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Chapter 1014 Breakup

Lord Xuhuang Dao was also among them, but he felt that none of his Tao power could be used. He looked back, but saw that the Three Realms, the New Universe, and other Hunyuan Universes were all sucked into the Dao Treasure Box and deformed. They were about to be absorbed by this treasure box. Catch them all in one go!

In the Three Realms, Qingxuan, Shengzun and others gathered around Yuan Weiyang, and they all worked together to activate the Void Avenue. They saw that the Three Realms were rapidly disappearing, and they were about to escape from the sea of ​​chaos.

Among them, Yuan Weiyang has the highest attainment on the Void Avenue, and has reached the end of the Void Avenue. Many others have become Void Dao Masters.

Over the years, the Sea of ​​Chaos has become increasingly thinner, making it difficult for the Void to be suppressed, so that the Void Avenue has become increasingly prosperous. Therefore, many people's attainments on the Void Avenue have advanced by leaps and bounds, and Yuan Weiyang has also made great progress.

Nowadays, the Great Void Avenue is prosperous, and the Sea of ​​Chaos and the Great Void exist at the same time. As long as the Three Realms are blurred and entered into the Great Void, the Three Realms can be escaped!

As for other universes, they don't consider them.

It is still difficult for them to protect themselves, they may not be able to pull the three realms into the void, and they have no spare power to save others.

The three realms fell into the void layer by layer, and the stars and stars fell into the void one after another. The distance between them quickly became farther and farther, turning the sky red.

Before Yuan Weiyang could breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly the red in the sky suddenly turned blue, and countless stars shone with blue light, approaching them!

not good!

Yuan Weiyang's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately flew up, leading everyone around him to flee towards the void!

They had just flown out of the Three Realms, but they saw that the layers of void were also twisting and spinning, falling in the same direction!

Yuan Weiyang looked back and saw a strange jade box where it fell!

That jade box not only held back the three realms that fell into the great void, but other universes, including the new universe, were captured by this jade box and fell into the box!

How could there be such a powerful magic weapon in the world? She felt desperate.

In the Daoguang of the Dao Treasure Box, countless Chaos Strange People took action one after another, causing the Daoguang to run around. However, they were still unable to get rid of the traction of the treasure box, and fell into the box one by one.

Before they fell into the box, the avenue was wiped out, and the energy of chaos emerged one after another.

For a time, these chaotic strangers suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that Emperor Xu was about to fall into the box, suddenly a hand flew out of nowhere, stretched out a finger, and touched the lid of the Dao Treasure Box, and the treasure box immediately closed with a click.

The more than a thousand universes that had been dragged over just now were like springs that had been released, and returned to their original places, shaking like jelly.

It's just that people in various universes can't detect this kind of shaking. Only some monks with strong cultivation can sense this strange and terrifying change, and they can't help but look like earth.

However, even in this short moment, regardless of the Three Realms or the Hunyuan Universe, hundreds of millions of stars were crushed by the treasure box of the Great Dao and turned into the energy of chaos. The living creatures living on those stars, including immortals, also There is no escape from death.

For a time, many people died, but there were not many ghosts in the underworld, and Gein's soul was turned into the energy of chaos and could not survive.

The Void Emperor and the surviving Chaos Strange People had just recovered from their shock and looked around one after another. They were also shocked and confused when they saw the Supreme Saint Tianzun hurriedly recalling the Dao Treasure Box on the Tianyu treasure chariot.

Even in the cosmic cemetery, there are not many people who can quietly close the treasure box of the avenue in front of him.

Which Taoist brother is making this joke with me?

As soon as the Supreme Saint Tianzun finished speaking, he saw the avenue under his feet flowing, like a long river, spreading into the distance.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun looked along this avenue and saw that the avenue under his feet was a tributary of the wider avenue in the distance.

Compared with the main road, this tributary seems quite small, and the main road is like a huge river with a vast surface!

The countless Chaos Strange People under the Chaos Lord also have a long river flowing under their feet, merging into this main road.

The breadth of the avenue...

