Celestial being

Chapter 866 Yuan Ming’s answer

Just after Nan Shangfeng and Yuan Ming left Dongji Island, Ouyang Qiang and others followed Taoist Wangfan and the young man with the mole respectively and left Dongji Island.

Among them, the whereabouts of Taoist Wangfan seem particularly suspicious.

As soon as he left Wanbao Tower, he changed his aura, clothes and appearance in a secret place, trying to get rid of those who were following him secretly.

As everyone knows, the three major forces including Dongji Palace have already laid a dragnet. Even though he changed his appearance several times on the road, he never got rid of his stalking tail. On the contrary, these forces became more suspicious of him.

However, after they followed them all the way, they found that Taoist Wangfan just didn't want to expose his secluded location, and did not have any contact with others during the period. He went straight back to an isolated island where his cave was located.

When Jin Chen and others broke through the defensive formation on his island, he thought it was a treasure snatched at an auction, which attracted others to covet him. He tried his best to fight back, but was soon completely suppressed.

But after Jin Chen and others searched his soul, they found that he had nothing to do with Yuan Ming and Fairy Yunluo. He only bought the spiritual materials they used as bait just to refine high-quality elixirs.

Jin Chen and others looked at each other in disbelief. In the end, in order to prevent the news from leaking out, they still killed the Taoist Wangfan and wiped out all traces on the island.

On the other side, Long Yuhuan and others were even more speechless as they followed the young man with the mole.

After the man left Wanbao Tower, he was not in a hurry to leave Dongji Island. Instead, he directly rented a villa and lived in it with his two concubines.

For two whole days, I concentrated on studying the art of overturning the phoenix and never left the house once.

In the end, Bai Yuan and others couldn't stand it any longer, so they forced the door open and captured him.

After some torture and soul searching, nothing was found.

In a main hall of Dongji Palace, Ouyang Qiang and others gathered together and began to review the operation.

"This operation failed, do you have anything to say?" Jin Chen asked with an ugly face.

"Perhaps those two people received some news and didn't come to the auction at all." Ouyang Qiang said with an equally unhappy expression.

After saying that, she looked at an oval white light curtain suspended next to the main hall, inside which appeared Nan Shangfeng's figure hugging him from left to right.

This operation was a collaboration between six major forces. Although Nan Shangfeng was reluctant, he was still pulled in and participated in the meeting remotely.

"What does Palace Master Ouyang think of me? Do you doubt me? I have never met Yuan Ming and Fairy Yunluo, why would I leak the news?" Nan Shangfeng said with a smile.

"We've never met? Who can be sure? Who doesn't know that you are lustful, and if I hadn't protected you, you would have become that Yun Luo's subordinate?" Ouyang Qiang said.

"Palace Master Ouyang, I thought you were a calm and beautiful woman, but I didn't expect you to be nothing more than that. You just let out your anger when you failed in the mission. You are no different from a shrew." Nan Shangfeng chuckled.

Ouyang Qiang was already in a bad mood because of the complete failure of the mission. After hearing Nan Shangfeng's words, she suddenly stood up, and a golden arc appeared on her body.

"The situation is already bad enough. You two should stop causing trouble." Jin Chen frowned and said in a deep voice.

Ouyang Qiang did not dare to offend Jin Chen and suppressed her anger.

"We all don't want to see the failure of the operation. Although fellow Daoist Nan is a little unorganized, I will accompany him in most of his activities after arriving on the island. The news will not be leaked by him." Zhu Yu coughed and explained for Nan Shangfeng. road.

Bai Yuan and Zhu Yu didn't doubt Nan Shangfeng at all, and looked at Ouyang Qiang: "The reason why this mission failed is still in the intelligence. Palace Master Ouyang, where did you get the news? That Yuan Ming and Yun Luo will come Attend the Wanbao auction?”

"The new owner of Qingjin Tower." Now that things have happened, Ouyang Qiang naturally won't protect the other party and said directly.

"Qing Jin Tower? I remember it was the property of the Su Nu Sect. Could this be all caused by the Su Nu Sect?" Bai Yuan murmured to himself.

"Their suspicion cannot be ruled out. After the mission failed, I tried to contact the new owner of Qingjin Tower many times, but never got a response. After asking other people in Qingjin Tower, I found out that the owner had left Qingjin Tower more than ten days ago and was missing. "Ouyang Qiang was about to shake off the responsibility and said immediately.

"It seems that this matter may really be the work of the vegetarian female sect." Long Yuhuan said.

Bai Yuan and Zhu Yu nodded.

Seeing this, Ouyang Qiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The failure of this mission was mainly due to her credulous belief in the intelligence from Qingjin Tower. Now that she has pushed the Pure Girl Faction to the front, her guilt will be much lighter.

"It's boring. I don't want to listen to you summarizing your failed experiences here. If you talk slowly, I will stop accompanying you." Nan Shangfeng sneered and interrupted the communication.

"The island is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Let's continue the investigation and search for a few days." Jin Chen sighed and said, ignoring Nan Shangfeng.

The night is getting darker.

There were only a few stars in the sky, and only a lone moon hung high in the sky, casting moonlight as bright as frost and snow. However, it was quietly swallowed up by the boundless sea, and only some light was revealed among the surging waves.

