Celestial being

Chapter 828: Fortune and misfortune depend on each other

Yuan Ming walked into the stone building, closed the door, took out all the storage instruments that had been collected earlier, and examined them one by one.

Most of these monks have high levels of cultivation, and their wealth in the storage of magic tools is very rich. They have spiritual materials, magic weapons, and elixirs.

However, it is a pity that these elixirs and magic weapons are either of a far different level than Yuan Ming, or their efficacy is not in line with his needs, and they are of limited help to him.

Fortunately, these people have a lot of spiritual stones on their bodies, totaling five to six million.

Yuan Ming gathered all the elixirs into different categories. As for their magic weapons and the like, Yuan Ming did not touch them and kept them in their original storage containers.

These things have now become his private collection. In the future, they can be returned to those who have made merit in praying, and they can even reward the monks who follow him. As for who can get it, it depends on their performance.

Yuan Ming flicked his sleeves and put away all the storage instruments, leaving only three.

These three storage instruments belong to the three women from the Pure Women Sect. These three women are from Zhongzhou Continent and may have different things.

Yuan Ming summoned his consciousness and put it into the three storage instruments. A look of disappointment quickly appeared on his face.

The forged "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" that Fairy Yunluo said was not found in the storage instruments of those three people.

Even though Fairy Yunluo said that it was full of errors and omissions, Yuan Ming also wanted to get it and verify it himself.

No matter how bad it is, when he gets the elixir recipe in the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" from Fairy Yunluo in the future, he can use it as a reference to confirm each other.

When Yuan Ming searched the souls of Chen Yuluan and Wang Qi before, he knew that the two women had not come into contact with the "Secret Code of the King of Alchemy". After Fairy Yunluo handed over half of the secret code, it was Zimei who put it away. Unexpectedly, Zimei's There is no such thing in the storage instrument.

"Master, are you looking for that half of the "Secret Code of the Alchemy King"? Maybe the three members of the Su Nu Sect did not write it down, but kept it in their minds." Lei Yu flew out of the spirit beast bag and said.

"It is indeed possible." Yuan Ming nodded, got up and went to the black tower space again.

Lei Yu also flapped his wings and followed.

At this time, a group of monks from Wuya Island, as well as Zi Mei and others, had already found a place to build a cave.

When Zimei found out that Yuan Ming had called her out alone, she was not surprised but happy. She secretly pondered Yuan Ming's intentions and wondered if he could not bear the temptation of dual cultivation after all, so he left and came back.

"Island Master Yuan, you summoned me alone to come out, but what else do you have to do?" Zi Mei asked with a bit of hope in her eyes.

"Let me ask you where is the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" that Fairy Yunluo handed over?" Yuan Ming asked coldly.

Seeing this, Zi Mei couldn't help but shudder slightly.

She felt disappointed in her heart and did not dare to hide it: "That half of the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" has been taken away by my senior sister Qin Meiniang."

"Qin Meiniang?" Yuan Ming frowned slightly.

"Zimei doesn't dare to deceive. My senior sister is a cultivator at the peak of the Return to Void Stage. If she hadn't been with us, it would have been impossible for the three of us to capture Yun Luo's... junior sister. Get that half of "Elixir" "After the King's Secret Code", in order to prevent long nights and long dreams, Senior Sister Qin asked us to keep a close watch on Junior Sister Yunluo, while she herself went back to the sect first." Zimei said quickly.

"Have the three of you ever read that half of the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King"?" Yuan Ming asked.

"The "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" is extremely important. We don't have the qualifications. However, Junior Sister Yun Luo must have read it. You saved her..." Zi Mei said, carefully raising her eyes to look at Yuan Ming's face.

After finding out that he had no expression on his face, he stopped talking.

The implication of her words is, of course, that you saved her and she didn’t even look at you?

Yuan Ming ignored her little intention of sowing discord, waved her hand to make the woman fall into the illusion, then pointed a finger between her eyebrows, and used her soul-searching magic power.

There was no means such as soul fire talisman in Zi Mei's soul, so Yuan Ming quickly completed the soul search.

This woman did not lie to him. The half of the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" was indeed taken away by Qin Meiniang.

Zimei has a lot of memories about Qin Meiniang. This woman is a direct disciple of the head of the Su Nu Sect. She has advanced cultivation and magical powers, and is quite famous in the entire Zhongzhou Continent.

Yuan Ming retracted his fingers, told Zimei to get back, and turned around to return to Yaoyuan Cave.

"Lord Ming Yue God, I have something to tell you." Yin Lang suddenly appeared. After looking at the thunderstorm in the air, he bowed to Yuan Ming.

"You have something to do, but it doesn't matter." Yuan Ming nodded in surprise.

"I have a precious elixir in my hands, and I want to dedicate it to Lord Ming Yue." Yin Lang took out a jade slip, poured mana into it, and then sent it to Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming took the jade slip and his spiritual consciousness was absorbed into it. The jade slip contained a fifth-level elixir recipe, Lei Yuan Dan.

"This Lei Yuan Dan is the pill you asked me to refine that day?" He asked, remembering the day when Yin Lang came to ask him to refine the pill.

"My subordinate, Meng Lang, please don't blame me, Lord Ming Yue." Yin Lang lowered his head and said.

