Celestial being

Chapter 799 Falling from the sky

"Fellow Taoist Dragon Turtle, stop quickly, this person is about to take your things away!" Huangfu Jue transmitted the message.

"I have taken away my magical power, what about Gao Feng and Lan Lan?" the black dragon turtle said hesitantly.

"I can't care about that much. Let's grab the Alchemy King's Secret Book first and then leave the rest to me." Huangfu said.

"Forget it!" the black dragon turtle said as a message, waving his hand to remove the magical power of gravity.

As soon as the gravity disappeared, Huangfu Jue's body instantly turned into a dazzling golden thunder light and went straight to the waiter, twice as fast as before.

Although the waiter in the store was focused on getting the treasure at this time, he was always cautious and guarded against Fairy Yunluo who was hiding somewhere.

However, Huangfu Jue's speed was too fast. The moment it appeared, the waiter in the shop didn't even see his face clearly, but saw the light of a lightning sword coming towards him.


His right arm holding the Alchemy King's Secret Code was suddenly cut off, blood swarmed out, and the Alchemy King's Secret Code also flew out.

The waiter screamed, and then was blasted away by a bolt of lightning. He hit the wall of the hall hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.

Huangfu Jue didn't even look at the waiter. He raised his hand and grabbed the Alchemy King Secret Code.

"This is what I've been waiting for!" Gao Feng turned over and jumped up, opening his mouth and spitting out.

A tumbler with a human face on top and bottom flew out instantly. When it swayed left and right, the human face on it instantly turned upside down.

The next moment, Huangfu Jue's eyes blurred, and he suddenly found himself at the location where Gao Feng had just been, and Gao Feng was moved to the side of the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King".

"The magical power of space movement!" Huangfu Jue's face turned grave.

Gao Feng directly stretched out his hand to fish it out, grabbed the broken arm of the secret code and the waiter, and stuffed it into his arms. At the same time, a white light flashed under his feet, and a white cloud appeared out of thin air. He lifted his body and fled out of the hall at a high speed. It's also extremely fast.

How could Huangfu Jue let him escape? He transformed into thunder again and chased after him.

Although Gao Feng's speed was fast, it was still much slower than the thunder formed by Huangfu Jue. The distance between the two quickly shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Gao Feng saw this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. With his eyes flashing, he suddenly took out a jade talisman the size of a palm and tried to crush it.

A stream of water emerged from the ground ahead, and Lan Lan's figure emerged from it.

"Fellow Daoist Lan Lan, you came just in time, help me stop Huangfu Jue!" Gao Feng looked happy, stopped crushing the jade talisman, and shouted loudly.

Lan Lan glanced at him, quickly made a hand seal, and the coral animal bone on top of his head suddenly opened his mouth.

A pale white spiritual light shot out from the coral beast's mouth and hit Gao Feng directly in his stunned eyes.

With a loud "boom", Gao Feng was knocked away and fell heavily to the ground.

His skin and flesh split open, large pieces of coral grew rapidly from his body, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a monster with coral all over his body.

"Why...why?" Gao Feng's face, which was torn apart by coral, was full of disbelief.

The black dragon turtle had now transformed into a human form again, and was startled when he saw this scene.

At this moment, his nose suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and the demonic power in his body refused to obey his orders. His hands and feet became weak, and he sat down on the ground.

At this moment, the waiter appeared silently behind him. Unexpectedly, a golden sword appeared in his hand and stabbed the dragon turtle's back.

Dragon Turtle felt horrified in his heart. He managed to gather the remaining demon power and tried his best to dodge to the side. Unfortunately, he still couldn't dodge. A sword penetrated the black armor and stabbed into the waist until the hilt of the sword was missing.

A violent force surged out from the golden sword and poured into the body of the black dragon turtle.

The black dragon turtle let out a shrill scream, spurted blood from its mouth and nose, and had numerous wounds on its body, with large amounts of blood spurting out.

Dragon Turtle's eyes rolled white, his tall body slowly fell into a pool of blood, and fell into a coma.

Lan Lan glanced at the waiter in the store, his expression was calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised at all.

The woman quickly looked away and looked at Huangfu Jue who was flying over: "We have done what we should do. After that, it is your turn to fulfill your promise."

"There's also my share." The waiter from the shop also flew over.

"It's natural, Master Dian. Don't worry, fellow Taoist Lan Lan. I, Dongji Palace, will keep my word and will never break my promise." Huangfu Jue nodded and smiled.

"Lan Lan, when did you, Bilongtan, collude with Dongji Palace? And the waiter in the shop betrayed me, Luojia Mountain!" Gao Feng glared at the three of them.

"That's wrong. Bilongtan has been an ally of our Dongji Palace from the beginning. As soon as the palace master received the news that the Black Evil Sect was going to open the Yanhuang Mausoleum, he notified everyone in Bilongtan to come to help. I never thought that you, Luo Jia Shan also found out this information and wants to follow. Just in case, the palace master sent the shop master to join your team to provide support." Huangfu Jue said calmly.

Gao Feng's face was livid. The waiter had indeed come to the tomb of Emperor Yan and suddenly wanted to join Luojia Mountain's team. They were actually being manipulated from the very beginning.

Gao Feng's heart was filled with unwillingness, and he tried desperately to crush the jade talisman in his hand, but his arms no longer obeyed him.

"Why are you talking to him so much? Kill him quickly and get down to business." The waiter frowned.