Many fish monsters and sea beasts that had just developed some intelligence came to the surface of the sea, bathing in the moonlight and exhaling spiritual energy. They maintained a strange tacit understanding with each other and were unwilling to break the silence under the moonlight.

But suddenly, a low roar sounded, and a huge spaceship appeared in the sky. The ship was lit with lights, and there were bursts of singing and dancing. It was very lively.

However, all the little demons were frightened by the spiritual power fluctuations that erupted when the flying boat crossed, and they hurriedly got into the sea water, fearing that they would be caught and cooked into fish stew and served as a midnight snack.

However, the guards patrolling the ship didn't pay any attention to these little demons. They were watching outside at this time, listening to the melancholy sounds coming from the pavilion on the ship, and their hearts felt a little hot.

"It's such a grand event when you're on the road, you really enjoy it." One of the guards muttered in a low voice.

"Silence, if Mr. Nan hears it, you will be in trouble." The guard who was patrolling with him quickly stopped him.

But while speaking, he also turned to look at the cabins on the ship, his eyes full of envy.

However, Nan Shangfeng, who was hugging him from left to right in the pavilion on the ship, cut off the communication with Jin Chen and others.

"A bunch of idiots. Yuan Ming and Fairy Yun Luo disappeared more than a hundred years ago. How can they be found so easily?" Nan Shangfeng spat and said with disdain.

"Young Master is right." A group of charming female cultivators nearby agreed.

Although Nan Shangfeng held a beautiful female cultivator in his arms as usual, his palms were not as wantonly squeezing her as before. Although he was smiling, he was a little absent-minded.

"That's it, I'm tired, you all should retreat." Suddenly, Nan Shangfeng sighed, raised his hand and patted the female cultivator beside him on the shoulder, and drove them out.

The female cultivators were extremely puzzled, but they did not dare to go against Nan Shangfeng's wishes and retreat obediently.

"What's bothering Mr. Nan?" Ruan Lianyu, who had been standing behind Nan Shangfeng, saw this and hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Oh, I just lost my mood when I thought about going back to the sect to face all the bad things." Nan Shangfeng shook his head and lay down with a lack of interest, as if he was thinking about his thoughts.

The Ruan brothers looked at each other and did not dare to ask any more questions. They just lowered their heads silently and continued to guard Nan Shangfeng without saying a word.

What they didn't know was that Nan Shangfeng looked like he was thinking about something, but he was actually communicating with Yuan Ming in the Kongyu Palace.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, next we have to go west and return to the Daluo Sect. It is estimated that it will take more than half a year to reach the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. During this period, we have to ask you to stay in Kongyu Palace for a longer time. Day." Nan Shangfeng said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to take care of me. Just do what you have to do in the past, so as not to let others see anything." Yuan Ming replied.

What he had to do in the East Pole Sea has been completed, and it is time to leave. Now that all the major forces are chasing him, leaving with Nan Shangfeng naturally has the least risk.

"I will be careful and won't let others see any flaws." Nan Shangfeng said hurriedly.

Yuan Ming hummed and looked up at the sky.

In addition to Nan Shangfeng's body, he also left a few soul crows on the flying boat to facilitate observation of the situation outside.

Through these soul crows, Yuan Ming quietly looked at the dark sea.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you are still a sentimental person. Are you a little reluctant to leave the East Jihai?" Kong's voice suddenly sounded.

"Senior Kong, is the refining of Yunmeng Immortal Pillow finished?" Yuan Ming heard this and asked hurriedly.

A white light flashed beside Yuan Ming, and Kong's figure appeared: "How can it be so fast? It's still refining materials."

Yuan Ming was slightly disappointed.

"Boy, you haven't answered my question yet," Sora continued.

Yuan Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of Kong's words, and said: "After all, I have been in the East Extreme Sea for so long."

"This is the fate of immortal cultivators. They are always on the road of pursuit. They cannot stay in one place for too long." Kong said.

"That's what the senior said." Yuan Ming nodded, but he was quite surprised.

Since Sora woke up, he either ridiculed him or told him to do things. This was the first time the two of them chatted so calmly.

"Boy Yuan, speaking of which, I haven't asked you yet, what is your pursuit?" Kong suddenly asked.

"Senior, why do you suddenly ask this?" Yuan Ming did not answer immediately and asked instead.

"You have been refining the Heaven Stealing Cauldron quite smoothly. It has exceeded sixty levels. It is much faster than Xia Jie used to do. I think I should get to know you better." Kong said.

Yuan Ming was silent for a moment, controlling the soul crow to see the endless starry sky, and remained silent for a long time.

"What's the matter? Don't you think it's hard to answer?" Sora said.

"Of course not, I'm just looking back on the past to confirm my answer." Yuan Ming shook his head.

"Oh, what's your answer?" Sora asked.

"As a young man, I lived in southern Xinjiang and embarked on the path of cultivating immortals by mistake. Later I returned to Dajin and fought against the Changchun Temple. Then I fought with the Wuyue Sect and the Demon Realm. In the past few years, I wandered in the East Jihai... everything Everything seems to be forced by the situation, but ultimately, it is because I don’t want to be restrained by others and want to live freely." Yuan Ming looked down at his hands and said slowly.

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