Celestial being

Chapter 875 Entering the City (Happy Chinese New Year)

As soon as Yuan Ming set off, Kong's voice sounded in his ears again:

"By the way, I would like to remind you that when walking in the city of Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, it is best not to let people notice that you have demonic aura, otherwise you will cause unnecessary trouble."

Hearing this, Yuan Ming silently remembered Kong's instructions in his heart and did not respond.

All the way to Yinshan City, in the dense forests of the mountains passing by, the roar of monsters could be heard from time to time.

This is just the outskirts of the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range. Most of the monsters that are entrenched here are level three or four. There are no monsters that are too powerful. Naturally, they don't dare to take the initiative to seek bad luck on him. The journey was uneventful.

Seven days later, Yuan Ming rushed to Yinshan City.

Yinshan City is located in a valley between two towering peaks. The city wall is more than a hundred feet high, and the entire city is made of huge stainless steel rock barriers cut from a single piece. In the early morning sun, it reflects a metallic luster and looks indestructible.

Yuan Ming stood outside the city and looked up at the city head. He saw a majestic city tower standing on the city head that was more than a hundred feet wide. There were two octagonal archery towers on both sides of the city head that echoed each other. They looked full of chilling atmosphere.

On the city wall, dense and complicated runes are engraved, which extend into the door opening of the city wall. They should be part of the entire city gate's defensive array.

Yuan Ming moved his eyes upward and looked at the two peaks on both sides of the city gate. He saw that there were towering buildings that looked like fortresses and arrow towers, with some kind of huge crossbows and arrows arranged on them. There were also vague symbols on them. Traces of the pattern formation.

The entire Yinshan City is not so much a city as a solid fortress that is well prepared. I believe that once a foreign enemy invades, it will immediately evolve into another appearance.

It was early in the morning, and there were not many people entering the city at the city gate, but quite a few people coming out. Most of them were walking in groups of seven or eight, and few were walking alone.

Yuan Ming looked at it for a moment, then walked towards the city gate.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by a group of armored guards stationed at the city gate.

"Stop, where is your ultimatum for entering the city?" The leader, a bearded man, looked Yuan Ming up and down and asked.

"This is my first time here, and I didn't ask for an ultimatum." Yuan Ming honestly said.

The bearded man frowned when he heard this. Seeing that Yuan Ming's aura was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he didn't say anything more. He just made a "come in with me" gesture to Yuan Ming, then turned and walked in front.

Yuan Ming followed him and walked into the gate of the city wall.

As soon as he entered the doorway, Yuan Ming felt a wave of spiritual power sweeping over him from top to bottom.

He looked up and saw a round bronze mirror the size of a basin embedded in the wall above the doorway. The fluctuations of spiritual power that illuminated him just now were emanating from the bronze mirror.

"That's a demon mirror. It can reflect the demonic aura on your body. It was used to prevent demons from sneaking into the city." The bearded man walking in front stopped where he was. Seeing that there was nothing strange on the bronze mirror, he told Yuan Ming explained.

"Do monsters often sneak into the city?" Yuan Ming asked.

"That's not true. But most of the people in this Yinshan City come to the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range to hunt monsters. For thousands of years, they have had a deadly feud with the monsters in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains, so they have to be on guard at all times. " said the bearded man.

Hearing this, Yuan Ming nodded and said nothing more.

Soon, the two of them walked into the city gate, arrived at a barracks, and processed the ultimatum for entering the city.

There are two types of admission certificates for entering the city. One is a long-term admission certificate, which allows you to live in Yinshan City for thirty years, and the other is a short-term admission certificate, which can only stay in Yinshan City for one year.

To Yuan Ming's surprise, a long-term stay only cost one hundred spirit stones, while a short-term stay was a hundred times the price, requiring ten thousand spirit stones.

"Why are short-term ultimatums so expensive? According to common sense, shouldn't it be the other way around?" Yuan Ming asked in a deep voice.

Could it be that this bearded man was bullying him because he was a stranger, and was deliberately asking for an extortionate price?

"It seems that this is my first time to come to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains and I don't know anything about the situation here. This is true for the nineteen cities in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains..." The bearded man smiled and then explained the reason.

It turns out that although monks who have received long-term ultimatums can live in the city for a long time, they are subject to the control of the Yinshan City Lord's Mansion. They are not allowed to leave the city without permission. They also have to go to the City Lord's Mansion regularly to receive tasks. They are considered half of the City Lord's Mansion. .

However, short-term ultimatums have no restrictions and are more free, so the cost is naturally higher.

The low-level monks in the city basically have long-term ultimatums. Only those monks who have the strength to go out and hunt monsters will apply for short-term ultimatums.

"If fellow Taoist is short of money, just make a long-term ultimatum. The tasks issued by the City Lord's Mansion are not difficult. They are usually patrolling and guarding tasks. Fellow Taoist's strength can be easily completed. Moreover, after joining the City Lord's Mansion, in the city, It will also be more convenient to travel in many places." The bearded man suggested.

Yuan Ming wanted to go to Black Tiger City, so he immediately paid 10,000 spirit stones and applied for a short-term ultimatum.

