Celestial being

Chapter 890 Zhiyang Spiritual Vein

Nan Shangfeng walked into the inner hall first and saw a fat middle-aged man sitting behind the desk. He immediately smiled and said:

"Haha, Elder Duan, after so many years of separation, your style remains the same."

When the latter heard this, the fat on his cheeks twitched, but he did not expose his lies.

"Fellow Taoist is an old friend. If you have any questions, just tell me. For the sake of my old friend, I will definitely help you if you can." Elder Duan glanced at the two of them and said calmly.

"Elder Duan, please be happy. The two of us are going to Baidi City and would like to book two teleportation places from you." Nan Shangfeng said.

"Oh, for this...it's not a big deal, but...you know the recent situation, it's not easy to handle." Elder Duan frowned, looking very embarrassed.

"Elder Duan, we are all acquaintances. Naturally, we will not make things difficult for you." Nan Shangfeng said, taking out a storage bag, placing it on the desk, and patted it gently.

Elder Duan coughed twice, with a smile on his face, and raised his hand to press the storage bag.

After a little exploration, his eyes lit up, and he was obviously very satisfied with what Nan Shangfeng gave him. He slowly put it away, then took out two teleportation tokens and placed them on the table.

"You two, I am helping you just for the sake of my old friend. In a few days, when the time comes, you two must come on time and don't miss the show. It won't be solved by our old friend. No matter what, we can only wait until three months before teleporting." Elder Duan reminded.

"Thank you. We will remember Elder Duan's advice and kindness." Nan Shangfeng said with a smile on his face and cupped his fists.

When the two came out of the inner hall, they saw several more people walking in under the guidance of the short-browed young man. After meeting each other, they were taken outside the inner hall door.

"How much did it cost?" Yuan Ming asked after walking out of the hall.

"The price is ten times higher than usual. However, as long as the matter is completed, the money will be well spent." Nan Shangfeng smiled and said nonchalantly.

A few days later, Yuan Ming and Nan Shangfeng arrived at the teleportation hall of the City Lord's Mansion on time.

After being inspected by the Demon Mirror again, they all entered the teleportation circle and were sent to Baidi City.

"Please two fellow Taoists not to stay in the teleportation array, so as not to affect the next round of teleportation."

Yuan Ming and Nan Shangfeng had just arrived at Baidi City. Before they could see the scenery near the teleportation array clearly, a monk stepped forward and drove them off the teleportation array half-reminding and half-forcibly.

Because Yuan Ming hid his cultivation, the man did not see Yuan Ming's identity as a monk in Fa Xiangqi.

When Nan Shangfeng saw this, his face immediately showed some dissatisfaction.

"Let's go, there are people waiting outside." However, Yuan Ming did not feel offended. He just roughly glanced at the surrounding decorations and whispered.

Nan Shangfeng was slightly startled, and when he saw Yuan Ming walking out, he quickly followed him without saying anything.

The two walked out of the door of the teleportation hall, and the dazzling sunlight shone from the sky, which was a bit dazzling but also gave people a warm and comfortable feeling.

After a short period of adaptation, the entire scenery of Baidi City came into view.

Surrounded by mountains, there are pavilions and pavilions, criss-crossing plank roads and corridors. Countless monks are flying between the mountains with their magic weapons, but they all slow down in a regular manner, like carriages and horses in a stream. In a line in the sky.

"No matter how many times I see it, the scenery of Baidi City is always amazing." Nan Shangfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Yuan Ming's attention was not focused on the scenery of Baidi City. Instead, he raised his eyes and looked around, and soon found the person he was looking for.

"Haha, Brother Wan, I've waited for you." Before he could say anything, the man came over with a smile, it was Wulu.

Before coming, Yuan Ming had communicated with him in advance and specifically told him not to call him by his real name.

"This is..." Nan Shangfeng didn't know about this in advance, and he suddenly became confused.

"My surname is Wu. I am a close friend of Brother Wan. I have lived in Baidi City for a long time and am considered half a local. I heard that fellow Taoist Wan is coming, so I am here to welcome him." Before Yuan Ming could say anything, , Ulu took the initiative to explain.

"I see, I met fellow Taoist Wu when I was in Xia Nan Shangfeng." Nan Shangfeng suddenly understood and introduced himself.

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Wan told you that you don't need to be so polite. By the way, you have a place to go in Baidi City. If not, why not live in my house with Fellow Daoist Wan." Wulu said warmly Invited.

"This...then I'm disturbing fellow Taoist Wu. These are compensations for the disturbance, so please accept them." Seeing that Yuan Ming had no objection, Nan Shangfeng agreed, and at the same time he came over and took out a A storage ring was placed in Ulu's hand.

Wulu took the ring and examined it with his spiritual consciousness. The smile on his face suddenly became more enthusiastic.

"Let's go, let's go, I'll take you to the cave right now." He put the storage ring away and said at the same time.

Yuan Ming nodded and followed Wulu with Nan Shangfeng.

