Celestial being

Chapter 288 Recruitment

On such a lively day in Xiaohu City, Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop naturally opened its store early and hung a sign offering rewards outside the door. Not only was the price greatly reduced, but the original limited quantity of incense was also doubled. But even so, before noon arrived, all the limited-purchase incense products were sold out.

However, there was still an endless stream of customers coming here. Hu Tu and Mu Yang were busy for a long time. It was not until early noon that the number of customers in the store gradually became rare, and they had some opportunities to take stock and rest.

Hu Tu sent a customer out of the store. He turned around and saw that there were not many other customers in the store. He did not need to greet him for the time being, so he simply leaned against the door of the store and took a rest.

He looked at the lively scene on the street and the guests coming and going, and couldn't help but feel a little more envious in his eyes.

"What, you want to go out for a walk too?" Suddenly, Yuan Ming's voice reached Hu Tu's ears, startling him.

"It's a busy time in the store, how dare I ignore it." Hu Tu waved his hand quickly.

"Haha, you have been busy and worked hard on weekdays. Now that there is a big event in the city, it is time for you to have a holiday. In this way, in the past two days, every afternoon, you and Mu Yang take turns on duty, leaving only one person in the store. I will also send you this month’s monthly payment in advance, so just go and buy whatever you want.” Yuan Ming said.

Hu Tu Yixi quickly raised his hands and thanked him, but then he put on a worried look and whispered:

"Boss, I heard from customers who came to the store recently that Changchun Temple seems to have sent Elder Jiedan to hunt down Pu Zhengqing."

In the past few years, he had received monks in his shop, and he was no longer as unfamiliar with the world of immortality as he had been before. He also heard about Yuan Ming's enmity with Changchun Temple.

Now that the Changchun Guanjie Dan monk came to Xiaohu City, he couldn't help but feel worried about Yuan Ming.

"You don't have to worry about this. No one in the city knows that I am the boss behind Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop, and the Changchun Watch will not be able to find out about you." Yuan Ming said.

"Boss, you have misunderstood. I am worried about your safety." Hu Tu quickly expressed his loyalty.

It can be said that he is able to reach the path of immortality today because of Yuan Ming's help. Only if Yuan Ming is good can he be good.

"I know it well. If you can manage the store well, it will be a big help." Yuan Ming nodded.

He gave Hu Tu a few more words, then turned and left the store.

The Tianxiang Auction is a grand event held every three years. Whenever it is held, it attracts a large number of monks from all over the world to participate.

But not everyone can buy what they like at the auction, so at this time of year, there are always some customers who come with a large amount of spiritual stones and leave with a large amount of magical elixirs.

After going back and forth, other shops in the city saw the business opportunities and started to advertise discounts at this time. Those attendees who could not find what they wanted could not help but buy one or two items when they saw this situation.

Nowadays, even some monks who do not have invitations to the Tianxiang Auction will come to the city during the auction just to catch up with this rare discount ceremony.

Yuan Ming shuttled among the crowds and soon stepped onto the trestle across the lake in the city, arriving at the White Jade Square in the center of the lake.

The tall crystal building in the center of the square was as bright as before. Yuan Ming looked up for a moment and then walked over.

In front of the tall building, two monks wearing bodyguard uniforms were guarding the door, one on the left and the other on the right. Judging from the fluctuations of spiritual energy on their bodies, it turned out that they were both in the early stages of foundation building.

Yuan Ming walked up to them, took out the invitation from his arms, and handed it over.

The guards did not check, but simply moved out of the way.

"Fellow Taoist, please come in. Before the auction officially starts, except for the main auction venue, you can browse at will in the building. If you need help or have any questions, you can consult other guards patrolling the building."

Hearing the reminder from the foundation guard, Yuan Ming put away the invitation, nodded, walked through the gate and walked into the tall building.

His field of vision instantly broadened, and he saw an extremely huge hall. A giant pillar stood in the center of the hall and was connected to the roof.

Dozens of suspended walkways extend from the pillars of the building, connecting it to different floors. Standing at the door and looking up, it is like a huge ancient tree without leaves, supporting the entire building with its own branches.

Then, Yuan Ming glanced around and saw that in addition to the giant pillars on the first floor, there were some neatly arranged wooden stalls. Some of them already had owners and were selling things, while some were still empty.

He stopped a passing guard and after some questioning, he learned that the first floor was a place specially opened for monks in need to set up their own stalls. However, there was no need for the monks to sell behind the stalls. Tianxiang Auction arranged for someone to do it for them. During the sale, if there is any loss, etc., the monk will be compensated for the full price.

Yuan Ming walked around among the stalls and found that the goods sold here were of mixed quality, and most of the stalls were mainly for purchase. He quickly lost interest and walked towards the giant pillar.

It wasn't until he got closer that he discovered that there were many small doors at the bottom of the building pillars, and they were all equipped with the kind of spiritual ladders he had seen in teahouses. However, the spiritual bodies here were among the formations painted on the walls. The spiritual stones have been installed in advance, and numbers used to mark the floors are written on them.

