Celestial being

Chapter 864 Optimistic

Nan Shangfeng left Wanbao Tower and quickly came to the inn where he lived before.

After placing several restrictions in the inn room, he opened his Kongyu Palace, got in, and soon found Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming was currently looking at the magic circle that sealed Xuanyang Earth Fire. When he saw Nan Shangfeng coming in, he shot out a stream of green light with a flick of his sleeves and moved the magic circle, the sealing crystal, and the ground below to the Shura Palace.

Then he took out a storage bag and handed it to Nan Shangfeng.

"This is what I paid for at the auction, keep it," Yuan Ming said.

Almost all the spiritual stones on his body are in this storage bag, and there are also several magic weapons and spiritual materials in it. The value is about the same as what was spent at the auction, but slightly more.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, you are looking down on me. Who outside doesn't know that I, Nan Shangfeng, am loyal to my friends? How about you? It's just a little spiritual stone, just treat me as filial to you." Nan Shangfeng waved his hands repeatedly and said sincerely.

"One code equals one code. Don't worry, accept it. I'm not trying to be polite to you or test you. You have helped me a lot this time, and Wan will not treat you badly and will give you your freedom soon." Yuan Ming said so.

Hearing this, Nan Shangfeng's face showed a hint of joy and said: "Since fellow Taoist Wan said so, I'm not polite."

With that said, he took the storage bag and put it away without checking what was inside.

"By the way, does fellow Taoist Wan have any other instructions? Can Nan make some preparations first?" Nan Shangfeng asked again.

Yuan Ming stood there quietly without answering, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Nan Shangfeng did not dare to disturb him.

"Fellow Daoist Nan, let me ask you, do you have the ambition to ascend to the throne of Dharma?" Yuan Ming suddenly asked.

Hearing these words, Nan Shangfeng was stunned for a moment, showing a rare look of sadness, and then smiled and said: "Dharma phase, who doesn't want to advance? It's a pity that that is no longer what I can hope for."

Yuan Ming has seen Nan Shangfeng's past in his memory, and knows that Nan Shangfeng is actually very talented. The reason why he has fallen into such a dissolute state today is largely due to the serious injury he suffered before. His spiritual roots After being hit hard and unable to improve his cultivation any more, he indulged in female sex.

"Your spiritual roots may not be cured. If you still have the ambition to reconcile, I can give you a chance to advance to the Dharma phase in the future." Yuan Ming said slowly.

After these days of getting along, his opinion of Nan Shangfeng is not bad, on the contrary, he is somewhat optimistic.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, is there any way to cure my spiritual root problem? Master has tried countless methods, but nothing can be done." Nan Shangfeng suddenly raised his head, showing a solemn expression.

"Of course, you have a wood-attributed Heavenly Spiritual Root, right? If it is other spiritual roots, I can't do anything, but the Wood Spiritual Root is not a problem." Yuan Ming said in a positive tone.

"If Fellow Daoist Wan can heal my spiritual root trauma, Nan is willing to worship Fellow Daoist Wan as his eldest brother and follow him forever and never betray him!" Nan Shangfeng looked at Yuan Ming carefully and bowed solemnly, with a bit of excitement in his tone. , even trembling slightly.

"You don't have to be like this, fellow Daoist Nan. To heal your spiritual roots, you need other preparations. I have to go out for a while. You wait for me here." Yuan Ming pulled Nan Shangfeng up, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying .

Nan Shangfeng nodded in confusion and waited until Yuan Ming left the Kongyu Palace, still a little unrecovered.

After Yuan Ming left the inn, he went straight to Wanhuo Xianxing.

Perhaps due to the influence of Wanbao Auction, there were not many people in Wanhuo Xianxing today, and there were far fewer maids at the counter than before, making it seem quite deserted.

Yuan Ming was about to go in when he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him: "Hey, is it Fellow Taoist Wan?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yuan Ming turned his head and saw two beautiful figures walking over, it was Shen Qingqing and the beautiful young woman called "Sister Ling".

Judging from the looks of the two girls, they were coming back from outside.

"It turns out you two came back from outside. Could it be that you also attended the auction?" Yuan Ming asked with a smile.

"The Wanbao Auction is held once every five hundred years. Of course we can't miss it. It's good to gain some experience. Speaking of which, I didn't seem to see fellow Taoist Wanbao just now. Could it be that you didn't attend?" asked the beautiful young woman.

Shen Qingqing stood aside, looking at Yuan Ming with cold eyes, and said nothing.

"The Wanbao auction is so rare, so naturally Wan also went there, but the place where he sat was a little remote." Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows and said.

"I see. Fellow Taoist Wan came here this time because of an agreement with Gu Gu?" the beautiful young woman chuckled lightly and asked in a different direction.

"Yes, please ask Fellow Taoist to take me to see your steward." Yuan Ming didn't want to waste time and said directly.

"Okay, come with me." The beautiful young woman did not hesitate, pulling Shen Qingqing to lead the way.

Soon, Yuan Ming followed the two girls to the Jiandan Pavilion of Wanbao Tower again and met Gu Xingdong.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, I'm really sorry. Most of the high-end spiritual wood went to the Wanbao auction, and not many were purchased directly. However, I collected some more Nine Nether Irons, and one of them is of quite good quality." As soon as they came up, Gu Xingdong first I apologized to Yuan Ming.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Yuan Ming waved his hand.

The spiritual trees at the auction were all good, and they were all bought back by Nan Shangfeng.

