Celestial being

Chapter 852 Hospitality

East Antarctic Islands.

As the date of the Wanbao auction approaches, the buildings on several islands have been renovated. Lanterns and colors are decorated everywhere, and the forbidden lights are soaring into the sky. From time to time, beautiful female cultivators shuttle among them, which looks very colorful and lively.

In order to attract more people to this auction, especially the monks from Zhongzhou, Dongji Palace spent a lot of money on decoration and publicity.

There were several times more monks coming to Dongji Island than usual, and long queues formed at the entrances of several islands.

A black escaping light shot from a distance, and soon fell behind the long queue of monks on Xihe Island, revealing the figure of a young man in black.

"I haven't been here for more than a hundred years, and a lot has changed here." The young man in black looked at Xihe Island and murmured to himself.

The young man was Yuan Ming who had transformed himself through the Rebirth Art, and his cultivation was suppressed to the early stage of Nascent Soul to avoid attracting attention.

Starting from near the abyss, it took him more than two months to finally reach the East Pole Islands, and finally did not miss this auction event.

Although there were many monks at the entrance, the process of entering the island was very fast, and soon it was Yuan Ming's turn.

"It's your first time coming to Dongji Island, should you renew your pass?" In the circular hall at the entrance, a new group of old men were responsible for handling access certificates, but the routine words remained the same.

"This is my first time for Wan Tianren to attend the Wanbao auction. I would like to apply for a temporary pass." Yuan Ming also reported the required information in a familiar manner and handed over the spirit stone.

"Isn't this your first time here?" The old man glanced at Yuan Ming in surprise, took out a blank pass token and recorded the information, but did not hand it over immediately.

"I once heard a friend tell me about the rules here." Yuan Ming smiled, secretly drawing out the demonic power of the immortal tree and injecting it into the token.

In an instant, the black light flashed away on the token, and then the words "Wan Tianren" appeared.

"Demon cultivator?" The old man muttered, but he didn't seem surprised.

In addition to demon cultivators, there is also a special kind of monks who practice demon cultivators in East Jihai, which are called demon cultivators. Bilongtan is a demon clan force, and there are also many human cultivators who have taken refuge in the past. There are a lot of demon cultivators.

Also because of the Jade Dragon Pond, although the demon cultivator is an alien in the East Extreme Sea, he is not like the demon cultivator who everyone calls for beatings.

"This pass is only valid for one month. After one month, fellow Taoists must either renew the pass or leave here." The old man nodded slightly, handed over the pass, and warned.

Yuan Ming had already expected this. After putting away the token, he walked towards the entrance to the island.

The moment he stepped into the light door, a forbidden power mixed with divine consciousness enveloped his body, repeatedly checking his body and mana.

This restraining power was completely different from what Yuan Ming encountered when he first came here. He even felt from it the sensitivity that was not inferior to that of a monk in the Dharma phase.

Yuan Ming's heart was slightly shuddered. As he expected, Dongji Palace increased the intensity of the review of entering the island. Fortunately, the rebirth technique was really powerful. It completely changed the physical condition. In addition to the most fundamental power of Qi and blood, there was also a trace of it. The rest of the original imprint is completely different from the original.

His main soul has also escaped into the space of the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron, and all his magic power has been hidden in the immortal tree. What is stored in his dantian at this moment is the power of the immortal tree demon at the level of Nascent Soul.

With such a complete method, even if Ouyang Qiang came in person, she would not be able to find any flaws.

Sure enough, this restraining force quickly receded. During this period, Yuan Ming walked forward with a normal expression, and then passed through the light gate and set foot on the Dongji Islands.

It was only then that Yuan Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this was the hinterland of Dongji Palace and he didn't dare to be careless. After confirming that there was no exposure, he went straight to Wanhuo Xianxing on Xihe Island.

There are only a few days left before the auction officially starts. The high-grade soul refining pill he has needs to be sold as soon as possible, otherwise the trip will be in vain.

Among the forces with the strongest financial resources and the ability to buy soul refining pills in the entire Dongji Island, Wanhuo Xianxing is the first to be chosen.

For Yuan Ming, these hundred years were just a few retreats, but for those low-level monks who worked as waiters in the shops, it might be a lifetime.

When Yuan Ming walked into Wanhuo Xianxing again, the female nuns responsible for receiving customers in the store were still young and beautiful, but they all had unfamiliar faces.

Yuan Ming had a slight feeling in his heart, but he did not indulge in it and ran straight to the elixir area.

The young female cultivator who introduced him to the Soul Refining Pill was also missing, replaced by two other people. One was a beautiful young woman with a graceful figure, and the other was a twenty-eight-year-old girl with a tall figure and a beautiful face. Jiaohao.

There were no guests in the elixir area at the moment, and the two women were talking close to each other, looking quite intimate.

"This distinguished guest, what kind of elixir do you want to buy?" Seeing Yuan Ming coming, the beautiful young woman hurriedly stopped talking and came to greet him.

"I don't want to buy elixirs. I have some elixirs for sale." Yuan Ming shook his head and stated his intention concisely.

The beautiful young woman was startled, and after sizing up Yuan Ming for a moment, her smile remained unchanged: "I see, Qing'er, I remember that you have been learning the art of elixir for a while. Let's take a look at this distinguished guest's elixir."

The tall girl nodded and was about to come over.

