Celestial being

Chapter 808 The Devil’s Plot

Mao Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced down the crack. His expression suddenly changed. He saw that in the deeply cracked ravine, rolling magma was rolling and rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The void above also shook violently, and cracks appeared.

"No, this place is going to collapse, hurry up and leave." Mao Yi shouted hurriedly.

After that, he fled out of Emperor Yan's mausoleum first, and the others followed him.

Less than half an hour later, the red light curtain outside the Yanhuang Mausoleum collapsed, and the entire Yanhuang Mausoleum completely collapsed and turned into countless rubbles, falling into the flame island like rain.

At this moment, a ray of white light shot out from the collapsed mausoleum and hit the nearby sea, forming a white teleportation array.

Mao Yi, Bai Yuan, Ouyang Qiang, Zhu Yu and others appeared in a flash. Their faces were pale, their clothes were messy, and there were burnt marks in many places. They looked quite embarrassed.

Fortunately, everyone successfully evacuated and no one died.

In the eyes of everyone, the ruins of Emperor Yan's mausoleum sank into the volcanic lava little by little, and was submerged by the magma.

Seeing this scene, a lot of energy and resources were spent, and many people were lost, but the result was that the faces of the powerful Dharma ministers who were making wedding clothes for others all turned gloomy.

"I have no objection to the joint arrest of those two people, and I will share the information about them with you in a timely manner. But I have a request." Ouyang Qiang said, looking at the others.

"Say." Mao Yi said angrily.

"No matter who finds the traces of these two people first, they must notify others and let everyone jointly arrest them. This way, the chance of winning is higher." Ouyang Qiang said.

"I have no objection." Zhu Yu spread his hands and said.

"Okay. After we catch those two people, we will discuss how to distribute the spoils. As for the Alchemy King's Secret Code, it will be shared among the four of us. Do you have any opinions?" Bai Yuan asked.

"No." The others said at the same time.

Afterwards, several people discussed the specific matters regarding the wanted Yuan Ming and the arrangements for the follow-up pursuit, and then dispersed and left with their remaining people.

Calm has returned to the vicinity of the Flame Island, with only the tidal wave of sea water and the sound of the island's flames burning.

A moment later, a figure suddenly came from a distance, flying back and forth around the volcanic lava, casting searching eyes downwards.

It was none other than Mao Yi.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a huge bubble rising from below in the rolling magma. A figure was wrapped in it, but it was Jiang Liu.

The moment the bubbles rushed out of the magma, they burst open, and the river rushed out of it and flew directly towards Mao Yi.

Coming closer, Mao Yi saw a palm-sized transparent crystal in his hand, frowned and asked, "Is this a void crystal?"

"My space bloodline still needs to be improved. The void crystal is a rare and powerful supplement. It is rare to encounter such a large secret realm, so naturally it is not to be missed." Jiang Liu nodded and played with the crystal in his hand fondly.

"The collapse of Emperor Yan's tomb just now was your fault, right?" Mao Yi asked.

"The secret realm of the Emperor Yan's Tomb itself was built on the basis of the Void Crystal. After I took it away, it became unbalanced and collapsed. Anyway, the secret treasure inside had been taken away. If it collapsed, it would collapse." Jiang Liu said nonchalantly.

"The collapse of the secret realm caused a space storm that was enough to kill the Dharma Phase Stage. With your cultivation level, it is too risky to do such a thing. If something happens, how can I explain to Lord Yama?" Mao Yiwen Yan, said with a stern face.

"Don't worry, if I'm not sure, how can I put myself in danger?" Jiang Liu heyed, not taking it seriously.

After hearing these perfunctory words, Mao Yi's expression not only did not improve, but became even uglier.

"Where have you been during this time? Did you take away the inheritance of Alchemy King Pavilion?" He took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to curse, and asked.

"No, the inheritance was taken away by Yuan Ming and Fairy Yun Luo, but Fairy Yun Luo only took away a small half, and the majority was in Yuan Ming's hands." Jiang Liu said casually.

"Did you see it with your own eyes? Why didn't you take it away?" Mao Yi breathed quickly and asked hurriedly.

"I've already taken action, but unfortunately I couldn't capture it..." Jiang Liu raised his head and roughly told the story of his fight with Yuan Ming.

"I didn't expect that Yuan Ming actually had such magical powers. Even you, Lord Mozi, can't do anything about it. However, he was swallowed up by Tian Chan's mother's energy. Even if he was lucky enough not to die, he would turn into an irrational madman. I'm afraid it will be difficult to inherit the inheritance of Danwang Pavilion. ." Mao Yi frowned and said with a sigh.

"Just throw it away. It's just a inheritance from the Danwang Pavilion. We in the Demon World don't take it seriously. You should report the situation truthfully. My father is busy dealing with the matter of the Samsara Demon Lord and I won't blame you." Jiang Liu waved his hand. , said so.

Mao Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and his expression suddenly changed the next moment: "What! The Demon Lord of Samsara has returned to the demon world?"

"He went back two to three hundred years ago, but his demon body and soul were killed. Only a ray of remnant soul survived. It will take some time to recover, even if my father takes action." Jiang Liu said calmly.

