Celestial being

Chapter 857 New Idea

Faced with a three-pronged attack, Yuan Ming made a seal with both hands and activated the Liujia Qimen Dao Seal. The person disappeared from the place and then appeared more than ten feet away. The attacks of Nan Shangfeng and the others failed.

"The magical power of space movement! Young Master!" shouted the sturdy guard holding a knife.

When Nan Shangfeng heard this, he immediately stepped back and slapped the ground with one hand.

Many silver spirit patterns suddenly appeared on the floor and walls of the hall, which looked like a magic circle.

A strong guard wielded two swords, and the sharp sword lights were like rays of Xun wind that could cut through the void. They circulated in a series of ways, instantly transforming into more than a dozen sword shadows, covering Yuan Ming in the sword net. .

The bloody spear in the other person's hand exuded an endless killing aura, and he shot it out, like a meteor, piercing Yuan Ming's body.

Yuan Ming tried to use Liujia Qimen Shift again, but the silver magic circle around the hall suddenly lit up, and invisible space fluctuations came from all directions.

The power of space around him was disturbed, and the Six Armor Qimen was interrupted.

"Fighting in someone else's spiritual treasure space, the other party really has the advantage." Yuan Ming thought to himself, without stopping the movement of his hands, he quickly raised the back earth peak to protect the body, and a layer of yellow light curtain emerged from the body, thick and thick. Abnormal, as if indestructible.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The spirit treasures of the two guards were all shaken away, but Houtu Peak also trembled with a "buzzing".

Yuan Ming used his left hand to cast a spell to stabilize the back earth peak, and his right hand was outlined in the void. A fifth-level fire attribute array appeared in a moment, with a bright fire on the surface.

The next moment, dozens of thick fire dragons shot out from the formation, exuding extremely hot breath and pounced on the three of them.

"This man is an array master, be careful!" the strong man holding a knife shouted.

The four of them attacked and defended each other and soon fought for several rounds.

The two strong bodyguards became more and more frightened as they fought. It seemed that the outcome of the fight between them was indistinguishable. In fact, no matter how they attacked, "Wan Tianren" in front of him could easily dodge them.

As for the opponent's counterattack, the two of them had to work hard to block it.

As for Nan Shangfeng, his cultivation level is the lowest among the four. He usually lives a high life and has little fighting experience. Apart from controlling the restrictions and restraints of Kongyu Palace, he can hardly get involved in other aspects. As "Wan Tianren" became familiar with Kongyu Palace, After the impact of the Yudian ban, Nan Shangfeng was already a burden and could not be considered a combat power at all.

"It's almost over." Yuan Ming waved his hand and forced the three people back again. Suddenly he raised one hand, flicked his fingers, and released more than ten soul-killing sword energy.

Each sword energy was several feet long, as majestic as a meteor piercing the sky, but it made no sound as it attacked the two strong guards.

"Be careful, this is a soul attack!" The strong man with the gun shouted, and the evil energy of the bloody spear in his hand surged.

This man's eyebrows also shot out a burst of soul power, which merged with the evil energy of the gun body to form a bloody shield in front of him.

Six soul-destroying sword qi slashed at the shield, causing it to tremble violently. It only blocked three sword qi before being cut through, and the remaining three sword qi disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the body of the strong man holding the gun.

The man's body was trembling, blood flowed from all his orifices, and he staggered back.

The strong man with two swords on the other side was shocked when he saw this. The two dragon-marked swords slashed out dozens of violent sword lights containing the power of the soul like a whirlwind, using offense as defense.

However, the difference between his soul attack and the soul-destroying sword energy was too great. The dense sword light only destroyed a small part of the sword energy, and the remaining sword energy was completely absorbed into the body of the strong man holding the double sword.

The soul of the strong man with two swords was also severely injured, and his face turned pale.

"This is impossible!" Nan Shangfeng stood dumbly not far away, his face no longer arrogant as before, looking at Yuan Ming in disbelief.

These two strong men are not ordinary guards, but two guest ministers of high rank in his family.

They are a pair of twin brothers who are casual cultivators. The one who holds the sword is his elder brother Ruan Lianyu, and the one who holds the gun is his younger brother Ruan Lianxin. Together they are called the Ruan Family, and they once moved around the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains.

Because the two Ruans were twins, they had the same mind. Later, they practiced a secret method of combined attack. Together, they were almost able to defeat the monks of the Dharma phase. They gained a great reputation in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Nan Shangfeng's family spent a lot of effort. , just after recruiting the two people over, they were seriously injured after just a few encounters. Could the person in front of them be a Dharma phase entity?

Yuan Ming was not surprised by this. Eighty years later, most of the spiritual power in the fragments of the broken sword has been integrated into the Soul-Destroying Sword. The number of runes in the Soul-Destroying Sword has not increased, but its power has skyrocketed again, which is no longer the same as before.

"Who are you?" Nan Shangfeng asked in a stern voice, barely able to calm down.

Yuan Ming ignored it and looked around, thinking to himself: "After fighting for so long, Nan Shangfeng has been on the verge of danger several times, but no one has shown up. It seems that there is no monk in the Dharma phase to protect him."

