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Chapter 99 Yuan Family’s Gentle Hometown

Xu Ying looked at the ominous land, where the Pei family gathered the power of all the Nuo immortals to try to open the fairyland.

As the oldest family of Nuo masters, there is no doubt about the Pei family's heritage, and there is no doubt about the intelligence of this family. However, the fairyland created by gathering the wisdom of so many experts is rotten and full of ominousness.

He was keenly aware that there was a strange and decaying power in that decaying fairyland, faintly invading outwards.

He activated his heavenly eye and could even see the space decaying under this strange power!

As for the hidden scene formed by the Dao phenomenon, it has already become riddled with holes!

Suddenly, the white-bone giant rushed towards them and hit the invisible seal barrier with a bang. The white-bone giant opened its mouth and stretched out a rotten tongue greedily, licking the seal barrier as if it wanted to swallow them whole.

Is he a Nuo Immortal? Xu Ying asked.

It's my grandfather.

Pei Du did not hide anything and said, In his time, the fairyland plan was well prepared. At that time, my Pei family had already studied the demon clan's skills and knew that there was such a thing as the Xiyi Realm in the human body. Therefore, we used ten In a generation, dozens of Nuo immortals lived in the Xiyi realm, and the wealth of my Pei family accumulated thousands of magic weapons to create this fairyland. Name it, Peach Blossom Spring.

An Qi raised his head and said: In the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling made fishing their profession. They traveled by the stream and forgot how far the road was.

Pei Du was surprised and said: You snake, you have read a lot.

Xian Qi said humbly: I read one or two books occasionally, and the little things add up. I have read a lot of books over the past 100 years.

Xu Ying was not as well-read as Xian Qi. He had all kinds of articles and allusions at his fingertips. When he looked at this peach blossom land, he was only deeply shocked.

There are two to three hundred fairy mountains floating in this fairyland. The floating order of these fairy mountains is arranged according to the five internal organs, which corresponds to the Five Sacred Mountains in the Xiyi Domain.

There are also huge fragments of magic weapons in the sky, some are like golden mountains, some are like Tianmen, some are broken bells, and some are corroded treasure cauldrons without bottom.

The Pei family has great ambitions. They have gathered dozens of Nuo Immortals in the Xiyi Domain, a hidden landscape formed by Taoist images, plus so many magic weapons, and Nuo Immortals sitting here, trying to guard this fairyland and gain immortality.

In the Peach Blossom Spring, there are sometimes a thousand people. In addition to Nuo Immortals and clan elders, there are also many talented disciples studying here and learning the ancestors' knowledge. An ancestor with the longest lifespan is already alive. Eight hundred years old. Everyone in the Pei family believes that the Peach Blossom Land is eternal, and that living in this fairyland, there will never be death.

Pei Du's eyes were dim, but his face was as usual, and he said, In those years, there were no ominous events in the later years of the Nuo Immortal, and no Nuo Immortal was eaten. It was here that my grandfather became a Nuo Immortal. But the good times did not last long, and suddenly the Peach Blossom Land suddenly appeared. collapsed.

Xu Ying, An Qi and Dazhong were all startled.

How could this beautiful paradise collapse?

Pei Du said: The collapse came quickly. First, the fairy mountain was decayed and lifeless. Even if the vitality of heaven and earth was brought in, the fairy mountain could not be rejuvenated. Then the flesh and blood on Nuo Immortal's body collapsed and rotted. Some flesh and blood died, and some flesh and blood died. But they are growing crazily. Their consciousness is also decaying, their sanity is disappearing, and they have become inhuman and murderous. Even those disciples who entered the Peach Blossom Spring have also undergone changes. Immortality is like a curse.

Xu Ying looked at the white-bone giant, which was Pei Du's grandfather. He was still alive, living in another form and able to live forever.

But he may not be willing to do it in this form.

The bone giant roared at them and beat the seal hard, wanting to tear apart the restricted area and escape.

Suddenly, a lot of flesh and blood squirmed and crazily crawled towards it, quickly submerging it.

Pei Du said: We sealed the Peach Blossom Spring, and after brainstorming, everyone felt that they were not eaten by the ancient evils because they were contaminated by the curse of immortality. Those ancient evils seemed to be unable to avoid the curse of immortality.

Xu Ying understood that the ancient evil he was talking about should be the masters of Niwan Palace.

Pei Du looked strange and said: My father is old and lacks energy and blood. He ventured into the forbidden area of ​​​​Peach Blossom Spring, collected a piece of cursed flesh and blood, and transplanted it into his own body. He is 370 years old and has not been eaten so far. Lost. But his mind was also cursed, and sometimes he fell into madness...

Da Zhong asked in confusion: It's weird, the Qi Refiner lives longer than the Nuo Immortal, why is there no immortality curse?

Xu Ying nodded. In addition to Qi Refiners, there were many great demons who also had long lifespans, but they had never heard of any curses.

