Celestial being

Chapter 837 Hunting Target

"The power of this thunder and lightning is really amazing." Yuan Ming looked at what happened in front of him, with a look of shock on his face, and murmured to himself.

In terms of destructive power alone, Leiyu's blow had already surpassed him.

"I don't know why this new power of thunder and lightning is so amazing. This power is so violent that I can't control it myself." Lei Yu said, a trace of pain flashed across his face.

His palm suddenly turned black, as if it had been burned by fire.

"Your violent and fierce thunder and lightning is somewhat similar to the Thunder of Destruction." King Kong said on the side.

"Thunder of Destruction? What kind of magical power is that?" Yuan Ming asked.

"I can't explain clearly, this word came out suddenly." King Kong frowned and thought hard.

Yuan Ming thought for a moment and suddenly understood. It seemed that the thunder of destruction was the memory of King Kong's past. Could it be the supernatural power of the devil?

"Since you can't control this new thunder and lightning, it's better to use it less. How is your flying magical power?" He warned Leiyu and then asked.

It was a good thing that the power of thunderstorm and lightning was greatly increased, but what he was most concerned about was the method of thunderstorm's escape.

"Don't worry, Master. After the baptism of the Transformed Thunder Tribulation, I have refined the pair of roc wings into my body, and have more thoroughly mastered the power of wind escape. Now there is no problem in using the wind and thunder double escape." Lei Yu said His body expanded and transformed into its original form, and the four wings of wind and thunder appeared behind him.

"Then let me give it a try." Yuan Ming jumped onto Leiyu's back.

Thunderstorm's four wings shook, and its huge body soared into the sky. In an instant, it was hundreds of miles away. It was not inferior to Ouyang Qiang's Meteor Shuttle Lingbao.

"This speed is pretty good." Yuan Ming nodded, but felt slightly disappointed.

He originally expected that after Leiyu controlled the wind and thunder wings, his escape speed could surpass those of the powerful Dharma-like powers, but now it seems that it is only about the same.

"Master, I haven't exerted my strength yet." The power of wind and thunder on Leiyu's four wings intertwined, making a deafening roar.

The next moment, Thunderstorm's figure suddenly became blurry, and its speed doubled.

A look of surprise flashed in Yuan Ming's eyes. The combined power of wind and thunder actually increased Leiyu's escape speed to this point.

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed, he stopped the thunderstorm, then left the Shura Palace and entered it.

In the stone building of the medicine garden, the blood flames in the Taixu communication array were flashing.

Yuan Ming's figure appeared next to the Taixu communication array, and he made a gesture towards the blood flames, and the figure of Huazhi emerged from the flames.

"Master, come quickly, I found a level six monster suitable for hunting." Huazhi's voice came from the blood flame.

"Seriously? What kind of monster is it?" Yuan Ming felt happy and asked hurriedly.

"It's a jellyfish monster. It's not too big, and its intelligence is normal..." Huazhi described the situation of the monster found in detail, and it really met the needs of refining the Faxiang Pill.

"This beast is indeed a suitable hunting target. You continue to follow the monster at a distance to avoid being discovered. Thunderstorm has successfully passed the thunder catastrophe of transformation. I will go there." Yuan Ming ordered, and then asked for the Huazhi. position, he cut off the summons.

He activated the Taixu communication array, contacted Fairy Yunluo, informed the other party of the situation, and then returned to the island where he had overcome the tribulation with Leiyu.

Yuan Ming took away the magic circle arranged on the island, immediately took King Kong and rode the thunderstorm straight to the flower branch.

Thunderstorms are now coming at a much faster speed, and the journey that originally took half a month now only takes about four or five days.

Somewhere in the abyss, the water here turns dark red and looks like blood.

On a small island, the flower branches turned into a purple and black vine, quietly coiling around a large rock.

The flower branch has no demonic power at the moment and looks like an ordinary vine.

At this moment, the figure on the island turned into a flower, and Yuan Ming's figure appeared.

It's just that his body is translucent at the moment, apparently activating the Void Transformation Technique to hide the aura emanating from his body.

"Master, you are here!" Green light flashed from the top of the vine, turning into the head of the flower branch.

"Where is the jellyfish monster you mentioned?" Yuan Ming asked via voice transmission.

Huazhi had told him during his previous summons that the jellyfish monster had extremely keen senses, so he put away the thunderstorm hundreds of miles away, used the Void Transformation Technique to hide its tracks, and lurked carefully all the way.

"In an eye of the sea on the seabed ahead." Huazhi pointed to a certain sea area ahead and replied through voice transmission.

Yuan Ming glanced there, and his spiritual consciousness wanted to explore it.

"Master, please don't use your spiritual sense to explore. The jellyfish monster's perception is extremely sharp. Although the master's spiritual sense is powerful, I'm afraid it will still alarm this monster." Huazhi hurriedly stopped him.

Yuan Ming frowned slightly. How could he formulate an action plan if he couldn't explore at will?

His Circle Light Technique was only a first glimpse of the door, and could not detect such a long distance. As for using the black incense body to detect, it was even more impossible to talk about.

"What's going on with the sea water here?" Yuan Ming thought hard for a moment, and then asked another question as he had no clue.

Previously, the sea water for hundreds of miles along the way was still a normal color, but here it turned into a strange blood color.