"I am a disciple of the leader of the Da Luo sect. If you dare to attack me, the Da Luo sect will never let you go!" Nan Shangfeng saw Yuan Ming looking around and thought he was worried, so he kept silent. Improved a few points.

"Since we have turned the world upside down here, and the outside world will not notice anything, then the Daluo sect will naturally not know about it, right?" Yuan Ming chuckled, raised his hand, and activated the Dream Butterfly Dao Seal and All Living Beings Dream in his dantian. Daoyin.

"You..." Nan Shangfeng looked shocked and wanted to say something more.

Two waves of nothingness swayed one after another like water ripples. Everyone in the hall froze, including Ruan Lianyu and Ruan Lianxin. Everyone stood frozen on the spot, even the three female cultivators who fled far away. , trapped in the dream butterfly illusion and unable to extricate himself.

The dragon-patterned swords and the blood-colored spear lost their power and fell to the ground with a clang, and the white chains that locked Yuan Ming's feet were automatically released.

Yuan Ming looked at Nan Shangfeng and shook his head.

Recalling the conflict between Nan Shangfeng and himself, he only felt ridiculous. He raised his hand and took pictures of several people from the air.

Then Yuan Ming searched the souls one by one and extracted the parts about Nan Shangfeng.

After burning the incense, he put down his hand.

According to the results of the soul search, Nan Shangfeng was the second disciple of the leader of the Daluo sect. He was originally extremely talented, but his foundation was damaged during an expedition and he was in the late stage of recovery. After that, he began to indulge in women and collect all kinds of things. Beauty, enrich your harem.

This person's character also changed from the original grandeur to cowardice.

As for the reason why Nan Shangfeng came to find him, it was the same as what he said. There was no conspiracy or conspiracy in it. From the beginning to the end, it was just to make Pomeranian smile.

Nan Shangfeng's parents were wealthy businessmen from Zhongzhou Continent. They had some connections with Mingyue Palace and had countless assets. Millions of spiritual stones were really nothing.

"The views of a young master from a wealthy family on spiritual stones are beyond the imagination of ordinary people." Yuan Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Now that he has confirmed that there is no conspiracy behind Nan Shangfeng, he is not ready to get entangled with a few people anymore, and is preparing to delete everyone's memories about him and leave.

But when Yuan Ming raised his hand, he paused slightly and had other ideas in mind.

Then, he directly changed the magic formula, planted the soul descending rune in Nan Shang Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then awakened the man.

"No - don't -" As soon as Nan Shangfeng opened his eyes, he roared at the top of his lungs, as if he had seen the scene he least wanted to see.

And when he saw everything around him clearly and found that Yuan Ming was standing right in front of him, while his two bodyguards at the peak of returning to the void were lying not far away, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead, he finally came to his senses and remembered what had just happened. everything of.

"Illusion... illusion? It's so powerful, you... no, are you a witch?" Nan Shangfeng said tremblingly.

"I just planted a rune in your sea of ​​consciousness. It only takes one thought to completely erase your soul. If you don't believe it, you can feel it carefully for yourself." Yuan Ming did not answer him, but said expressionlessly. .

Nan Shangfeng gave it a try, and then his body started shaking like chaff. His whole body even went limp and he couldn't even stand up.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, if you have any request in the future, I will definitely comply with it and ask you to have a lot of money and let me go." He hurriedly knelt down in front of Yuan Ming and begged.

"It's not that I can't agree to your request, and I can treat this incident as if it never happened, but I have one condition." Yuan Ming looked at the other party and said slowly.

"Please tell me, don't say it's just one condition, even if it's ten or eight, I won't mind it." Nan Shangfeng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly said.

"I have accepted the three pieces of spiritual wood you bought. In addition, during the Wanbao auction, I will always hide in your space magic weapon, and you will participate in the auction on my behalf. Give me what I want, and after the matter is over, I will leave without hurting your life." Yuan Ming said.

"Okay, don't worry, no matter what you like, as long as it is something I can afford - no, as long as it is what you want, I will definitely buy it for you!" Nan Shangfeng heard this and hurriedly promised road.

Seeing Nan Shangfeng's performance, Yuan Ming nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he came to the two guards who were at the peak of returning to the void, and pressed their foreheads with both hands at the same time.

When Nan Shangfeng saw this, his face suddenly turned pale, thinking that Yuan Ming regretted it and was going to kill him.

However, only a faint light shimmered in Yuan Ming's palm, but he released the power of his soul and eliminated all the memories of himself in the minds of these two people.

Then, he deleted the memories of the other followers one by one. Naturally, the memories of the three female cultivators who had fled far away were also erased.

"When they wake up, they won't remember any information about me. You'd better keep it secret, otherwise I don't mind keeping you silent forever." Yuan Ming looked at Nan Shangfeng and said lightly.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wan, I won't leak even a word about you." Nan Shangfeng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately nodded in cooperation, assuring.

"Is there a secret room in your spatial spiritual treasure?" Yuan Ming asked again.

"Yes, yes, fellow Taoists are coming with me." Nan Shangfeng said hurriedly, turning around with a look of fear on his face and leading the way.

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