Pei Du sighed: After the Peach Blossom Spring incident, the direction of the Pei family changed.

They began to study dark magic.

But at that time, Zhou Qiyun and the Zhou family were rising. Zhou Qiyun was a wild man from the countryside. He was not bound by the ethics of the family and acted wantonly. He dug up hidden places where Nuo immortals could hide and even searched for the graves and caves of ancient Qi alchemists.

Naturally, the Pei family cannot compete with such a savage.

These two hundred years were more than two hundred years of suppression by Zhou Qiyun.

Pei Du's father was so oppressed by Zhou Qiyun that he did not dare to die, so he went to the forbidden area to steal immortal flesh and blood and transplant it into himself. He was worried that after his death, the Pei family would not be able to resist the Zhou family.

But my Pei family has been prosperous for two thousand years, and it is not in vain.

Pei Du took him to continue walking, bypassing the Peach Blossom Spring, and came to another cave. This is a place dedicated to storing the unique ancient books collected by the Pei family. There are countless bookshelves displayed, filled with books made of various paper, silk, silk, sheepskin, cowhide, bamboo, and gold!

There are even various magic weapons such as bronze tripods and bells, with various inscriptions on them to remember events!

An Qi couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He couldn't help but slide down from Xu Ying's shoulders and wander in this long cave. The snake demon blew a breath, and the volumes of ancient books were flipped, and the words on them were ancient and mysterious.

Pei Du picked up a book and said: During the troubled times of Wang Mang, this man usurped the throne. He had the ambition of immortality and collected all the rare books in the world. He ordered people to turn over all the ancient books of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the state treasury. Later, Wang Mang was killed, and I, Pei Du, The ancestors of the Pei family rushed into the treasury and did not grab any treasures, but only these books. The Pei family robbed one-tenth of the ancient books, among which was this bamboo slip. There was a paragraph on the bamboo slip that said that there was a fairy cave in Songshan Mountain. There lives an Immortal Deng. Mount Song is right next to the capital of the gods.

Xu Ying asked, Did the Pei family find this cave?

Pei Du shook his head and said: My Pei family has been searching in Songshan Mountain for many years, but has never found this fairy cave. Until three months ago, the Nai River changed its course and the underworld invaded. Songshan Mountain also changed accordingly, and people emerged from nowhere. Many mountains. The cave sky recorded in this bamboo slip also appeared.

An Qi was flipping through the ancient books on the bookshelf, reading one volume after another quickly. When he suddenly opened an ancient book, he was startled by the patterns in the book and hurriedly covered the volume.

Seeing that Pei Du and others were not paying attention, he opened the book and continued reading.

This volume of ancient books is written about the experience of ancient books being presented from various places when Wang Mang usurped the throne. Someone dedicated an immortal man to Wang Mang and told Wang Mang that he looked like a boy. He had lived in the world thousands of years ago and his appearance has not changed to this day.

Wang Mang was overjoyed and ordered the immortals to be cooked and eaten.

The record of this incident ended abruptly, and it is unknown whether Wang Mang ate the undead man.

An Qi's heart was pounding, and he turned around to look at Xu Ying, only to see that the appearance of the undead man drawn in the book was somewhat similar to Xu Ying.

He quietly licked Xu Ying's portrait, licking the pattern until it was blurry, and thought to himself: We can't let the Pei family know about this, otherwise if A Ying is not eaten, he will also be studied as a monster. The Pei family is very concerned about the immortal. The obsession is too deep.”

Luckily you're here!

Pei Du's face was a little fanatical again, and he said, I noticed that you opened Niwan and Jianggong, and the hidden power was running parallel in your body. You can also unlock the skills of the Qi Refiner. With your help, my Pei family We can definitely get rid of the curse of immortality, and we can definitely avoid the misfortune of Immortal Nuo in his later years!

An Qi was surprised and said: How do you know that A Ying opened Ni Wan and Jiang Gong? A Ying only used Ni Wan and Jiang Gong once on the way to the capital of the gods.

He suddenly woke up: I understand, you have been watching us from the dark, right? Two to three hundred people in your Pei family died tragically because of this, but you hid in the dark and did not show up...

Pei Du's face suddenly darkened.

Xu Ying coughed, interrupted Xian Qi, and said: Pei family leader kindly invites me, Xu dare not refuse. Whatever Pei family leader wants me to do, just ask.

Pei Du took down a thin roll of gold paper from the bookshelf, handed it to Xu Ying, and said, I heard that Xu Xiaoyou is a scholar of heaven and man. This volume of scripture is the Qigong practice that my Pei family accidentally obtained. My Pei family's children study it. I have been working for many years, but I have not gained much. Please help my Pei family decipher this scripture, little friend Xu.

Xu Ying took it and looked at it, and exclaimed in surprise. This scroll of scripture is a method for tempering the soul and the soul. He could understand the tadpole text on it at a glance, and it was called The Scripture of Saving the Soul!

