Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 280 The Wind Rises

"Zhang, I've just been here."

Malfoy stood at the door of Honeydukes and said helplessly.

"Draco, I didn't come last time either. If you don't come around, the next time will be after Christmas.

And I also have something else to do with you. "

Zhang Xiao opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered, his nose was immediately filled with warm, sweet aroma.

Honeydukes was crowded with Hogwarts students. Zhang Xiao walked around among them, watching curiously.

If there was a candy store, this would be it.

The store has densely packed shelves, one on top of the other, filled with the most fascinating candies imaginable.

Chunks of creamy peanut brittle, chunks of shimmering pink coconut sorbet, hundreds of neatly arranged chocolates of all kinds.

Dozens of chocolate frogs were jumping back and forth in a transparent glass jar, and there was a small sign next to it: "Bulk chocolate frogs, no card, 50% off."

The huge oak barrel next to the door was filled to the brim with Beebe's All-Flavour Beans, a bucket of Bees' Bees, and the floating sherbet drink Ron had mentioned.

Along another wall are various candies "with special effects": Chuibao Super Bubble Gum (which fills the entire room with bubbles the color of blue bellflowers that won't pop for days);

Bizarre, fragmented Buttertooth mints;

the tiny Black Pepper Urchin (“spit fire out of your nose for your friends!”);

Ice Mouse ("Hear your teeth chattering and crunching!");

Cream mints shaped like toads ("literally jump in your stomach!"), crunchy sugar quills and popping bonbons.

"You have something to do with me?" Malfoy asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Xiao picked up a bloody lollipop that exuded a pungent smell of blood. It was said that this kind of lollipop was used to satisfy vampires.

"During this period, please pay attention to the direction of the wind in the academy."

Zhang Xiao put the lollipop back, looked at Brother Yan's suddenly serious face, and said softly:

"I'm going to stop trade between the East and the West!"

Malfoy was stunned when he heard this, and then his face became paler.

"But Mr. Zhang, okay, I understand."

Lucius put down his cell phone and gritted his teeth, with unconcealable worry on his face.

The wizarding world may be in a huge turmoil because of this phone call!

Fritz Denis put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his mouth with a white napkin, put 8 sickles for the meal on the table, and put down an extra sickle as a tip.

He picked up the top hat he just bought not long ago and dusted off the non-existent dust on it.

My heart was full of pride, this was a hat I bought at the Tuofan clothing store in Diagon Alley.

Compared with Mrs. Malkin, the price of Tuofan clothing store is several times higher. If those powerful people don't want to customize, then there is only one choice for ready-made clothing, and that is Tuofan!

Well, thanks to the trade between the East and the West, I can afford extraordinary clothes.

Fritz Dennis stuck his hat on his head, his face was calm, with a hint of imperceptible arrogance - this was an expression he had learned after practicing for a long time to imitate the vice-president of the association.

When he was about to leave, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the cute-looking waiter in the restaurant smiling sweetly at a guy who looked wretched.

Just because that wretched fat man tipped 4 Sickles!

Damn, she's never smiled like that at me!

A strange feeling arose in Fritz Dennis's heart. He hesitated, put away the nine shining silver Sickles originally placed on the table, gritted his teeth, and took out a gold Galleons.

It doesn’t matter, I’m the ‘Master’ now!

A Galleung is just a small amount of money to me

But even though he thought like this, he still felt a little uncomfortable. A simple meal cost one Galleons. In the past, he felt that he must be crazy!

After placing the Galleons on the table, Dennis stopped preparing to go out, although it was more in line with the vice president's style to just put down the Galleons and leave.

But then what's the point of me giving a galleung?

"Merlin! Sir, are you saying that you don't need change for one Galleung?"

Sure enough, the sweet waitress let out a cry of surprise, covered her mouth and showed a cute smile.

"Yes, there's no need to look for it." Dennis straightened the top hats he bought at Tuofan Clothing Store. Their logo was on the side. That's the only disadvantage. Others couldn't see Tuofan's logo at a glance.

But the waiter must have seen it, and she said enviously:

"Is your hat the one just released by Tuofan?"

"That's right, you know them too?" Dennis tried not to show his pride and pretended to be nonchalant: "I think they look good, and I've always liked their stuff.

It only cost 8 galleons and was worth every penny! "

The waiter blinked his moist eyes and said cheerfully:

"You are really a rich and kind gentleman. Thanks to you, I finally saved enough money today. My husband also likes this hat very much. He dreams of having an extraordinary hat.

I decided to fulfill his wish. Thank you for allowing me to save enough money before Christmas. "


Dennis's smile stiffened, and he reluctantly nodded to the waiter, pulling down the brim of his hat to cover his gloomy face.

Pooh! She obviously already has a husband, but she still acts like a man who attracts bees and butterflies!

Dennis cursed in his mind and quickly walked out of the store.

Diagon Alley was crowded with people, and this lively scene made him feel a lot better.

Looking back at this shop that he often visited, Dennis secretly swore that he would never come here again, this place is full of scammers!

The hat was deliberately tilted a little so that the gilded logo of Tuofana could directly shine into the sun.

Dennis then straightened his collar and walked towards Slug \u0026 Giggs Pharmacy with a familiarity.

Pushing open the green wooden door with peeling paint.

There are rows of barrels of goo on the floor of the shop, jars of various powders and herbs against the walls, and bundles of feathers, fangs, and claws hanging from the ceiling.

The whole dispensary smelled really bad, it smelled like a mix of rotten eggs and rotten vegetables.

Dennis covered his nose and shouted to his boss:

"Those magical leaves in the East, as usual, give me 10 copies!"

Boss Giggs, who was wearing protective clothing and dragon skin gloves, shook his head gloomily:

"No more, everything from the East is gone."

"No more? Why?"

Dennis jumped up like his butt was on fire, and he shouted loudly:

"We have an agreement. I have already ordered the goods. Giggs, you can't deceive me. My potion has reached its most critical moment!"

Giggs suddenly hammered the table angrily, causing the densely packed objects on the counter to jump up:

"What can I do? Damn the Ministry of Magic has banned trade between the East and the West!

Forbidden! Never again!

Do you understand? "

Dennis's face suddenly turned whiter than paper.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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