Ling Feng and Yan Cangtian were both masters of alchemy. Although Yan Cangtian's eyesight was not very good, his ability to control fire and refine alchemy with one hand was beyond words.

After Ling Feng helped him select the correct medicinal materials, Yan Cangtian finally successfully refined a "Nine Transformations Zangfu Pill".

However, compared with the one refined by Ling Feng, it is obviously much worse.

This is not to say that Yan Cangtian's alchemy skills are not as good as Ling Feng's, but the vitality in his body often fluctuates up and down.

Although Ling Feng used golden needles to temporarily suppress the poison in his body, he still could not fully control the vitality in his body. At most, it would not suddenly disappear, but it still had a certain impact.

He was able to overcome this influence and refine the ancient elixirs in the "Medicine King's Prescriptions", which is already very impressive.

"Good boy!" Yan Cangtian saw the elixir refined by Ling Feng, compared it with his own, and couldn't help but sigh, "The successor of the Medical Saint will be the successor of the Medical Saint after all!"

"Senior's method of controlling fire is also quite impressive. If he can return to his former peak state, he will definitely not be worse than me!" Ling Feng's eyes were sure, without the slightest hint of compliment.

"Hmph, how old are you? At your age, I'm already as old as your grandfather!" Yan Cangtian smiled bitterly and added, "When I just observed you controlling fire, the fire element energy you used seemed to It’s unusual, maybe it’s because of the spiritual energy, right?”

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from senior. My true energy was indeed injected with the Earth Fire Crystal Stone of the Earth Fire Flame Ghost." Ling Feng did not hide anything and told the truth.

"Good boy, the Earth Fire Flame Ghost is at least the Demon Lord level, right? No wonder."

Yan Cangtian narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

Earth Fire Qi can be said to be one of the most suitable types of fire attribute Qi for making elixirs. This guy is really blessed with it.

"It was purely luck. Thanks to Mr. Wen Ge of the Cang Qiong Sect, I was able to obtain the Earth Fire Crystal by chance." Ling Feng said lightly.

"It turns out you know that old boy Wen Tingguang, too. He's interesting."

Yan Cangtian stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "You have the best fire attribute Qi all over your body, but you don't know how to use it. Today I will teach you the "Tianhuo Dao Jue". Although this Tianhuo Jue is an alchemy control It’s a fire technique, but at your level, it’s more than enough to deal with some cats and dogs.”

After saying that, Yan Cangtian threw out a slightly yellowed book, turned around and started tinkering with his alchemy furnace again.

"This..." Ling Feng took the "Sky Fire Dao Jue", hesitated for a moment, then accepted it, and bowed respectfully to Yan Cangtian, "Thank you, senior!"

Yan Cangtian curled his lips and pretended not to hear.

Ling Feng opened the "Sky Fire Dao Jue" and was quickly attracted by the methods of controlling fire energy in it.

The above-mentioned condensation of Qi into form uses true Qi to shape all kinds of Dharma appearances, forming the appearance of dragons and tigers, and forming celestial wonders...

All this depends on the cooperation of true energy and spiritual consciousness.

He seemed to have opened the door to a new world: It turns out that Qi can still be used in this way!

I don’t know how long it took, but it was already bright.

"A sneeze! A sneeze!..."

Ling Feng sneezed several times in a row and couldn't help but mutter, "Who is talking about me?"

He suddenly raised his head and realized that he was immersed in the "Sky Fire Dao Jue" and had forgotten the time. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and the morning class was probably over!

"I go……"

Ling Feng looked depressed. He quickly turned to look at Yan Cangtian and said anxiously: "Senior, why didn't you call me!"

"Hmph, what's so good about a mere yellow-letter disciple's course? How can it be as good as your studying the "Sky Fire Dao Jue" here?" Yan Cangtian said with a look of disdain.


Ling Feng curled his lips. That's true, but since he became a Huangzi disciple, he hasn't gone to a single class. It seems a bit unreasonable...

It seems that he is still the chief of the East Campus...

"Senior, you'd better send me back first. Thank you, senior."

"Yeah!" Yan Cangtian grabbed Ling Feng's shoulder with his big hand, and immediately his figure flashed and flew away in the direction of Tianshu East Courtyard.

At this time, someone was indeed chanting Ling Feng's name.

"Ling Feng! Ling Feng! Ling Feng!..."

A gentle voice with a hint of anger echoed in the classroom.

Su Qingxuan frowned, her beautiful face full of anger.

This student is so outrageous!

As the chief of the East Campus, it is understandable that you were absent due to injury a few days ago, but now that you are clearly fine, you will continue to be absent!

This is a bit too "arrogant"!

Although she is only the tutor of Imperial History, she is actually the real person in charge of these yellow-labeled disciples in the East Campus, a person like the head teacher.

Qin Wanwan was sitting in the teaching room with her eyebrows furrowed. She had not seen Ling Feng since the first day of training.

Inexplicably, I actually miss that annoying guy a little bit.

"Forget it!" Su Qingxuan stood up suddenly behind the podium and took a deep breath. The exaggerated rise and fall of her chest attracted the attention of most male students.

Su Qingxuan clapped her hands on the podium, frowned and said, "Since the chief has been absent for a long time, let's elect a deputy chief among you to temporarily take over Ling Feng's responsibilities."

After saying that, Su Qingxuan glanced around the crowd, finally stopping at Qin Wanwan, and said softly: "Qin Wanwan, you are very knowledgeable about the history of the empire, and your own cultivation and talent are also very outstanding. It's up to you to Come be the deputy chief.”


"That's great!"

"Absolutely support it!"

Before Qin Wanwan could answer, the male students around her started roaring.

Qin Wanwan was the most beautiful woman in the East Campus, so of course they agreed with both hands and feet to ask her to be the deputy chief.

Qin Wanwan's appearance is indeed impeccable. She has a delicate and graceful figure, and her skin is as white as jade, just like the hazy landscape in the mist and rain, as agile and beautiful as any.

Of course, this is all superficial. Only when you have in-depth contact with her will you know how arrogant and unruly this woman is.

But strangely enough, ever since Qin Wanwan was scolded by Ling Feng when she was outside the Forest of Heavenly Meridians, her unruly temperament has calmed down a lot.

Qin Wanwan stood up slowly, bit her lips and hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded, "Okay, Teacher Su."

"Well, from now on you should assist me in my work and don't be like that Ling Feng!" Su Qingxuan nodded and motioned for Qin Wanwan to sit down.

"Then let's stop here for today's history of the empire. Everyone can go back first..."

Before Su Qingxuan could finish speaking, a rather magnetic voice suddenly came from outside the door, saying gently: "Teacher Su, please come out and let me discuss something with you, okay?"

The students in the teaching room turned to look at the door, and saw a handsome man wearing a moon-white robe, with a jade tree facing the wind, standing at the door, with a faint smile on his face, looking very charming.

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