"There are too many people here, so it's inconvenient to show it. I heard that there is an Alchemy Pavilion in Wanhuo Xianxing, which is said to be able to identify all the elixirs in the world. Let's go there and have a look." Yuan Ming looked around and said casually.

The soul power of the top-grade soul refining pill is very powerful. If you take it out here, it will definitely attract onlookers.

"The Alchemy Pavilion is an important place in our business. If you go there to appraise elixirs, if the customer's elixir cannot be selected, you will be charged a large appraisal fee." The beautiful young woman frowned slightly and said tactfully.

"Wan Mou knows what he is doing and asks fellow Taoist to lead the way." Yuan Ming said unmoved.

"The people in the Alchemy Pavilion are all my alchemy masters. Asking them to appraise the elixir once will cost at least two thousand spirit stones. You'd better think about it carefully." The tall girl's tone was a little cold, as if she was dissatisfied with Yuan Ming. attitude of words and deeds.

"Alchemy Master?" Yuan Ming was slightly startled. He had never heard of such a position before.

"Fellow Taoists may not have heard of it. As the name suggests, alchemists are people who taste elixirs. They can infer the quality, age, potency, etc. of elixirs through appearance, smell and other external conditions. A skilled appraiser is The alchemist can even directly deduce the recipe by tasting the elixir." The beautiful young woman explained.

Yuan Ming suddenly realized that the overseas world was really prosperous and there were such professions.

"It doesn't matter, just send it over." He said in a calm tone.

"In that case, Qing'er, take this guest to Jiandan Pavilion." said the beautiful young woman.

"Sister Ling, we haven't finished what we just said. The beauty of this auction..." said the tall girl.

"Let's talk about this next time. The store's business is the most important thing. Since you come to the store to do things, you must abide by the rules here." The beautiful young woman said with a slightly serious face.

"Okay." The tall girl reluctantly agreed and walked inside, and Yuan Ming followed.

The two passed through several passages and soon came to a pavilion filled with the fragrance of Dan. On the plaque were the three characters "Jian Dan Pavilion".

"Fellow Taoist, give me the elixir and I'll send it in for identification." The tall girl stretched out her hand and said.

The Wanhuo Immortal Expert has a great career and attaches great importance to credibility. Yuan Ming is not worried that the other party will blackmail him for a pill. He takes out a white jade bottle with a talisman on it and hands it over.

The tall girl took it and pushed the door open without looking back, leaving Yuan Ming outside.

Yuan Ming looked around and saw a pavilion not far away, so he walked over and sat down.

Time passed little by little, and soon after half an hour, there was still no movement in Jiandan Pavilion.

"What's going on? It's just an elixir, does it take so long?" Yuan Ming frowned, stretched out a finger and flicked it.

A white light ball appeared in front of him, and the figure of the tall girl emerged from it. She was chatting with a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes in the Alchemy Pavilion, and was not appraising alchemy at all.

Yuan Ming's face turned gloomy. With his cultivation level, although he was not as experienced as a junior, he would not let others entertain him either.

He took out another white jade medicine bottle and poured his magic power into it.

The powerful soul power of the high-grade soul refining pill spread out and passed into the Jiandan Pavilion.

In the Jiandan Pavilion, the man in rich clothes who was talking to the tall girl suddenly sensed something and stood up.

"Such a pure soul power fluctuation, it seems to be a soul refining pill, and the grade is not low. Could it be that the soul refining pill refined by Mr. Tian has improved again?" The man in rich clothes murmured to himself.

"Uncle Gu, what's wrong with you?" the tall girl asked.

"Qing'er, I was just wondering if you suddenly came to the Dan Appraisal Pavilion. Did the store collect new elixirs and send them here for tasting?" asked the man in rich clothes.

"No...ah, how could I forget that person!" The tall girl thought of Yuan Ming outside and exclaimed softly.

"Who?" asked the man in fine clothes.

"A Nascent Soul monk came outside who did not overestimate his abilities. After learning the art of alchemy for a few days, he thought he was a master of alchemy. As soon as he came, he asked the Alchemy Pavilion to identify the elixir. This is it." The tall girl took out Yuan Ming and gave it to Her pill bottle.

"Even so, you shouldn't have left it outside for so long. Isn't this the way of hospitality? Please invite the other person in quickly." The man in rich clothes scolded.

The tall girl stuck out her tongue playfully. She really didn't like Yuan Ming, so she deliberately showed him off as a small revenge. However, she had just been discussing other things with the man in rich clothes, and she was so enchanted that she completely defeated Yuan Ming. Leave it behind.

The woman agreed and walked outside.

The man in rich clothes looked at the tall girl and sighed in disappointment, then turned his eyes to the jade bottle in his hand.

The quality of this jade bottle is average, and the talismans on it are just ordinary sealing talismans. You can imagine the quality of the elixir inside.

No matter what, you are a customer when you come. This has nothing to do with the quality of the elixirs delivered, but more about the attitude of hospitality and the reputation of the business.

The man in rich clothes shook his head slightly, casually took off the talisman on the jade bottle, and opened the cork.

In an instant, a powerful wave of soul power emitted from inside, and the man in gorgeous clothes was the first to bear the brunt. Although he was a monk who returned to the void, his body still trembled slightly.

(Fellow Taoists, Wangyu is going out to attend the annual meeting of the platform, so we can only update once in these two days.)

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