Celestial being

Chapter 280 Counting Harvest

"Senior Ha Gong, we have something to ask for. When we were in the valley, three of our sect members were poisoned by He Wendao's poison. None of our antidote pills were effective. We thought we could get treatment when we returned to the sect, but After being delayed for so long, their lives are hanging by a thread at the moment. I wonder if senior can help?" Luo Shan hesitated for a moment, cupped his fists and saluted, and begged.

"I'm not good at detoxifying, so I can only give it a try. Where is he?" Yuan Ming asked.

The three unconscious Shengye Sect disciples were carried over. Several blue-black poisonous spots appeared on their cheeks, as well as on their necks and bodies. Like the poisoned Shengye Sect disciples, their breathing was weak. Obviously it won't last long.

Yuan Ming made a brief investigation and sighed in his heart. The antidote pill he carried was quite ordinary and could not cure this strange poison at all.

He was about to refuse when he suddenly thought of Huazhi and said via voice transmission: "Huazhi, after you absorbed the black toad, do you still have the ability to absorb poison?"

"Master wants me to save these Shengye Sect disciples? It's a trivial matter." Huazhi Chuanyin replied.

"Okay, send them to the room inside." After hearing this, Yuan Ming stood up and said to Luo Shan.

Luo Shan was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly took action himself. Together with several other disciples, he moved the three Sheng Ye Sect disciples into a room.

Yuan Ming kicked everyone out, closed the door, and opened a hiding barrier.

Then he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and Huazhi sprouted three vines from the bag, which pierced into the bodies of the three poisoned people.

The three of them just twitched for a moment, and then the poisonous spots on their skin began to fade and fade at a speed visible to the naked eye. Most of them quickly dissipated, and they looked almost the same as the surrounding skin.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Those poisonous spots that had faded and almost disappeared suddenly darkened again for some reason, and then returned to their original appearance after a while.

"Eh! It's so strange, so strange."

Huazhi let out a light sigh, and got out of the spirit beast bag. He released more than a dozen vines from his arms and pierced the three people's bodies. He muttered words in his mouth, activating all the demonic power. A layer of faint green light appeared.

This time, those poisonous spots dissipated extremely quickly without any pause in the process. After the poisonous spots faded to the same color as a healthy skin color, Huazhi continued to cast the spell for a quarter of an hour.

At this time, the poisonous spots on the bodies of the three Shengye Sect disciples had completely disappeared, their cheeks had returned to ruddy color, and their breathing had stabilized.

"The poison in these three people is very strange? Tell me." Yuan Ming stepped forward and asked after seeing Huazhi finished.

"The poison poisoned by the three people is actually not too strong, but the poison is like a living thing, taking root in their flesh and blood, feeding on the power of their qi and blood. If they cannot remove the poison in one go, they can It will continue to regenerate and will greatly deplete the poisoned person's already weak vitality." Huazhi Chuanyin said.

"Poisonous as a living thing?" Yuan Ming touched his chin and murmured in surprise.

Over the years, he had been refining poisonous incense and had done a lot of research on poisons, but he had never seen such strange poisons that could swallow up blood and strengthen himself.

"If the master is interested, you can take a look at He Wendao's storage magic weapon, and you may be able to find out the clues." Huazhi Shen Nian said through the message.

Yuan Ming had this intention, and immediately ordered Luo Shan and others waiting at the door to come in and carry out the three disciples who were out of danger.

When Yuan Ming sat down cross-legged in the room again, he used a silver token to open a silver light curtain, and then took out the storage instruments of Bai Ye, Lu Shen, He Wendao, and Shi Dian.

He took out everything inside and counted it carefully.

This time I responded to my grandma's request. I thought it was a small task to relax my body and mind after hard training. Unexpectedly, I almost lost my life. Fortunately, the ending was safe. Not only did I save my cousin, but the harvest was also quite exciting.

These four people are all foundation-building monks and have a lot of wealth. The total amount of spiritual stones alone is more than 4,000 pieces, and there are also many other spiritual materials, magic weapons, elixirs and other things.

Yuan Ming first picked out the things that would be useful to him, including five bottles of liquid elixir for improving the foundation-building period, a large spiritual material, three high-grade magic weapons, and a set of magic arrays.

Needless to say, he would keep buying the Heliquid Pill if he wanted to continue practicing. Now, the unexpected income saved him a lot of money.

The spiritual material is a golden scale, the size of a millstone, with wavy golden spiritual patterns distributed on it. It seems to be a scale obtained from some kind of giant beast. When the spiritual sense is explored, one can clearly feel its emanation. The powerful spiritual power fluctuations produced are far beyond the scope of second-level monsters.

"Could it be the scales of a level three monster? It's so huge. What kind of monster is it?" Yuan Ming took the object and took a closer look.

This golden scale is quite heavy, weighing forty or fifty kilograms.

Yuan Ming is quite familiar with all kinds of monsters. Judging from the patterns on the golden scales, this object seems to be the legendary dragon scale. Dragons are naturally powerful and usually become at least level three monsters when they reach adulthood.

Yuan Ming pondered for a moment, took out the black needle instrument, activated 30% of the magic power, and stabbed it on the edge of the golden scales.

There was a soft sound, and the golden scales trembled, leaving not even a mark on the surface.

Yuan Ming nodded slightly and immediately increased his mana to 50% or even 70%. The golden scales were still unharmed under the attack of the black needle.

