Celestial being

Chapter 870 Concealment

After Yuan Ming arranged all this, he came to Yaoyuan Cave, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and restored his magic power.

Half a day later, when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were bright and his mana and soul had returned to their peak state.

He immediately ran the Light Spirit Jue, activating a ray of green light condensed from the origin of the trees in the World Tree and integrating it into his body.


The original power of ten thousand trees circulated rapidly in his body, and his mana and blood boiled again, quickly becoming pure.

Yuan Ming did not undergo the immortal tree transformation at this moment, so this ray of ten thousand trees' origin was basically absorbed by himself.

The effect of pure Qi and blood is second to none. As his mana continues to be purified, the chaos of the mana whirlpool in his dantian quickly weakens.

After a while, the original power of Wanmu was completely absorbed, Yuan Ming's mana was greatly purified again, and the chaos in his dantian calmed down a lot.

Yuan Ming did not hesitate to draw another ray of power from the source of ten thousand trees to cleanse himself.

His mana and energy were purified again, and the mana whirlpool once again eased and almost subsided.

Yuan Ming was secretly happy. According to this trend, if he only needs to absorb the source of ten thousand trees one or two more times, the mana vortex will be completely stable and he can start to attack the Dharma phase.

He didn't stop, he took out the Shura Stone Tablet and moved to a burning mountain range in the Extreme Fire Realm, where he threw the magic circle that sealed the Xuanyang Earth Fire.

Yuan Ming found a flat spot in the mountains to place the Xuanyang Earth Fire, and then arranged another array around it, the Eight Directions Fire Array.

This formation can absorb the heat of the earth's veins to preserve the true fire.

With the resonance of the second array, the sealing crystal around Xuanyang Earth Fire quickly disintegrated and disappeared completely after a few breaths. Xuanyang Earth Fire was suspended in the center of the two magic circles, burning blazingly.

The Black Lotus will appear again at some point. The tree-man body can allow him to resist ordinary forms, but facing the Black Lotus, he will probably lose in just a few rounds.

It's still tricky in the East Pole Sea, let alone a place like Zhongzhou Continent.

Yuan Ming entered the formation, pinched the magic formula, and introduced the Xuanyang earth fire into his body to temper his body.

The skin all over his body became scorched black, and then fire shot out from his eyes, nose, and mouth. His whole body seemed to be burning from the inside out, and severe pain hit him from all over his body.

With Yuan Ming's current ambition, these pains would naturally not have much impact. He calmed down and used the Demonic Elephant Prison Suppressing Technique, combined with the Xuanyang Earth Fire, to temper his body.

Wisps of black energy continued to emerge from his pores, and then Xuanyang Earth Fire turned into ashes, which were impurities in his body.

In his early years, Yuan Ming absorbed the power of the blood source and quickly improved his physical body. Too many impurities accumulated in his body. Over the years, although he absorbed the power of the sun to practice and tried to refine the hidden dangers in his body, the effect was not good. Unexpectedly, Xuanyang Earth Fire It can extract so many impurities.

He increased his absorption of Xuanyang Earth Fire and continued to temper his body.

Another three days passed.

In the sea area behind, a black escaping light fell, revealing the figure of Black Lotus.

She had put on her black robe again, her face covered with a black scarf, and she was breathing slightly.

In the past few days, Heilian has been chasing closely, but he can't catch up with the thunderstorm at all.

The woman looked forward hatefully. That was the direction where Yuan Ming and Nan Shangfeng were. It was obvious that she had a way to locate Yuan Ming and the two of them.

The resentment in Heilian's heart turned into a cold snort.

In an instant, the sea surface beneath her feet exploded, the seabed was completely exposed, and countless fish, shrimps and sea beasts turned into powder with just a cold snort.

The sea water pushed away by Qi Jin formed huge waves and roared away. The water vapor evaporated into the clouds, and then turned into continuous light rain and sprinkled into the sea, dripping on the exposed sea bed.

Heilian vented his anger, his expression quickly calmed down, and he lowered his head to think.

"Since you think you can run fast, then try to see if you can outrun this thing!" The woman sneered, then took out an object with a flick of her sleeves, which was the evil curse altar that was bought at a high price at the auction.

As soon as she squeezed the spell, the evil curse altar rose into the air and slowly rotated in mid-air. In the center, there were balls of blood-colored spiritual light trailing flames, circling and dancing around it.

Heilian looked at the evil curse altar, raised his hand again, took out a porcelain bottle with a talisman attached to it from the storage ring, casually tore open the talisman seal at the mouth of the bottle, and used his right hand to lift the seal, and the blood stored in the bottle was released. It flew into the evil curse altar like a snake.

The evil curse altar flashed with blood, and a rotten and withered aura instantly filled the air. The body-protecting spiritual light on the Black Lotus body also suddenly lit up, as if it had been corroded by something, white smoke continued to emit, and at the same time it sizzled ring.

Hei Lian's face became much more serious, and she did not dare to wait too long. She immediately raised her eyebrows, and a dark seal instantly flew out of her Dantian. At the same time, countless black shadows flew in from the void and condensed into one in her hand. Black and white brush.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly raised her pen to outline. There was no ink in the brush, but she left small black characters in mid-air - it was Nan Shangfeng's name and birth date.

On the evil curse altar, the blood infused by the black lotus rose again, turning into countless fine blood threads in mid-air and crawling onto the black characters written by the black lotus.