Yuan Ming walked into the spiritual ladder and pressed the spiritual stone with the number two written on it. Soon, the spiritual ladder slowly rose up among the giant pillars, bringing him to the suspended plank road connecting the second floor.

It was only then that Yuan Ming discovered that except for the first floor, the other floors of the high-rise building seemed to be in a circular structure. You could either use spiritual ladders to get to each other, or you could choose to take the suspended plank road.

Different from the first floor, the second floor is lined with large exhibition booths one after another along the walls. The decoration styles are also different, and they seem to have a strong regional and sect flavor.

Located on Yuan Ming's left hand side is a booth with the theme of flowers and green leaves. Green vines cover every corner of the platform, and on the wall, pink flowers the size of a human head are in full bloom, with their stamens covered There is a round glass shield, and a variety of elixirs that emit a faint light are hung in the shield, which looks quite novel.

Yuan Ming walked over curiously, only to find that the booth belonged to the Shengye Sect. There were many Shengye Sect disciples in the booth, and Luo Xing'er was among them.

At this time, she was not wearing the clothes of a disciple of Shengye Sect, but a carefully tailored long green skirt. The hem of the skirt was fluffy like lotus leaves in the pond. A gauze ribbon was tied around her slender waist, and there was another piece. The beautiful green jade hangs down from the end of the ribbon and is hidden between the skirts, half covered and half leaked, like a boat in a lotus pond.

When Luo Xing'er heard the sound of someone approaching, she immediately raised her head and saw it was Yuan Ming. A look of joy appeared on her face. She trotted over and approached Yuan Ming:

"Biao...it turns out to be Senior Ha Gong. Are you also here to participate in the Tianxiang auction?"

Yuan Ming nodded and looked around the booth: "I happen to have an invitation in my hand, so I came over to take a look. What are you selling at the booth here?"

"These are the elixirs developed by the sect's uncles through ancient prescriptions. If Senior Hagong is interested, let me introduce them to you," Luo Xing'er said.

Yuan Ming was about to refuse but suddenly heard someone behind him ask.

"Are you Hagon?"

He turned around and saw a kind old man standing behind him, with white hair and white beard, smiling cheerfully, and even his eyes were narrowed into lines.

Behind the old man, there were several Foundation-Building monks, all wearing the same clothes. Yuan Ming even had the impression that some of them were the Changchun Temple monks he saw in the casual retreat when he met Lu Shen.

Luo Xing'er also recognized the identities of these people, and her whole body suddenly froze, and the hand holding Yuan Ming's arm began to squeeze nervously.

Yuan Ming smiled, patted the back of Luo Xing'er's hand, pulled out his arm, gave her a reassuring look, and then raised his hand and asked.

"This is Ha Gong. May I ask you, senior?"

The old man's cultivation had reached the level of elixir formation. When he heard Yuan Ming's question, he responded with a smile.

"I, Zuo Qinghui, an elder from Changchun Temple, came this time just to eradicate the evil soul cultivator Pu Zhengqing. Several disciples of our sect here have already mentioned my name to me, and originally wanted to use the Shengye Sect to I contacted you, but I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

"Senior Zuo, you're too polite. I wonder why senior is looking for me?" Yuan Ming asked.

"It's not a big deal. I just wanted to ask about the details of your fight with Pu Zhengqing. But now that I have met, my friend is much younger than I thought. He can also defeat the strong with the weak in the early stage of foundation building. With such talent, as a It's a pity for loose cultivators, I wonder if you are willing to join our Changchun Temple and eradicate Pu Zhengqing together?" Zuo Qinghui said.

"Senior, I'm very honored to have such great love. I'm just used to being undisciplined. I don't want to join the sect for the time being. I ask for your forgiveness, senior." Yuan Ming said.

As soon as Zuo Qinghui said this, before Zuo Qinghui said anything, someone behind him immediately showed an angry look.

"Hagong, please think clearly. How many people want to enter our Changchun Temple, but even if they ask, there is no way. If you refuse today, don't regret it in the future."

Yuan Ming was unmoved at all. He didn't even look at that person, his eyes still stayed on Zuo Qinghui.

However, unlike the disciple behind him, Zuo Qinghui was not angry at all and was still smiling.

"Young friend, you may think that as a casual cultivator, you will be shunned by others if you join the sect. You don't have to worry about this. I invite you, my friend, to join the sect not just to recruit talents, but also to recruit talents. , because I take a fancy to my little friend’s talent and want to find a close disciple for myself. As long as this little friend agrees, from now on, he will be my disciple, Zuo Qinghui, and no one in the sect will dare to cause trouble for you.”

Hearing Zuo Qinghui's words, the disciples behind him were all surprised, and the other Shengye Sect disciples who were watching nearby were also amazed and envious.

However, Yuan Ming's attitude remained firm: "I already have a master, and I don't want to change my family for the time being. Please forgive me, senior."

At this time, even the smile on Zuo Qinghui's face faded a little, and the Changchun Temple disciples behind him were even more angry.

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