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was slightly shocked. The breadth of this avenue was so astonishing. He had never seen it before!

He looked towards the end of the avenue, and saw a figure walking from the end of the avenue. The flames were steaming behind him, and there was a huge shadow standing in the flames, which was extremely majestic.


The Supreme Saint Tianzun was shocked, Why has his cultivation improved so much?

Although Xu Ying's cultivation was good in the past, it was only at the end of the road. Only with the power of black jade Ganoderma could he kill Dao Yin. But now, Xu Ying actually made him feel an unfathomable feeling.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun stabilized his mind and said with a smile: It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Xu. Didn't Fellow Daoist Xu go to the Yuanshi Dao Palace? The Tao Emperor asked you to enter the Dao Palace and allowed you to understand the Taoism in the Dao Palace. I don't know how many people envy you. Why did you come back? Already?

Under the light, Xu Ying's figure swayed, walking along with the brand at the end of the avenue, and the angry Taoist voice blasted in the ears of the Supreme Saint Tianzun: Brother Taoist, if I don't come back, won't my three realms be destroyed? At your evil hands?

The Supreme Saint Tianzun shook his head and said: The Tao Emperor asked you to go to the Yuanshi Dao Palace with good intentions. You shouldn't come back. What is stored in the Yuanshi Dao Palace is the Taoist inheritance left by almost all Yuanshi Dao realms in the Sea of ​​Chaos. The Dao Emperor back then Make the decision and let us leave behind our own Taoism. The purpose is that if we die in disaster, or the Sea of ​​Chaos dies and withers, Yuanshi Taoism Palace can continue our inheritance. The Taoist Emperor allows you to enter the Taoism Palace. It is to tell you not to cause trouble. On the other hand, if we fail and fail to successfully open up the sea of ​​chaos, you will be the successor of our Dao concept.

He looked disappointed, shook his head and said, You have failed the Dao Emperor's trust.

As Xu Ying's figure approached, he looked even taller and taller. His eyes fell on Xu Huang and others, and he saw that the Chaos Strange People who followed him were dead and wounded in large numbers. He then looked at the Three Realms and other universes, but seeing that many of these universes were incomplete, he couldn't help but feel angry and evil in his heart.

Entrusted by the Dao Emperor? Do I have to accept the Dao Emperor's entrustment?

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the Supreme Saint Tianzun and said solemnly, Ultimate Saint, the Tao Emperor asked you to come to take away the source of the universe and the spiritual roots of chaos, but you attacked the three realms. You have failed the Tao Emperor. Trust, I let the Dao Emperor down. Today, I have to clean up the door for the Dao Emperor!

When the Supreme Saint Tianzun heard this, he laughed heartily, stood up from the Tianyu treasure chariot, held the Dao treasure box in one hand, and walked out of the treasure chariot.

Xu Ying, do you think the Dao Emperor is innocent? You are so ridiculously naive! The Dao Emperor gave this treasure to the nine of us for the purpose of using our hands to destroy all the universes in the Chaos Sea, so that he does not have to bear the catastrophe!

He was full of murderous intent, The nine of us are here to bear this fate. How can we live up to the entrustment of the Dao Emperor? We are obviously to relieve the Dao Emperor's worries! Just by draining the energy of chaos, these universes are immortal and still cannot completely open up the sea of ​​chaos! Only the sea of ​​chaos cannot be completely opened! Only by annihilating all universes can we truly open up the sea of ​​chaos and see the truth of the great avenue!

He raised the Yuanshi Taoist cauldron and sneered: Xu Ying, if you don't follow the Tao, you won't be a Taoist friend. Just see the true chapter in your hands!

The Yuanshi Dao cauldron flew out, the cauldron was filled with Dao light, containing the majesty of the universe, and rushed towards Xu Ying with its supreme Dao power!

This Dao Cauldron was originally flattened by the Chaos Spiritual Roots, but after his repair, it has now been restored to eighty or nine points. Back then, he killed Di Chen with a single blow from afar, and it was extremely powerful!


