Celestial being

Chapter 886 Things are different now

"Leiyu, when did you break through?" Yuan Ming's eyes lingered on the vertical lightning lines on Leiyu's forehead for a while, and he asked.

"Just now, the beast control rune in my body suddenly changed and turned into a golden sunflower pattern. Then a thought was transmitted, and the demonic power in my body surged, and I successfully broke through the fifth upper level in one go. Master, Do you know what's going on?" Lei Yu stopped near Yuan Ming and asked.

"The Golden Sunflower Pattern... is the Golden Sunflower Beast Controlling Technique! After practicing this technique to a perfect level, it can actually have the effect of promoting the breakthrough of spiritual beasts?" Yuan Ming did not answer Leiyu, but his heart surged violently.

Jinkui's Beast Control Technique allows the owner to borrow the magical powers of spiritual beasts, which is already amazing. Now it seems to be able to speed up the cultivation of spiritual beasts. Is this magical power too powerful?

Not only Jinkui's beast control technique, circular light technique, and grafting technique, the effects of Liujia Qimen are equally astonishing.

Although he has been using these magical powers over the years, he has not explored any of them to the extreme.

"There are still many mysteries about the origin of the Three Immortals Island. It seems that the origins of the Golden Sun Book, the Lan Ke Yu Book, and the Penglai Immortal Book are bigger than I expected..." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

He told Lei Yu to go aside and practice while he sat down cross-legged again and began to use Jin Kui's Beast Control Technique, intending to calm down and comprehend this magical power.

At this time, a strange movement suddenly occurred in his heart. The golden light flashed in the immortal tree in Dantian, and a golden sunflower pattern appeared.

Yuan Ming was not surprised. In order to completely conquer the immortal tree, he also used the Golden Sunflower Beast Control Technique on it.

As he continued to use this technique, he soon discovered that through the seal of this magical power, he could indeed connect his thoughts to the immortal tree, which was somewhat similar to the effect of the black incense of the Stealing Heaven Cauldron.

Yuan Ming calmed down and passed on his insights about the Dharma Phase Period.

The original power of the immortal tree became restless, and the tree roots stretched out in all directions, spontaneously piercing the void and quickly absorbing the nearby spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Yuan Ming was stunned, then he glanced outside the canyon and made a secret gesture to activate the Hunyuan Taizhen Formation.

A dazzling spiritual light filled the formation, enveloping his body.

Outside the canyon, Wu Yu, Xuan Ye, and Nan Shangfeng were suddenly unable to see Yuan Ming's situation, and their spiritual consciousness was cut off by the Hunyuan Taizhen Formation.

In the Hunyuan Taizhen Formation, Yuan Ming ran the Ming Ling Jue, and his body swayed and turned into an ancient black tree.

The underground spiritual veins seemed to be activated, and the canyon was filled with thick spiritual mist again. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was so rich that it was unbelievable.

The roots of the immortal tree absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with all their strength, and the power of the immortal tree demon in the tree surged like a boil, undergoing a slight transformation.

The next moment, dots of white light began to light up everywhere on the immortal branches and leaves. They blended with each other and lit up a hazy light, making the entire tree look a bit hazy and dreamlike.

Not far away, Lei Yu was also locked up in the Hunyuan Taizhen Formation. At this time, he was greedily absorbing the extremely rich spiritual energy in the formation, and he was working hard to increase his demonic power.

Yuan Ming, who transformed into an immortal tree, ignored the thunderstorm and concentrated on his own changes.

He could feel that as the vast amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth integrated into his body, the power of the undead tree demon increased rapidly, and it seemed that it would soon break through the sixth level.

And he now understood that the opportunity for the Immortal Tree's breakthrough was not entirely due to Jin Kui's beast control technique, but also the bark of the World Tree.

After gradually growing stronger, the bark of the World Tree is also eager to continue growing, accelerating the breakthrough of the Immortal Tree.

While Yuan Ming was using the Golden Sunflower Control Technique to convey the insights from the Dharma Phase Stage, he also absorbed the rich spiritual energy in the array with all his strength and poured it into the Immortal Tree.

After one day and one night.

The immortal tree demon was boiling with power, finally breaking through its confinement and reaching the sixth level.

The power of the great avenue of heaven and earth also fell, but the Immortal Tree did not practice many magical powers like Yuan Ming. The power of the great avenue that fell was not much, and it quickly stopped.

Rich black demonic energy poured out from the undead tree, and the undead tree quickly grew in size again, and soon withstood the Hunyuan Taizhen's large light curtain.

The crown of the immortal tree did not stop and continued to grow upward.

With a loud "bang" sound, the immortal tree pierced the large light screen and continued to grow and grow. It didn't take long before it turned into a giant tree, taller than the peaks on both sides of the canyon.

The dense tree canopy spread out in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon covered a large area near the canyon.

Outside the canyon, Nan Shang Feng Xuanye and Wu Yu were all shocked when they saw this scene.

"What is this? Is it the fault of fellow Taoist Wan?" Nan Shangfeng muttered to himself.

Xuan Ye and Wu Yu looked at the densely spread giant trees in front of them and remained silent.

At this time, Yuan Ming naturally did not care about the exposure of the immortal tree's whereabouts, but calmed down and sensed its changes.

After breaking through the sixth level, the toughness of the immortal tree has reached a higher level than before, reaching the level of ordinary spiritual treasures.