"That's good. The Demon King of Samsara is a lunatic. If he hadn't been fooling around, the Three Realms Sect would not have declined to this point, and Lord Yama's plan would have been greatly delayed. This person really deserves to be killed!" Mao Yi said angrily.

"Before completely conquering the Izumo Realm, my father may not be willing to kill the Samsara Demon Lord. As for occupying the Izumo Realm, it is not a day and night effort. This is not a small realm. In the last realm war, although the Izumo Realm fell He lost a Mahayana, but the Blood Skull Emperor was also severely injured and could not recover after so many years. Now a new generation of guardians of the Izumo Realm has grown up. The next time the realm wars, I am afraid that the winner will still be unable to be determined. Slowly Take your time." Jiang Liu said.

"Has the second generation of guardians of Izumo Realm appeared?" Mao Yi asked with a chuckle.

"Two people have appeared. One is called the Qin Demon and the other is called the Flower Fairy. They are both extremely powerful. They fought against five demons in Guixu and ended in a draw." Jiang Liu said.

"With two against five, we can still draw. The Qin Demon and the Flower Fairy really cannot be underestimated. However, Master Demon, as long as you break through the Dharma Stage, you won't be weaker than them even if you think about it." Mao Yi said.

"The guardians of the Izumo Realm are cultivated with all the resources of the interface. It is no small matter. Breaking through the Dharma is not enough. I need to practice the Demonic Thunder Nirvana Technique to the seventh level and cultivate an immortal body in order to compete with them. "Jiang Liu looked at his palm and said lightly.

"Master Mozi, have you sensed the opportunity for the demonic body to reach nirvana?" Mao Yi looked happy.

"It's almost the same. It still needs some time to polish. Don't tell your father about this yet." Jiang Liu said.

"Yes." Mao Yi agreed hastily.

"How is the situation at the Three Realms Sect?" Jiang Liu asked.

"It's still the same as before, with several factions working on their own and chaos." Mao Yi shrugged and said.

"Since the fall of the Black Emperor, the Three Realms Sect has been getting worse day by day. That's all, these things have nothing to do with us, let them just make trouble." Jiang Liu shook his head and said.

"I will ask my subordinates to act carefully and try to avoid getting involved in the internal fighting of the Three Realms Sect." Mao Yi said.

"Next, I will sleep for a period of time, absorb the power of the void crystal, and look for opportunities for nirvana. I will leave all the trivial matters to you." Jiang Liu said, then raised his head and swallowed the transparent crystal in his hand.

Immediately, white light came out of his mouth and nose, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

However, even if he fell into drowsiness, Jiang Liu's body did not fall. Instead, he was lifted up by an invisible force and floated leisurely in the void.

Mao Yi raised his arms, and a black barrier appeared in the void nearby, covering an area of ​​several hundred feet, blocking out all airflow fluctuations and preventing them from affecting the river flow.

The white light overflowing from Jiang Liu's mouth and nose began to spread, like a thin film of cicada wings, covering his entire body.

The body in the light film suddenly changed rapidly. The rickety arched back gradually became straight and straight, and the black hair spilled down, growing rapidly, and soon reached the waist.

Jiang Liu's face also changed along with the changes in his body. His skin became delicate and smooth, his facial features became refined, and his handsomeness revealed an indescribable feminine beauty. It seemed that it was hard to distinguish between male and female for a moment.

Mao Yi didn't seem to be surprised by this. He took out a delicate jade coffin the size of a palm and cast a spell to activate it.

The jade coffin quickly grew in size and contained Mao Yi's body, and then quickly left here.

The thunderstorm flew forward over the abyss, and its body turned into a purple lightning. Every time it flashed, it shot forward for dozens of miles, and everything below quickly retreated.

In the Heaven Stealing Cauldron, Yuan Ming still maintained the form of an immortal tree, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and injecting it all into the bark of the World Tree.

Half a day has passed, and the bark of the World Tree has absorbed a massive amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth. It still shows no signs of stopping, like a bottomless pit.

After Yuan Ming investigated, he found that after such a long time, the original power of Wanmu had hardly increased. He sighed slightly in his heart and stopped helplessly.

"It seems that this matter cannot be succeeded by simply infusing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. We can only do it slowly." He thought to himself, put away the transformation, and returned to his human form.

Then, Yuan Ming turned his wrist and took out half of the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" and read it carefully, with a look of disappointment on his face.

What he got was the first half of the secret book, which mainly recorded the elixir prescriptions for the four realms of Qi refining, foundation building, pill formation and Yuanying, as well as the secret refining techniques and medicine refining experience.

With Yuan Ming's current cultivation level, there is no need for these pills.

But as he looked deeper and deeper, his initial disappointment quickly faded away.

This Alchemy King's Secret Code is completely different from all the Alchemy Secret Codes he has read in the past. The prescriptions recorded in it are extremely comprehensive, whether they are pills to stabilize the foundation, pills to speed up cultivation, or pills to break through bottlenecks, it can be said that It has everything.

The process of refining these elixirs is also recorded very clearly in the secret book. There is no vague language covered by clouds and mountains. It can be understood and understood at a glance. Even a novice in alchemy can master the basic alchemy skills and strictly follow the above method. If you follow the steps, the chances of becoming an elixir are not small.

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