Celestial being

Chapter 825 Everyone gets what they need

Yuan Ming was not surprised by Fairy Yunluo's answer. He stretched out his hand in front of Fairy Yunluo, spread his palm, and revealed a blank jade slip.

This time, Fairy Yunluo did not shirk anymore. She took the blank jade slip from Yuan Ming, poured her magic power into it, and quickly handed it over again.

Yuan Ming took the jade slip and his spiritual consciousness was absorbed into it.

"There are two major difficulties in refining the Dharma-Xiang Dan. One is that the elixir materials are hard to find. The materials required are basically fifth-level spiritual materials, and several of them are sixth-level spiritual materials. As for the most core and most important The hard-to-obtain materials are the Nascent Soul of a Dharma Stage monk, or the demon elixir and demon soul of a level 6 demon beast. Secondly, the requirements for the level of the alchemist are extremely high, at least a level 5 alchemist is required. Okay, to be on the safe side, we even need a level six alchemist." Fairy Yunluo said slowly.

Yuan Ming had already read through the prescription of Dharma-Xiang Dan. The required materials were just as Yun Luo said, and his heart sank slightly.

Whether it is the Nascent Soul of a cultivator at the Dharma Phase stage or the demon elixir and demon soul of a sixth-level demon beast, they are treasures that can be encountered but cannot be sought, and they will definitely not be easy to find.

In comparison, the requirement for an alchemist is not that difficult. Yuan Ming himself is not far from a fifth-level alchemist. If it is really difficult, there is a waiter in the shop who can help.

Yuan Ming felt inferior to the waiter's achievements in alchemy.

Later, Fairy Yunluo was afraid that Yuan Ming was not familiar with the spiritual materials, so she detailed some of the relatively unknown spiritual materials in the elixir one by one.

Yuan Ming made a note in his mind and asked about the entire refining process and the points that needed attention, and got detailed answers.

Finally getting the recipe for Dharma Prime Elixir, Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief and began to think about how to prepare the spiritual materials.

He is now quite wealthy, and it is not difficult to collect those fifth-level or even sixth-level spiritual materials by smashing the spiritual stones.

If the spiritual stones are not enough, he still has a lot of wish power pills in his hand, which he can sell as soul refining pills, and easily exchange for a large number of spiritual stones.

Only the Dharma Stage Nascent Soul, or the sixth-level monster beast, demon pill, and demon soul are a problem, but now that we know the direction, there are more solutions than difficulties.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, it is too difficult to search for the spiritual materials needed to refine the Faxiang Pill on your own. Now you and I are wanted by the Dongji Palace, and we have caused a big trouble with the Su Nu Sect. It’s not very convenient to move around, so how about we cooperate?” After some questions and answers, Fairy Yunluo suddenly said.

"How to cooperate?" Yuan Ming raised an eyebrow and asked.

"All the rest of the spiritual materials are left to me to find. Fellow Daoist Yuan, you are only responsible for getting the Nascent Soul of the Dharma phase monks, or the demon pills and demon souls of the sixth-level monsters. After the elixir is refined, we will share it equally." Yun Luo said the fairy.

"Isn't it unfair, Fellow Taoist Yunluo, to distribute things like this? Although the things you are looking for are numerous, you can find them safely as long as you put in some effort and effort. This is different for me. I'm afraid I have to take risks. You can only get it if your life is in danger." Yuan Ming shook his head and said.

"Since Yuan Daoyou feels it's unfair, I'm willing to make another compromise and select an elixir of the same level as the Faxiang Pill from the second half of the secret book, and give you the elixir recipe and the refining method as a token of appreciation. How about compensation?" Fairy Yunluo pondered for a moment and then said.

"Okay." Yuan Ming nodded without any further hesitation.

Immediately, Fairy Yunluo picked up the names and functions of several fifth-level elixirs and told Yuan Ming one by one.

"It's the spirit-melting pill." After hearing this, Yuan Ming pondered for a while and said.

Fusion Spirit Pill is a rare elixir with a very simple effect: it has the ability to transform the body.

According to Fairy Yunluo, this elixir recipe was not created by Danwang Pavilion, but was exchanged by a physical cultivation sect called "Ten Thousand Beasts Sect".

The Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is unique in its approach. In addition to its powerful physical training techniques, there is also a secret method that can transplant part of the body of a monster into a monk's body.

Using this method, the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect can master the abilities of monsters.

However, it is difficult for such foreign limbs to be accepted by the original body, and there will be barriers and even rejection between them. The Fusion Spirit Pill can eliminate this gap and truly integrate the two.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, do you really want to choose this elixir? This opportunity is very precious. After passing this village, there will be no such store." Fairy Yunluo asked.

"Of course, but I have something to ask fellow Taoist Yun Luo. Does the Myriad Beast Sect's secret method of merging the body of a monster have a name?" Yuan Ming asked.

This secret method of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is very similar to his method of transplanting flowers and grafting trees. Could it be that the method of transplanting flowers and grafting trees came from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect?

"I don't know about this concubine. The Ten Thousand Beast Sect keeps a low profile and is not famous in Zhongzhou Continent. Few people know about it. I have never had contact with them." Fairy Yunluo was stunned, then shook her head and said.

"So, is this sect's secret technique of transplantation really as powerful as you say? If some special parts are transplanted, such as the poisonous sacs of poisonous monsters, can taking the spirit-melting pill make it perfectly fuse with the monk's body?" Yuan Ming continued. asked.

