Celestial being

Chapter 834 Turbulent Waves

Jin Mu's all-round search for his spiritual consciousness did not last long. Soon he withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and the expression on his face became more intense.

But after thinking for a moment, his consciousness rushed out again, and he searched repeatedly in the room, trying to find traces of the person who left the jade slip.

This time's consciousness was different from the surging sea just now. It was soft and soft, like a breeze blowing, but it gave people a pervasive feeling.

Wulu closed his eyes and concentrated on using the Sky-Escape Stone Talisman to become invisible, without revealing any flaws.

After a short while, Jin Mu gave up this useless search, his eyes fell on the jade slip, and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Come here, activate the communication array and contact Patriarch Binglan!" After an unknown amount of time, Jin Mu suddenly called out the man in black robe and gave instructions.

The man agreed and left.

Jin Mu walked around the room for a while and then left in a hurry.

Wulu finally felt relieved and did not dare to stay any longer. He quickly left the city lord's mansion and escaped while the guards were changing shifts.

Half a day later, in a cave in Baidi City.

"...That's what happened. This time it really scared me to death." Ulu told Yuan Ming everything he saw in the city lord's mansion through the Taixu communication array, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, looking like he was still frightened. .

"Brother Wulu, I've worked really hard this time. I didn't expect you to take such a big risk. Yuan will remember today's kindness." Yuan Ming said solemnly, just listening to Wulu's description of the process, with a hint of fear in his heart.

"Needless to say nonsense, if you come to Baidi City in the future, if you don't treat me to two or three good drinks, I won't finish it!" Ulu laughed.

"It's easy to say, I guarantee you won't come back without getting drunk." Yuan Ming heard Wulu's comforting words, and felt warm in his heart.

"Brother Wulu, I have been in Baidi City for many years, but have you ever heard that City Lord Jin Mu is related to the Three Realms Sect?" He thought for a while and asked.

"City Lord Jin Mu is a low-key person. He rarely shows up on weekdays. There is very little information about this person. I have never heard that he is involved with the Three Realms Sect." Ulu said after thinking for a while.

"Who is the Patriarch Binglan mentioned by City Lord Jin Mu?" Yuan Ming asked again.

"I know this person. Patriarch Binglan is a Mahayana ancestor from Tiansheng Academy. City Lord Jin Mu was born in Tiansheng Academy. He seems to have a master-disciple relationship with Patriarch Binglan. I heard that the reason why Jin Mu can become The Lord of Baidi City is related to the Binglan Ancestor." Wulu said with great interest.

Yuan Ming nodded. He had seen information about Tiansheng Academy in Zimei's memory and knew that it was one of the three giants in Zhongzhou Continent.

The other two giant sects are Taixuanmen and Mingyue Palace.

Tiansheng Academy is located in the central region of Zhongzhou Continent. Its predecessor was originally just an alliance. It was formed by many small and medium-sized sects in Zhongzhou Continent during the first realm war to resist the invasion of the demon world.

After the war, the alliance did not disband immediately due to some reasons. After that, it experienced some ups and downs and slowly evolved into today's Tiansheng Academy.

Perhaps it is due to the origin of the sect. Tiansheng Academy is very different from ordinary sects. It does not force its disciples to stay. After their cultivation reaches a certain level, the disciples in the academy can choose to leave, return to their own family, or go out alone. No matter how you go about your business, Tiansheng Academy will not interfere.

In addition, Tiansheng Academy does not have high requirements for recruiting disciples. As long as they are clean and diligent, regardless of their qualifications, students will be admitted. Students will not be strictly managed in the academy and can study according to their own interests.

In addition to recruiting disciples, Tiansheng Academy also recruits teachers, and the requirements are also very relaxed. Regardless of origin and cultivation level, as long as they have a skill and have never done evil, they can be admitted to teach.

Tiansheng Academy's approach was ridiculed by many sects in Zhongzhou Continent, believing that it would soon run out of resources and fall apart.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Tensheng Academy not only did not collapse, but because of its openness to all rivers and its humble sect culture, it prospered day by day and now has become one of the three pillars of the Izumo world.

As for Taixuan Sect and Mingyue Palace, they are traditional sects, among which Mingyue Palace is a sect dominated by soul cultivation.

Xia Jie mentioned to Yuan Ming before that his Ming Yue Jue came from Mingyue Palace.

Yuan Ming sighed in his heart. If he could, he would never want to be associated with these big factions, but now it seems that it is impossible to avoid them completely.

"Brother Wulu, are you busy these days? If you have time, I would like to ask you to help me check someone." He thought for a while and said.

"Why are you being polite to me? I have just stabilized my cultivation in the Return to Void Stage. Apart from hunting beasts, I have nothing special to say. Who do you want to check?" Ulu said.

"A young woman named Su Yingxue is a sixth-level formation master. It is said that she is from the Hui tribe." Yuan Ming said.

"The Hui Clan... what kind of clan is that? But since it has a name and a surname, and it's a sixth-level formation mage, there should be a way to find out." Wulu said after being startled.

"Then please leave it to Brother Wulu. You must be extremely careful when investigating this woman." Yuan Ming warned.

"Don't worry, I have the Escape Stone Talisman. City Lord Jin Mu didn't notice it even with all his strength. Who else can catch me." Ulu laughed.

Then the two chatted for a long time, and Yuan Ming ended the communication.

