Celestial being

Chapter 861 Dandy Behavior

There was silence in Wanbao Tower for a moment. Just when he was about to announce the ownership of this object, a lazy voice suddenly came from somewhere upstairs: "I will give you 1.8 million spiritual stones."

When everyone heard this, there was an uproar.

Mu Qingfeng also searched for a while before landing on the box on the left in the middle of the fifth floor.

The window of this box was also opened, revealing Nan Shangfeng's figure.

Mr. Lu's face was already angry and he was about to explode, but when he saw Nan Shangfeng, his face froze and he retreated silently.

He considers himself to be a playboy and has few opponents when it comes to spending money like water. However, he has heard of Nan Shangfeng's name for a long time. Compared with him, he is still a dwarf after all. For the other party, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Nan Shangfeng, you are really..." Jin Chen was still drinking at the table, smiling and shaking his head silently.

In the box next door, Long Yuhuan turned a deaf ear. He seemed to have no interest in the first auction item and concentrated on looking at the leaves scattered in the tea cup.

"But there are still people who are increasing the price... Okay, then congratulations to fellow Taoist Nan Shangfeng for getting the Yunmeng Immortal Pillow." Mu Qingfeng asked symbolically again, but when no one continued to increase the price, he announced simply.

The maid quickly brought the Yunmeng Immortal Pillow over. Nan Shangfeng paid the spirit stone, put away the Yunmeng Immortal Pillow with a flick of his sleeves, and actually delivered it to Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming used his spiritual consciousness to examine the jade pillow, but found nothing more except that it contained the power of moonlight.

"The laurel stone used in this jade pillow contains too many impurities, so it seems ordinary. If it is purified, it will be completely different. Please lend me the Zhoutian Exquisite Cauldron." Kong's voice sounded again. .

Yuan Ming didn't hesitate, and immediately asked for the Zhoutian Exquisite Cauldron from the waiter in the shop, and sent it into the Heaven-stealing Cauldron space together with the Yunmeng Immortal Pillow.

White light flashed on the white jade lotus platform, and the Zhou Tian Exquisite Cauldron and the Yunmeng Immortal Pillow disappeared together. I don’t know where they were taken by Kong.

Yuan Ming's eyes flashed but he didn't say anything.

The auction continues, and now the second lot has been invited.

It was a piece of purple-red wood about three feet long and as thick as an adult's thigh. It was naturally engraved with circles of fire cloud patterns. It was bright in color and as moist as jade. You could tell at a glance that it was not ordinary.

In the Kongyu Palace, Yuan Ming's eyes lit up: "The first auction item is the Yunmeng Immortal Pillow, and the second auction item is a high-level spiritual wood. It looks like a sixth-grade spiritual wood. There are indeed many treasures in the Wanbao Auction."

"This second lot is called Purple Fire Cloud Crystal Wood. It is a piece of sixth-grade spiritual wood. It is one of the excellent main materials for refining fire-attribute spiritual treasures. Although this object is made of wood, it also has the shape of jade. Fire-attributed spiritual power has a powerful amplification effect." Mu Qingfeng said, shooting a flame from his fingertips and engulfing one end of the Purple Fire Cloud Crystal Wood.

There was a loud "boom", and a red fire pillar several times thicker shot out from the other end of the purple fire cloud crystal wood, and the scorching air wave swept more than ten feet.

Many people in the audience used their magic power to resist, but they had no intention of blaming him. They stared at the Purple Fire Cloud Crystal Wood with greedy expressions on their faces.

"You must have seen the effect of Purple Fire Cloud Crystal Wood. This is still unrefined. After being refined into a spiritual treasure, the increase effect will be better. The starting price is 600,000 spiritual stones. Each time the price is increased, it will be no less than five Ten Thousand Spirit Stones," Mu Qingfeng announced.

After hearing this, everyone in the audience suddenly became uneasy.

"I offer 650,000 spirit stones." The young man with the mole under his chin took the lead.

This time, Nan Shangfeng did not wait and said directly: "One million spiritual stones."

The most important task Yuan Ming gave him was to collect high-level spiritual trees. He had already made up his mind not to miss any of them.

The young man with the mole looked suffocated. Although he had some savings, he still had no confidence compared to Nan Shangfeng.

Facing the sixth-grade spiritual wood, all the distinguished guests in the attic were a little uneasy.

"I offer 1.2 million spirit stones." A female voice sounded from the box next to her, but it was the dragon's voice ring.

Nan Shangfeng turned his head and looked around. Normally, he would have been beating his chest loudly. Not only would he not compete with Long Yuhuan, he would even defeat all rivals and help her buy it, just to win the beauty's smile.

Unfortunately not today.

Thinking of Yuan Ming's methods, a chill ran down his spine, and even his softest heart had to harden.

"I'm sorry, Junior Sister Long. These sixth-grade spiritual trees are also very important to my brother. I really can't give them to you. I can only offend you this time. I will pay 1.5 million spiritual stones." Nan Shangfeng said with clasped fists.

Long Yuhuan was a little surprised when he heard this, and felt quite unhappy in his heart. He frowned and said, "I will offer 1.7 million spiritual stones."

"One million and nine hundred thousand spirit stones." Nan Shangfeng showed no intention of backing down.

The price was already too high. Long Yuhuan bit his lip and did not bid any more.

In the end, Nan Shangfeng won the purple fire cloud crystal wood for 1.9 million spirit stones.

The third auction item is a bronze cauldron, which is a magic weapon containing five kinds of real fire, including an earth fire, which also caused many people to compete for it.

