Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 247 Team Sword Fighting Competition!

These members of the East Campus Sword Team are not difficult to get along with.

Even Ye Nanfeng, who was defeated by Ling Feng, quickly became noisy again after being lost for a while.

Ling Feng soon learned that except for the perverted guy Gu Tengfeng, who had opened fifty-six pulse gates, everyone in the Dongyuan Sword Team only had about forty pulse gates.

The strongest ones are deputy captain Miyagi, who has 49 meridians, and Xue Xiaolin, who, like Miyagi, also has 49 meridians.

The gamblers Lin Mochen and Ye Nanfeng were close behind, both of whom were in their forties. Among the official team members, the weakest one is Yu Sixian. He only has forty-eight veins, probably because his body was drained by drinking and sex, and his great talent was wasted.

As for the alternate members, they are between the forty and forty-fifth meridians.

Although Ling Feng only has six meridians, his burst of combat power should be enough to fight head-on with any disciple of Tianzi who has less than fifty meridians.

However, even with the addition of Ling Feng, it is still not enough to immediately have the first sword team to compete with the other four academies.

Team sword fighting competition is a team battle. Especially in Tianwei University, you are not only a genius, this is a place where geniuses gather.

Therefore, no matter how strong a single person is, it cannot completely determine the outcome of a team sword fighting match.

This can be seen from Gu Tengfeng.

This guy is very strong, ranking first in the East Campus, and even ranked in the top ten among all Tianzi disciples. However, the East Campus Sword Team led by him has advanced to the second round every year for three consecutive years. He failed to enter the competition and returned defeated.

Therefore, the first thing Ling Feng did when he joined the East Campus Sword Team was to get familiar with the combat prowess of each teammate and their respective abilities.

Ye Nanfeng: The fast swordsman in the team. His advantage is speed, not only sword speed, but also body skills.

Generally speaking, such players will find ways to break through the opponent's defense during the game, directly enter the flag-keeping area, cut off the opponent's flag-guarding members, knock down the battle flag, and win the game.

Of course, this is an ideal situation. Because the flag guarding area is generally a "forbidden zone" for a sword team, it is absolutely impossible for the attacker guarding the front to allow members of the opposing team to enter this area.

Miyagi: As the second-in-command of the sword team, he is mainly responsible for command and coordination in the team. At the same time, he helps players like Ye Nanfeng, who are known for their speed, break through the defense line.

Xue Xiaolin: Although she is the only female member of the team, her strength is only stronger than Miyagi. She is the flag-keeper in the flag-keeping area, responsible for guarding the battle flag, and at the same time coordinating the team members active in the offensive and defensive areas and providing some support.

It is worth mentioning that Xue Xiaolin is a wood warrior, and her wood attribute Qi is also infused with spirit Qi, which has some effects of restoring physical strength and Qi. It is not allowed to swallow the elixir to restore the true energy in the sword fighting arena, but it is reasonable to use the true energy of the team members as a supplement.

As for Lin Mochen and Yu Sixian, they are active members in the offensive and defensive areas. They can attack and defend. They usually follow the deployment of deputy captain Miyagi to carry out activities.

Of course, the most important thing is naturally the soul and most important figure of the Sword Team, Gu Tengfeng.

He can be said to be the charger of the team. If he organizes waves of attacks and crashes into the opponent's offensive and defensive zone, he will put strong defensive pressure on the opponent, allowing his own fast swordsman to rush into the opponent's flag-defending area. . Look for opportunities and get valuable flag-cutting opportunities.

(PS: What we are talking about here are some rules of the team sword fighting competition. The decisive condition for the team sword fighting competition is to cut down the opponent's battle flag. I believe it has been reflected in the previous competition between the east courtyard and the west courtyard, but that one In the competition, Ling Feng's personal ability overwhelmed the entire audience, and in the official competition between the sword teams of the five schools, Ling Feng encountered many opponents who were even more incredible, so I would like to introduce some rules of the sword fighting competition.

Because it is all my personal imagination, please forgive me if there is anything that is not very reasonable. )

Generally speaking, there will be a charger and a flag guard in the team, and the other three should actually be considered both offensive and defensive. However, Ye Nanfeng's fast swordsman is indispensable for any sword team.

Some teams even directly gave up the offensive and defensive area in the midfield, using all their strength to break through with their fast swordsmen and forcefully break into the opponent's flag-defending area.

"With Ling Feng's ability, what he is good at is speed and explosiveness. Therefore, the most suitable position for Ling Feng should be a fast swordsman like Nan Feng!"

After understanding the abilities and positions of all the members in the sword fighting competition, vice-captain Miyagi held his chin and began to analyze.

"It doesn't matter, there is still about half a year until the official competition between the five courtyard sword teams. During this period, let Ling Feng become familiar with the playing style of any position."

Gu Tengfeng patted Ling Feng's shoulder with his big hand, "I hope you won't find the following training too strenuous!"

"No!" Ling Feng said with a slight smile: "Actual combat is the fastest way to improve your strength, isn't it?"

"Good boy, I really saw you right!" Gu Tengfeng laughed loudly, "Okay, next, let Miyagi lead you to form a team to play a three-on-three game to let you get familiar with guarding the flag. The leader’s seat.”

"Well, it all depends on the captain's orders!"

Ling Feng had a high fighting spirit in his chest and became very interested in this form of team competition.

While Ling Feng was busy receiving "special training" from the Sword Team, the entire East Campus disciples with yellow letters were completely exploded.

Regarding Chief Ling Feng becoming a member of the East Campus Sword Team, it became a big event that caused a sensation among the top leaders of Tianwei Academy!

Of course, after receiving the news, many old-fashioned people shook their heads and regarded it as a farce. They just felt that Gu Tengfeng was getting more and more ridiculous.

However, this is ultimately a matter for the students, so the school does not interfere too much.

However, after Instructor Zhu Rong and Instructor Pei Miao, who had been quarreling over Ling Feng that day, heard the news, they felt a sense of elation in their hearts.

You are worthy of being the student I had my eye on at the beginning, he is truly amazing!

Of course, the same sentiment was shared by Academician Ye Guichen. This guy had always wanted to find an opportunity to accept Ling Feng as his student, but later that "old madman" Yan Cangtian made a big fuss in the dean's office. , and asked the dean to warn all deans and academicians not to have any ideas about Ling Feng.

Speaking of treachery, Yan Cangtian, the old fox, was the treacherous one. He had already given Ling Feng an "unofficial appointment". No other academician or dean could accept Ling Feng, a good student!

Also receiving the news was Yue Yunlan, who hurriedly returned to Tianwei Academy and hurriedly reunited with Ling Feng at the joint party of the five colleges.

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