"You didn't join the Ming Yue Sect at that time, so what's the blame? Tell me, what's so special about this elixir?" Yuan Ming waved his hand and asked.

"This Lei Yuan Dan is an ancient elixir that contains the power of thunder. Its potency is extremely overbearing and can be endured by non-human monks," Yin Lang said.

"Can non-human monks bear it? Isn't this a pill for monks?" Yuan Ming became a little interested.

"Lord Ming Yue God guessed it right. This elixir comes from an ancient beast-controlling sect. It is a pill for monsters with thunder attributes. I saw that Lord Ming Yue God owns a thunder attribute spirit beast. Maybe it can be used. I have the courage to offer this elixir." Yin Lang glanced at the thunderstorm in the air with a flattering look on his face.

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

He prepared Purple Thunder Pill for Lei Yu to practice, but Purple Thunder Pill was only a fourth-level elixir, and its effect was naturally far inferior to that of Lei Yuan Pill.

"You have good intentions. This time I will remember you for your merit." Yuan Ming put away the jade slip and disappeared from the place in a flash.

Yin Lang let out a breath, with joy in his eyes, turned around and flew back to his cave.

Yuan Ming returned to Yaoyuan Cave and continued to check the Lei Yuan Dan formula. After a while, he activated the Taixu communication array and contacted Huazhi.

He asked Huazhi to help him collect the spiritual materials needed to refine the Spirit Fusion Pill and the Lei Yuan Pill while traveling outside. Once he found it, he would try his best to buy it no matter how expensive the price was.

Afterwards, Yuan Ming looked at the residences of the mortals and low-level monks on Spirit Ape Island, and saw that they had all been safely settled and managed in an orderly manner according to Xiying's method, so he felt relieved.

After all matters were dealt with, Yuan Ming entered the Yaoyuan Cave, transformed into the form of an immortal tree, and began to practice in seclusion.

Spring passed and autumn came, and five years passed in a flash.

With the help of the Jade Liquid Pill and his own hard training, Yuan Ming finally reached the peak level of the middle stage of returning to the void. Then he took the Shenyuan Pill to hit the late stage of returning to the void.

Hunyuan Zhenqi can improve his mana very quickly, but it is extremely difficult to break through.

Yuan Ming took two pills of Shen Yuan Dan in succession, and with some other auxiliary measures, he barely managed to break through to the late stage of returning to the void.

On this day, Yuan Ming was sitting cross-legged in the cave, with his eyes closed, sensing the condition of his Dantian.

Whether it is the mana hole in the dantian or the strength of the mana, it is much stronger than before. During the rumbling movement, amazing mana fluctuations burst out, like a roaring bloody mouth that can crush and swallow everything. .

The mana hole is filled with seven different kinds of mana fluctuations. Although suppressed by the rotating hole, they are still conflicting with each other, which is much stronger than in the middle stage of Void Return.

Yuan Ming frowned. The Hunyuan Zhen Gong formula mentioned that practicing it would lead to mana disorder. He used to think that it was just that, so he didn't take it too seriously.

Now it seems that the disorder of mana will gradually become prominent as his cultivation continues to improve.

However, since Yuan Ming has chosen this path, he can only bite the bullet and go on. As for the problems caused by it, he can only find a way to solve it.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Sensing the condition of his soul and body, he found that his soul had not improved much, and his physical cultivation had not increased much.

He was not surprised by this. In the past five years of practice, most of his thoughts were on Dharma cultivation, and naturally he did not make much progress in soul cultivation and body cultivation.

At this moment, a faint sound of sword sound came from his body.

Yuan Ming hurriedly followed the sound and looked inside, and found that the source of the sound came from the whirlpool of the mixed cave, and the Soul-Destroying Sword was quietly suspended there.

He had a breakthrough in the realm of Dharma cultivation, and the Soul-Destroying Sword, as his natal magic weapon, also received considerable benefits and faintly let out bursts of cheerful chirps.

Yuan Ming thought, and the Soul-Destroying Sword appeared in his hand. He put two fingers of his other hand on the sword body and stroked it gently.

After a moment, he removed his finger, a look of confusion in his eyes.

Over the years, he has never relaxed his efforts to nurture and refine the Soul-Destroying Sword. The power of this sword has improved greatly, but the spiritual growth has been extremely slow, and he has not yet been able to develop a weapon spirit.

"Is there something wrong with my method of nourishment?" Yuan Ming secretly guessed.

"There's nothing wrong with your nourishing method. The reason why this Soul-Destroying Sword can't raise weapon spirits is mainly because the runes you use are too advanced." Kong's voice suddenly sounded.

"Senior Kong, why are you free today?" Yuan Ming asked with a twinkle in his eye.

A flash of light flashed across his arm, and the Heaven Stealing Cauldron emerged automatically. A white light glowed on the cauldron, and then it turned into a figure exactly like Yuan Ming, it was Kong.

"Do I still need your permission when I show up?" Kong Leng said.

"Of course it's not necessary, but the senior seems to have recovered a lot, which is really gratifying." Yuan Ming shook his head and said with a smile.

The figure that Kong transformed at this moment was formed by the power of the soul. It was much more powerful than his own soul. It had transcended the scope of witchcraft, giving people a sense of being in control of everything and controlling their destiny.

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