Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 168 Duel Club: The strongest forms are all liberated!

Chapter 168 Duel Club: The Strongest Form—Full Liberation!

Zhang Xiao took a long breath and focused all his attention on Professor Flitwick.

Suddenly, he moved, and the wand shook violently like a spinning top. A crimson curse that was much thicker than before made a "chichi" sound, like a whip, drawing a strange arc in the air. Flying towards Flitwick.

"This is it! This is what I want to see!"

Flitwick let out a cry of joy. He did not force the attack, but used a few quick sliding steps to dodge sideways sideways to get past the curse.

But Zhang Xiao's attack was just the beginning. When the wand reached its lowest point, he quickly raised it again.

Flitwick immediately felt his body floating upward uncontrollably, and he was even more surprised.

"Students, have you seen it? It's so exciting!

An imaginative floating spell! The levitating spell does not have a physical enchantment. As long as your movements are concealed and fast enough, like me, it is difficult to avoid the levitating spell.

This is the important idea of ​​a duel, how to limit the opponent's actions!

As long as you can effectively limit your opponent's evasion, then you are half successful! "

The little wizards opened their mouths like frogs and bulged their eyes to watch the fierce battle on the stage.

While Flitwick was still floating upwards, Zhang Xiao's wand immediately shook twice rapidly. These two movements were extremely fast, but the power of the spells emitted was much smaller.

Perhaps because Flitwick was too small, he had already flown several meters high during this time.

The two magic spells, which were only the thickness of a pencil, rushed over quickly with an inconspicuous light, and calculated the amount of advance.

Professor Flitwick didn't make any movements, but he released the effect of the floating spell on his body, and he fell quickly downwards, just in time to avoid the two spells.

Just as a sudden change occurred, the red carpet on the duel platform below him suddenly twisted and turned into sharp stone pillars.

Flitwick pointed his wand towards the ground, and a powerful force erupted from the tip of the wand. He flew up again at a very fast speed, and happened to avoid the two demons that Zhang Xiao secretly shot at him. curse.

The reverse application of the knockback spell!

At this time, he did not forget to explain loudly to the little wizards:

"Did you see it? Did you guys see it? This is the combination!

Magic spells definitely do not exist alone, and they can form various ingenious combinations when paired with each other!

Did you notice the two not-so-powerful spells Zhang just cast? Sometimes, the stronger the power, the better!

It's more important to know when to appropriately weaken the power of a spell!

Because the small-power magic spell can be released faster and more covertly!

As for the powerful spell, no matter how small it is, a direct hit will still have a certain impact!

that's enough. "

The little wizards below were already numb. They looked at the fight on the stage as if they were reading wizard fantasy novels.

Mother! Is this really the level a little wizard should be? Am I holding the school back?

Flitwick finally launched a counterattack. The swing of his wand was not large, but full of randomness. Sometimes when he was about to attack, a spell suddenly flew over first.

At this time, it was too late to even cast the Iron Armor Curse directly, so he could only interrupt the casting of the spell and barely avoid the spell by relying on movement.

It was also during this period that Zhang Xiao also understood why the Iron Armor Curse was a protective spell that took several seconds to determine.

Those powerful wizards had to use it as a counterattack for a few tenths of a second.

Because it’s fast, because of the pace.

To maintain the iron armor spell for those few seconds, he had to stupidly maintain one movement without moving.

This time is enough for the opponent to transform into several burly men, release two or three powerful magic spells, and transform into recliners and hot tea, so that they can leisurely drink tea and watch the show!

The duration of the Iron Armor Curse is also another important factor that distinguishes the strength of wizards!

The weaker ones may need one or two seconds for the Iron Armor Curse to last, and the stronger the ones, the shorter the time it takes to deflect the spell.

After Zhang Xiao understood this truth, he immediately began to try to adjust his state, trying to counter Flitwick's curse with the most precise operations, just like the hard-core games he had played in his previous life.

It can only be said that he was worthy of Flitwick. The professor immediately discovered Zhang Xiao's intention and began to try to use "just right" spells to make him bounce away.

In China, this behavior is called "feeding". Zhang Xiao's attention has reached its peak, and he can even feel the mysterious feeling lingering in his heart.

Just a thought can lead to the realm of pure rationality, but Zhang Xiao forcibly suppressed this impulse and put all his thoughts on defeating Flitwick's curse.

Compared to Professor Flitwick who could even control the direction of the bounce, Zhang Xiao could only barely deflect Flitwick's increasingly difficult to resist spells. He could only feel the spells coming from all directions.

Snape pulled out his wand with a cold face and suddenly strode to the side of the duel stage, blocking the young wizards, and deflected the spells that were deflected by Zhang Xiao.

