Celestial being

Chapter 803 Forced to Accept the Challenge (Happy New Year’s Day, fellow Taoists)

Yuan Ming thought in his mind, and Jin Kui's Beast Control Technique circulated in his body, injecting mana into Lei Yu's body to increase his escape speed.

Mao Yi and others may come out of Yanhuang's tomb at any time. Unless he has a brain problem, he will fight with Jiang Liu here.

However, before the thunderstorm could continue to flap its wings, a black electric light suddenly appeared out of thin air above the head, and a thunder exploded instantly.

Yuan Ming was suddenly startled, and without any hesitation, he raised his palm and struck upwards.

The next moment, a thick black electric light fell from the sky and collided with the blue light palm print made by Yuan Ming.

Amidst the roar and explosion, the green light palm print instantly collapsed.

Half of the black lightning dissipated, and the remaining lightning continued to rain down on Yuan Ming and Lei Yu.

The moment Yuan Ming used his palm to resist the thunderstorm, he once again activated his thunder escape magical power, and his body turned into a bolt of lightning, leading Yuan Ming to escape several miles away.

However, as soon as the two figures appeared, another bolt of lightning struck down.

Yuan Ming responded hurriedly, and Lei Yu escaped again.

But the next few escapes had the same result. The black electric light was like a tarsal maggot, always locking them tightly, making it impossible to escape.

After reappearing, Yuan Ming had already grasped the Zhuxian Sword tightly in his hand and slashed forward without looking.

After the sharp sword light hit a bolt of lightning, the sword light suddenly exploded, smashing the black lightning into pieces.

Yuan Ming stood on Leiyu's back and looked ahead.

Directly in front of him, a figure stood there in the void. It was Jiang Liu, who said calmly: "The promised war has not yet begun, so fellow Daoist Yuan cannot leave."

"Sorry, Master, his escape skills are better than mine..." Lei Yu said apologetically.

"He is a peak return demon cultivator. His escape technique not only contains the magical power of thunder, but also has a trace of the true meaning of the magical power of space. It is not surprising that you are not faster than him. You go back to the spirit beast bag first, and you will help in the next battle. Not too busy."

After Yuan Ming finished speaking, he waved his hand and put Lei Yu into the spirit beast bag, then raised his sword and looked at Jiang Liu.

"That's right. I'm showing off my shame." Seeing this, Jiang Liu smiled.

But before he could finish his sentence, there was already a flash of lightning around him, and he disappeared from the spot with a "swish".

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Ming. His palms were pointed like knives, and he swept towards Yuan Ming's neck.

On the knife in his hand, arcs of electricity jumped, condensing into a black lightsaber and slashing at him.

There is nothing fancy about this hand knife. The only characteristic is that it is fast, several times faster than a lightning strike in a thunderstorm.

Yuan Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he had no time to take precautions. He could only rely on instinct and lean back.

Immediately, his body-protecting treasure light was torn apart by the black lightsaber, and there was a strong burning pain in his neck, followed by a sense of numbness, which suddenly jumped towards his body, destroying the movement of mana in his body. .

Yuan Ming gave a low shout, and the Demonic Elephant Prison Suppressing Technique started to operate on its own. The powerful blood force instantly activated, preventing the erosion of black lightning, and he instantly regained control of his body.

He stabbed the Immortal Sword in his hand in front of him, and dozens of sword lights shot out one after another, rolling towards the river like a river of swords, but they stabbed in the air.

Jiang Liu's figure had calmly retreated the moment he drew his sword.

Yuan Ming held the sword in one hand and touched his throat with the other. He felt a deep black burn mark there, and his frown could not help but tighten a little more.

A hundred feet away, Jiang Liu stared at this side with a smile on his lips and said: "As a physical practitioner, Yuan Daoyou's speed is already pretty good, but unfortunately for me, it's still too slow."

Yuan Ming ignored his words, quietly released the power of his soul, and stared at Jiang Liu with all his concentration.

The latter's eyes narrowed, and lightning suddenly wrapped around his body, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Yuan Ming didn't hesitate at all. Twelve soul crows were released at the same time. Just when they were about to form a crow formation and release their cries, several black electric lights lit up among the crows and exploded in all directions.

Streams of dense lightning like spider webs struck the soul crows, instantly scattering the soul crows that had not yet completed their formation.

Yuan Ming felt that his soul had been severely injured, and there was a sharp pain in his head.

He held back with great perseverance, and immediately urged the soul crows to start their crows. Even if they couldn't form a formation, they still had to suppress the river flow with their soul power.

However, by the time the black sound wave of the crow lighted up, the attacking figure had already fled far away, retreating beyond the range of the crow's attack.

"Haha, soul cultivation methods are of no use to me. If you have any other tricks, just use them!" Jiang Liu said with a smile.

Yuan Ming took back the soul crow, his face was extremely solemn, and he quickly thought about how to deal with it.

This Jiangliu's thunder escape magical power is really too fast, far above the thunderstorm. In terms of speed alone, it is the fastest person he has encountered so far. Now he can't escape, can't hit, and can't even draw his own. The proud spirit attack cannot touch the opponent, which is really a bit passive.

And the longer he delays here, the greater the chance that others will catch up, and then there will be no chance of escaping.

