into the treasure box, trying to use this method to avoid the refining of the treasure box.

But it's all in vain.

They were petrified to avoid misfortune and the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation, but when they fell into the treasure box, the stone statues suddenly crackled and shattered, turning into powder!

This treasure box is a weapon designed by the Dao Emperor with all his wisdom. It has been forged and sacrificed by all the Yuanshi Dao realms for thousands of years, exhausting the treasures of heaven and earth they collected.

The power of this treasure is also so great that it makes all Yuanshi in the cemetery despair!

Dao Huang, why do you do this?

Nanzhen Daozu was filled with grief and anger, and shouted in Daoguang. However, she couldn't hold on anymore and fell into the treasure box. Immediately, her fragrance disappeared and her jade disappeared.

Groups of bright rays of light exploded in the Dao Treasure Box. Each group of rays of light was the brilliance of a once glorious Yuanshi Dao Realm who dominated the Chaos Sea before his death!

Although they once stood at the highest peak of the realm, and were admired by countless people, even though they had profound cultivation and unfathomable Taoism, in front of this treasure box, everything was false!

After a while, all the Yuanshi in the cemetery disappeared and were put into the treasure box for refining.


The treasure box closed, quickly shrunk, and returned to the Dao Emperor's hands.

Dao Huang held up the treasure box with one hand, as if he was holding an extremely valuable treasure.

He stood in this cemetery, everything was silent, and there was no sound. As far as he could see, there was no other Taoist friend in the world.

The Tao Emperor stayed for a long time. He was extremely sincere to everyone and treated everyone as a fellow Taoist. But now he had to kill everyone with his own hands, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Fellow Taoist——

The Dao Emperor let out a long sigh, put away the Dao Treasure Box, and walked out of the cemetery. Within a moment, he walked out of this sad place.

There was a sound like the collision of glaciers from behind. Dao Huang looked back and saw countless cosmic debris following him like floating icebergs.

These cosmic debris collide, squeeze, and accumulate with each other.

Dao Huang continued to walk forward, but the debris from the universe seemed to have identified him, and followed him wherever he went.

These remnants of the universe follow the Yuanshi Dao realm that fell into silence. Now, I am the only one left in the Yuanshi Dao realm in the cemetery. He said silently in his heart.

There are no more Taoist friends.

Where I stand is the cemetery.

Dao Huang leads the universe cemetery away.

In the flood source, the Holy Ancestor killed Xu Ying one after another and tried to rush out of the place. However, he was always blocked by the newly appearing Dao Hai and Xu Ying.

Seeing that he could not leave, the Holy Ancestor simply calmed down, observed various dojos, figured out different avenues, and perfected his own avenue of annihilation.

He is also a peerless genius, otherwise he would not have been able to cultivate the Origin of Nirvana.

Every time he kills a promise, he will realize the avenue of annihilation on the corresponding avenue and complete the ocean of annihilation.

He calmed down, and his Taoism improved rapidly. This kind of improvement speed was something he could not imagine before!

Xu Ying wanted to take this opportunity to study my Taoist and magical powers and achieve a breakthrough, but he made it happen for me instead! Not only did he help me understand the Dao Sea of ​​Nirvana, he even tried his best to improve my Taoism!

The Holy Ancestor couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Xu Ying's Daohai was extremely weird, reflecting his reflection. The reflection gradually became clear from blur, making him realize that Xu Ying was secretly learning his own Daoism.

However, his Avenue of Nirvana is mysterious and unpredictable. He has already understood the Avenue of Nirvana at the level of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Xu Ying cannot learn it secretly in a short time. And the Holy Ancestor can learn all the promised ways while he secretly learns his own way!

One will wax and wane, and it will be easy to break through his Houtian Dao Sea!

Unknowingly, decades had passed, and the Holy Ancestor had not encountered the same Dao Hai, and he became more and more shocked.

Although there are many great ways of heaven and earth, none of them are separated from the nine innate ways and are all under the control of the nine ways. But the Daohai that Xu Ying showed has already broken away from the category of the Nine Innate Daos, and various Daohai that are not inferior to the Nine Innate Daos are emerging in endlessly!

Over the years, the Holy Ancestor has comprehended these avenues, transformed them into the state of Nirvana, and integrated them into the Sea of ​​Nirvana. His cultivation strength has greatly increased, but it also made him slightly uneasy.