The tabby cat on the cupboard on the other side also jumped down from a high place and turned into Professor McGonagall in the surprised eyes of the little wizards.

The cat-loving professor pursed his lips, and also drew out his wand to block the little wizards behind him, protecting them and trying his best to continue the battle.

Both Snape and McGonagall know very well that actual combat is the best teacher, and they can even see Zhang Xiao's rapid progress on stage.

Although she was very reluctant to admit it, McGonagall knew in her heart that the years when Voldemort was causing trouble were the time when the wizarding world's strength improved most rapidly.

Many outstanding young people have emerged from the Order of the Phoenix, such as Lily and James Potter. They even faced Voldemort three times and escaped from his hands three times!

Professor McGonagall has always believed that if James had not forgotten to carry his wand on the day of the tragedy in Godric's Hollow, Voldemort would never have been able to kill the Potters so easily.

Snape also knew that the years when he made the most progress were when he and Potter's group were fighting each other.

In order to defeat Potter's gang, he even developed several powerful spells in sixth grade!

This is simply a slap in the face of the Curse Development and Research Department!

No, he pressed the Curse Standardization Office’s face to the ground and rubbed it!

Everyone was nervously watching the exciting battle of spells on the stage. They could not understand the previous battle between Zhang Xiao and Flitwick.

Even with Flitwick's explanation, there are still only a very small number of people who can understand and understand.

Just like when the king was explaining the ideas to the bronzes, the bronzes didn't understand why they had to remember the opponent's flash and ultimate move time.

I don't understand why the king can calculate how much damage he can do by just glancing at the equipment.

Now this kind of magic spell firing and resisting by both sides with guns is what they are most familiar with and can accept.

This kind of "intuitive" attack that "punched to the flesh" made their blood boil with excitement, and they even started to count how many spells Zhang Xiao had resisted.

The only one forgotten was Lockhart. The host of the Duel Club was standing in the corner, biting his nails and looking at Flitwick and Zhang with twisted expressions, who had become the focus of everyone.

I wish I was the one who stole the show on stage.

Gradually, Zhang Xiao began to feel tired. This state of concentration and the tension of fighting took a considerable toll on the body.

Flitwick also noticed that Zhang Xiao's movements slowed down, and sometimes he almost couldn't resist.

He stopped decisively, wanting to see what the little wizard would do next.

Zhang Xiao gasped for air and glanced at Flitwick gratefully.

Things like feeding moves are very energy-consuming for both parties, because the person feeding the moves needs to think about how to make moves in order to have more training effects.

Generally speaking, except for close relatives and real masters, few people are willing to give advice.

Just like his father gave himself tricks every day during the summer vacation, Zhang Chengdao was very tired during that time.

After resting for a short period of time, Zhang Xiao cupped his fists and cupped his hands in front of Professor Flitwick, making a disciple salute.

Professor Flitwick looked at him with a smile and asked in a high-pitched voice:

"Zhang, you are already very good, do you want to continue?"

Zhang Xiao nodded. He didn't give himself a chance to try out his moves in real combat, so he wouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to quickly use them all.

Why wait until you are in real danger and gamble your life?

Who knows whether the so-called trump card can still play a sufficient role in the extreme state of life and death.

As for exposing strength, hiding clumsiness, and keeping a low profile, this is the West!

"Professor, I have never tried the following things myself, so I want to take this opportunity to try them!"

The curiosity of the little wizards was suddenly raised to the top of their throats, and they wanted to get close to the side to take a closer look.

Snape shook his loose robes, his face was gloomy and almost dripping with tears, and he glanced around.

The fire in the hearts of the little wizards was immediately extinguished. Most of them were like frightened little quails, staying in place with their heads shrunk and not daring to move.

Professor McGonagall on the other side used 'McGonagall's Gaze' to achieve a similar effect, and then the two deans focused their attention on the duel stage again.

Zhang Xiao's breathing slowly became steady, deep and long:

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth."

A faint golden light slowly penetrated from the surface of his body.

Malfoy carefully nudged Harry and Ron with his elbows and whispered:

"If Chang had yellow hair, he would look exactly like a Super Saiyan!"

Harry and Ron were immediately shocked by Malfoy's train of thought, but they had to admit that this kid was right.

The third form - golden light cognitive solution!

Zhang Xiao closed his eyes again, carefully activating the mysterious feeling that had been brewing for a long time.

"Boom!" Zhang Xiao's half-length black hair suddenly floated up, defying gravity.

The golden light on the body's surface vibrates violently like a blazing flame, giving people an extremely powerful and domineering feeling when it is retracted and retracted.




Zhang Xiao opened his eyes and felt the surging power in his body.

The strongest form - total liberation!


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