Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 223 Recruitment from the Sword Team!

Ling Feng raised his head, and the feeling Gu Tengfeng gave him was a sense of oppression like that of an overlord.

There was an aura about him that looked like a heavy sword without an edge, but a cunning sword.

This is a true strongman, a natural swordsman!

The two looked at each other in silence, neither of them spoke first, and their auras were secretly competing with each other.

Seeing the misunderstandings in the eyes of the people around him, Miyagi couldn't help but sweat, scratched the back of his head, and explained with a smile: "Hello, I am Miyagi, the vice-captain of the first team of the East Campus Sword Team, our captain's I mean, I hope you can join our East Campus Sword Team!”


As soon as these words came out, there was a gasp of cold air all around.

What a huge honor it is for a student with yellow letters to receive an invitation directly from the captain of the sword team!

However, what everyone did not expect was that Ling Feng actually shook his head and said calmly: "Sorry, I am very busy, have no time, and have no interest."

After saying that, he couldn't help but turn around and leave.

Qin Wanwan looked at Ling Feng, then at Gu Tengfeng who was standing there, bowed to Gu Tengfeng, and then chased Ling Feng.

"I wonder, is this kid's brain broken? He's being recruited by the captain of the Sword Team!"

"Oh my God, does he know what it means to be on the home team of the Swords?"

"If it were me, I would agree even if my legs were broken!"

Those who stayed in Tianwei Academy for a year or two to practice, all wanted to strangle Ling Feng, a guy who didn't know how to cherish them.

"Captain, it seems that this yellow-letter disciple doesn't have much interest in joining our sword team."

Miyagi frowned and sighed softly.

"I won't give up!"

Gu Tengfeng looked at Ling Feng's back, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, "No matter what, I will definitely find a way to let him join our East Campus Sword Team!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Qin Wanwan finally caught up with Ling Feng and walked side by side with him. She gasped slightly and said, "Ling Feng, you idiot, why did you refuse that Gu Tengfeng's invitation!"

"There's no reason, because I don't want to." Ling Feng frowned. He had so many things to study, why would he join a "meaningless" organization like the Sword Team?

Just to perform on the sword fighting stage?

Obviously, this is not his pursuit.

"Then do you know how many students from Tianwei Academy dream of joining the Sword Team! Because only those who join the Sword Team can be called elites, real elites! And among the five colleges, in the end, they can The sword team that represents our Tianwei University in the battle with other universities is even more the glory of our Tianwei University!”

"And to be able to defeat all the sword teams in the empire and become a member of the strongest sword team in the empire is what every warrior dreams of!"

"Don't you want to be such a person?" Qin Wanwan bit her lip and asked strangely.

"Glory?" Ling Feng paused, turned his head to look at Qin Wanwan, frowned and said, "You know, you are really annoying!"

"You!" Qin Wanwan was so angry that she stamped her feet repeatedly, "You brat, you treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs, huh, I won't pay attention to you from now on!"

"Thank you very much." Ling Feng quickened his pace and flew towards the east courtyard of Tianshu.

"Die Lingfeng, stinky Lingfeng!"

Qin Wanwan almost cried because of Ling Feng. Was she really so annoying? Why is this Ling Feng so indifferent to me?

"Hmph, I won't let you succeed. I'm going to annoy you, and I'm going to annoy you to death!" Qin Wanwan stomped on the ground a few times as if to vent her anger, and then returned to Tianxuan East Courtyard where she lived. .

Perhaps Qin Wanwan herself didn't realize that Ling Feng's appearance had caused a huge change in her mentality.

Everyone else was obviously obedient to him, but Ling Feng didn't take her seriously at all. In her bones, there was a character that refused to admit defeat, so she began to want to conquer this man who was not hypocritical to her.

As the night gets darker, frogs are heard chirping in the pond outside Tianshu East Courtyard.

"The empire's highest glory? The most powerful swordsmanship that countless warriors dream of?"

Qin Wanwan's words suddenly echoed in Ling Feng's mind inexplicably, and he, who had always been as calm as ever, felt a little irritable for no reason.

"Annoying woman!"

Ling Feng was upset for a while because he suddenly became very interested in Gu Tengfeng's sword team.

Gu Tengfeng's power and overlord-like aura made Ling Feng unable to calm down.

In his heart, he yearns for strength and pursues it extremely.

"If I join their sword team, does that mean I can fight with the top geniuses in the Tianbai Empire?"

When he thought of this, Ling Feng felt that the fighting spirit in his body was trembling!

"Boy, your heart is in a mess today!"

The breeze swept away, and the next moment, Yan Cangtian appeared in Ling Feng's room.

"Mr. Yan." Ling Feng bowed his hands to Yan Cangtian respectfully.

"Hey, what is it that can make a freak like you feel upset?" Yan Cangtian narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, as if he wanted to see through him completely.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, looked into Yan Cangtian's eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Yan, do you think I should join the East Campus Sword Team?"

"Sword team?"

Yan Cangtian's expression changed slightly, as if he remembered something. He sighed softly and asked, "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

"Today, someone recruited me to join the sword team." Ling Feng said truthfully.

"Hehe, with your talent, I'm not surprised at all that the guys from the Sword Team noticed you."

Yan Cangtian stroked his long beard, reached out and grabbed Ling Feng's shoulders, and said calmly: "Let's go, I will take you to the elixir garden first, and we will talk about it when we get there!"

Before he finished speaking, a breeze suddenly surged in the room. With the breeze, the doors and windows were closed, and the figures of Ling Feng and Yan Cangtian disappeared without a trace.

With a flash of flowers in front of his eyes, Ling Feng came to Yan Cangtian's elixir garden again.

After many struggles, Ling Feng had become somewhat accustomed to Yan Cangtian's exaggerated speed, and no longer felt dizzy.

Yan Cangtian let go of Ling Feng and walked towards the yard while saying calmly: "Boy, what do you think about joining the sword team?"

"I just hope to become stronger!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with an extremely sharp light, "I have a reason to become stronger! And, I must become very strong! Very strong!"

Not to mention the distance, just to get back the second "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Sutra" left by grandpa from the Yan family in the east capital, one must have the strength of the Shenhai realm.

Yan Cangtian suddenly stopped, turned to look at Ling Feng, and said word by word: "Then, don't hesitate to join the sword team! Only fighting and fighting with geniuses will sharpen your skills in the shortest time. , more powerful!”

Ling Feng looked at Yan Cangtian's serious expression and nodded heavily, "Thank you, Mr. Yan, for your advice!"

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