If Xu Ying's Daohai is constantly changing, without repetition or exhaustion, doesn't this mean that he will never be able to see the true face of Xu Ying's acquired Dao?

Can't wait any longer!

One Saint Ancestor suddenly roared endlessly, breaking through the promised Dao Sea one by one. Suddenly, the Thousand Saint Ancestors merged and returned to one body, still showing the state of Thousand Arms and Two Faces.

His Dao Sea of ​​Nirvana suddenly erupted and expanded a thousand times. The Holy Ancestor tried his best to activate his Dao Sea of ​​Nirvana and shouted violently: Xu Ying, no matter what today, I want to see you. Houtian Daohai!

The flames in the sea of ​​​​Nirvana are filling the sky, and he is expanding crazily, with the intention of including all this flood source!

Over the years, he was promised to be trapped by the sea of ​​​​the heaven and earth. The sea of ​​​​the heaven and earth is vast and ever-changing, so that the Holy Ancestor cannot touch the boundaries of the sea of ​​​​the heaven and earth.

But after all, the Houtian Daohai is combined with Hongyuan, and uses Hongyuan's Dao power to expand itself. As long as the Annihilation Daohai is expanded to the level of Hongyuan, the boundary of the Houtian Daohai can be touched!

The Holy Ancestor originally did not have this strength, but after Xu Ying's tempering, his cultivation level has greatly increased. At this moment, the Dao Sea of ​​Nirvana is being activated, and it really has the tendency to sweep the flood source!

However, the next moment, his Daohai of Nirvana encountered great resistance, making it difficult to move forward.

The Holy Ancestor mobilized all his Dao power, but saw the terrifying scene of countless living beings in the universe being annihilated in the sky fire emerging from the sea of ​​​​Nirvana Dao. The boundaries of the sea of ​​​​Nirvana Dao suddenly expanded again!

However, even though his Dao power was pushed to the extreme and the evolution of the Dao Sea of ​​Nirvana was also pushed to the extreme, it still only pushed out tens of thousands of miles before it came to an abrupt end.

The Holy Ancestor's heart sank, and he raised his head and said, Xu Ying, do you only dare to borrow Hong Yuan's Tao power to fight with me? Even if you defeat me, how can you challenge the Tao Emperor?

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a promising voice coming from outside: As you wish.

The Holy Ancestor suddenly spun around. When he stabilized his body, he saw that the various seas of Dao around him were still there, and the sea of ​​Dao was boundless.

The pressure coming from the Sea of ​​Nirvana is still extremely terrifying.

The Holy Ancestor smiled and said: Xu Ying, do you only dare to borrow Hongyuan's Taoist power?

At this time, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw a towering black jade Ganoderma lucidum gradually becoming clearer behind the various strange seas around him. Then, the huge flood source came into his sight.

On a leaf of Ganoderma lucidum, Lord Daoji is still sitting there, motionless with the presence of the old god.

The corner of Saint Ancestor's eyes twitched. The appearance of Black Jade Ganoderma and Hong Yuan meant that he was not in Hong Yuan at the moment, but in the promised sea of ​​Houtian Dao!

However, he still failed to see through this sea of ​​Dao.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the pressure around him lighten, and the ocean of avenues that obscured his vision seemed to have receded, slowly revealing his true form.

Around the Holy Ancestor, there are countless Dao Seas of various attributes. At this moment, these Dao Seas are actually merging with each other. Gradually, it is difficult to distinguish the attributes of the Dao Sea. It is not known whether it is the Void Dao Sea, the Hongmeng Dao Sea, or any other Dao Sea. .

Countless avenues gradually unified and turned into a wonderful way. It was mysterious and mysterious, and it was impossible to explain the way. The saint ancestor felt that it was vast and boundless.

And at the edge of this Dao Sea, he also saw that there were new Dao Seas constantly being generated, and after being formed, they were integrated into this Dao Sea.

Various avenues with different attributes form a primordial soup in the sea of ​​Tao. Traces of each avenue can be found here, but each avenue is not the whole of it.

Is this the avenue of tomorrow?

The Holy Ancestor was a little confused.

During the years he was trapped, he imagined countless times what Xu Ying's Dao Hai looked like. Now that he actually saw it, he realized that it was completely different from what he had imagined.

In the sea of ​​​​dao, Xu Ying's figure slowly emerged, no longer the huge face that covered the sky.

Brother Dao, please. Xu Ying raised his hand and said.

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