Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 213 The incredible man, Ling Feng!


Invisible pressure swept across the sword fighting arena.

Those Xuanzi disciples from the West Academy felt very strong pressure on this rookie who had just joined Tianwei Academy, making them somewhat breathless.

With one sword strike, a peak Pulse Condensation Realm with fifteen meridians fell instantly!

Even if he is also a disciple of Xuanzi, the other party will not be so surprised, but the other party is just a rookie in the early stage of Pulse Condensation Realm!

"The situation is not right, be careful to confront him head-on!" Soon, the remaining three Xuanzi disciples of the West Academy began to become nervous.

If these old guys shamelessly bully the younger ones and lose the sword fight in the end, then they may not have the face to stay in Tianwei Academy anymore.

No matter what, you must not lose.

This is a sword fight, and victory or defeat is not determined solely by force.

As long as they destroy the opponent's dragon flag, they still have hope of winning.

"You two, find an opportunity to break through the defense, and I'll trap him!"

The Xuanzi disciple who had opened eighteen meridians looked extremely solemn. As long as he chopped down the war dragon flag, the game would be over!

But now, they had the numerical advantage. Only Zhou Kai could not stop the other two Xuanzi disciples. Their war dragon flags were cut down in an instant.

As long as this troublesome Ling Feng is blocked, everything will fall into place.

He Zhonglei stood stupidly next to the Black Eagle Flag, completely frightened by Ling Feng's momentum.

In fact, these Xuanzi disciples did not include this drunkard at all. He alone was not qualified to defend the Black Eagle Flag in front of Ling Feng.

"Boy, you are very strong. Among the yellow-lettered disciples of this year, there is still a perverted guy like you!" The Eighteen Meridian Sect student stared at Ling Feng, squeezed the big sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "But , you alone can never cut off our Black Eagle flag! This is a team game!"

"It's enough for me to deal with you all!" Ling Feng swung the long sword in his hand, and the blazing fire attribute Qi raised the temperature of the entire sword fighting platform.

On the stage, everyone began to sweat profusely. After practicing the "Heaven Fire Dao Jue", Ling Feng was able to perfectly utilize the scorching power of the Earth Fire Qi. Even without taking action, he could invisibly consume the enemy.

"Take action!"

The face of the Eighteen Meridian Sect disciples froze, and he held a big sword and struck Ling Feng fiercely. At this moment, the other two Xuanzi disciples flew out like ghosts.

One left and one right, towards the area that Ling Feng could not stop, he rushed towards the War Dragon Flag belonging to the east courtyard side.

"not good!"

In the audience, all the students from the East Campus had their eyelids twitching wildly.

I have to say that although this style of play is a bit shameless, it is very effective.

After all, Ling Feng is only one person.

And this game is a game for the entire team.


Jiang Xiaofan, Wang Yishan, and Liu Yunfei clenched their fists and beat the ground heavily. However, they no longer have the strength to stand up and continue fighting.

"Hey... I can't do it alone after all!"

Gu Tengfeng shook his head, with regret flashing in his eyes, "He needs good teammates!"

"It's amazing that a yellow-character disciple can have such strength." Miyagi has changed his contempt for Ling Feng. Although he is a Tianzi disciple, even he thinks he does not have the explosive power of the forty-meridian level. .

(PS: To give a brief introduction, most disciples with the yellow character are in the early to late stage of the pulse condensing realm; most of the disciples with the black character are in the ten to twenty meridians. Disciples with the earth character are in the twenty to thirty meridians; A disciple of Tianzi, with thirty or more channels.

Of course, they are all geniuses who can break through to Huayuan Realm casually, but they just deliberately suppress the realm and are unwilling to break through, because if they are above thirty pulse gates, as long as they break through, even if they are in the late Huayuan Realm, they will not be able to break through. their opponents. And he will soon be able to cross the threshold of Huayuan Realm and break through to Shenyuan Realm.

There are also people who have exhausted their potential and have to break through to the Huayuan realm. Most of these students have dropped out of school before they can reach the threshold of Tianzi disciples.

In other words, the higher the potential, the more students can hold back without making breakthroughs and open more channels. )

Su Qingxuan's heart also suddenly tightened. She stared at Ling Feng's figure. The two Xuanzi disciples from the West Courtyard next to her were already about to pass him and attack Zhou Kai.

How could Zhou Kai stop two Xuanzi disciples at the same time?

She couldn't help but close her eyes, not wanting to see the defeat in the east courtyard.

"Ling Feng, if you lose, you are a loser, and you are not qualified to teach me a lesson!" Qin Wanwan was so anxious that she stamped her feet and waved her fists wildly.

Li Muqing grinned ferociously, "Yes, that's it, kill the east courtyard! Cut down their war dragon flag!"

However, just when everyone thought that the East Campus was bound to lose, there was a "bang", and then, "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three figures collided with each other and fell onto the sword fighting platform.


The three Xuanzi disciples were holding their stomachs, bowing like shrimps, rolling on the ground, howling in pain.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng dumbly, not even understanding what was happening on the stage.

It was obvious that the three people were facing different goals, so why did they suddenly collide?

No matter how fast he was, after the other two Xuanzi disciples passed Ling Feng, could he still have eyes on the back of his head and know their positions accurately?

That’s right!

Ling Feng did have eyes on the back of his head.

But it's not real eyes, but the ability of "infinite vision".

He could clearly "see" all their actions. In addition, he instantly unlocked the Hunyuan Lock, and with an explosion of speed, in an instant, he dragged two Xuanzi disciples to the left and right, and slammed into the strongest guy in the middle.

The three of them shot with all their strength, so when they collided with each other, they each punched each other. The feeling...

Among those present, apart from the few Tianzi disciples, only Li Muqing could see some clues about Ling Feng's movements. (Su Qingxuan closed her eyes!)

"This kid..." Li Muqing clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of disbelief.

When did the yellow-character disciple become so defiant?

"Oh my God! Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

Miyagi's mouth opened so wide that he could almost fit a fist into it, "Captain, did you see it? That kind of reaction! That kind of speed! And that kind of power!"

"This boy! He is the person I am looking for! He must be the person I am looking for!"

Gu Tengfeng also clenched his fists excitedly. He never thought that he would become so excited because of a new student and a rookie.

"He is already at the Tianzi disciple level. What he lacks is teamwork and strategic combat skills! He will be an excellent spear to defeat the three powerful sword teams of the North Courtyard, South Courtyard, and Middle Courtyard. Shield! With him, our East Campus Sword Team will never be at the bottom again! We will even become the first sword team of Tianwei University, the first sword team of the four major universities!”

Gu Tengfeng felt that the blood deep in his heart was completely ignited. The dream that had been forgotten for many years suddenly revived at this moment.

The first in the empire!

The first in the empire!

The first in the empire!

Gu Tengfeng stared at Ling Feng, "No matter what, no matter what the price, I will make you a member of our sword team! Definitely!"

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