"Fellow Daoist, you are worth a lot. Keep this ultimatum and don't lose it. Otherwise, you will need to spend spiritual stones to apply for it again. In addition, no private fights are allowed in the city for no reason. Otherwise, the ultimatum will be confiscated immediately and expelled from the city." The bearded man handed a piece to Yuan Ming. The black jade sign reminded me.

"Thank you." Yuan Ming cupped his fists and thanked him.

Then, the bearded man left him behind and returned to his post.

Yuan Ming rushed to the city alone.

Inside the gate of Yinshan City is a straight and wide bluestone avenue with no shops on both sides, only towering arrow towers, which seem to be set up to prevent monsters from invading the city.

There are more than a dozen monks stationed on each arrow tower.

These monks were wearing uniform black tight-fitting clothes. No one spoke. Each of them had a solemn look on their face, and they were closely alert to the situation outside the city. The air was filled with solemnity.

Yuan Ming crossed the wide bluestone avenue. The terrain in front of him suddenly became lower. He followed the downward stone steps for more than ten steps. The terrain in front of him suddenly opened up. Neat streets and tall buildings appeared in front of him. In front of you.

Only then did the nervous and chilling atmosphere disappear. The early morning sunlight fell on the street, reflecting the warm orange sunlight, and the long-lost smell of fireworks hit our faces.

The food stalls on the streets have already opened for business, and milky white water vapor mixed with the aroma of food floats in the air.

Yinshan City is a city of monks, and most of the vendors setting up stalls are monks, selling mostly spiritual food made from spiritual materials.

Yuan Ming felt the urge to eat and drink after a long time, his Adam's apple moved, and he walked over.

He came to a stall selling mutton soup and sat down. On the recommendation of the waiter, he ordered a bowl of mutton soup made from the monster triangle sheep and ate a big bowl of it with the freshly baked pancakes.

Yuan Ming did not leave immediately. He rewarded the man with a few spiritual stones and asked about Yinshan City.

Although this guy was only in the Qi Refining Stage, he had been in Yinshan City for more than ten years and was quite familiar with the situation here. He had answers to all the questions raised by Yuan Ming.

After some questioning, Yuan Ming basically understood the situation in Yinshan City.

The city lord of Yinshan City is named Longshan, and his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Dharma Phase. He has a deputy city lord who is in the early stage of Dharma Phase, and more than twenty commanders in the Void Return Stage. Each commander is in charge of 500 soldiers directly under the city lord's palace.

The entire Yinshan City is basically a cultivating force centered on the city lord of Yinshan City. The same is true for other cities in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

Yuan Ming nodded slowly. The major cities in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains were really strong. No wonder Dongji Palace wanted to submit to Baidi City.

While the two were talking, a group of black monks walked through the street. They were also wearing the black tight-fitting clothes of those on the arrow tower. Their cultivation was at the Nascent Soul stage.

The other monks on the street were in awe of these people and moved out of the way.

"What are the identities of these people?" Yuan Ming asked.

"They are the soldiers of the city lord's palace. Even if they kill people, no one dares to control them. Seniors, please don't conflict with them." The man reminded softly.

"Is the City Lord's Mansion really so powerful in Yinshan City? As far as I know, this Yinshan City was built a long time ago and is not the private property of Yinshan City Lord." Yuan Ming asked.

"This little guy doesn't know, but the nineteen city lords in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains gather together every once in a while. Maybe someone is in charge of them." The guy scratched his head and said.

Yuan Ming pondered, the three major forces in the Far East, Dongji Palace, Luojia Mountain, and Bilongtan, each have their own backers, and the nineteen cities in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains should be no exception.

The city lord of Baidi City, Jin Mu, has a close relationship with Patriarch Binglan of Tiansheng Academy. Could it be that Tiansheng Academy is in charge of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range?

At this moment, Yuan Ming noticed a line of sight looking over.

Yuan Ming looked over and saw that it was another customer drinking mutton soup at the stall.

It was a tall man wearing a silver embroidered robe with floral patterns. His figure was tall and straight, not burly, but quite strong, with strong features and smooth lines. He had long flowing silver hair and short sideburns. The beard doesn't look a bit sloppy, but adds a bit of chicness and ease.

Sensing Yuan Ming's gaze, the silver-haired man smiled slightly and continued to drink the soup.

Yuan Ming secretly looked at the man, then looked away, and continued to ask the clerk: "Is there any large-scale chamber of commerce in Yinshan City?"

"Of course there is. The most numerous demon-hunting monks in the city bring back a large amount of demon beast materials, spiritual grass ores and other spiritual materials from outside every day. There are seven or eight chambers of commerce in the city." The clerk looked envious. It seems that he yearns for those monks who go out to hunt monsters.

"Does Wanhuo Xianxing have a branch here?" Yuan Ming asked.

"Of course, Wanhuo Xianxing is the number one chamber of commerce in the mainland and has branches in all the cities in the Wanyao Mountains," the clerk said.

After finding out the location of Wanhuo Xianxing from the waiter, Yuan Ming stopped lingering and hurried over there after paying the bill.

A moment later, Yuan Ming came to the urban area of ​​Yinshan City and found Wanhuo Xianxing with almost no effort.

The Wanhuo Xianxing in Yinshan City is taller and more spectacular than the one on Dongji Island. It is much taller than the nearby shops and can be seen at a glance from a long distance.

(I wish all fellow Taoists a happy New Year, good health, family harmony, and a prosperous career!)

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