"I, Huangfu Jue, don't like killing. Even if I kill someone, I will fulfill his last wish before his death. Go with peace of mind." Huangfu Jue walked up, took the jade talisman away from Gao Feng's hand, flicked out a sword light with his finger, and slashed towards Gao Feng's neck.

But in the next moment, two figures wrapped in black light appeared out of thin air to the left and right of Huangfu Jue. Two rays of light were shot out from their hands, and they were chopped off in a staggered manner.

Huangfu Jue was startled and darted back to avoid the sneak attacks of the two men.

Almost at the same time, the waiter and Lan Lan were also attacked by two black figures.

Each of these black shadows had a state of return to reality, and the waiter and Lan Lan had to avoid them in a hurry.

The two figures who forced Huangfu Jue back did not pursue him, but turned around and grabbed Gao Feng on the ground.

Huangfu Jue's eyes gleamed with cold light, he sealed the secret with both hands, and countless golden thunder and lightning shot out, turning the hall into a world of thunder and lightning.

Gao Feng was unable to move and was hit by a large number of golden lightnings. His already seriously injured body became charred black, and the remaining breath quickly dissipated. His life and death were unknown.

The black figures hurriedly dodged, but these golden thunders were too dense, and they had no time to dodge. Each of them was bombarded by many golden thunders, and they were all knocked away.

The black light of the black figure was torn apart by golden thunder, revealing its original appearance.

Huangfu Jue was stunned for a moment.

These people were none other than the group of Void Return Island owners and Dongji Palace elders who had attacked the Black Evil Sect with him in the first place. However, the look in their eyes had gone, and their expressions were dull, just like puppets.

"No, the black dragon turtle hasn't lost its fighting power yet!" He turned his head suddenly and looked at the black dragon turtle aside.

"Your Dongji Palace is really good at planning." The black dragon turtle climbed up and sneered.

"Impossible. He was hit by the soft demon incense and was hit by the Dragon Spine Sword. How could he recover so quickly!" The waiter in the shop couldn't believe it.

"If I were just an ordinary dragon turtle monster, I could only close my eyes and wait for death at this moment, but how could you forget that our Heisha Sect is a demon cultivator, and so am I." The black dragon turtle said with a smile. A jet of black energy surged out, which was clearly pure devilish energy.

The wounds on his body healed quickly, and his aura continued to soar, almost breaking through the fifth level and reaching the sixth level.

The owners of the Return to Void Island who were controlled by it also had strong demonic energy fluctuations, and their auras were also much higher.

When Lan Lan and the waitress saw this, they couldn't help but change their expressions, and subconsciously looked at Huangfu Jue, obviously following his lead.

"Do you think that with this group of Returning to the Void puppets, you can defeat me?" Huangfu Jue glanced at the Returning to the Void island masters and said coldly.

"You'll know after you try it." Dragon Turtle chuckled and tapped his fingers.

The hands of those returning to the void puppets lit up with balls of precious light, and they were about to take action.

Just when the battle between the two sides was about to break out, Gao Feng, who was seriously injured and dying on the ground, saw a rich blood color on his cheeks, as if he was reflecting back on the light, and his eyes became blood red, and he seemed to have fallen into madness.

"Since I can't get it, no one can get it!" he shouted.

Gao Feng was making an abnormal noise with all his magic power, and his body that was torn by coral expanded crazily. Large golden lights emerged from his seven orifices and wounds, still looking uncontrollable.

"No, he has a demon in his heart and wants to blow up his Nascent Soul!" Huangfu Jue's eyes widened, and he didn't care about the "Secret Book of the Alchemy King" that he had not yet obtained, and he immediately retreated.

The next moment, a terrifying white light swallowed everything around, and a huge wave of air swept out, flooding the entire hall.

The strong wind pressure lifted up the ground, and gravel and smoke rushed rapidly in all directions, as if being pushed by an invisible wall. Like a tsunami, it violently impacted the surrounding walls.

The walls of the inheritance hall were glowing with golden light, but except for the ground, there was no damage at all.

The main hall could withstand the self-destruction of high winds, but Huangfu Jue and others could not. Several people's eardrums hurt and their heads were dizzy. They were then swept out like a fallen leaf in a strong wind and hit the palace wall heavily.

"What an astonishing power. It seems that Gao Feng has practiced some kind of self-destruction secret method. The ordinary self-destruction of the Void Return Nascent Soul will not be so amazing! Will the Alchemy King's secret code be okay? Damn it, I should have known to let Huazhi follow and lurk in! "Outside the main hall, Yuan Ming was surprised and regretted greatly.

At this moment, a figure flew out from the main entrance of the hall, it was the waiter of the shop.

His body landed heavily on the ground not far from Yuan Ming. The gravel flew and there was a crackling sound in his body, and an unknown number of bones were broken.

A ball of golden light shot out from the smoke and dust in the hall, but it was a golden book.

"Secret Book of the Alchemy King!" Yuan Ming's heart jumped suddenly, and he cast a spell to release the transformation stone talisman without thinking.

Before the seriously injured waiter could figure out what happened, he felt a pain on the top of his head, and the Alchemy King's Secret Code hit him on the forehead, and then fell into his arms.

The waiter in the shop stared blankly at the Alchemy King's Secret Code, and soon came to his senses, feeling overjoyed.

I had just fought so hard for it but couldn't get it, but I didn't expect that this secret book of the Alchemy King would fall from the sky now.

He held the Alchemy King's Secret Book in his hand, scanned it with his consciousness, and his face became even more joyful.

The faint aura in the book has disappeared, and the waiter can feel that it can now be stored in the storage device.

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