As for the regeneration ability, it has also been improved to a certain extent on the original basis, and has reached an incredible level.

No matter what kind of attack the current Immortal Tree is subjected to, even if it is burnt to char or broken into pieces, it cannot completely die. As long as enough spiritual power is provided, the Immortal Tree can recover quickly.

Yuan Ming didn't even believe it, so he raised the Zhuxian Sword and poured the magic power of the Dharma Phase Stage into it.

The Zhuxian Sword made a clear sound like a dragon's roar, and a thick Zhuxian Sword Qi shot out. In a flash, it twisted an immortal tree trunk into particles smaller than sawdust.

I saw wisps of undead tree demon power floating on those sawdust, gathering in one place, and quickly spliced ​​together and grew together.

In just two or three breaths, a brand new tree trunk condensed and formed, suspended in mid-air.

The branches and leaves of this tree trunk are lush and full of vitality, just like the immortal tree that grew before, except that a lot of the demonic power contained in it has been consumed.

Yuan Ming nodded secretly, but did not stop. He raised one hand and held out a small purple-black flag.

He pointed lightly at the flag with one hand, and the small flag suddenly trembled, and gradually grew into a size of about ten feet in the wind. There were circles of purple-black light that stretched and contracted on the surface, as if there was a living thing swimming on the surface of the flag. Walking non-stop, exuding amazing aura.

This object is a magic weapon made from the poison sac of the jellyfish monster. Although it has not reached the level of spiritual treasure, it has inherited more than 80% of the jellyfish monster's poison.


A stream of purple-black light shot out from the flag and wrapped around the trunk of the immortal tree.

The corrosive sound of "chichi" sounded, and all the leaves and small trunks rotted quickly. In the blink of an eye, only a rotten trunk with pits and holes was left in the originally lush trunk. There was no trace of life, and the demonic power contained in the trunk was also melted away. All.

As soon as Yuan Ming used his luck, the spiritual energy from the nearby heaven and earth immediately gathered and poured into it.

The decayed tree trunk quickly regained life, branches sprouted, and then leaves grew.

Not long after, a lush branch reappeared.

Yuan Ming couldn't help but marvel when he saw this, and had to be convinced that this vitality was really tenacious to the extreme and lived up to the name of "immortal".

His heart immediately overflowed with joy. The Immortal Tree was not like a monk, with its Dantian, head and many other vital organs. Now it had this tenacious vitality and powerful regeneration ability, and was not afraid of any enemy.

Even if it is besieged by two or three Dharma Phase Stage monks, the Immortal Tree will consume most of its demonic power faster, so it can completely cope with it.

Moreover, with the powerful devouring ability of the roots of the immortal tree, it can quickly restore the demonic power. Fighting a war of attrition is beyond the reach of ordinary monks of the same level. As long as you deal with it carefully, it is not impossible to kill two or three Dharma phases.

"With my current magical power, I'm afraid I won't be able to win against a level six Immortal Tree." Yuan Ming secretly compared himself with the Immortal Tree and made a judgment in his mind.

Of course, the immortal tree is not without its weaknesses, and its spirit is still there.

It's just that the demonic energy of the immortal tree can devour the soul attack. If you want to use the soul attack to kill the immortal tree, not only the monks of the phase phase, but also the life witches may not be able to do it.

In addition to its regeneration ability, the ability of the immortal tree's roots to penetrate the void is also greatly enhanced.

The immortal tree had now turned into a giant tree, and its roots were extending unknowingly, taking root deep into the ground. With a thought in his mind, Yuan Ming immediately controlled the roots and began to penetrate as far down as possible, activating its The ability to penetrate the void.

Roots of tree vines pierced into the void, reaching into previously unreachable strata and encountering a place with extremely strong spiritual power.

"Could this... have touched the underground spiritual veins?" Yuan Ming was slightly startled when he saw this situation.

The Zhongzhou Continent is different from the Yunhuang Continent, the islands of the East Extreme Sea, and other places. The surface of the earth is more than ten times thicker, and the spiritual veins are hidden deep underground. If magic circles and other methods are not set up in advance to guide the spiritual power, even Dharma cultivators cannot touch it at will. Touch, the roots of the immortal tree can actually be touched!

Just when Yuan Ming was stunned, the roots of the immortal tree spontaneously activated, extracting the spiritual power from the underground spiritual veins.

Streams of pure earth vein spiritual power were quickly forcibly extracted, flowing into the tree body along the roots and merging into the trunk.

Yuan Ming sensed this scene and felt happy. He increased the intensity of extracting the roots of the immortal tree and intercepted part of the spiritual power to transmit to himself.

The spiritual power of the underground spiritual veins is extremely pure, which just helps him and the immortal tree stabilize their realm.

Not only did the roots of the immortal tree greatly increase its ability to penetrate the void, but its devouring ability also improved a lot. The originally strong spiritual power in the underground spiritual veins began to decrease rapidly.

Fortunately, the underground spiritual veins are connected to each other, and spiritual power from other places also begins to gather.

Yuan Ming ignored these and continued to stabilize his realm.

Two days passed by in a flash, and Yuan Ming's cultivation state was completely stable, as was the Immortal Tree.

"I didn't expect that the effect of directly absorbing the spiritual power of underground spiritual veins would be so good! If you can find a suitable place for spiritual veins in the future and use this method to practice, you won't need any pills at all, and your cultivation will be able to improve by leaps and bounds. "Yuan Ming thought secretly.

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