Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 250 No one can be identified!

Soon, Ling Feng followed Yan Cangtian and arrived at the appraisal office of Tianmeng Auction House with ease. There were specialized appraisers there who could appraise all kinds of treasures.

"Hello guests, how can I help you?"

The waiter guarding the door saw two guys wearing black cloaks, covering their entire bodies, coming towards them, and hurriedly greeted them.

The Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce has always done business regardless of the underworld or the white side, so the waiter was used to customers dressed like Ling Feng and the other two.

"We have some elixirs that need to be appraised. Exchange them to Tianmeng and take us to find an appraiser!" Yan Cangtian grinned and added, "By the way, remember to find some appraisers with a little bit of vision, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand firm.”

The waiter was secretly amused, but he still had a gentle smile on his face and said calmly: "Our appraisers in Tianmeng are all the best appraisers. Please rest assured, guest."

As he said that, the waiter bowed slightly and made a "please" gesture toward Yan Cangtian, "Two guests, please come with me."

Following the young waiter, along a splendid corridor, he soon arrived at a very luxurious appraisal room.

"Master Boyang, we have a guest who wants to identify the elixir, please excuse me."

The waiter knocked on the door gently, with a very respectful tone.

This Boyang is a senior appraiser in the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. He is particularly good at appraising elixirs, so although he is not very old, he is already called a "master".

"Come in." The voice was a little cold, with a little arrogance, which is inevitable for people who become famous at a young age.

The waiter opened the door and led Yan Cangtian and Ling Feng into the room. He immediately stood aside and said softly: "Two guests, this is the very famous elixir appraiser in our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce."

"Humph, it's the appraisal master!" Master Boyang frowned, without raising his head, he stretched out his hand and said indifferently: "What kind of elixir is it? Bring it."

Seeing how arrogant this bullshit master was, Yan Cangtian stepped forward and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Boy, take out the things and let this guy open his eyes!"

"Yeah." Ling Feng shrugged, but he didn't pay attention to this master. He took out the jade box from the Naling Ring and placed it on the appraisal table.

When Boyang heard Yan Cangtian's shameless words to open his eyes, a hint of sarcasm hung on the corner of his mouth, his eyes fell on the jade box, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

This jade box is a good thing, and it is very precious warm jade.

Generally speaking, only some top-grade elixirs are stored in warm jade.

Gently opening the jade box, Boyang first glanced at the elixirs in the box. There were two rows of these elixirs, with a total of twelve elixirs, and each elixir was completely different.

Each round and plump elixir lies quietly in the groove of the jade box, and there is a jade piece covering the top to prevent the medicinal properties of the elixirs from interfering with each other.

Very clever storage method!

Boyang's expression became solemn, and he gently uncovered the jade piece on the first groove, stepped forward and took a sniff. Just as he was about to comment, his expression suddenly changed.

He took another sharp sniff, and his expression gradually became suspicious.

"This this……"

Boyang swallowed, rubbed his eyes vigorously, covered the first jade piece, opened the second jade piece, sniffed hard, and even took out the elixir and looked at it carefully for a long time.

His expression became more serious.

The waiter on the side was stunned. He had never seen Master Boyang in such a panic.

Yan Cangtian and Ling Feng looked at each other with a faint smile on their lips.

Shanggu Qidan, if this guy doesn't have any feelings at all, how can he still be called "Master"?

"The aroma is so pure, with almost no impurities, which shows that the refining techniques were extremely skillful! And I have never heard of this kind of elixir!"

Boyang gently put down the second pill, and then began to identify the third, fourth...

When he identified the fifth pill, his face turned pale and sweat broke out on his forehead.

He actually didn't recognize any of the first five pills!


I really don’t call myself a master!

Putting the elixir into the jade box again, Boyang's hands started to tremble a little, he stood up slowly, bowed to Yan Cangtian and Ling Feng, "You two, I...I can't identify these elixirs. "

Boyang's face was filled with shame, and he even lowered his head, like a defeated rooster.

Yan Cangtian curled his lips and was secretly proud of himself. As a master of alchemy with a seventh-level alchemy level, he spent more than ten years perfecting the elixir recipe. If this boy could recognize it, he would Kneel before him and call him Master!

He turned his head and couldn't help but glance at Ling Feng. I'm afraid Ling Feng was the only monster in the world who could keep up with his level!

The young waiter standing next to him could not help but swallow his saliva. The always arrogant Master Boyang actually...

He actually bowed his head!

"Can't appraise? Aren't the appraisers from Tianmeng the best appraisers?" There was a hint of playfulness in Yan Cangtian's voice, which made Na Boyang blush with embarrassment.

He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "You two, please wait in the room for a moment. I will ask my teacher, Master Jingxuan, to come and evaluate it right away. If he takes action, there will definitely be no problem."

"Go quickly, go quickly." Yan Cangtian waved his hand impatiently, "I don't have much time!"

"Yes!" Boyang bowed to Yan Cangtian respectfully. He still didn't know that Yan Cangtian was definitely an old monster in the world of alchemists. Now he hides his identity and comes here to identify the pills. This is simply bullying. !

"You entertain the two masters for me, I'll be back soon!" Boyang glanced at the waiter and rushed out of the door.

The young waiter felt a wave of panic in his heart, and he respectfully made tea and water for Ling Feng and Yan Cangtian, already looking completely respectful.

Not long after, Na Boyang finally entered the appraisal room with an old man with white beard and hair. The old man was rather fat, especially with a general belly, as if he was five months pregnant.

As soon as this tall and fat old man entered the door, he immediately respectfully bowed his fists to Yan Cangtian and Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Haha, I don't know which friend from the alchemy path is here to entertain my incompetent disciple. Son?"

Yan Cangtian turned back and glanced at the old fat man, and said indifferently: "I have no interest in entertaining your disciples, right Master Jingxuan? Hurry up and identify the elixir for us!"

Master Jingxuan listened to Yan Cangtian's voice and wanted to know who this mysterious old man was. Unfortunately, he had no way of knowing the identity of the other person. He could only shake his head and sigh, quickly walked behind the appraisal table, and gently opened the jade box. Start identifying it seriously.

The matter was related to the face of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, so the old man naturally did not dare to be careless.

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