Pei Du's eyes flashed, staring at him closely, and said: Can Xiaoyou Xu decipher it?

Xu Ying said calmly: It will take a few days.

Pei Du breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: I have waited two thousand years, I don't care about these few days. How about I allow you to live in my Pei family for these few days?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I live in the Pei family, I'm afraid the Pei family will not be peaceful. It is safer to live in the Yuan family.

Pei Du nodded and said: It is indeed not safe for little friend Xu to stay in my Pei family. Others think that I have taken little friend Xu to myself. In this case, I will not keep you.

Xu Yingdao: Master Pei, I want to get the secret treasure of the Pei family's jade pond.

Pei Du smiled and said, Didn't Xu Xiaoyou already get it? This forbidden area is also the place where my Pei family's children can open the secret treasure of Yuchi.

Xu Ying's heart was slightly shaken. He had indeed followed the strange energy in the forbidden area and found the location of his jade pond secret!

Pei Du said: Others cherish the secret treasure and think it is a secret that should not be passed on, but this is not the case in my Pei family. The Yuchi secret treasure has been spread in the world for a long time, and many small aristocratic families and Jianghu sects have practiced it. But my Pei family is the authentic one. That’s all.”

He personally sent Xu Ying out of the restricted area and ordered Pei Jingting to send Xu Ying back to Yuan Mansion.

After a long time, Pei Jingting returned to Pei's house and saw Pei Du washing his hands. The water in the basin was black. The maid next to him changed several basins of water. Pei Du washed them again and again, and the water in the basin gradually became clear.

Master, what's going on? Pei Jingting was shocked and confused when he saw the poison in the water.

Pei Du looked calm and said: I was poisoned by snake venom when I was flipping through the book. The venom of this snake is very powerful. It took me a lot of effort to force the venom out.

Pei Jingting hurriedly looked aside and saw an ancient book on the desk, which had been opened.

There was a picture in that ancient book, which showed a young man with a vague face who was soaked in water for some reason. Think of that water stain as snake venom!

The owner of the house, who is so careful, actually fell into the trap! Pei Jingting was surprised.

Pei Du wiped off the water on his hands, carefully picked up the ancient book, and said: This book tells the story of Wang Mang cooking immortals. It is absurd, but very interesting. Jingting, I want you to choose from hundreds of My dear fellow, go to the book cave and look through the ancient books, find all the books that record the stories of the undead, sort them out and give them to me!

Although Pei Jingting didn't understand his intention, he still bowed and stood up to do it.

Pei Du put down the book and murmured: The immortal, could it be you?

Xu Ying returned to Yuan's house and slept peacefully. The next morning, as soon as he finished washing, he heard the sound of birds pecking at the window lattice outside the window.

Xu Ying opened the window and looked out, only to see Yuan Weiyang's younger sister Yuan Ru standing pretty under the window, with her hands behind her back, her waist straight, and she whispered to him: I changed my rouge today, you Want to try it?

Xu Ying said: I haven't eaten yet.

The girl raised her toes and came over, as angry as Zhilan, and said: After breakfast, it was rubbed off. You have a taste first.

Xu Ying leaned half of his body out and had a taste.

At this time, a coughing sound came, and Yuan Ru ran away like a frightened bird.

After a while, Uncle Xiao came over with a gloomy look and said slowly: Mr. Xu, it's time for breakfast.

Xu Ying's heart was pounding, and he responded, thinking: I almost got discovered. I'm in Yuan Mansion, so I can't act recklessly. If brother Yuan finds out that his sister and I have done such a thing, I'm afraid all my friends will do the same. No...yes, I still have business to do, and I have to decipher the Yuan Shen Duo Jing for the Pei family!

After breakfast, Xu Ying took a bath, burned incense, changed clothes, and prepared to decipher the Sutra of Yuan Shen's Preservation of Disasters. At this time, Yuan Ru asked outside: Brother Xu, do you want to go out to play? Go buy some new rouge!

Xu Ying stuffed the scripture into the mouth of the big snake basking in the sun and said, Wait for me!

In the afternoon, Xu Ying came back from eating a lot of rouge and said to himself: This won't work, I'm sorry Brother Yuan. We won't be able to do it tomorrow.

On the third day, Yuan Ru took him to eat rouge again and did not come back until evening. Xu Ying lay in bed at night and reflected, saying, I must never do this again.

On the fourth day, after another day of eating rouge, Xu Ying said angrily: There is still work to be done. Prime Minister Pei is still waiting for me to decipher the scriptures.

On the fifth day, Xu Ying thought: Prime Minister Pei said that the Pei family has been waiting for two thousand years, so it should not be less than two days, right? I wonder what my sister's rouge will taste like tomorrow...

On the sixth day, Xu promised: I want to cheer up!

In Pei Mansion, Pei Jingting stacked thick ancient books together and covered the study desk.

Pei Du raised his head and looked at him in surprise. Pei Jingting nodded and said, Master, these are the records about the immortals in the book cave.

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