"It can, and even to a certain extent, retain the ability of the poison sac. There is a precedent for this. There was once a casual cultivator who, after getting a spirit-melting pill, killed a level five monster. The eyes were integrated into her own body, and then she mastered the ability of the monster eyes to petrify others, and her strength greatly increased." Fairy Yunluo nodded.

"Okay, then I want this spirit-melting elixir." Yuan Ming's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he made up his mind.

The reason why he chose this elixir was not for himself, but for Thunderstorm.

The reason why Yuan Ming valued Lei Yu was not because of how strong his attack ability was, but more about his potential in terms of speed.

After Leiyu broke through to the fifth level, although his escape speed increased a lot, it was still much worse than those in the Dharma phase.

He planned to attach the wings of the Bilongtan Dapeng demon clan to Leiyu's body using the technique of transplanting flowers and grafting trees. That guy's body contained the blood of Dapeng. If he could use the spirit-melting pill to help Leiyu integrate perfectly, it would be able to possess the new four wind and thunder powers. Wings, when used, the escape speed will definitely be greatly increased again.

In this way, Yuan Ming can have a little more confidence when facing the monks of the Dharma phase.

"The formula of the Spirit Fusion Pill contains a total of ten kinds of spiritual materials, nine of which are fifth-level spiritual materials, and only one is a sixth-level spiritual material. They are..." Fairy Yunluo did not ask for the jade slip this time, and directly Oral prescription.

Yuan Ming listened carefully and found that most of them were materials produced by monsters, and some were hard-to-find spiritual minerals. It was not easy to collect them all.

"These are the key points for refining the Spirit Fusion Pill. Although it is a little easier than the Faxiang Pill, I advise you to find a more reliable alchemist to help you refine it." Fairy Yunluo said.

"Actually, I'm also very interested in the other elixir recipes in that half of the secret book. If you are willing, I am willing to finance the purchase or exchange it for what you need. You can just ask." Yuan Ming nodded and said slightly. After hesitating, he said.

"Don't think about it." Fairy Yunluo refused without thinking.

After that, she looked at Yuan Ming steadily and said again: "Maybe you can try, fellow Daoist Yuan, to search my soul forcibly. You are a soul cultivator, and your soul-searching magical power must be exquisite. Maybe you can avoid triggering the soul fire talisman. Search my memory."

"If I really wanted to do that, I would have already searched for your soul when you were unconscious..." Yuan Ming said with a smile.

However, mid-sentence, his voice suddenly stopped.

The three guarding disciples of the Su Nu Sect were all arrested by him. The half of the Alchemy King's Secret Book that Yun Luo carried should be with those three people. Why should he bother to ask Fairy Yun Luo for it? Just go and see it.

"Fellow Daoist Yun Luo, forget it if you don't want to. I'll find a way elsewhere." Thinking of this, Yuan Ming smiled faintly.

"Have you suppressed Zimei and the others who were guarding me? If you want to get the half of the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" through them, forget it. Although I am not smart, I am not incompetent against the Pure Girl Sect. Be careful, the secret code handed over to them was forged by me after copying it. The elixir recipes in it have been slightly modified. Although the elixir will not be completely ineffective, the elixir success rate will be greatly reduced, and it may even be impossible to refine it. OK. As for the real book, I have already destroyed it." Fairy Yunluo seemed to have guessed what Yuan Ming was thinking, holding her stomach, pressing the wound, and chuckled.

Yuan Ming was still using his emotional power at this moment. Through his emotional fluctuations, he judged that what she said was true, and felt a little helpless.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Yuan, let's say goodbye. But before you leave, can you give me a communication artifact so that you and I can keep in touch in the future. My storage artifact was taken by me when I was being chased by them with no way to escape. It was thrown into the sea. Although there is a sensor mark, I can't guarantee whether I can find it back." Fairy Yunluo said.

"The East Pole Sea is vast, and ordinary communication instruments may not be suitable for use. I will give you a set of 'Taixu Communication Array'. You and I can use this array to communicate later. As long as you are still within the East Pole Sea, we can communicate with each other." ." Yuan Ming said.

"That's very good." Fairy Yunluo said with great joy.

Yuan Mingxuan handed over a Taixu communication array to Fairy Yunluo.

"You should also take these healing elixirs with you so that your injuries can recover faster." After that, he took out two more white jade porcelain bottles and handed them over.

"Thank you." Fairy Yunluo accepted it generously.

As she turned to leave, she turned back and asked: "Fellow Daoist Yuan, I'm very curious, how did you know that I was captured by the Su Nu Faction, find their location, and come to rescue me? Could it be that... you took advantage of me when I wasn't paying attention? What mark did it leave on me?"

"Not bad." Naturally, Yuan Ming would not disclose the matter of possessing the black incense of the Heaven Stealing Cauldron, and followed what the other party said.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, you really have plans for me. It turns out that your previous reserve was just an act. That's all. Since you have a deep love for me, if you want other genuine elixirs in the future, you can buy them from me. The price is negotiable... "Fairy Yunluo was not angry, but looked very happy.

After saying this, she said goodbye to Yuan Ming and left Yuan Ming's temporary cave. She turned into a ray of light and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Yuan Ming also came outside the cave, watched the woman leave, and shook his head speechlessly.

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