Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 218 Alchemist Guild!

While Ling Feng was training hard on the martial arts field, on the other side, his senior Yan Cangtian, who was both a teacher and a friend, also started to take action.

Although the current Yan Cangtian is no longer crazy, this guy is very "treacherous". He knows that if the dean and others find out that he is awake, they are afraid that they will arrange messy tasks for him, so he simply pretends to be crazy.

Anyway, after more than ten years of madness, no one would doubt this old guy.

On this day, Yan Cangtian took the "Blue Cloud Pattern Pill" prescription that Ling Feng gave him and "killed" directly to the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild, wanting to find those old guys to see if there was any This material, the Eyeballs of the Blazing Blood Dragon Eagle, is for sale.

Given his status, if he wanted to acquire these materials, he would not encounter obstacles at every turn.

There are many masters in the Tianbai Empire, and it is not surprising that some of them may have hunted the Demon King-level Blazing Dragon Eagle.

"Old gentleman, who are you? This is the Alchemist's Guild. No one is allowed to enter."

A guard guarding the entrance of the union frowned when he saw Yan Cangtian's tattered appearance, and stepped forward to block Yan Cangtian's way.

"Get out of my way!"

Yan Cangtian directly waved his hand and sent the guard into the sky. If he hadn't seen that this guy was also loyal to his duty, he would have killed the guard with just one palm.

" are so brave!"

Several guards nearby pulled out their swords and surrounded him in a tense manner.

If you dare to cause trouble at the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild, this old guy may never die!


At this moment, a white-haired old man walked out of the lobby. He was wearing a loose robe. He had a slim appearance, exuded a faint scent of medicine, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

The guards quickly pushed away and saluted the old man respectfully, "Master Shangguan!"

Shangguan Chu nodded and signaled the guards to leave. He then strode towards Yan Cangtian and said with a faint smile, "It turns out that Master Yan is here to visit. The Alchemist Guild is so radiant!"

Before Yan Cangtian went crazy, he was indeed the leading alchemy master and one of the honorary vice-presidents of the Alchemist Guild.

His status at that time was almost the same as Grandmaster Yundan Qingyun. (Previous review: Yun Danqing, a wizard of alchemy, has been practicing in the Cangqiong Sect, and is also half the teacher of Yuan Qiansheng. For details, see "Chapter 98: Master He Fang")

It's a pity that after more than ten years of silence, the new generation has surpassed the old ones. Although the Alchemist Guild still left behind the legend about Yan Cangtian, there is no trace of Yan Cangtian anymore.

"Shangguan Chu? Hehe, you are an old boy, you are doing well in life!"

"In front of Master Yan, it is nothing."

Shangguan Chu seemed very humble. When Yan Cangtian was prosperous, he was only a fourth-level alchemist.

Yan Cangtian laughed loudly, casually hooked Shangguan Chu's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Is that old guy Hong Haotian okay? I haven't seen him for more than ten years. If you have anything to do, talk to him!"

"I'm sorry, Master Yan. President Hong went to southern Xinjiang for half a year, saying he was looking for medicinal materials in the eyes." Shangguan Chu said apologetically.

"That old guy never left sooner or later, but he left just when I came!" Yan Cangtian frowned and said: "Then who is in charge of the Alchemist Guild now? I want to see him!"

"Several vice-presidents have also left due to matters. For the time being, I am taking care of everything." Shangguan Chu said calmly.

"Haha, I thought you had a future back then!" Yan Cangtian raised his eyebrows, patted Shangguan Chu's shoulder, and said affectionately: "Brother Shangguan, I may have something to trouble you about. ”

"Um..." Shangguan Chu sweated slightly on his forehead. He had also heard rumors about Yan Cangtian. This guy had become a little crazy, and although his skills were sometimes inconsistent, but from the hand that just knocked away the guard, this old guy It seems that the strength has not regressed over the years, and has become more terrifying.

Shangguan Chu smiled slightly and said: "Since it is Master Yan's matter, I am naturally responsible for it. Master Yan, please come with me. Let's sit down and talk while drinking tea."

"Haha, let's go up and talk!"

Yan Cangtian laughed loudly and hooked Shangguan Chu's shoulder, showing no trace of a master's bearing.

Shangguan Chu secretly sweated. It seemed that the rumors that Yan Cangtian had become a little crazy were true.

After a while, the two came to Shangguan Chu's quiet room.

Shangguan Chu asked Yan Cangtian to sit down and poured him tea himself before getting to the main topic.

"Brother, I won't say any more nonsense." Yan Cangtian said sternly: "I recently got a pair of ancient elixir prescriptions. When I came here this time, I originally wanted to ask that old boy Hong Haotian about the inventory of the Alchemist Guild. Among them, is there the kind of material I need?”

When Shangguan Chu heard this, his eyes immediately widened.

For an alchemist, nothing excites them more than cherishing medicinal materials and ancient elixir recipes.

"Gulu." Shangguan Chu swallowed and said excitedly: "Master Yan, I wonder what kind of ancient elixir you got?"

"Green Cloud Pattern Pill." Yan Cangtian said casually.

"Hiss!" Upon hearing this, Shangguan Chu took a deep breath.

Most people don't know about the Azure Cloud Pattern Pill, so wouldn't old guys at their level not know about it?

This is a serious sixth-level elixir, and it is an ancient elixir. This is an elixir that even the president of the Alchemist Guild dare not say can be made.

Moreover, there are many versions of this elixir that have been handed down, but they are all incomplete, and at least they lack more than twenty kinds of medicinal materials. Even Hong Haotian, the president of the Alchemist Guild, once tried to complete it. The recipe for the Azure Cloud Pattern Pill also ended in failure.

"You mean, Blue Cloud Pattern Pill!"

At this time, a white-haired old man rushed in at the door with great excitement, staring at Yan Cangtian in disbelief.

"Vice President Yun!" Shangguan Chu stood up quickly and bowed respectfully to the visitor.

It turned out that this white-haired old man was none other than the honorary vice president of the Alchemist Guild, Yun Danqing.

He finally left the Cangqiong Sect and came to the Alchemist Guild. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Yan Cangtian.

Yan Cangtian looked up and immediately exclaimed, "Old Yun!"

There are quite a few people who stand at the top of the alchemy world, but there are only a dozen or so of the truly top people.

In fact, Yan Cangtian and Yun Danqing were old acquaintances more than 20 years ago.

Yun Danqing looked at Yan Cangtian excitedly and said hurriedly: "Old Yan, don't say any greetings. You said you got the prescription of Biqing Yunwen Dan? But the complete prescription?"

"Nonsense, it's not a complete recipe. I'm here to find the materials for what!" Yan Cangtian said with disdain.

"So, actually completed the recipe for Biqing Yunwen Dan?" Yun Danqing clenched his fists, "I didn't expect that after twenty years of not seeing each other, your alchemy attainments far surpass those of us old guys. !”

Yan Cangtian blushed, shook his head quickly and said, "I hope I was the one who completed this recipe, but it's a pity that it wasn't me!"

Yun Danqing seemed to be relieved, patted his chest, and asked again: "If it's not you, who is it?"

"I'm afraid you don't recognize it, but a teenage boy gave me the prescription." Yan Cangtian shrugged and said calmly.

Yun Danqing's complexion changed slightly, and suddenly he remembered something, so he blurted out: "Is that young boy's name, Ling Feng?"

Thanks to [Running Ant], [Flying Tree], [Clown's Sadness] for your reward support, thank you guys~ Please vote for recommendations, please collect, please support me with rewards~ Thank you!

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