Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 273 Murderous intent goes rampant!

As the saying goes, hitting someone is not a slap in the face!

Face is a person's dignity, and Ling Feng not only slaps the face, but also steps on it!

Poor He Zhongjie, he was unable to move due to the terrible murderous aura in Ling Feng's body, and was stepped into the mud with one step.

He Zhongjie's eyes were cracked, but the physical pain was secondary. As the son of Tingwei Mansion, his dignity had never been trampled on like this.

"Ling Feng, you... you dare to kill me. Even if you have a bloody feud with Tingwei Mansion, you will definitely die! You will definitely die!!!"

He Zhongjie roared crazily, and a trace of regret began to arise in his heart. If he had not caused trouble to Ling Feng, he could still be the eldest son of his own Tingwei Mansion, free and easy, and how could he have such a shame and humiliation today.

However, it's too late!

Ling Feng stepped on He Zhongjie's face and said coldly: "You were born higher than ordinary people, and your talents are better than most people. This is your capital. You can definitely become a powerful warrior. But you have wasted this luck, so I will send you on your way to be reincarnated in the next life. Remember that you need to be a low-key person and not cause trouble. "

The cold murderous intent in Ling Feng's eyes was undisguised.

He Zhongjie saw that he had killed Lei Lingyun, and also saw his own predatory eyes.

Letting him live will only bring endless trouble to himself.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, He Zhongjie, who had been trampled to a bloody head by Ling Feng, immediately showed a strong look of fear in his eyes and begged: "Ling Feng, you can't kill me, you must not kill me! I I know I was wrong, and I will never tell anyone what I saw today, and I will never trouble you again. I will give you everything you want, and I just want you to mess with me!"

Ling Feng's eyes were still cold. He glanced at He Zhongjie and said calmly: "I only believe that only dead people will not reveal secrets!"

"no, do not want……"

He Zhongjie yelled in panic because he saw again that the vertical pupil on Ling Feng's forehead was open for once.

The magic hand of nothingness grabbed him, and the space seemed to be imprisoned. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move at all.

"no no--"

The next moment, He Zhongjie's body shriveled up just as quickly, turning into a withered skin and paralyzing powerlessly.

All the essence of his flesh and blood has been plundered by Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng used the same method to scare He Zhonglei, who had already fainted, and plundered the essence of his flesh and blood to replenish his own energy. Ling Feng, who was still a little tired, suddenly returned to his peak condition.

Just when Ling Feng was about to dispose of the three corpses, an uncontrollable desire to kill surged in his heart. It took Ling Feng a while to calm down the restless murderous intention in his heart.

"not good!"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, his hands seemed to be out of control, and his heart seemed to still be longing for killing.

Desire for extremely crazy killing!

The killing sword intent is the most lethal sword intent. Coupled with the negative emotions brought by the plundering eyes, this desire to kill almost makes him unable to extricate himself.


Ling Feng raised his head to the sky and roared wildly. The ten directions in his hand were destroyed, red and blue lights flashed, and the terrifying sword light shot out in all directions, destroying everything around him.

Zifeng was so frightened by Ling Feng's terrifying appearance that he trembled all over. He quickly turned into a ball of purple light and stayed away for fear of being affected.


Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead.

Ling Feng clenched his fists, veins popped out all over his body, and he gritted his teeth, trying his best to restrain the terrifying murderous intention.

He quickly restrained his predatory eyes, sat cross-legged, and concentrated his mind, not daring to have any random thoughts.

A long time, a long time...


Ling Feng let out a long breath, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

The feeling of killing intent occupying the entire mind is exactly the same as when the Eye of Shura is opened.

"It seems that you can't use the Predatory Eye continuously in the future, otherwise sooner or later you will lose control and turn into a murderous demon."

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. The feeling of being violent inside was very scary. He was really afraid that he would lose control again and kill his friends around him.

Zifeng, who had been hiding away for a long time, felt that Ling Feng's breath had calmed down, and then he dared to try to get closer, and cautiously called: "Master, are you awake?"

"Zifeng..." Ling Feng turned to look at Zifeng. The little guy's immature face was full of fright. He was hiding behind a big rock and stuck out his little head. He looked pitiful.

"Sorry Zifeng."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. This was not the first time he lost control. It was just that he would lose control when he turned on the Eye of Shura before, but this time he also lost control because of the frequent use of the Eye of Predation.

When Zifeng saw Ling Feng's eyes softening, he rushed over in three steps, jumped into Ling Feng's arms, and burst into tears, "Master, you scared me to death. I thought you were going to kill me too.”

Ling Feng's terrifying murderous aura was so shocking that all the birds and beasts within a radius of dozens of miles were frightened and fled in all directions, thinking that some monster had descended on this mountain range. .

"It's okay now."

Ling Feng comforted Zifeng, but there was a hint of worry in his heart.

It seems that I should seize the time and retrieve the second "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" that my grandfather had stored at Yan's house in Dongdu.

According to the records in the first "Chaos Heavenly Emperor Jue", the second "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" should contain the mystery of his life experience and the method of controlling the Eye of Shura.

He believed that the reason why he went berserk was not simply because of the Predatory Eye. The fundamental reason was that the terrifying power of the Predatory Eye was hidden in his body. Therefore, when stimulated by killing, he might still appear. A state of loss of control.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Zifeng raised his head and stared at Ling Feng, and asked cautiously.

"I don't know very well myself. I just try not to abuse the Predatory Eye in the future." Ling Feng smiled lightly, reached out and touched Zifeng's little head, and said lightly: "Zifeng, when I was practicing just now , thank you for blocking me from those guys."

"Hehe, after all, I, Zifeng, am also very strong!" Zifeng really can't stand the compliments. After praising him for a few words, his buttocks will reach the sky.

"Yes, yes, it's all thanks to you this time." Ling Feng put Zifeng on his shoulders and then looked at the three corpses.

Although these three people are dead, the trophies on their bodies...

Well, of course I can’t let it go!

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