Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 271 A critical moment!

"Oh? A fire-flaming ghost?"

He Zhongjie was well-informed, and he immediately recognized that Zifeng's body was that of the Earth Fire Flame Ghost. Judging from its aura, it was just an ordinary fourth-level monster.

But the eyes of ordinary Earth Fire Flame Ghosts are dull and empty, but this Earth Fire Flame Ghost looks unusually agile.

The corner of He Zhongjie's mouth curled up. This was probably a mutated Earth Fire Flame Ghost. Ling Feng was lucky enough to have subdued such a spiritual pet.

However, after today, this spiritual pet will change owners!

"Earth Fire Flame Ghost, it's not easy for you to practice today. I am very compassionate and will spare your life!"

He Zhongjie waved his sleeves and sneered: "Boss Lei, it seems we are going to kill the same person. Now is the critical moment for that kid's training. You and I can kill him in an instant!"

A trace of resentment flashed in Lei Lingyun's eyes. It was that damn guy in the cave who caused all his hard work to come to nothing!

If he could swallow that purple rose creation fruit, he might be able to break through fifty meridians in one fell swoop!

You know, fifty veins is a watershed.

Among the students recruited almost every year, only those with hidden dragon talents have the chance to break through the fifty meridians.

Moreover, not all Qianlong talents can achieve this level.

And even though he, Lei Lingyun, is a new disciple of Tianzi, he already has forty-nine veins, but he has never been able to break through.

His talent restricted him to the forty-nine meridians, but he was unwilling to do so.

He finally learned the news about the Ziluo Creation Fruit, but Ling Feng got there first, which made him itch with hatred.


Lei Lingyun drew his sword directly, stared coldly at the figure in the cave, and shouted loudly, his voice almost coming out from between his teeth.


He Zhongjie was shocked by Lei Lingyun, why did this guy seem to hate Ling Feng more than he did.

At this time, thirty breaths have passed!

"Fuck, do you think I, Uncle Zifeng, don't exist?"

Zifeng walked out from the entrance of the cave, stared at Lei Lingyun, who was the most threatening person, and his body suddenly swelled up against the storm.

In an instant, Zifeng's figure went from half a man's height to two feet tall! Three feet! …

In the end, Zifeng transformed directly into a five-foot-long little giant whose whole body was burning with flames. He was filled with a demonic aura at the level of a demon king and stared at the opponent coldly.


He Zhongjie and Lei Lingyun were both shocked, especially He Zhonglei, whose legs weakened and he collapsed directly to the ground.

The demon king is equivalent to a fifth-level demon beast!

Moreover, the aura exuded by Zifeng is almost infinitely approaching the demon king level!

A terrifying existence of this level could crush them to pieces with just one finger.

"Quickly retreat!"

He Zhongjie let go of the girl and immediately ran away.

Lei Lingyun was much more cautious than He Zhongjie. Although he had already prepared to escape, his eyes were fixed on Zifeng and he did not act immediately.

The two sides looked at each other for ten breaths, and Lei Lingyun burst into laughter.

"The power of a fox is faked by a tiger! Although I don't know how you exude an aura that is close to the demon king level, but your strength may not even reach the demon king level!"

Lei Lingyun swung the long sword in his hand and had seen through Zifeng's trick.

Although Zifeng can indeed imitate the aura of the original Earth Fire Flame Ghost very vividly, the most essential Earth Fire Crystal of the Earth Fire Flame Ghost has been used by Ling Feng to inject spirits.

Without the Earth Fire Crystal, the Earth Fire Flame Ghost is just an empty body.

Zifeng's true combat power is almost equivalent to the middle stage of Huayuan Realm.

Moreover, what makes it powerful is not its strength, but its various weird abilities.

"It turns out to be an impostor!"

He Zhongjie fled to the general area, and suddenly heard Lei Lingyun's words, and thought of a demon king of this level, who could make them invincible with just a move of his fingers, and this "monster" is a little too gentle. .

Therefore, what Lei Lingyun said is probably true.

"Did you see through it?"

Zifeng grinned, folded his hands in front of his chest, and stared at Lei Lingyun playfully, without looking panicked at all.

Lei Lingyun was stunned for a moment, and he saw a hint of treachery in Zifeng's smile.

For a moment, he felt a little uncertain again and did not dare to take action easily.

"Hmph, you brainless monster, I've already given you the opportunity. Since you don't know what to do, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

He Zhongjie, however, did not have the scheming spirit of Lei Lingyun. When he realized that Zifeng was just pretending, he immediately exploded with his sword and struck Zifeng fiercely.

This is the best opportunity to kill Ling Feng. Although this fire demon has some spirituality, if it dares to block his own way, he can only send it on its way.

He Zhongjie struck with anger, directly displaying advanced Xuan-level swordsmanship, and even activated the secret method of increasing the true energy.

This sword is even enough to kill some fourth-level high-level monsters!


In his imagination, the scene of the sword piercing through the flaming ghost in front of him did not appear.

With a flash of purple light, his opponent actually changed from Zifeng to Ling Feng in an instant.

The two swords clashed, and Ling Feng stood on the spot, motionless.

As for He Zhongjie, with a shake of his arm, even the long sword flew out of his hand. He "kicked and kicked" and stepped back more than ten meters before he stabilized his figure.

It turned out that at the critical moment, ninety breaths of time had passed.

Ling Feng has used the ability of the Human Dao Eye to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and restored about 50% of his true energy.

Ling Feng and Zifeng had the same mind. He knew Ling Feng's situation, so he used a delaying strategy to temporarily stabilize Lei Lingyun and the two.

Now that Ling Feng wakes up, he only needs to leave the next thing to Ling Feng. As for Zifeng, he had transformed back into that tiny little stone man, standing on Ling Feng's neck, watching the battle with interest.

Next, it’s Ling Feng’s “performance time”!

A cold, cruel aura slowly fluctuated with Ling Feng as the center.

The expression on He Zhongjie's face suddenly froze, and his whole body trembled slightly as if he was electrocuted.

Subconsciously, He Zhongjie suddenly retreated and flew to Lei Lingyun's side. Ling Feng's aura gave him a shuddering feeling.

He just felt that Ling Feng might have understood the sword intention, but when he actually faced Ling Feng's sword intention, he realized that his heart was so confused and frightened.

"Boss Lei, this kid is awake. You and I must join forces, otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with him!"

He Zhongjie swallowed hard. He was suddenly a little unsure whether Lei Lingyun's strength could suppress Ling Feng.

A solemn look flashed in Lei Lingyun's eyes, and he fixed his gaze on Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "No wonder brother He Xian wants me to kill you. You are indeed not an ordinary person. However, if you dare to steal what belongs to me, I Today, I have to kill you!"

"I will also eat all your flesh and blood. Maybe some spiritual energy will remain, allowing me to break through the limit of fifty meridians!"

The muscles on Lei Lingyun's face were twisted ferociously. He thought that Ling Feng had swallowed the Ziluo Creation Fruit to gain such powerful power.

Therefore, his hatred for Ling Feng increased even more, and he even thought of devouring Ling Feng's flesh and blood, perhaps to obtain a trace of the remaining aura of the Purple Rose Creation Fruit.

This guy has simply fallen into madness and turned into a madman!

(PS: The first two days were considered an outbreak. From today on, unless there are special circumstances, there will generally be four updates. If you prefer two updates at noon and two updates in the evening; or three updates at noon and one update in the evening, you can leave a message to reply. Thank you everyone Thank you for your reward, monthly ticket!)

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