Suddenly a big bell flew over and hit the cauldron sideways, causing the cauldron to stagger and fly to one side.

Master Zhong smiled and said: Ding'er, just call me Master Zhong, and Master Zhong will give you a blessing today!

An old voice came from the cauldron and sneered: How dare you, the younger generation, be so presumptuous?

The two Yuanshi treasures fought fiercely, and the world was shattered.

Seeing that the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron was defeated, the Supreme Saint Tianzun urged the treasure to fight against the big bell, and rushed towards Xu Ying, smiling: Xu Ying, today I will let you see what the true Yuanshi is!

On the way to Xu Ying, he leaned slightly and hit the big clock. The big clock was knocked upside down and spun around. He couldn't help but be shocked: His body is harder than the Yuanshi Treasure!

The Supreme Holy Heavenly Lord rushed in front of Xu Ying, and the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron flew at the same time and landed on his head. The boundless Dao Qi in the Dao Cauldron fell down and bathed the Supreme Holy Heavenly Lord. At the same time, the Dao power in the cauldron boiled and blessed his body!

At this moment, the body of the Supreme Saint Tianzun merged with the Dao Brand, merged with the Yuan Shen, and merged with the Dao Cauldron, forming a four-in-one body.

His aura increased sharply, giving people a feeling of being completely transformed, as if he had returned to the peak era before the disaster happened!

Flames were steaming all over his body, and he turned his hands into seals, and the seals burst out with immeasurable power!

This is what he calls the true primitive, Tao, body, spirit, and treasure, all four in one, completely unified, and the power that bursts out is more than the sum of the four?

In addition, he has extremely rich combat experience. He used the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron to lure out the big bell, and then knocked the big bell away. He took the opportunity to kill Xu Ying in one piece, so that the big bell had no time to come back for help!

His hand is bound to win!


Xu Ying also used seals to meet his seals.

The seal of the Supreme Saint Tianzun is a four-in-one domineering force that accommodates all the Tao power that can be accommodated and enhances its own power to an incredible level.

And Xu Ying's seal makes him feel like another Dao Emperor. Under his palm seal is the Dao Treasure Box, which can swallow everything and crush everything!

The moment the two people's Taoist magic collided, the Supreme Saint Tianzun felt that the Tao power under his palm seal was pouring out like crazy. It was transformed by Xu Ying's seal. He himself was twisted by this terrifying force and was sucked into his palm. Down!

The palms of the two collided fiercely, and the Supreme Saint Tianzun let out a muffled groan, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his heart was horrified: His seal skills are even better than mine! His cultivation is not weaker than mine!

What frightened him even more was that Xu Ying's treasure box seal sucked his palm, making it impossible for him to escape!

Any Taoist power in his seal magic power would be absorbed by the Treasure Box Seal whenever it came out, but the Treasure Box Seal contained boundless power and was crushing towards him.

He couldn't escape or retreat. He only felt a force pulling him forward, as if Xu Ying's palm was the treasure box of the avenue, trying to hold him and kill him under his palm print!

His arms were shortening, but the bones and muscles were being compressed and shrinking, stacked together!

Soon, his right hand was shaped like a child's, less than a foot long, and looked extremely ridiculous.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun's head shook slightly, and the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron flew out. With a loud clang, it hit Xu Ying's left temple, knocking Xu Ying's head to one side, and his skull was also collapsed and dented. A pit as big as a fist.

He has not yet cultivated to the point where the physical body and the brand are one, and the physical body has not yet begun!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was overjoyed. Taking advantage of Xu Ying's unstable figure, he immediately pulled away and got rid of Xu Ying's treasure box seal. If Xu Ying's physical body is Yuanshi, then even if he sacrifices the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron, he can't do anything about Xu Ying, nor can he get rid of the treasure box seal.

But just as he pulled away, he suddenly heard a loud bang, and the big bell hit the back of his head. The Supreme Saint Tianzun was hit so hard that he fell forward and his mind was dizzy.

