Celestial being

Chapter 820: Destroy someone with a ruthless hand

Seeing that he didn't find anything unusual along the way, and there were few people here, Yuan Ming and King Kong quickened their pace, and soon arrived outside a house called "Qingchun Garden".

This is a cave that can be temporarily rented by foreign monks. There are many caves inside, with intertwined forests and lakes, and dense smoke.

Three days ago, he once again used Heixiang to confirm that the three members of the Su Nu Faction and Fairy Yun Luo were renting there at the time.

There are restrictions around Qingchun Garden, but they are only level four.

"Is this right here? I can break through such restrictions with one punch." King Kong raised his fist, eager to try.

"Wait, let me take a look at the situation inside first." Yuan Ming shook his head, muttered something, and flicked his fingers.

A white ball of light appeared, flickering, it was the round light technique.

Yuan Ming had mastered this technique as early as in Yunhuang Continent. He had spent a lot of time practicing it in his spare time over the years, and he had become quite proficient in it, with an exploration range of twenty or thirty miles.

After a few breaths, a scene appeared in the light ball. It looked like a secret room. Fairy Yunluo sat quietly on a stone chair, her hands and feet were shackled, and she was still in a coma.

Yuan Ming felt relieved. After all, three days had passed. He was originally worried that the other party's movements would change. Now that Fairy Yunluo is still here, it's naturally best and he didn't fall short again.

With a thought in his mind, Yuan Guangshu turned away and looked at other places in the cave, his brows quickly furrowed.

"Master, something unexpected happened?" King Kong asked when he saw this.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that one of the three Void Return monks from the Pure Girl Sect is not among them." Yuan Ming said.

There were only Chen Yuluan and Wang Qi in the cave, but Zimei was not there.

"Maybe he happened to be out, that's not surprising." King Kong didn't take it seriously.

"It's true, it's just a small change, everything remains the same." Yuan Ming said, starting to break the formation.

Naturally, he would not rely on brute force to break the formation, and causing a big disturbance would cause unnecessary trouble.

After Yuan Ming took a deep breath, he stretched out a palm, muttered something in his mouth, his five fingers lit up with green light, inserted into the restriction, and used the means to release the restriction.

Yuan Ming has been busy practicing these years and has not put much thought into formations. However, with the Heaven Stealing Cauldron around, he occasionally possesses Su Yingxue, and his formation cultivation has improved a lot, and he has completely reached the fifth level. Very soon He almost broke through the garden ban and quietly entered the Qingchun Garden.

Yuan Ming applied the secret technique of invisibility to himself and King Kong, and rushed deep into the garden. After a while, he arrived in front of the cave where Fairy Yunluo was imprisoned.

"Master, the enemies this time are only two Void-Returning Monks, leave it to me to deal with them!" King Kong said excitedly.

"Okay." Yuan Ming nodded and raised his hand.

Formation flags shot out and landed silently near the cave, disappearing in a flash. As Yuan Ming fired a spell, all the hidden formation flags soon glowed with cyan light, entwining in the mid-air. A blue restriction was formed, covering the entire cave.

He took out the silver token and placed another layer of silver barrier within the cyan restriction.

King Kong was rubbing his fists and palms at the side. He had become impatient for a long time. Seeing Yuan Ming stop, he stretched out his arms and heard a "click" sound like fried beans from his body. His body expanded and transformed into the form of a white ape again. , and ran towards the cave.

With a loud "boom", the door of the cave was shattered by King Kong's punch, and King Kong rushed in like a wild bull.

Chen Yuluan and Wang Qi heard the noise and rushed out of their respective secret rooms. They were shocked when they saw King Kong: "Monster clan? Who are you? Why did you attack our cave?"

King Kong didn't waste any time talking to the two women. He flew out and was in front of Chen Yuluan in an instant. His fist as big as a millstone smashed down on the woman's face with the power of breaking through the air, showing no sign of mercy.

The space of the cave is not large, and it is most suitable for physical training. Chen Yuluan had no time to react. Fortunately, a green jade ring on her finger suddenly shone brightly, and a green light curtain enveloped her body.


The green light curtain sunk deeply, and the green finger let out a mournful cry, and two cracks appeared. However, it managed to block the blow, but Chen Yuluan behind the light curtain was shocked and turned pale.

Before King Kong could swing his second punch, a yellow light flashed from the ground beneath his feet, and a khaki rope emerged from it and quickly wrapped around King Kong's body, but it was Wang Qi next to him who took action.

When Chen Yuluan saw this, he immediately launched a counterattack and spat out.

A slender silver light shot out, but it was twenty or thirty silver needles, passing through the green shield and hitting King Kong's eyebrows.

The Vajra circulated the demonic elephant's prison-suppressing technique, and the blood radiated from his body, instantly condensing into a blood-red elephant shadow.

Thick blood-colored hair grew on the skin of this blood elephant, which was very different from when Yuan Ming used the Demonic Elephant Prison Suppression Technique. Those silver needles that hit it were immediately bounced away without any effect at all.

The blood-colored elephant shadow flicked its nose, with a dull sound of breaking through the air, and hit the green shield with a force heavier than King Kong's punch.

The green thumb ring was already broken, and could no longer withstand this blow. It exploded with a "bang" sound.

The green light curtain then shattered and turned into countless green lights floating away.

King Kong ignored the yellow rope and Wang Qi on his body, turned his fist into a palm, and slashed towards Chen Yuluan's throat as fast as thunder.

Chen Yuluan couldn't take precautions and suddenly showed a look of despair.

"As long as you are seriously injured, don't kill him!" Yuan Ming's voice suddenly sounded in King Kong's ears.