Seven or eight days later, the land of nothingness.

Su Yingxue sat silently in front of the book desk, flipping through the book one after another, and her eyes were always wandering outside the book, as if she was thinking about something or looking forward to something.

According to her previous experience, these two days were the days when the mysterious master would contact her again. She had already prepared the promised formation map, and what she was looking through now was the book that recorded the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation. .

However, Su Yingxue was not very sure whether the expert could fulfill her request.

The Void Prison is a Jedi place. Except for the prison owner, even the six wardens cannot leave at will. What's more, even if there is a way to get in and out, the outside is still the territory of the demon world. If you want to go directly to and from the Izumo world from here, it can be said that it is A fantasy.

Her request was more of a test than the transaction itself.

As time passed slowly, Su Yingxue's eyes gradually became a little more troubled.

At this moment, the thoughtful look on Su Yingxue's face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a relaxed look with ease, and a different kind of brilliance that did not belong to her appeared in her eyes.

It was Yuan Ming who possessed her.

Yuan Ming had possessed her so many times that he was already familiar with the road. As soon as his vision became clear, he immediately lowered his head and looked at the bookcase, and soon discovered the book Su Yingxue had prepared in advance.

"Well, that's right. This Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation is indeed mysterious. Su Yingxue didn't fool me with some defective products." Yuan Ming flipped through the book and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, the transaction between the two was completed.

Yuan Ming raised his hand and took out a blank jade slip. After writing a message to Su Yingxue, he concentrated on studying the diagram of the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation.

The possession time passed quickly, and when Yuan Ming came back to his senses, his consciousness had returned to his original body.

As the possession of the black incense ended, Su Yingxue's consciousness immediately returned and she discovered that there was an extra jade slip on the desk.

That person has already been here?

Su Yingxue's eyes fluctuated slightly, she picked up the jade slip and read the message inside.

"I have completed your request. After the Lord of Baidi City learned the news, he immediately sent someone to contact Ancestor Binglan."

But just such a paragraph made Su Yingxue feel a storm in her heart.

Very few people knew about the relationship between Jin Mu, Binglan Ancestor, and the Three Realms Sect. In just a few days, that person actually spread the news to the Izumo Realm!

The prison that the demons are proud of and consider to be indestructible may be like a back garden to this person, where he can come and leave whenever he wants.

Who is this person? With such magical power, could it be that he has mastered a cross-border space passage connecting the Izumo Realm?

The cross-border passages connecting the Izumo Realm are all in the hands of several Demon Emperors in the Demon Realm. Could this person be a member of which Demon Emperor?

Su Yingxue stared at the jade slip and remained silent for a long time.

Shura Palace Medicine Garden Cave.

As soon as Yuan Ming returned to consciousness, he immediately took out a jade slip and recorded the diagram of the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation in it to avoid forgetting it.

A loud sound of thunder was heard, and a huge black thundercloud was suspended in the air of the medicine garden. From time to time, a dazzling lightning flashed by, making bursts of thunderous sounds.

Lei Yu hid in the black clouds and continued to swallow Lei Yuan Dan for refining. The rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the medicine garden also gathered towards the black thunder clouds.

Leiyu's strength improved rapidly, heading towards the fifth intermediate level.

Yuan Ming was quite satisfied with this and closed his eyes to meditate on the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation.

A month passed quickly.

Yuan Ming suddenly opened his eyes from seclusion and frowned.

The complexity of the sixth-level formation, the Eight-Ji Golden Lock Formation, was far beyond his expectation. It was completely different from the fifth-level formation. Even though Su Yingxue had marked the formation diagram in great detail, he had been thinking hard for a month, and still couldn't compare it to the fifth-level formation. There are many things I don’t understand.

"It seems that it is not realistic to fully understand the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation by just relying on your own enlightenment. You have to communicate with Su Yingxue again." Yuan Ming murmured to himself, took out the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron, and lit the black incense. .

This time he did not directly possess Su Yingxue, but descended on an ordinary guard of the void prison and came to the door of Su Yingxue's prison.

The Baji Golden Lock Formation is too complicated. If you want to understand it completely, it cannot be understood in a few words. It is more convenient to continue to possess Su Yingxue and communicate through messages. It is too slow.

Su Yingxue was sitting at her desk as usual, but she was not studying the formation. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice Yuan Ming outside.

It wasn't until Yuan Ming locked the cell door that Su Yingxue woke up with horror.

"What's the matter? The space array requested by Senior Hell Demon Lord has not been designed yet." Seeing Yuan Ming outside, Su Yingxue stood up and her expression returned to coldness.

"Fellow Daoist Su, it's me." Yuan Ming said calmly.

Su Yingxue was stunned when she heard this, and looked at Yuan Ming carefully. The expression on her face gradually changed, full of surprise, mixed with a little joy.

"Are you...that senior?"

"That's right." Yuan Ming said calmly.

"Did you control the guard this time?" Su Yingxue asked tentatively.

"This is not important. I came here this time because I don't quite understand the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation. I need your guidance on some areas." Yuan Ming said.

"Of course, but senior, please wait a moment. There is a surveillance restriction arranged by the Hell Demon Lord here. Although he may not be watching here at the moment, to be sure, it is better to try to interfere." Su Yingxue said, making secrets with both hands. Several white lights shone outside the prison.

There were faint ripples in the void around Yuan Ming, and soon returned to their original state.

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