The two were plotted by the Supreme Treasure. Although there was a back and forth, the time difference was very short. Xu Ying had just received a tripod, and Supreme Saint had received a bell.

The bell that promised has been waiting for the opportunity to plot against me! It is waiting for my Dao Cauldron to fly out, so give it to me!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was shocked when he saw that Xu Ying, whose head was half dented, was covered by another treasure box seal at this time.

Knowing that he was outmatched, the Supreme Saint Tianzun hurriedly recalled the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron, intending to protect his whole body and enter the four-in-one state again.

However, when Yuanshi Daoding flew back, it made a loud clang sound and collided with Xu Ying's big bell.

This big bell actually occupies the magpie's nest and sits on the head of the Supreme Saint Tianzun. The Yuanshi Dao Cauldron flew towards it and could not return to its position. Instead, it was knocked away by this big bell.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was angry, and Xu Ying's treasure box seal had already arrived. He had no choice but to raise his hand to meet it. Suddenly he felt his power pouring out, his right arm made a clicking sound, and it shrank rapidly, and even his whole body changed. It has to twist up, as if it’s about to be rolled into a meat ball!

Mr. Zhong was hanging above his head, making loud noises and blasting from top to bottom, while blocking the flying Yuanshi Dao Cauldron.

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was not afraid in the face of danger. He held up the treasure box of the Dao in his left hand and said with a smile: Xu Ying, you are indeed great. I want to suppress the Nirvana Heavenly Fire and cannot use my full strength. Now I have no choice but to use the Dao Emperor's magic weapon!

The treasure box rose into the air, flipped down, and opened with a click.

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, and he saw countless rays of light spurting out from the treasure box of the avenue, locking him and the big bell, and one person and one bell fell into the treasure box involuntarily!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun smiled and said: Xu Ying, no matter how powerful you are, you can't resist the Great Dao Treasure Box! This treasure was designed by the Dao Emperor and refined by Yuan Shi in the cemetery. Once this treasure comes out, don't blame me. ruthless!

His body had curled up into a ball and turned into a big meat ball, which was sucked by Xu Ying's treasure box seal in his hand. However, this treasure box only sucked Xu Ying, but not him.

As long as Xu Ying is sucked into the treasure box, he can naturally escape.

Xu Ying grabbed the big bell with his other hand, and was sucked into the great treasure box, causing his body to become unstable. Suddenly Xu Ying couldn't stand, and he and the clock were sucked away by the great treasure box!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun was overjoyed when he saw that there was another promise and a big bell on the same spot. This promise grabbed the big bell with one hand and sucked himself into the palm of the hand with the other.

What was just sucked away by the Great Dao Treasure Box was actually a body of chaos!

The one that was sucked away by the big bell was also a body of chaos!

A body of chaos was sucked away from Xu Ying. No longer able to stabilize himself, one chaos body after another flew out of his body and fell into the treasure box of the avenue!

The Supreme Saint Tianzun felt that all his Dao power was pouring into Xu Ying's palm, and shouted: Xu Ying, you can't stop the Dao Treasure Box, so give up!

Xu Ying tried his best to activate the seal of the treasure box, and sneered: I will refine you to death first. If no one is there to sacrifice the treasure box of the Great Dao, it will naturally not hurt me!

The two people looked ferocious, each trying their best to activate their magic power.

Da Zhong suddenly thought of Master Qi and thought to himself: Master Qi once told a math problem. A pond can hold a thousand buckets of water. If water is put into the pond, ten buckets will be put in at a moment. The pond will leak, and seven buckets will leak at a moment. Ask, How long will it take for the pool to be full? I thought his words didn’t make sense before, but now it’s finally time to solve the problem. It’s just...

It is quite difficult: Aying and Jisheng Tianzun are both pools. I don't know which one will be drained first?

Just when it thought of this, it suddenly felt its own Dao power pouring out, and I was afraid that it would not be long before it was the first to be sucked dry of its chaotic body!

It turns out that I am the pool that was drained...

Just when it thought of this, it saw the body of the Supreme Saint Tianzun twisting and getting smaller and smaller.

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