Chapter 2390 Zhang Cheng’s Thoughts

When Li Xiangjun heard Chu Jianqiu’s words, she was trembling with anger, and she wanted to jump forward and kill the bastard.

The bastard’s attitude towards Su Big sis and Sister Gong was terribly good, but he didn’t have much good face to her. He either scolded her for being a silly girl, or scolded her for having water in her head and being caught by the door.

Since meeting this bastard, she hasn’t heard many good words from this bastard.

Li Xiangjun couldn’t help feeling very wronged, this bastard is too eccentric!

Chu Jianqiu did not pay attention to the big show in Li Xiangjun’s heart. He walked up to the Jinyan Broshan Crossbow, reached out and touched the cold dark metal on the behemoth’s body, with a somewhat satisfied look on his face.

At that time, it cost 2.5 billion Grade Seven Spirit Stones to photograph this Golden Flame Mountain Crossbow. Judging from the power erupted by this Golden Flame Mountain Crossbow today, these 2.5 billion Grade Seven Spirit Stones cost a lot of money. Fair value.

The terrifying blow that the Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow exploded just now was enough to threaten the powerhouse at the peak of the Heavenly Venerable Realm. At that time, Baotong Trading Company did not exaggerate the power of the Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow.

Had it not been for Pu Miao who had cultivated the black scale monster, his physical defenses were far stronger than the ordinary Practitioner, and he had blocked it when he was in a crisis, otherwise, he would be killed on the spot in all likelihood.

The attack just now, if it were replaced by another late stage Practitioner in the Heavenly Venerable Realm without the cultivation of a black scale monster, it would definitely not be able to survive such a terrifying attack.

It’s just that although the power of this Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow has nothing to say, the biggest drawback is that the Spirit Stones consumed are too terrifying.

The blow just now consumed a whole hundred million seven-Rank Spirit Stones.

If this broke out a few more times, it would be cutting flesh on his heart.

“My son, this Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow is really a war weapon that has never been seen before. With this Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow, even the powerhouse at the peak of the Celestial Realm, we Xuanjian Sect will be able to deal with it. This Golden Flame The Poshan Crossbow is really the treasure of our Xuanjian Sect!” Zhang Cheng looked at the towering and terrifying Golden Flame Poshan Crossbow, and said in admiration.

As Xuan Jianzong became stronger and stronger, the enemies Xuan Jianzong faced became stronger and stronger, and the role of their organ battalion in Xuan Jianzong became smaller and smaller.

Actually, the progress of their organ battalion is slower than that of other army camps. When it comes to the average Cultivation Base of the Practitioners in the army camp, the soldiers in the organ battalion are now second only to the Shenjian Army, Chu Army and Dark Night Camp.

However, the combat methods of their organ battalions are good at fighting with various organ weapons.

Although Xuanjianzong has developed rapidly over the years and has achieved extremely fast Ascension in all aspects, the only thing that has been slower to develop is the organ weapon of the organ battalion.

Although Xuan Jianzong also has a lot of Class B warships, these Class B warships really can’t play much role in this kind of large-scale war.

To play a role in this degree of warfare, at least it must be a Class A warship.

However, it is a pity that Xuan Jianzong has not even had a Class A warship so far. This has also led to the fact that in recent years, the military merits made by the government battalions are almost the least among all military camps. Even the five major barracks of the South Continent War Department can’t compare with each other, because the five major battalions of the South Continent War Department still have a battle formation.

This made Zhang Cheng’s chief general of the agency battalion really aggrieved. After all, their agency battalion was one of the five famous military battalions of Xuanjian Zong at the beginning, and its combat strength was second only to the Shenjian Army.

Today, the military merits of the organ battalion are almost the bottom of all the military camps of Xuan Jianzong. This makes Zhang Cheng feel very shameless, and the morale of the soldiers of the organ battalion has also been affected recently.

There are even some soldiers who are planning to withdraw from the organ battalion and switch to other military camps of Xuan Jianzong.

If this situation continues, it will be a matter of time for the talents of the government battalions to drain. After all, the Xuanjianzong military headquarters does not prohibit the movement of soldiers among the major military camps.

There is a two-way choice between the major military camps and soldiers of the Xuan Jianzong. Each major military camp has the right to choose whether to hire soldiers, and each military soldier also has the right to choose which military camp to join.

However, under normal circumstances, after a soldier chooses to join a barracks, unless he feels that the barracks are really not suitable for own development, he will basically not withdraw from his barracks and switch to other barracks.

After all, a soldier has been in the own barracks for a long time, and he has a sense of belonging and honor for the barracks he is in.

But like a government battalion, it’s hard to say that it’s a military camp that hasn’t been able to earn military exploits for a long time.

After all, the soldiers of the government battalion, in front of the soldiers of the other military camps, really can’t hold their heads up, almost all of them are so embarrassing to see people.

Zhang Cheng had always been worried about this matter, but today after seeing the power of the Golden Flame Broken Mountain Crossbow, Zhang Cheng’s confidence immediately rose.

With the Golden Flame Broken Mountain Crossbow, their organ battalion will inevitably regain its glory and regain the honor of the five major military battalions of Xuan Jianzong.

“General Zhang, your cowhide is a little too big. Although the power of this Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow is indeed impressive, it shouldn’t be so exaggerated that it can become the treasure of the Xuanjian Sect. The power of the lower-rank battle formation armour is not weaker than the full blow of this Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow, and the seventh rank lower-rank battle formation armour is much more flexible than your Golden Flame Mountain Breaking Crossbow!” Gong Hanyun was immediately unhappy when he heard Zhang Cheng’s words. Who was blowing such a big cowhide!

When Chu Jianqiu heard the words, he glanced at Gong Hanyun immediately, and he couldn’t help being speechless. This violent girl was really strong and eager to win, and even this thing was so true, no wonder she was so stinky with Liang Yanling.

Zhang Cheng could not help but flushed with the words of Gong Hanyun, but he knew that this lady was a little unreasonable, and the relationship with Liang Yanling was still very strong, so he could only silently say in his heart that a good man should not fight a woman, otherwise, once Offended her, in case she reported to Liang Yanling, maybe Liang Yanling would wear small shoes for herself.

Besides, this lady can’t even provoke her, so she should be more interesting.

“Girl Gong is right, it’s because the end of the general’s words just now are a bit wrong!” Zhang Cheng suddenly said with a smile.

When Gong Hanyun heard this, he nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing this, Chu Jianqiu couldn’t help but glanced at Zhang Cheng speechlessly, Lao Zhang, can you be a bit stubborn? This is subdued, this is too daunting!

Chu Jianqiu didn’t bother to pay attention to their troubles, controlled the defense formation, opened a formation gap, flew out from the city, and retrieved a huge crossbow arrow with the thickness of an arm and a length of tens of feet outside the city. Just now, Pu Miao’s Golden Flame Broken Mountain Crossbow Arrow was hit hard.

This Golden Flame Mountain Crossbow Arrow is very expensive to make and can be recycled, so Chu Jianqiu naturally wants to recycle it as much as possible.

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