Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 283 Going crazy! The powerful Yan Cangtian!

In the core area of ​​Tianwei Academy, there is an extremely luxurious building complex.

This is a place only academicians and deans can enter. The luxurious and magnificent architectural style demonstrates their noble status.

Tianwei Academy is almost the same age as the Tianbai Empire. It is an academy with a history of hundreds of years. The core leaders at the college level even have a status no less than that of important officials in the imperial court.

For example, the current dean, Mu Yunsang, serves as the Crown Prince Tutor (that is, the Crown Prince's nominal teacher) in the empire, and his official position is the same as that of the Three Equals!

In this luxurious area, in an extremely luxurious villa, the lights are still bright.


Tong Chengtai was wrapped in clothes and thinking about what happened during the day. He still had trouble falling asleep and had no intention of practicing.

"Hmph, such a rebellious student should be taught a lesson!"

Tong Chengtai hammered the table a few times and murmured to himself: "This matter is a foregone conclusion. Why not sacrifice a small Lingfeng in exchange for my bright future?"

After that, Tong Chengtai blew out the candle and prepared to meditate in the study.

However, at this moment, the extinguished candle suddenly lit up again.

Tong Chengtai frowned, immediately slapped the case, and said coldly: "Who dares to break into the dean's residence at night!"

"Oh! You're obviously just a big-ass vice-dean, one of the five old bastards. Even if that old guy Mu Yunsang dies, it won't be your turn to be the dean. Now you just keep saying the same thing. Dean, why don’t you go to heaven?”

Tong Chengtai's brows furrowed deeply, and his aura suddenly exploded, "Bastard, who are you? How dare you speak so rudely, and hide your head like this? How can you be considered a hero?"

"Hahaha, that's better than you, a sanctimonious old bastard. As the vice-dean who supervises the discipline and fairness of the college, you actually secretly modify the students' grades. Tsk, tsk, tsk, so shameless. An old dog like you should really be shamed. Go wash up in the latrine and wash away the villain’s stench from your body!”

"What!" Tong Chengtai clenched his fists and his eyes were about to burst, "You bastard, don't talk nonsense!"

"Isn't this all nonsense? You old bastard knows it all! Hmph!"

As if he was tired of the hide-and-seek game, the next moment, Yan Cangtian suddenly appeared in front of Tong Chengtai, scaring Tong Chengtai so much that he stepped back more than ten steps, as if he had seen a ghost, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

" Cangtian?" Tong Chengtai swallowed. He could never imagine why Yan Cangtian knew about this matter and wanted to intervene in it.

"I said, Tong Lao'er, after so many years, you have climbed to the position of deputy dean, and you are still greedy. Today you are in charge of this, and tomorrow you are involved in that. You are an old man who has half of your body buried in the ground. How can you have free time? So much?"

Tong Chengtai choked on Yan Cangtian's words and his face turned red. He gritted his teeth and said: "Yan Cangtian, this... this vice president's affairs are not your turn to take care of!"

"Yo yo yo! Your tone is really loud! That old man Mu Yunsang has to call me "Mr. Yan" respectfully when he talks to me. Who do you think you are?"

Yan Cangtian glanced sideways at Tong Chengtai, which frightened Na Nazao so much that he shrank his neck and didn't even dare to fart one more time.

"Old madman, this is simply unreasonable!"

Tong Chengtai flicked his sleeves and said, "This is my mansion. Nothing happens. Please leave quickly and don't disturb others' dreams!"

"Oh, you've done something wrong and you can still sleep?" Yan Cangtian pulled a chair over and sat down on it. He crossed his legs and stared at Tong Chengtai with squinted eyes, looking lazy. Said: "People of the Ming Dynasty don't tell secret words. Today I am here to ask you to change the changed grades back!"

"Huh, that's impossible!" Tong Chengtai's face was as dark as water. "I have sealed all the results and will publish them tomorrow. I will never make any changes again."

"That's it." A smile appeared on Yan Cangtian's lips, "I'm sorry, I may have to trouble you to revise it in the middle of the night."

"Don't even think about it, I will never make any changes again!" Tong Chengtai's tone was extremely firm. He was like a bastard who was determined.

"I'm afraid you will still modify it!"

Yan Cangtian's eyes turned cold, and the aura around him instantly swept away.

"Half...half-step emperor!"

Tong Chengtai shuddered. More than ten years ago, before Yan Cangtian went crazy, he was only at the king level. Over the years, didn't he expect that he had actually reached the level of a half-step emperor?

"It's good to know!" Yan Cangtian's figure flashed and pressed directly on Tong Chengtai's shoulder, "How about it? Do you want to change it?"

"Hahaha, it's so funny!" Tong Chengtai really couldn't shed tears without seeing the coffin, so he burst out laughing, "Yan Cangtian, others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you. Who doesn't know that your madman Yan's skills come and go? If you have the guts, kill me now. If you wait until your power disappears, huh!"

"The power has disappeared?" Yan Cangtian directly raised his hand and slapped Tong Chengtai's old face hard.

"I'm telling you, my skill will never disappear! Also, has no one ever told you that I'm the one protecting that kid Ling Feng?"

Tong Chengtai was so slapped by Yan Cangtian that his eyes were dizzy. He had lived a long time and reached the position he is in today. Even the dean and even His Majesty the Emperor showed courtesy to him.

And Yan Cangtian actually dared to slap him!

"Old Madman Yan,!" Tong Chengtai stared at Yan Cangtian, his old face twisted, "I will fight you!"


Another slap in the face made Tong Chengtai spin around in circles like a top for more than a dozen times.

Although this old guy is old, his body is still quite strong, and he can turn around so many times without getting dizzy.

"Bah bang bang!"

"Bah bang bang!"

Just as Tong Chengtai stopped, Yan Cangtian used his left hand and right hand again in slow motion, hitting Tong Chengtai with stars in his eyes.

"How's it going? Now, can I trouble you, Vice President Tong, to revise the final grades?"

Yan Cangtian narrowed his eyes and smiled teasingly at Tong Chengtai, but his charming smile looked like a devil to Tong Chengtai!

"I...I..." Tong Chengtai was furious. Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Cangtian.

"Tong Lao'er, I suggest you think clearly before answering. I'll slap you a few times now, and the swelling will subside by day, and you can still see people. If you continue to be ungrateful, I will be cruel to you. When the time comes, you can Swelled into a pig's head, how can you meet people during the day? From now on, the name of the pig-headed dean will definitely be heard throughout Tianwei Academy."


Tong Chengtai has the best reputation. If he is really called "Pig-Head Dean" by the students in the future, he will probably hide away from others in the future.

"I...I promise you that!"

Tong Chengtai was dejected, like a defeated rooster, no longer daring to disobey Yan Cangtian's wishes.

PS: I’m catching a train today and I’m afraid I won’t be able to update in time, so I’ll update it directly in the morning. It may be a little later in the evening. It depends on the status ~

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