Celestial being

Chapter 805 The Power of Origin

As soon as Yuan Ming thought of this, he immediately raised his hand to call out the Heaven Stealing Cauldron, and threw the flower branches and Thunder Rain into it together with the spirit beast bag.

And the facts were as he expected. After Huazhi and Leiyu entered the space of the Tianstei Cauldron, the black mist from the outside world could not affect their bodies. Only the small black mist that had penetrated into the body before was still raging.

As a result, the speed at which their bodies grow larger and their demonic power increases has been greatly slowed down. Only the speed at which they absorb spiritual energy is still extraordinary, but at least it has dropped to an acceptable range.

"The space of the Stealing Heaven Cauldron can indeed isolate the black mist!" Seeing that the method was effective, Yuan Ming immediately wanted to enter the Heaven Stealing Cauldron to save himself.

However, if he wanted to enter the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron with his true body, he would have to concentrate on activating the Heaven-Stealing Demonic Pillar to open the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron space. In his current state, he was unable to do this.

Yuan Ming's thoughts started to spin, and he soon had another idea in his mind.

He turned over his hand and took out the silver token, reluctantly activated the rapidly expanding mana to activate it, and opened a silver barrier outside his body.

With the emergence of the barrier, the erosion speed of the black mist suddenly slowed down. However, compared with the internal and external isolation of the Thieving Heavenly Cauldron space, the silver barrier could only delay it at best, but could not completely isolate the black mist.

Even so, this also bought Yuan Ming precious time to save himself.

He immediately took out the Heaven-Bearing Magic Pillar, tried his best to suppress the chaotic magic power in his body, and started to use it with all his strength.

During this process, the immortal tree he transformed still expanded rapidly under the influence of the black mist, and its size increased steadily. In just half a stick of incense, it grew to hundreds of feet tall, and its demonic power was as high as the fifth level. Just a hair away from breaking through.

But because of this, Yuan Ming's control over the power within his body became even worse, which delayed the progress of opening the space of the Heaven-stealing Cauldron, making Yuan Ming unable to enter it.

What's even worse is that because the immortal tree is too big, the silver barrier laid out by Yuan Ming can no longer accommodate it. After just a few breaths, with a muffled sound of "bang", the immortal tree hit the limit of the silver barrier. It actually burst it from the inside.

In an instant, the black mist from the outside world surged in. Due to the previous obstruction of the silver barrier, they pressed down even harder now. Almost instantly, they filled up the immortal tree hundreds of feet high, causing its size to begin to soar again. , and also broke through to the fifth-level upper realm.

The balance that Yuan Ming had worked so hard to maintain was also broken in an instant. The mana and blood power in his body were drastically disrupted by the raging black mist, and no trace of it could be controlled by him anymore.

The pain on his body also suddenly worsened, and blood stains appeared on every inch of his skin from head to toe, as if it would explode the next moment and completely turn into a ball of blood mist.

"No, it will be bad if this continues!" Yuan Ming shouted in his heart, trying his best to stabilize his body, but there was a faint feeling that he could not control it.

And at this critical moment, the rapid influx of black mist from all around seemed to disturb something in Yuan Ming's storage ring. A swallowing force came inexplicably, absorbing all the nearby black mist.

The black mist in Yuan Ming's body became much thinner in an instant, the mana and qi and blood in his body gradually calmed down the restlessness, and the maddening pain quickly eased.

Yuan Ming once again got a chance to breathe, and he didn't dare to delay at all. He used all his strength to activate the Heaven-Bearing Demonic Pillar, and after a few breaths, he opened the barrier of the Heaven-stealing Cauldron space.

He quickly collected the immortal tree and transformed, escaping into the space of the Heaven-stealing Cauldron as if fleeing, and all the black energy was completely isolated.

Yuan Ming lay down directly on the ground like a deflated rubber ball, not even wanting to raise his hand.

Although the Tiantian Cauldron blocked the intrusion of black mist from the outside world, there was still a lot of black mist remaining in his body, causing bulges to appear one after another on the skin of his body, like toads, which looked particularly scary.

And as he entered the space of Stealing Heaven Cauldron, the swallowing power in the storage ring also slowly dissipated, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep again and became unresponsive.

Yuan Ming braced himself and began to deal with the black mist in his body.

He first took out the items in the storage ring one by one, excluding those whose uses he already knew, and lined up the remaining items. Then he started to use his skills to push the black mist in his body to his chest, one after another. Tried it.

Soon, when Yuan Ming tried the green-gray bark obtained from Heimo Island, the swallowing power suddenly emerged from the bark, absorbing all the black mist from Yuan Ming's body, leaving no trace behind.

"It's this thing..." Yuan Ming had a strange look on his face.

As the black mist was completely cleared, his mutated body quickly shrank back in size, and after a moment it completely returned to its original appearance.

Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief, then checked the immortal tree in Dantian, trying to use the bark to absorb the black mist, but soon he was surprised to find that the black mist seemed to be completely integrated into the immortal tree, no longer No trace.

After confirming that there was no black mist left in his body, Yuan Ming helped Huazhi and Leiyu clear the black mist from their bodies.