"Master, you don't know something. The reason why the sea water here is blood-colored is because a special kind of haemophilia grows on the seabed. This kind of seaweed releases a blood-red powdery substance every time, dyeing the sea water like this. Then The jellyfish monster likes to eat this kind of bloody algae very much, so it placed its nest here." Huazhi explained.

Yuan Ming nodded, and after a moment of silence, he did not stay here anymore, but evacuated a hundred miles away.

He first took out the formation equipment of the Eight-pole Golden Lock Array and arranged it somewhere on the seabed. After everything was prepared, he was thinking about how to further detect the traces of the sea beast when his expression suddenly changed and he flew out of the seabed and looked into the distance.

After a few breaths, a white light flew out, and soon came to Yuan Ming's side, where Fairy Yunluo appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"I have just arrived. Fellow Daoist Yun Luo needs to recover his mana first, and then we can talk." Yuan Ming said.

Fairy Yunluo was a little out of breath at the moment and was not polite. She found a place to stay in the sea and closed her eyes to practice her skills. Yuan Ming sat down cross-legged not far away with a look of deep thought on his face.

Half a day later, Fairy Yunluo's magic power recovered, and Yuan Ming informed the woman of the current situation.

"Listening to Taoist Fellow Huazhi's description, I know the origin of this jellyfish monster, so there is no need to bother to investigate." Fairy Yunluo thought for a moment and said.

"Please give me some advice from fellow Taoist Yun Luo." Yuan Ming's eyebrows moved.

"If I am not mistaken, this beast is called the Sea Scale Sting Monster. It is a nearly extinct monster in the East Extreme Sea. The monster body has amazing activity. It can instantly regenerate its limbs after being severed, and it can survive even if it is cut in half. , extremely difficult to kill." Fairy Yunluo said.

When Yuan Ming heard this, he did not speak, but nodded slightly noncommittally, indicating to Fairy Yunluo to continue.

"Not only that, this beast contains extremely poisonous poison. This poison is inherently good. It can not only attack the body, but also attack the soul. With this beast's sixth-level demonic power, the poison must not be contaminated at all, otherwise there will be no way to survive." Yun said. Fairy Luo looked solemn.

"That is indeed a bit tricky." Yuan Ming rubbed his chin while thinking about ways to kill the jellyfish monster.

With the Baji Golden Lock Formation here, as long as this beast can be brought in, the matter will be half successful. The key is how to draw this monster out of its lair.

The sixth-level monster's intelligence has already been greatly expanded, and its perception is extremely sharp. It is not difficult to lure it out of the lair, but it is not easy to lure it here.

Yuan Ming pondered for a long time, but he roughly thought of a way. He immediately called the flower branches and King Kong came over and gave a brief explanation.

"Although this method is feasible, the risk is very high." Fairy Yunluo looked worried.

"It is impossible to hunt down level six monsters without taking risks. Without further ado, let's do this. You should also prepare as mentioned just now." As Yuan Ming said this, his figure immediately transformed into a streak of green light. After entering the bottom of the sea, he went straight to the jellyfish monster's lair, no longer hiding his aura.

Seeing this, Fairy Yunluo, King Kong and Huazhi flew in different directions.

Yuan Ming soon arrived at the eye of the sea where the jellyfish monster was. A few miles away, he could see streaks of purple rays of light coming from the eye of the sea, rendering all the nearby soil purple-black.

He looked at the ground, quickly looked away, and looked at Haiyan again, while slowly approaching.


When Yuan Ming was less than fifty feet away from Haiyan, a low roar sounded from Haiyan that was full of warning.

The voice was as low as thunder, and Yuan Ming's soul seemed to have been struck by a sap, and his vision went slightly dark.

"With the soul power of this beast, it is impossible to control it with the possession of black incense." Yuan Ming secretly thought, his consciousness spread out, and he quickly sensed the jellyfish monster in the sea eye.

This beast is as big as a palace and shaped like a large purple bowl turned upside down. Its surface is covered with dots of light, and countless tiny tentacles hang down. It looks similar to an ordinary jellyfish.

Those tentacles seemed to be able to sense Yuan Ming's consciousness, and they all trembled slightly.

Perhaps because Yuan Ming appeared too blatantly, the jellyfish monster roared more and more urgently, but it did not immediately fly out and attack Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming was secretly happy. Everything was as he expected, and his sleeves twitched slightly.

A black sword shadow appeared in his sleeve, then disappeared into the shadow of the sleeve, and disappeared in a flash.

The darkness near the jellyfish monster moved, and a black sword shot out from it, slashing at the monster's head. It was the soul-destroying sword.

The jellyfish monster was frightened and angry, and its huge body immediately retreated, spitting out a large stream of purple poisonous mist from its mouth to face the Soul-Destroying Sword.

However, at this moment, all the jellyfish monster's senses were interrupted. It could not see with its eyes or sense with its spiritual consciousness, and it suddenly became as blind as a man.

Before it could react, its soul suddenly felt severe pain, as if it had been struck by a sword. Its body was twisted, and countless tentacles around it shot out in all directions like sharp arrows, trying to hinder the enemy's secondary attack.

However, the next moment, a black light flashed above the head of the jellyfish monster, and a huge black palm fell from the sky, and slapped the monster's head hard. It was the palm of Mahakala.

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