Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 286 Leng Jianfeng’s secret, the crowd laughed at him!

The next day!

Leng Jianfeng was in a very unhappy mood!

Last night, after much of the ideological struggle, Leng Jianfeng kept his promise and ruthlessly shaved off all of his beard.

Looking at the man without a beard in the mirror, Leng Jianfeng felt angry.

Damn it, how can such a man have any heroic spirit?

Give me back my beard! Give me back my true qualities as a man!

Leng Jianfeng secretly remembered Ling Feng in his heart, this damn little brat, he must find a way to straighten him out in the future and avenge his lost "manly nature"!

While walking on the road, Leng Jianfeng always felt that the eyes around him were wrong, so he had to put on a cloak to cover his face.

This hairless feeling on his mouth always makes him feel extremely uncomfortable!

Finally, Leng Jianfeng arrived at the martial arts arena. Those little bastards had been waiting at the martial arts arena early, and they were all very curious about Leng Jianfeng without a beard.

What would this cold-faced ghost, Devil Tutor, look like without his beard?

"Oh no, Professor Leng, aren't you being a swindler? You're actually wearing a cloak!"

"That's right, it's so confusing. Who knows whether you've shaved or not?"

Before Leng Jianfeng could stand still, the students started shouting, leaving Leng Jianfeng no room for bargaining.

At this time, Su Qingxuan also walked over. Seeing Leng Jianfeng on the high platform, she blinked her bright eyes and said strangely: "Leng Jianxi, why are you wearing a cloak to class?"

Leng Jianfeng's face flushed, his teeth itched with hatred, and he tore off the cloak on his head, "Look, let you see enough! Little bastards, remember this for me!"

Leng Jianfeng felt bitter in his heart: I will be wise this time!

"call out!"

The cloak was thrown high by Leng Jianfeng, but the face under the cloak was not as tough as everyone imagined, but rather more delicate.

However, his skin is indeed darker, but he is still a handsome man!

"Fuck, the cold-faced ghost actually looks like this!"

"Wow, Professor Leng looks so handsome. Am I still awake?"

Some female students even became obsessed with it. With Leng Jianfeng's burly body and his appearance, he was definitely a handsome boy full of masculinity!

However, who knows how long this guy's brain circuit is, he actually has such an ugly beard. Even Yan Cangtian rejected this guy because of his strange aesthetics.


Hearing the students' comments, Leng Jianfeng's eyes suddenly widened.

Damn, are these guys blind? A man without a beard looks effeminate, okay?

However, when he saw Su Qingxuan next to him, she also showed a surprised expression, pursed her lips and smiled: "Leng Jiaoxi, I didn't expect that you look quite handsome without a beard?"


Leng Jianfeng touched his chin out of habit and immediately burst into laughter, "Hahaha, I knew it a long time ago, so I deliberately hid my handsome face. Who am I, Leng Jianfeng, the number one in Tianwei Academy?" How are you, handsome guy? Wow hahaha..."

Several black lines appeared on Su Qingxuan's forehead.

The crazy female students below also shook their heads and sighed.

He is handsome, but his brain is not very good...

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and was secretly amused. If this guy's aesthetics were normal, he would probably be Yan Cangtian's disciple.

Su Qingxuan shook her head, took a step forward, and said softly: "Please invite the students who have won the top ten rankings in this animal hunting competition to come with me and Professor Leng to the Hall of Reward and Punishment."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Leng Jianfeng finally reacted and shouted quickly: "The remaining students, eight hundred kilograms of weight, one hundred and twenty laps! Wang Yishan, you supervise me!"


Although Wang Yishan has been repaired by Leng Jianfeng on weekdays, he admires Leng Jianfeng very much and even vowed to become the second man like Leng Jianfeng.

"Yeah." Leng Jianfeng glanced at Ling Feng and the others, "Okay, little bastards, come with me!"

After a while, the group of people arrived directly at the core area of ​​Tianwei Academy.

The Hall of Reward and Punishment is also an important place in Tianwei Academy. After being promoted to the position of Dizi disciple, you can accept various tasks issued by the tutors and deans of the academy. After completing the tasks, you can obtain points and exchange them for the inventory of the academy. All kinds of good stuff in it.

Outside the door of the Hall of Reward and Punishment, several teams have gathered at this moment, led by the teaching offices of each academy.

It has to be said that the team led by Leng Jianfeng and Su Qingxuan has six students. This lineup is quite large.

You must know that there are only ten places for each level of students. It is undoubtedly a very exaggeration to have six students among the top ten in the East Campus alone.

"Hey hey hey..."

Leng Jianfeng looked proud, looking at the slightly envious eyes of the teachers around him, and couldn't help but greet everyone with joy.

"Damn it, isn't this Lao Li? What? You only have two students from the North Campus? Too few!"

"Oh, Mr. Wang, isn't it? Among the Xuanzi disciples of your Central Academy, you didn't even get five places. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"Professor Wu, you just brought out a student. I sympathize with you for three seconds!"

Leng Jianfeng opened his mouth and immediately became full of hatred. A famous teacher around him stared at Leng Jianfeng with a depressed expression, but it was hard to get angry.

Su Qingxuan, Ling Feng and others followed Leng Jianfeng and couldn't help but put their hands to cover their foreheads.

This guy's ability to make fun of people is so awesome!

Suddenly, Leng Jianfeng spotted the West Courtyard in the crowd, which had a feud with their East Courtyard.

Li Muqing, a teacher in the West College, had only one female student behind him. She seemed very "weak" in the crowd.

However, Leng Jianfeng still caught his eye.

"Hey, Li Muqing, Professor Li!" Leng Jianfeng stepped forward, glanced at the students behind Li Muqing, and said with a smile: "Someone in your West Campus actually got the top ten, not bad, not bad, I also I thought that with your little ability in the West Campus, you would all be screened out..."

"You!" Li Muqing glared at Leng Jianfeng fiercely and clenched his fists.

"Oops, I accidentally told the truth. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. In fact, there aren't many people in our East Campus who have won the top ten, just six. Hahahaha..."

Li Muqing flicked his sleeves, turned away, and never looked at Leng Jianfeng again.

He was afraid that if he took one more look, he would be tempted to take action.

"After the cold training, you just need to calm down for a while."

Ling Feng pulled Leng Jianfeng's sleeves and looked at the steps in front of the Hall of Reward and Punishment. An old man with a serious and stern face came belatedly with several young students.

Among the young students, Ling Feng saw two familiar faces.

One is Lin Xian'er, and the other is her senior sister.

Then, the old man at the head is probably Lin Xianer's teacher, the vice-dean Tong Chengtai who once tampered with his grades without authorization.

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