Yuan Ming raised his magic power to 100% with a sudden movement in his heart. The black needle turned into a slender afterimage and stabbed hard on the golden scales.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the golden scales were blown away. Only a shallow white spot appeared where the sting was, far from penetrating.

"nice one!"

Yuan Ming was secretly happy. These golden scales were so hard. They were probably the hardest and most wear-resistant spiritual material he had seen since he set foot in the world of immortality. It could actually be used to refine a good defensive weapon.

He put away his scales and looked at the three high-grade magic weapons, which were Lu Shen's Fudi Pestle, a blue ring, and a green flying sword.

He picked up the earth pestle and inspected it. It was a high-grade earth-attribute magic weapon, but it was extremely heavy, weighing four to five hundred kilograms, and its attack power was extremely powerful.

Yuan Ming picked up the undulating pestle. With his strength, he could only barely swing it a few times. He was not taking advantage of it, and the properties of the object did not match him.

Yuan Ming was thinking about whether to sell it, and suddenly thought of King Kong.

This mutated white ape had a lot of strength, and it seemed just right to use the Vudi Pestle on it. He immediately threw it into the spirit beast bag where the white ape was, and gave some instructions.

Yuan Ming picked up the blue ring again and quickly explored it with his spiritual consciousness.

This blue ring was obtained from the stone storage magic weapon. It has a name engraved on it. It is called "True Water Ring". It is an auxiliary magic weapon with water attributes. It has no attack effect. When worn on the body, it has It has three functions: nourishing the body, warding off fire, and keeping out the cold. It is a pretty good top-grade magic weapon.

Yuan Ming originally planned to wear it himself, but thinking that Huazhi was seriously injured and had just given King Kong a magic weapon, he didn't want to favor one thing over another, so he immediately gave the ring to Huazhi.

High-grade magic weapons are quite precious. Bai Yuan and Huazhi each got one, and they were very happy after playing with it.

Yuan Ming finally carefully picked up the green flying sword. This sword was obtained from He Wendao and was a poisonous sword.

He Wendao used this sword to attack Shengye Sect disciples before, killing several people in a row. The three Shengye Sect disciples who were poisoned and unconscious were also injured by this sword.

Yuan Ming carefully inspected the green flying sword. The sword was completely emerald green and seemed to be made of some kind of green jade. The three runes engraved on the blade were all poison-pregnant runes.

Yuan Ming's eyes lit up. Master Heimu's weapon refining handbook contained annotations about the poison-pregnancy rune. The effect of this rune is as literal as it sounds. It can preserve and warm the poison in the material to prevent it from passing away.

For an ordinary highly poisonous magic weapon, one poison-pregnant rune is enough. This flying sword actually has three poison-pregnant runes engraved on it. This means that the materials used to make this flying sword are extremely toxic. One poison-pregnant rune is not enough. Can't control it.

Yuan Ming carefully explored every part of the Feijian. He found that the whole body contained strong poison and was extremely active. It was like countless tiny insects, vying to escape from the shackles of the Feijian and kill and injure people with poison.

"The material of this flying sword cannot be seen through. What exactly is the poison in it?"

He couldn't figure it out, so he carefully put it away and looked at the last set of magic formations, which was the bronze thunder pattern formation.

This array is different from ordinary array equipment, such as Yuan Ming's Thousand Knot Water Rope Array. The array patterns are carved on seven copper pillars, making it easier to set up and less likely to be damaged.

It's just that the requirements for refining this special array equipment are very high for the combat mage. It seems that the array mage who refined this set of bronze thunder pattern arrays is quite powerful.

Yuan Ming carefully inspected the seven copper pillars and found the signature of the array master at the bottom of one copper pillar: Xiao Jiu.

"Xiao Jiu? It seems that this bronze thunder array came from the Xiao family on Honglian Island." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

The power of the Bronze Thunder Pattern Array was astonishing. Even if he was trapped, he almost fell into it. Perhaps the biggest gain from this adventure was this array.

It's just that to unleash the power of this magic circle, you need thunder-attribute spirit stones. I happen to have three high-grade thunder-attribute spirit stones, which may be of great use in the future.

He secretly planned and put away the magic circle.

Yuan Ming sorted out the other things and put them away. The ground quickly became clean again, leaving only a giant sword broken in two, which was Shi Dian's bronze giant sword.

This sword was made from thunder-attribute spiritual materials. Although it was broken into two pieces, the power of thunder and lightning inside was not completely dissipated, and a lot of it remained.

Yuan Ming had some difficulties in handling this sword. This bronze giant sword had been damaged. In addition to extremely advanced weapon refining methods, it was also necessary to find the same type of spiritual materials to repair it.

Lightning attribute spiritual materials are extremely rare, and it is extremely rare to find them in Xiaohu City. It is basically impossible.

But it would be a pity to just throw it away or sell it.

"Leiyu, as a thunder attribute spiritual beast, might be able to absorb the power of thunder and lightning in this giant sword?" Yuan Ming suddenly thought of something.

So he threw the two severed swords into Leiyu's spirit beast bag. Leiyu sensed the power of thunder and lightning contained in the two giant swords, and immediately pounced on it, absorbing the green thunder in the giant sword.

When Yuan Ming saw this scene, he nodded, closed his eyes and immersed himself in cultivation.

Just as he expected, the return journey was smooth sailing, and a few days later, the group arrived at the mountain gate of Shengye Sect.

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