"You take a look first, and then we'll discuss the price." Gu Xingdong said.

As he spoke, he waved his palm, and twelve pieces of spiritual wood appeared on the table in front of him, four pieces of sixth-grade spiritual wood, and the rest were all of fifth-grade level, which were quite satisfactory.

As for the Nine Netherworld Iron, there are a total of thirteen pieces, and the largest piece is indeed as Gu Xingdong said, of excellent quality and the size of a bucket.

After several rounds of bargaining, Yuan Ming finally paid these items for seven million spirit stones.

Naturally, he didn't have that many spirit stones on his body. Fortunately, the waiter in the shop had refined a batch of high-grade soul refining pills these days, so he took out six soul refining pills to compensate. Gu Xingdong was naturally very happy.

After the two exchanged a few polite words, Yuan Ming said goodbye and left.

After Yuan Ming left, Gu Xingdong stood in the room, frowning slightly, still feeling that there was something strange about this "Wan Tianren".

However, whether he is the person he suspects or not, it has little to do with their immortality.

As long as this person can provide pills like top-grade soul refining pills for a long time, then he is a good friend of Wanhuo Xianxing.

At this moment, the two girls in red skirts and green shirts are in a certain guest room of the inn.

The ancient brass mirror in the hand of the woman in green shirt suddenly glowed with yellow light, rippling around like water waves.

"Did you find anything?" the woman in red dress asked hurriedly.

"No, the spiritual power of the Great Ji Ancient Mirror has been exhausted. My cultivation level is too low to activate the full power of the Great Ji Ancient Mirror. This mirror will fall into a dormant state every once in a while. I didn't expect it to appear at this critical moment. Question." The woman in green shirt frowned and smiled bitterly.

The light on the ancient brass mirror dimmed quickly and soon disappeared completely, turning into an ordinary mirror without any spiritual fluctuations.

The woman continued to make secrets, trying to wake up Da Ji Gu Jing again, but there was no response from the ancient mirror.

Seeing this, the woman in the red dress looked disappointed: "The auction has ended. If Yuan Ming had come, he wouldn't have been inactive until now. It seems that 80% of him has not come to participate in the Wanbao auction."

"This is the only possibility. After all, I was too conceited and made Sister Mei Niang's work in vain." The woman in green shirt laughed at herself.

"Junior sister Chu, what did you say? I asked you for help in this matter. Why should I apologize?" The woman in red dress hurriedly comforted her.

The woman in green shirt shook her head and said nothing.

"For this arrangement, junior sister made a demonic oath to Ouyang Qiang to promise that Yuan Ming and Yun Luo would appear at the Wanbao auction. Now that the oath has failed, will it have an impact on your future cultivation?" The woman in the red dress changed the subject. asked.

"Sister Mei Niang, there is no need to worry. The person who swore an oath that day was just a mirror clone. What does it have to do with me?" The woman in green shirt smiled slyly.

"Mirror image clone? That's it." The woman in the red dress was startled. When she saw the ancient mirror in the opponent's hand, she seemed to understand something and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That Yuan Ming is extremely cunning. The three parties of Dongji Palace, Luojia Mountain, and Bilongtan have been searching for him for so many years, but they still can't find him. I'm afraid it will take some effort to catch him. Sister Mei Niang, don't worry." The woman in green shirt said.

"Of course I'm not in a hurry, but the sect can't wait any longer. Master has personally verified the half of the Alchemy King's Secret Book given by Yun Luo over the years. All the elixir recipes, including the Faxiang elixir, are wrong." The woman in the red dress smiled bitterly.

"Wrong! What a Yunluo, you really have evil intentions!" The woman in green shirt immediately raised her eyebrows and said bitterly.

"It would be fine if we only obtained half a fake secret book. In order to relieve the pressure on the Su Nu sect, Master promised several rival sects a reward of Dharma-Xiang Dan. However, now we are unable to refine Dharma-Xiang Dan, which makes our sect even more passive. If the correct elixir recipe cannot be found in time, the Su Nu Sect may be really in danger." The woman in the red dress looked gloomy.

There was some sadness in the eyes of the woman in green shirt, and she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these troublesome things. At this point, it is useless for Junior Sister to stay on Dongji Island. It is better to return to Wuya Island as soon as possible." The woman in the red dress waved her hand and said.

"Sister Mei Niang, what are your next plans?" the woman in green shirt said.

"I still have some personal matters to be busy with," the woman in the red dress said.

The two women talked for a while, and then the woman in the red dress turned into a red shadow and shot into the distance, and disappeared after a few breaths.

The woman in the green shirt watched the woman in the red skirt leave, her sad expression turned cold, and she said bitterly to herself: "The law of heaven is clear, and retribution will not come naturally. This filthy sect like the vegetarian sect should have disappeared long ago."

The woman then took out the ancient brass mirror and pinched it a little, and the originally dim mirror surface became bright again. Obviously, the previous statement that the ancient mirror's spiritual power was exhausted was simply nonsense.

The woman in green shirt made a hand gesture, and a figure appeared in the mirror, it was Yuan Ming.

But in the mirror, his whole body was shrouded in a black air, and his appearance looked a little blurry.

"Disguise yourself with demonic energy? No wonder you can escape the detection restrictions of Dongji Palace, but unfortunately you still can't escape the detection of Daji Ancient Mirror." The woman chuckled, then muttered something in her mouth, her figure quickly became transparent, and she took a few breaths to completely Disappear.

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