However, unlike Yuan Ming, although the black mist in their bodies has been cleared, their bodies are still many times larger than before and have not returned to their original shape.

Huazhi was still in a coma, but his demonic power had broken through to the fifth level, while Lei Yu could be said to be a blessing in disguise, having directly broken through to the fifth level.

Yuan Ming was surprised and happy about this, and he was even a little worried about whether this unconventional breakthrough would cause any damage to the thunderstorm?

He was about to help Lei Yu check it carefully again, but the next moment, Lei Yu suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at Yuan Ming.

Its eyes were blood red at this time, and there was no trace of rationality in it, only an endless desire to kill.

Seeing Yuan Ming beside him, it had no intention of getting close to him. Instead, it spread its wings and jumped into the air. Its claws were like hooks and it went straight towards Yuan Ming to kill him.

Yuan Ming frowned, and immediately activated the Demonic Elephant's Prison Suppressing Skill, raised his hand to block the thunderstorm's sharp claws that were like tearing gold and breaking iron, and took advantage of the situation to grab its claws, trying to restrain it.

However, Leiyu reacted very quickly, and his body turned into a bolt of lightning, easily dodging Yuan Ming's grasp and flying into the air. His blood-red eyes stared at Yuan Ming, seemingly looking for an opportunity to attack.

Yuan Ming's eyes showed surprise. Lei Yu's dodge just now gave him the illusion of fighting with Jiang Liu.

He raised his brows, and while feeling surprised, he made another secret and transformed into the form of an immortal tree.

Now his immortal tree form has grown to a height of seven to eight hundred feet, with a crown like a cloud and a trunk like a wall. It is as huge as the immortal tree demon on Sanxian Island back then.

"The undead tree demon is only a mere fifth level, but it is so huge. Could it be that it has also been exposed to the black mist in the abyss?" Such a thought suddenly flashed in Yuan Ming's mind.

As Yuan Ming's form changed, countless branches and roots spread out. The space of the Heaven-stealing Cauldron expanded a lot when Yuan Ming broke through and returned to void. However, it is still too small for today's immortal tree.

The huge branches and roots spread out, instantly covering the entire space of the Heaven-stealing Cauldron. There was almost nowhere to hide from the thunderstorm in the air, but it was caught by the immortal tree in just a few breaths.

Yuan Ming tied Lei Yu's wings and claws with roots and pulled it closer for closer inspection. Soon, he discovered a black energy on Lei Yu's sea of ​​consciousness soul.

The black energy was constantly eroding Lei Yu's soul, but in comparison, the speed was not as fast as eroding the body.

Yuan Ming was suddenly enlightened, and quickly put the green gray tree bark on Leiyu's head, using his own spiritual power as a guide, and soon drew out the black energy from Leiyu's sea of ​​consciousness, and handed it to the green gray tree bark to swallow.

As the black energy left the body, Leiyu's blood-red eyes became clear and he gradually regained his composure.

Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something when the green-gray bark in his hand suddenly made an inaudible sound, but he was keenly aware of it.

He hurriedly looked at the bark of the tree, and was astonished to find that after the gray bark swallowed the black air, it began to germinate, and a small spore appeared on its surface.

An indescribable ancient aura spread instantly, and Yuan Ming felt his spirit shaken. There seemed to be a low sound like a drum in his ears, and there were vague images flowing in front of his eyes.

At first there was chaos, then there was a sudden dazzling skylight, and a towering tree emerged from the light.

The giant tree holds up the sky, suppresses the earth, smoothes the chaos, and reshapes the laws. All things are born from it, and everything grows from it.

Yuan Ming stared dumbfounded at the illusory scene in front of him, his consciousness completely immersed in it, as if he had personally come to the ancient times and faced the scene at the beginning of the world.

At the same time, the immortal tree transformed by Yuan Ming was also affected by this aura. It actually lowered its branches and leaves, like a minister serving the king, lowered his head and held up the green-grey bark.

The green-grey bark seemed to sense something. The ancient aura emanating from the wood buds became stronger and stronger. The rough skin gradually turned into a group of spiritual light at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then merged into it with a "whoosh" sound. In the immortal tree.

The trunk of the immortal tree trembled slightly, but it showed no sign of resistance.

Yuan Ming was also immersed in the illusion of the creation of the world, and was unable to stop it for a while. When he came back to his senses, he discovered that the gray bark had actually merged with the immortal tree he had transformed into.

Immediately afterwards, a palm-sized bluish-gray spot appeared on the dark trunk of the immortal tree, which was very conspicuous.

Yuan Ming sensed it with his spiritual sense and discovered that a brand new emerald green source of power had sprouted from the spots, just like a swimming fish, flowing slowly in the gray tree spots.

That source of power carries an extremely rich aura of life, and seems to have the power to promote growth. Under its influence, the immortal tree transformed by Yuan Ming sprouts new branches and sprouts from its roots, bursting out with strong vitality and vitality. .

The body of the immortal tree contains seven kinds of spiritual power: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, and yang. Under the influence of this source of power, there is a trend of fusion, and they are all integrated into this source of power. became part of it.

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