Hearing the sound, King Kong turned his palm and stabbed Chen Yuluan in the chest.


A bloody hole was penetrated in the woman's chest, and she was knocked away. She hit the wall behind her hard and fell to the ground.

"Senior Sister Chen!" Wang Qi's expression changed drastically, and she immediately made a seal with her hands.

Yellow runes appeared on the khaki rope and penetrated into King Kong's body.

These yellow runes seemed to have the effect of confining Qi and blood, and the blood-colored image around King Kong's body quickly became dim and almost collapsed.

The woman waved her sleeves and robe, and three pieces of flywheel spiritual treasures were shot out. The blades were sharp and sharp, but there was also a trace of strange purple light, and they slashed towards King Kong in the shape of a pin.

"Poison?" Outside the cave, Yuan Ming's face slightly condensed and he raised his arm.

"What can I do with the poison of mere insects! Master, please don't interfere!" King Kong snorted coldly, inspiring the artistic conception of "violent blood".

Red mist rose around him, looking like rolling flames, and the yellow runes that penetrated his body were burned.

The blood-colored elephant shadow regained its solidity, and with a flick of its trunk, the three flywheels were immediately knocked away.

King Kong stretched his arms outwards, and exploded with twice the force. The khaki rope was broken into seven or eight pieces, and his body was free again.

Wang Qi couldn't believe the scene in front of her. She stepped back quickly and reached for the storage bag on her waist with one hand.

However, King Kong did not give him a chance and flew out.

The giant bloody elephant also raised one of its legs and stepped hard towards Wang Qi.


An indescribable force came crashing down, and the void made a strange "crunching" sound. It seemed that it could not bear the force and was about to be crushed.

Wang Qi had a look of horror on his face, and he quickly made secrets and offered up three or four defensive magic weapons one after another, forming three or four protective light curtains around him.

But how could such hastily sacrificed methods be able to stop King Kong who was in a violent state of blood?

The blood-colored elephant foot fell with endless force, and the several body-protecting light curtains couldn't hold on for half a breath. They were crushed by one foot and turned into countless spiritual lights floating away.

Those magic weapons also fell into pieces and were completely scrapped.

Yuan Ming had just said not to kill anyone, and King Kong had always obeyed Yuan Ming's words. The blood-red elephant foot suddenly stopped a foot in front of Wang Qi, shaking slightly in the air.

Dozens of bones in Wang Qi's body crackled and shattered. He was also knocked away and fell to the ground.

"It's really not satisfying." King Kong put away the violent blood mood, and the bloody elephant slowly dissipated, and said with unfinished meaning.

"The space in the cave is so small that these two monks from the Suv Sect can't move. That's why you succeeded. If you were outside, it might not be so easy for you to defeat them." Yuan Ming walked in.

"Who are you..." Wang Qi was slightly injured and reluctantly raised her head to look at Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming did not answer the woman, but pointed a finger.

Two black lights mixed with demonic energy shot out and penetrated into Chen Yuluan and Wang Qi's bodies.

The black light turned into a seal, covering the two people's Dantian Nascent Soul. It was the method used by the Void Prison to confine the prisoner's mana and soul power. Yuan Ming had fully understood this secret method since he was hit by this trick last time.

All the mana fluctuations on Wang Qi and Chen Yuluan's bodies dissipated, and they collapsed completely on the ground.

"Xuan Mo Seal! Are you from the Three Realms Sect?" Wang Qi looked at Yuan Ming and said with a trembling look.

Chen Yuluan was not unconscious, and there was a look of fear on his face.

The two women's magic power was sealed, and their injuries quickly worsened.

Yuan Ming moved his fingers, and two green lights emitted again, integrating into the two bodies.

These two green lights are two healing spells, which also contain some undead tree demon power.

The injuries of the two women were immediately brought under control. The broken bones and internal organs were wrapped in a stream of warm air and healed quickly. Most of them healed in just a few breaths.

The two girls were shocked. Their injuries were extremely serious and almost killed them. Even if they used the best healing elixir from the Su Nu Sect, it would take several days to recover to this point. However, the person in front of them did not know what kind of weird method they used. This effect can be achieved with just a wave of the hand.

In fact, not to mention the two girls, even Yuan Ming was quite surprised. Could it be that the Immortal Tree has merged with the bark of the World Tree, and its recovery ability has been improved?

"Keep an eye on these two." Yuan Ming quickly recovered his thoughts, told King Kong, and went straight to the secret room where Fairy Yunluo was imprisoned.

When Chen Yuluan and Wang Qi saw this, their faces changed color and they were about to struggle to stand up from the ground.

A strong murderous intention shot from the side, but King Kong took a step forward, with one hand clenched into a fist, and he had such an aura that if he disagreed with him, blood would be spattered in five steps.

"My master loves you, and I, Mr. Jin, have no interest in you human women. I don't mind doing a cruel trick and tearing off your heads to drink." King Kong said in a deep voice.

When the two girls heard this, they trembled in fright and immediately did not dare to move. A look of satisfaction flashed in King Kong's eyes.

Yuan Ming ignored King Kong's nonsense and raised his hand to push the door of the secret room.

The gate was motionless, and a layer of blue fluorescence appeared on the surface, with many runes beating in it. It looked a bit more mysterious than the restrictions on the cave door.

Yuan Ming moved his five fingers, and five points of blue light lit up on his fingertips, immersed in blue fluorescence.

The blue fluorescent light flashes from slow to fast, making people dazzled.

After a few breaths, the blue fluorescence shattered with a "bang" and turned into countless fluorescent lights floating away. The door to the secret room opened with a "squeak".

A strange color flashed across Chen Yuluan's eyes and he lowered his head.

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