Yuan Ming was secretly happy. As expected, the Wanbao Auction was full of treasures, none of which were ordinary. This trip was just right.

"Take this thing as well." He sent a message to Nan Shangfeng.

He doesn't care about the bronze cauldron. The real fire inside is a good thing. His fiery eyes need to swallow the spiritual fire to improve, so he can't let it go.

Nan Shangfeng participated in the bidding with a high profile and spent another 1.2 million spirit stones to win it.

As a result, Nan Shangfeng suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention, attracting many people's comments.

The fourth and fifth items on the lot were both spiritual materials, and the sixth item was an elixir. Both were of high quality, attracting crowds of people to grab them.

The two spiritual materials were of gold and water properties, and Yuan Ming had no use for them. However, the bottle of elixir was for physical training to improve the body and strengthen the muscles and bones. Nan Shangfeng initially followed Yuan Ming's instructions and raised the price to The high price was 800,000 spirit stones, but after the price continued to climb to 850,000 spirit stones, Nan Shangfeng wanted to increase the price, but was stopped by Yuan Ming.

"The auction item below is called Zixiao Cinnabar. It is a sixth-level spiritual material. It is an indispensable auxiliary material for refining many sixth-level elixirs. It is very precious. The starting price is 500,000 spiritual stones, and the price will increase every time. One hundred thousand." Mu Qingfeng introduced loudly.

"Are you here..." Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows.

This Zixiao Dansha is one of the materials for refining the Faxiang Dan, and it is also the scented bait used to fish out Yuan Ming and Fairy Yunluo.

Jin Chen stood up, came to the railing, and looked down.

Zhu Yu, Ouyang Qiang and Bai Yuan all came to the railing in unison and glanced downward.

"I offer five hundred thousand spiritual stones." A Taoist with thick eyebrows sitting in the front row on the second floor spoke first.

Ouyang Qiang's eyes immediately fell on him. While looking at him carefully, she also scanned him with her spiritual mind.

She was not worried about alerting the enemy. After all, there must be more than one sight falling on the thick-browed Taoist at this moment. Everyone who was interested in Zixiao Cinsha would inevitably investigate him.

"I'll pay 600,000 yuan." A middle-aged woman not far from him raised the price.

"I'll pay 700,000." Another burly man in the back row also joined the fight.

Without Nan Shangfeng's involvement, the bidding became much more normal.

After several shouts, the price was pushed up to 900,000.

The nine hundred thousand spirit stones had exceeded the normal price, so there were fewer bidding voices.

"I'll offer you one million." At this time, a low voice suddenly came from a private room on the fifth floor.

The top-level box was made of special materials that could not be penetrated by spiritual consciousness. If one did not open the doors and windows, outsiders would not be able to see the people inside. Although the people below were curious, they did not know who the voice came from.

Ouyang Qiang formulated this entrapment plan, so naturally he would not be bothered by such a trivial matter. All the boxes were secretly monitored and restricted.

The woman took out a black round mirror and activated it. The situation in the box appeared in the round mirror, but it was a person wearing a black robe and a black cloak.

His facial features were all hidden under the cloak, and no trace of his true appearance was revealed.

Jin Chen also looked over and frowned slightly: "Who is this person? It's very suspicious to be so secretive."

Zhu Yu, Bai Yuan, and Long Yuhuan also had the same round mirror in their hands. They all looked at the situation in the box with solemn expressions.

Nan Shangfeng did not receive the message from Yuan Ming, and he was not interested in Zixiao Cinsha. He hugged his two concubines and played around, paying no attention to Zhu Yu's situation.

Yuan Ming was very concerned about the bidders. Although he did not have the black round mirror, he had the round light technique to spy on the man in black robe.

At this moment, the voice from downstairs sounded again: "One million and one million spiritual stones."

The one who made the quotation was the thick-browed Taoist who spoke first.

"One million and three hundred thousand spiritual stones!" The man in black robe increased the price.

"One and a half million!" The thick-browed Taoist seemed determined to win.

The man in black robe moved his cloak, sat back silently, and withdrew from the bidding.

In the end, Taoist Thick Eyebrow successfully photographed Zixiao Cinnabar.

Jin Chen and others weighed it up in their minds, and most of their eyes fell on Taoist Taoist Thousand Eyebrows, and they were mainly suspicious of this person.

The auction process continued, and one lot after another was taken out.

The atmosphere of the auction gradually became more and more lively, with the voices of people bidding one after another. It was like fighting on a battlefield, with you and me fighting for the ownership of the treasure.

Among them, Nan Shangfeng's record is the most eye-catching. He bid on almost half of the auction items and ended up buying a lot of things.

Nan Shangfeng was well-known for being a playboy, and Yuan Ming also took advantage of this to teach him to spend generously every time he raised prices. In the end, it was naturally impossible for him to want everything, but it could confuse people and make it easier for him to get what he really wanted.

However, Jin Chen and Long Yuhuan secretly shook their heads and sneered at Nan Shangfeng's prodigal behavior.

However, this was also in line with Nan Shangfeng's temperament, and it did not arouse suspicion among many people.

Their attention is mostly on those who bought the bait they cast.

In addition to Zixiao Dansha, they also put in two other materials needed to refine the Faxiang Dan. One of them was still pocketed by the thick-browed Taoist, and the other fell into the hands of the young man with the mole.

Therefore, the two of them became the main suspects of Ouyang Qiang and others, and they secretly arranged for people to keep an eye on them.

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