In an instant, the entire world was polluted by the foul smell of blood, and the seawater that had finally reunited under Black Lotus' feet began to turn black and smelly, as if there were countless rotting corpses piled in it, which made people sick.

After doing this, Heilian took out a small cloth bag, and after opening it, there were several hairs inside.

These hairs belong to Nan Shangfeng. She found them from the broken flying boat and Nan Shangfeng's concubines.


Heilian raised his pen and tapped the blood word in front of her and a few hairs flew into the evil curse altar and disappeared completely.

But soon, a black mist emerged from the evil curse altar, and Nan Shangfeng's twisted face appeared in it, which looked full of resentment, hatred, anger and other negative emotions.

There was a solemn look in Heilian's eyes, and his fingers shot out a black beam of light mixed with blood and soul power, which was injected into the evil curse altar.

The aura on Heilian's body declined rapidly, the black mist became much thicker, and Nan Shangfeng's twisted face slowly became lifelike.

A full quarter of an hour later, Nan Shangfeng's face looked like a real person, looking forward as if he had determined his target.

Then Nan Shangfeng's face exploded with a "bang", turning into dots of black light and blending into the void.

All the filth and blood on the altar disappeared, and the bloody aura disappeared into the void.

Hei Lian almost collapsed and hurriedly took out a medicine bottle, pouring all the pills into his mouth regardless of how many pills were in it.

After a while, her complexion became slightly better.

"You can't escape." Hei Lian said softly, then put away the altar and continued to fly forward.

On the other side, Nan Shangfeng sat quietly cross-legged on Leiyu.

Yuan Ming has also completed the real fire body training, came out of the Shura Palace, and sat on Lei Yu's neck.

After a long time, there was still no sign of Black Lotus coming from behind, and the urgency and tension in his heart calmed down.

"It seems that Black Lotus cannot catch up. Xuankong Island seems to be in front. This island is a large commercial island with many monks coming and going on it. I will let Thunderstorm put you down later. The rest of the way Just do what you want." Yuan Ming looked at Nan Shangfeng, his tone calm and cold.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, please escort me to Wuliang City. Is there really no room for negotiation?" Nan Shangfeng said with a bitter smile.

"Fellow Daoist Nan has many spirit stones in his hands, but are you afraid that you won't be able to find any guards? There should be many monks in the late stage of returning to the void on Xuankong Island. You should choose a few to protect you on the way as soon as possible." Yuan Ming said.

While he was talking, a large island appeared in front of him. There were many buildings on the island, and rays of light kept rising and falling on the island. It was Xuankong Island.

Yuan Ming looked at Leiyu and motioned for him to throw Nan Shangfeng down.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, please wait a moment. I am willing to change my destination. All you need to do is send me to Zhongzhou Continent. Nan is willing to give me an innate bitter bamboo leaf as a reward." Nan Shangfeng said hurriedly.

"Innate Bitter Bamboo!" Yuan Ming's eyes moved.

He has seen records of this thing in the classics. The Innate Bitter Bamboo, also known as the Six-rooted Pure Bamboo, is an ancient immortal bamboo. With this bamboo to protect the body, one can achieve a state of being free from worries, desires and desires, and will not be shaken by thunder. To a state of stillness.

In this state, whether it is practicing exercises or comprehending supernatural powers, the efficiency is ten times that of ordinary people.

"My bamboo leaf is no longer with me at the moment. It is stored in the hands of a friend in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains. As long as fellow Taoist Wan sends me to Zhongzhou Continent, I will get it for you immediately." Nan Shangfeng said.

"No need." Yuan Ming shook his head and refused.

"Fellow Taoist Wan may not be aware of this. In addition to meditation, the innate bitter bamboo is also very useful when breaking through bottlenecks. Although the bitter bamboo leaf is far inferior to the spiritual bamboo itself, I asked an expert to refine the bamboo leaf into something similar to a talisman. It exists and can only be used three times, but it can exert 50% of the effect of the spirit bamboo itself. I see thousands of fellow Taoists who are about to reach the Dharma phase stage, so they will definitely come in handy." Nan Shangfeng said hurriedly.

"The innate bitter bamboo leaves are naturally a good thing, but Wan is just a casual cultivator. If he rashly gets involved in the power struggle of the Da Luo sect, he is afraid that he will lose his life flower." Yuan Ming's tone did not fluctuate.

"This..." Nan Shangfeng was anxious, scratched his cheek, and tried to continue to persuade.

"Fellow Daoist Nan's troubles are not limited to the competition for the position of leader of the Daluo sect, right? You not only asked me for help, but also concealed a lot of things. Wan has no intention of getting involved in any disputes." Yuan Ming interrupted Nan Shangfeng huatou.

"What do fellow Taoists Wan mean by this?" Nan Shangfeng looked surprised.

"I noticed an abnormality when I searched for your soul before. Although your soul power is not strong, it is unexpectedly agile. The memory I detected seems to be normal, but in fact it is incomplete. For example, I did not see that in your memory. Qin Meiniang, you should have hidden this part of your memory, you are also a soul cultivator, right?" Yuan Ming's voice slowly rose.

Nan Shangfeng blinked and said with a smile: "I really can't hide anything from fellow Taoist Wan. Yes, Nan is indeed a soul cultivator, but this shouldn't be a trouble for you, right?"

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