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask, which area is the cave of fellow Taoist?" Nan Shangfeng suddenly asked on the way.

"Don't worry, it's Yuanjian District." Wulu turned around and said.

"Are there any differences between different areas?" Yuan Ming asked.

"Of course there is. Baidi City divides the place where monks live into five major areas. From bottom to top, the intensity of spiritual energy increases in sequence. Yuanjian District is ranked second, second only to Tianjian District." Ulu explained. road.

"The cave in Tianjian District is not easy to get. In addition to having spiritual stones, you also need to have good connections." Nan Shangfeng also added.

"Speaking of which, the power of the sun seems to be stronger here than in other places." Yuan Ming understood and asked about other topics.

"Fellow Taoist Wan is really keen, and he can detect even this subtle difference. Yes, because there is a Zhiyang spiritual vein in the city, the power of the sun here is stronger than in other places, but then the city lord spent a lot of effort, A Fierce Sun Pond was built to concentrate the power of the spiritual veins. When it is not turned on on weekdays, the power of the sun in the city is not as strong as before." Wulu said.

"Why did the city lord do this?" Yuan Ming asked curiously.

"Of course it is for practice. It is said that the technique he majors in is called the Great Sun Shining Gold True Technique. It requires a lot of the power of the sun to practice. The Lieyang Pond was also built to assist him in his practice." Ulu said casually. said.

Yuan Ming nodded thoughtfully and asked no more questions, and soon, several people arrived in front of Ulu's cave.

"My cave is not a small place. The two rooms in the southeast have been tidied up. Brother Wan and fellow Daoist Nan will live there." Wulu led Yuan Ming and the others into the cave and pointed.

"Okay, then I'll go in and have a rest. I won't disturb you and reminisce about the past." Nan Shangfeng saw this and left with good sense and entered his room.

After he left, Wulu's originally smiling face changed instantly. He raised his hand at the same time and touched the ban in the mansion to separate Nan Shangfeng's room to ensure that no sound would leak in.

"What is Brother Yuan going to do with this person?" Ulu asked in a low voice.

"He has helped me a lot. He has behaved well along the way. Let him be left alone and treat me like an ordinary friend." Yuan Ming shook his head.

"But the Da Luo sect is not friendly. Besides, you also said that he is now involved in the inheritance turmoil and can easily cause trouble for us." Ulu was a little worried.

"If he doesn't take the initiative to show up, there won't be any more trouble." Yuan Mingze said.

"But I see that he seems to have some plans, and maybe there is something else involved." Ulu still insisted.

"As long as he stays alone, leave him alone. Otherwise, let him fend for himself." Yuan Ming thought for a while and said.

Wulu nodded, understanding Yuan Ming's thoughts and hearing the implication.

"What's the current situation of Tianhuo?" Yuan Ming asked at this time.

"Judging from the information we have found so far, Skyfire seems to have appeared in the Fire Rock Desert for a while, but it soon disappeared. Now many monks have gone there to inquire about the situation." Ulu said, taking out the map and showing the location. Pointed it out to Yuan Ming.

"Apart from this, is there any other information?" Yuan Ming nodded slightly.

"No, I have investigated it all. The others are all unreliable rumors. Only this place has definite news. How about it? Do you want to go and check it out?" Ulu asked.

"No, let's wait until Xiying comes back and I meet her. I have to ask her what she thinks first." Yuan Ming thought for a moment and shook his head.

Wulu naturally has no objection to this.

After they finished chatting about the business, they chatted and drank and reminisced about old times. They didn't go back to their houses until the moon rose.

Yuan Ming sat back in the room, and with a rush of magic power, he dispelled the drunkenness, and then began to meditate alone.

His method of cultivation has now broken through the Dharma form, and there is no room for improvement in a short period of time. If he wants to increase his strength, he must start from both physical and soul cultivation.

As for soul cultivation, since he had no skills, he could not make further breakthroughs. After thinking about it, he could only focus on improving his physical cultivation first.

But this means that he needs a lot of sun power to temper his body.

In this way, the Zhiyang spiritual veins in Baidi City would be particularly useful to him.

It's just that the Lord of Baidi City regards the Zhiyang Spiritual Vein as a forbidden treasure, and also built the Lieyang Pool. It may not be easy to get a piece of the pie.

Yuan Ming thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand to seal the secret, and an immortal tree root instantly emerged from his right leg, breaking through the void and exploring and spreading underground in Baidi City.

Not long after, following the traces of the power of the sun, the roots of the immortal tree found the location of the Zhiyang Spiritual Vein - just below the main peak of Baidi City.

In the spiritual veins, the power of the sun has almost condensed into a liquid state, rippling and flowing like a river.

However, right in the center of the spiritual vein, a square bronze pool cuts off the spiritual vein. There are countless rune carvings imprinted on the pool. There are also spiritual light tentacles like pipes on both sides of the pool, which are fiercely pierced into the spiritual vein. , continuously extracting the power of the sun and instilling it into the square pool.

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