Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 226: Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, Earth-Water Breaking the Army!

Yan Cangtian is worthy of being a martial arts master of a generation, the supreme powerhouse in the Divine Sea Realm!

He saw the weakness of the Yihua Burying Jade Sword at a glance, and the sword moves he performed were all in one word, quick!

Every move, every style seems to be designed to defeat the enemy with one move.

The moves are interconnected and exquisite!

It can be said without any politeness that this is a set of divine swords that can be used to fight across levels!

After a while, Yan Cangtian put away his sword and stood up. He saw Ling Feng standing there dumbfounded, with a proud look on his lips.

"How about it, kid, digest it, I'll demonstrate it a second time right away?"

Yan Cangtian's eyebrows were beaming, and he felt even more complacent in his heart.

He even began to imagine in his mind that with this hand, Ling Feng would not obediently kneel down to become his disciple, and would insist on accepting him as his disciple.

Then, he can shirk it first, go back and forth, and finally reluctantly accept him as his disciple!

Hehe, it’s exciting just thinking about it!

However, Ling Feng shook his head and said, "Mr. Yan, I don't think you need to demonstrate it again."

He grasped the possibility of annihilation in all directions and said calmly: "Old Yan, look at it, is it like this!"

As he said that, he actually followed the sword moves that Yan Cangtian demonstrated just now, every move, as if they were carved from the same mold.

Perfect in form and spirit!

Yan Cangtian's eyes and corners of his mouth twitched wildly and uncontrollably.

What kind of weirdo is this? You’ll understand it after just one look!

Although the moves are still a bit unfamiliar, and the use of them is not perfect, it can definitely be regarded as an entry-level level!

Yan Cangtian recalled the time when he first learned a few moves of swordsmanship and the time he spent practicing it, and he had the urge to bang his head against the wall to death.


After using it once, Ling Feng stood up with his sword put away, looked at Yan Cangtian, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yan, your sword skills are indeed mysterious, I admire you!"

Yan Cangtian's old face was slightly hot, and he coughed dryly and said: "Huh, there are many magical tricks you haven't seen before!"

"I wonder what this swordsmanship is called?"

Yan Cangtian held his head high and said proudly: "This move is called, Eight Directions Breaking the Mystery! With one sword move, you will take advantage of the enemy. There will be no opponent in all directions!"

Ling Feng nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Mr. Yan, I feel that this sword move is incomplete. Why don't you be a good person and do it to the end, and pass the complete sword move to me too!"

"Hmph, greed is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. You should digest this move first before talking about it! As for the sword moves that follow, it depends on your luck!"

After Yan Cangtian finished speaking, he quickly walked into the hall without any explanation. This boy's ability to comprehend is ridiculously strong. If all his brains were handed over to him, this boy would have been "hollowed out" before he even became a disciple. !

No, no, it’s not cost-effective!

Ling Feng was stunned, and when he wanted to say something again, Yan Cangtian was no longer around.

"Hey..." Ling Feng sighed softly and had no choice but to continue practicing the "Eight Directions Breaking Mysteries" that Yan Cangtian had just given him in the yard.

If we were to talk about levels, this move "Breaking Mysteries from All Directions" should be classified as a low-level martial art at the earth level!

This night, Ling Feng spent his time practicing his sword.

The sun rises and the moon sets, the east is white!

Suddenly, the Shifang in Ling Feng's hand disappeared, and seemed to tremble slightly. The rust on it seemed to peel off, revealing a faint luster.

Then, Ling Feng felt that there seemed to be some more information in his mind. This feeling was exactly the same as the last time when Shi Fang Ju De destroyed the "Li Huo Liao Tian" sword move that was transmitted to his mind.

"Could it be!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank suddenly and he used his consciousness to perceive the information.

In an instant, Ling Feng seemed to have entered the starry sky again. A long sword with blue light danced wildly in the starry sky, sweeping across the galaxy. It was as powerful as the collapse of mountains and rivers!

"The second form of "The Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique", earth and water break the army!"

In front of Ling Feng's eyes, a bright light flickered.

He finally knew that Li Huo Liao Tian was the first move in a complete set of swordsmanship!

The Earth-Water Breaking Army is the second form of the "Tian-Slaying Sword Technique".

Different from Li Huo Liao Tian, ​​what the Earth Water Breaking Army needs is the complete opposite, water attribute Qi!

Ling Feng stood in the courtyard, as if he had turned into a sculpture. This stood for another whole morning.

Yan Cangtian thought that Ling Feng was comprehending the Bafang Poxuan he taught him, and nodded repeatedly, "Well, a kid can be taught. This kid will definitely become a sword god in the future!"

Ling Feng learned the swordsmanship of "Earth and Water Breaking the Army" in Yan Cangtian's elixir garden. Inevitably, he was absent from Su Qingxuan's empire history.

It's a coincidence.

Yan Cangtian and Ling Feng agreed to meet every three days, and the next day would inevitably be the history of Su Qingxuan's empire.

Therefore, so far, Ling Feng has almost never attended Su Qingxuan's imperial history class!

"This Ling Feng!"

In the teaching room, Su Qingxuan's face became a little ugly!

"Ouyang Jing!" Su Qingxuan suddenly clicked Ouyang Jing's name, making this sultry young man a little flattered.

"Ah?" Ouyang Jing stood up suddenly, blinked his eyes, and said in surprise: "Instructor Su, what's wrong?"

Su Qingxuan took a deep breath and said slowly: "Ouyang Jing, you and Ling Feng have a good relationship, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Ouyang Jing nodded hastily, "He is my sworn brother!"

"Well, let me ask you, does your Chief Ling Feng Ling have any objections to me, the Imperial History Tutor?" Su Qingxuan asked with a frown.

She asked herself that in every imperial history class, she used the most interesting way to explain the boring history, so basically every class of students she took over would not be absent without reason.

But this Ling Feng, she taught several classes, but Ling Feng was absent from several classes!

She has made up her mind that she will never tolerate such students any longer!

"Ah?" Ouyang Jing was startled, "Instructor Su, who did you hear this from? How could he have any objection to you?"

Su Qingxuan's face was stern, her eyebrows were furrowed, she stared at Ouyang Jing and said, "Then tell me, why Ling Feng never comes to my class!"

"This...this!" Ouyang Jing was also stumped.

Ling Feng's whereabouts are really strange. Every three days, one day will disappear, and this day happened to catch up with Su Qingxuan's empire history.

"Teacher Su, brother, I'm sure he can't have any objections to you anyway!" Ouyang Jing rolled his eyes and said immediately: "Yes, brother is actually sick and really can't make it!"

"Sick?" Su Qingxuan snorted, "Do you get sick every time you come to my class?"

"Anyway, brother, he is really sick this time!" Ouyang Jing told a lie, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to lie.

Su Qingxuan took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, after all the classes are over this afternoon, I will go to the other courtyard where you live and personally visit Chief Ling of our East Campus!"


Ouyang Jing was dumbfounded and looked confused. Now things were getting serious.

Ouyang Jing secretly complained in his heart and could only pray: Brother, please don't hit me...

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