"Are you exhausted? In that case, it's my turn." Jiang Liu said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light suddenly flashed in his palm, and a small pumpkin hammer appeared. The head of the hammer was only slightly larger than an ordinary person's fist, and the hammer shaft was only as thick as a thumb and no longer than the length of a forearm.

Yuan Ming sensed the astonishing spiritual power fluctuations on the hammer and immediately raised his hand to wave it.

Two rays of light, one white and one red, flashed, and the Asura Blood-devouring Diagram and the Ghost White Bone Flag spread out behind him. Countless bones flew out from the Shura Blood-devouring Diagram, filling the area for more than ten miles with people standing there. There is no space either.

These bones were collected from the seabed by Yuan Ming using ghost bone flags over the years and stored in the Shura Blood-devouring Map.

Yuan Ming made a secret to activate the ghost bone flag, the light flashed on the flag, and all the bones rushed towards the river together.

"You want to catch me by relying on numbers? What a joke!" Jiang Liu smiled faintly, and a black electric light wrapped around him.

Jiang Liu's figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared a few feet in front of Yuan Ming in an instant.

Streams of black lightning shot out from his body, tearing apart all the bones within a dozen feet nearby and clearing a large space.

The small pumpkin hammer in Jiang Liu's hand shot out and hit Yuan Ming's head.

However, when the hammer fell, more than a dozen skeletons were already blocked in front of Yuan Ming, and more skeletons came from other places.

He did not keep up with Jiang Liu's speed, but summoned nearby skeletons to protect him the moment Jiang Liu launched his attack, using saturation protection to deal with Jiang Liu's surprise attack.

There was an explosion of "boom".

Dazzling golden light erupted from the small pumpkin hammer. A dozen blood slaves under the hammer were shattered in the golden light and turned into powder. The falling speed of the golden hammer did not slow down at all. The countless skeletons nearby were useless and did not play any role.

Yellow light flashed above Yuan Ming's head, and the back earth peak emerged, and thousands of yellow lights hung down, forming a yellow spherical light curtain to protect it inside.

The golden hammer hit the Houtu Peak, making a loud clang sound.

The back earth peak was slightly dented, and the yellow light curtain trembled violently, but it did not break.

Jiang Liu had a look of surprise on his face and pointed out the key. The shape of the golden hammer changed and became sharp.

At this moment, countless bones around him suddenly exploded and turned into bone powder all over the sky, like thick gray smoke, flooding the space for dozens of miles.

Jiangliu was also submerged in the thick smoke of bone powder, and his body suddenly became heavy, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. Every move was greatly restricted, and he was extremely surprised.

Not far away, Yuan Ming pressed one hand on the Ghost Bone Flag, pouring mana into it.

The bone powder near the river flow used the surge to rapidly rotate around his body, forming a huge gray-white vortex.

Yuan Ming's cultivation has now reached the middle stage of returning to the void, and he can finally fully activate the power of the ghost bone flag, a spiritual treasure.

He clicked the secret, and a blood-colored light beam shot out from the Shura Blood-devouring Diagram and fell into the vortex.

The two spiritual treasures displayed their power at the same time, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a hundred miles nearby was stirred up into chaos.

Jiang Liu was even more restricted at this moment, his face became solemn, lightning flashed on his body, and he tried to use Thunder Escape to leave.

However, the gray-white whirlpool twisted the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into a mess, and any escape method required the use of nearby spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He failed to escape twice, and could only fly outside in the ordinary way of escaping light.

Yuan Ming tried his best to lure Jiang Liu into his trap. How could he let him escape? He immediately activated the three runes of the Soul-Destroying Sword: Curse, Consciousness Destruction, and Blood Frenzy.

Jiang Liu's vision went dark, and his six senses were completely cut off. The flow of blood, mana, and soul power in his body became chaotic, and his internal organs tumbled more violently, making him feel nauseous.

Yuan Ming did not stop at all, raised his hand and patted the ghost bone flag, activating the bone control magical power.

Jiangliu's endoskeleton suddenly shook uncontrollably, and the pieces seemed to be separated. It felt as if they were about to break away from the skin and drill out of the body, and the magic power all over his body could not help but shake.

Yuan Ming did not give him the slightest chance to resist, a green light flashed in his hand, and the Zhuxian Sword appeared. The sword body shot out violent sword energy, which was the power of the sword mark abyss in the Stealing Heaven Cauldron space.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes, and the word "go" suddenly came out of his mouth.

The Zhuxian Sword rumbled loudly and shot out a violent sword energy across the sky and the earth. It seemed as if a hole had been poked in the sky, piercing the river.

Jiang Liu's expression finally changed, and he made a gesture with one hand.

A black shadow shot out from him, wrapping his body like a cloak.

The violent sword energy shot out, drowning everything, and Jiang Liu's figure disappeared. It seemed that he was completely crushed by the sword energy and turned into nothingness.

There was no joy on Yuan Ming's face, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

A black shadow appeared in the void dozens of miles away. Jiang Liu stepped out of it. His clothes were not damaged. It was obvious that he had completely avoided the attack of the Zhuxian Sword Qi just now.

Jiang Liu looked at Yuan Ming, his eyes no longer full of teasing.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the guy below was not simple. He had various methods emerging in an endless stream. If he wasn't careful, he would be the one who would suffer big losses.

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